Somewhere in the Northern Alliance, Captain Zhao Qi was writing his report under the faint light. He was in his tent, nibbling on compressed biscuits, which were too hard. The biscuits are severely dehydrated. This is definitely a cheap product sold to them by some compressed biscuit manufacturers in South Korea, but there are many valuable things in such products, such as sugar and glucose, which can greatly ensure that the soldiers have sufficient calories to fight. But the taste is very poor, plus the storage time is too long, the biscuits are too dry, he has to soak in a teacup, and then bite, that's it, his teeth feel a little loose. He had to cut it bit by bit with a bayonet, and then threw it into the teacup. This is his dinner. The Northern Alliance Stan will buy some cheap food from the Koreans to ensure that they have enough food for the soldiers to fight. But this is not the point, the point is.

"It’s really hard to believe that I was blocked by sniper tactics here. Near a low hill, two or three snipers formed a cross fire. They shot and walked on the road at will. The vehicles and personnel in the country caused a lot of casualties. About thirty-two people were killed. And Aden told me that such a thing is not unexpected at all, because some private armed forces of caravans usually do this, they will Send a few good gunners, set up snipers in some key areas of traffic arteries, and then shoot those that they think are valuable targets. After blocking for a period of time, they will withdraw. This tactic was originally supposed to deal with those Jewish, but they use it to deal with their own people." Zhao Qi wrote in his notebook.

"This shows that the Stan soldiers of the Northern Alliance have understood how to use sniper tactics. This is a tactical improvement. However, I still don't have a great impression of their selfishness. The alliance is still loose. Their purpose of doing this. Just for the benefit of their own tribes, each tribe has private armed forces. These private armed equipment is fairly sophisticated. They have purchased a lot of military weapons and they are well equipped, but their economy cannot support their large-scale equipment. , So where did their funds come from? Adin told me the answer, that is trade, or smuggling trade. Some northern countries are very interested in firearms, especially this new type of weapon, and they import a large amount of these. Weapons, especially bullets and rifles are bought separately, which allows them to make a lot of money, and these profits are an important source of funds for the tribes to maintain their equipment. This is very important for them, but the problem is that the Northern Alliance of Stan There are many tribes, and there are differences between races and races. There are also mutual suspicions among tribes. They believe that the strength of a certain tribe will threaten everyone, so such a strange idea was born. In order to avoid this When the situation happened, they had to do something they had never done before. That was to send some people to attack their convoy and personnel on the road, pretending to be robbers, and after causing losses to the other party’s personnel, they retreated. They were unable to catch them. I don’t know that the tribe did it. This situation is very bad and disgusting, but it’s just such a situation, but it’s still spreading. You have to admire their minds, they seem to be only a few years old. , But they are all adults.” Zhao Qi wrote in his notebook. He found it difficult to understand the use of such a sniper tactic. Because he really couldn't see the benefits of doing so. There are many things that I don't understand. This is just the beginning. Zhao Qibu didn't take a sip of tea from the water cup. The **** compressed biscuits were still not soaked, and he couldn't bite with his teeth. This made him feel very uncomfortable.

Yueshi, Ministry of Defense.

"In the beginning, there were still a lot of personnel, sir. But now, we can't recruit even two infantry divisions and one infantry division with only 8,000 troops. Many Yue people are unwilling to fight, they hate fighting, except In addition, more young people have gone to factories to work. They are unwilling to enlist in the army. They think that if they do, they will cause greater losses." A lieutenant colonel said with a report.

"We sent them to fight, but the problem is that we can't recruit enough soldiers. I really don't know what the young people think now." The Defense Minister shook his head and said helplessly. It is true that the Yue family cannot recruit enough troops, and the war has changed them. They became extremely fearful of war, coupled with their yearning for wealth, so the people of the Yue family didn't look like warriors anymore.

"Sir, but the above requires us to fight. We are unlikely to use two dissatisfied infantry divisions to fight. If this is the case, it is impossible to do it. Under such circumstances, we must find a way to solve this problem. I think we should start to solve this problem from other aspects. For example." The lieutenant colonel thought for a while and said.

"Like what?" the lieutenant colonel asked curiously.

"For example, we can recruit relevant personnel in Tochar, or in peace. I mean, hire a large number of professional soldiers to do such things. What I know is that under the inertia of war, there are many soldiers who will In doing so, we can hire them to do such things. Qin and Koreans have done this before, and we can do the same. In this way, it is the best way for us." The school said.

"But how to explain this?" The Secretary of Defense is not thinking about how many people can be brought about by doing this. What he thinks is how much impact this can bring.

"Well, we can use volunteers to solve this matter. After all, many people in China don't care about this matter. What they care about is factory orders, their work, and war matters, as long as they don’t die too much. If there are too many Yueshi people, they will support it. If there are too many, they will not do this. Therefore, I think this should be feasible." The lieutenant colonel said.

"Well, by doing this, we can appropriately increase their treatment. After all, they have some combat experience. We also understand this. At the same time, in order to show our support for them, we must improve their treatment. Their military ranks can be entered directly, preferably an organized army, and we can sign a contract with them." The Minister of Defense made a concession. The Ministry of War requires more troops to participate in operations, and the Ministry of National Defense does not care who they are. Because they can do this, it's already pretty good. As for the army, it's not what they can think of. Because this is definitely not what they want to do.

South Korea, Ministry of War.

"Do you think this is feasible? Those Indian troops, I mean, can they perform such a task? You know, the siege war requires a unit to be very tenacious, and his initiative is very large. As far as the situation of the Indians is concerned, I don’t think they have such a situation. Their military initiative is very small. Let them perform such tasks. I think this is simply impossible." The Secretary of War was right. Said the Undersecretary of the Army.

"Sir, at present, we can only give it a try, maybe we can, maybe we can't, but we have to do this to solve the problem." The Army Secretary suggested.

"Okay, but after this problem is discovered, how should we solve it? What should we do? You know, the Indian army is not very active in combat. Maybe we should think about the problem from another angle, such as what Alin The prince or something, maybe their army can do this, but if the Indians are too strong, it is also a bad threat to us. I think you should understand what I am talking about." The other party said. To.

The undersecretary of the army thought about it, and they felt that things were not so simple.

Daqingshan. More and more people are freezing to death. Even the officers of the Kingdom of Yan are not immune. The high-ranking officers will suppress and prevent the lower-ranking officers from cursing the government, while the lower-ranking officers are already very disappointed.

"I tried for a while. There are many people who are willing to follow us. Anyway, the Yan government doesn't care about us. If they provide us with enough materials from the beginning, there may not be such a thing. But no matter what, we must Take action, otherwise, more people will die. Today I know that more than two hundred people have died, and there may be more people who don’t know. If this continues, we will all be frozen to death." Ado was worried. Speaking of.

"Well, I need at least a few hundred people. Without that many people, it is impossible to accomplish such a thing. At the same time, we need to be stationed there and provide more fuel. However, what is lacking at present is intelligence. For us, They are very nervous.” A Gu is also commanding such a large number of people for the first time. He doesn't know them. They come from various tribes. Who knows what will happen to them.

"It doesn't matter. We can't wait like this anymore. I'll contact people, and it's best to start as soon as possible. The longer the delay, the more disadvantaged I will be to those officers from the Yan Kingdom. Maybe the lower-level officers will support us. Their support for us, after all, we are doing this for ourselves, not for the **** Yan government." Addo has already expressed very dissatisfaction.

"Well, give it a try. We hope that the Yan people can help us solve this problem. In short, we must start to act. Be fast." A Gu said.

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