Under the horse head mountain. Lieutenant Guan Jin looked at the battle on the front with a telescope. Although there was nothing in the telescope, only people could be seen where there was fire. When it exploded, a certain battle formation could be seen unfolding, and everything else No, but he still hopes to be able to see something. In this way, he can write something. Although he knew the mountain man's combat plan, he still felt that it would be better to record it. Perhaps one day, it could be written into a diary and then selected as a textbook for the military academy. Unfortunately, nothing can be seen.

"Sir, the previous report said that everything is going well." Just then. His guard, a mountain second-class soldier came to report. He was responsible for the transmission of information. Although it was dangerous, the second-class soldier was extremely happy. Because of this, he can go to the front to fight and sometimes get some loot. He likes this kind of job very much. Freedom to come and go is something that almost every mountain soldier likes to do. After all, they are unruly. Let them obey military discipline at once, which requires the appearance of a strong figure to solve such a thing.

"Talk about it?" Guan Jin asked.

"Yes, sir, our people attacked from the front. We didn't actually attack many people because they attacked at night, but the Goguryeo people were too nervous. They kept shooting at us, and they didn't use it either. Flares, as a result, they couldn’t see how many of us attacked. Both sides were shooting non-stop, but there were not many casualties. What I know is that only the hapless guys can be shot. On the other hand, , Officer A Gu took another group of people to climb from the back mountain. It was very dangerous, because the first group of people usually had to climb with bare hands. I heard that more than 20 people died because of the snow, plus Climbing is extremely difficult. Those are veterans. I admire them very much. They are true warriors, and they don't say anything when they fall to their deaths. They are really warriors." The second class exclaimed.

"Speaking of the point, how are they doing. Is the offense going well?" Guan Jin asked. Only then did the privates change the subject.

"Very smoothly, sir, everything went very smoothly. Our people quickly climbed to the top of the mountain and attacked from behind. Those **** Goguryeos never thought that there would be our people behind them. They It collapsed all of a sudden. Our commandos were very powerful, and the Goguryeos couldn't beat them at all. They fought back and forth. In this way, we won the war." The second class soldier described. After listening to Lieutenant Guan Jin, he could only use one sentence to describe the second-class soldier, lack of language. The descriptive power is very poor, but there is no way. They are studying hard, and it is very difficult for them to express this kind of battle.

"Very good, very good, very good, in this case, we can solve all the problems. That's right. Are they killing again?" Lieutenant Guan Jin asked. He had already made relevant preparations for the killing of the mountain people, but what was the result? They still go their own way, regardless of the orders of Yan Guo's officers. The situation of the mountain people seems to be out of control, but their superiors agree with it very much, and they also encourage the mountain people to do so, because their prince needs such a record to boost the confidence of their government. It seems that only in this way can Prince Dan be able to find an argument for reasonable taxation. Because of this, the government has achieved results, and the people have to pay.

In the waters of Burma, a colony of the Chu Kingdom, Chu Navy Second Lieutenant Huang Da led his subordinates, driving a light speedboat to patrol the nearby waters. In fact, their patrols were very leisurely. If they were not driving a speedboat, Huang Da Sometimes I feel that this is his own yacht.

"Sir, the weather today is really good, we and I can stop fishing, so that we can have a day of fun." The sergeant suggested to Lieutenant Huang Da. Huang Da is still a young officer. Young officers usually have long-lasting firepower, and they need an outlet to vent. This passageway is the woman. But the military mission is extremely boring, which makes them feel suitable and inappropriate.

"Damn it, it's boring, fishing, do you think we are all those old guys? In the park of Chu State, take a walk, then go fishing, and occasionally play cards. We should have women. If there are women in this kind of weather Bringing your own yacht, this is life, not the damn, let us run here to blow the sea breeze. Damn military mission. I hate such military missions." Lieutenant Huang Da is not in a bad mood. The sergeant nodded to express his understanding. After all, naval personnel hated such missions. If they did, it meant that they had lost everything on the shore, women, money, and a lot of opportunities to make money. Chu naval personnel were extremely indulgent. Their lives on the shore have become very regular, betting money, playing with women, and the last thing they want to do is to do tasks.

"Sir, there is a merchant ship ahead. Shall we go and take a look?" At this moment, a second-class sailor shouted loudly.

"Damn it. Let's go and take a look. It's really looking for something for us." Lieutenant Huang Da decided immediately. Maybe they need an outlet to vent, or they are okay and find something to do on their own. After all, if this goes on, they will drive them crazy.

"Chief." Huang Da shouted loudly while standing on the bow.

"Stop the ship, stop the ship, accept the inspection, stop the ship quickly, otherwise, we will launch torpedoes." The sergeant shouted loudly. Their speedboat is equipped with two torpedoes, but they do not have launch tubes. Two torpedoes are very simple. The hoist is mounted on both sides of the speedboat. When launching, you need to manually start the torpedo and then throw it down so that the torpedo can be launched. This launch method has very low accuracy of torpedoes, but it is very useful against targets such as merchant ships. The main reason for the purchase of such speedboats is that the price is low, and torpedoes are available. As for accuracy. Their boss believed that the torpedo was launched mainly by luck, and if luck was good enough, the shot was missed. Can hit the target, I really don't know that the **** boss came up with such an idea. However, seeing the hanging torpedo, the merchant captain started to stop and accept the inspection, because he really suspected that those **** Chu navy accidentally launched the torpedo. In that case, their ship could be completely reimbursed.

"Very well, stop the ship, stop the ship." The sergeant and the sailors shouted loudly. Then they began to organize boarding inspections. Second Lieutenant Huang Da also decided to take a look, after all, they were really fine.

Aboard the Chieftain. Lieutenant Huang Da asked the captain.

"What's on your ship?" the ensign asked.

"It's grain, sir. We ship supplies from Qi. Only a lot of rice is produced here, and we Qi people like wheat. They like pasta. They are not used to eating." The captain explained. Second Lieutenant Huang Da nodded in agreement with this view. Indeed, in the north, there is a clear dividing line with the Yellow River. People there like to eat pasta because it can be digested, and it is also the main production area for wheat. If you go further, they still like to eat corn. In the south, between the Yellow River and the Huai River, there is a mixed area, where people can eat rice or noodles. After crossing the Huai River. All the way to the Yangtze River area, where rice is abundant. Chu people prefer to use rice.

"Yeah. But what I know is that Myanmar can produce wheat. You can solve it there. I believe you will like it," the ensign said.

"Sir, our people are so special. They especially like local wheat. This is a feeling." The captain explained.

"Well, you Qi people, it’s really troublesome. You should be accustomed to eating local food so that you can better integrate into the local life. No wonder you have so few colonies in Qi country. I think you are not used to eating rice. An important link, if you don't handle this well, you can't solve anything." Lieutenant Huang Da said.

"This. What the sir said." The captain nodded and agreed. Huang Da immediately ordered his soldiers to do some inspections to see if there were any prohibited items on the ship.

"Sir, we found this." Just then. The sergeant reported with two boxes of grenades.

"This?" Lieutenant Huang Da asked, looking at the grenade.

"Oh. This is for our protection, sir, you know, some areas are not very flat. So, these are all prepared by ourselves." The captain explained.

"Protection, kidding, you just need to be equipped with a rifle. It really doesn’t work. You can use a machine gun or a cannon. You even have a grenade. Are you afraid to blow up your ship? Check it, I see, You don't want to transport food, it's like transporting munitions." Lieutenant Huang Da asked his soldiers to check carefully without any trouble.

"This, sir, this is really for us to protect ourselves, otherwise, we wouldn't do it either." The captain explained. But the inspection has started again. Soon, they had more discoveries. There were many grenades boxes under the food. This made Huang Dadu feel very surprised. Naturally, the merchant ship was impounded. Because they found that the other side had transported too many arms, these arms were very abnormal. If you think about it, they will find that the cotton people in Burma seem to be equipped with such weapons. In that case, it would be too bad for them.

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