Koguryo, Koguryo Post reporter Yang De got a new assignment from him in the editorial department.

"This task is very critical, you know, this is what asked you to be named above. Remember, you have to use your eyes, ears, and full sense of touch to describe such things, understand?" The editor-in-chief said Speaking of Yang De.

"I. I understand." Yang De is interviewing some of the Qin State Bank and some of the reasons for participating in the rise of national bonds. For economic articles, he feels that he is better at it, because he can accurately write some reasons. The reason makes everyone agree, and that such a thing is reasonable.

The topic of bonds has become a new hot topic for them. All Goguryeo people are concerned about this issue. Yang De feels that he should be better at writing such articles.

"Why? Are there emotions?" The editor-in-chief asked Yang De, looking at it.

"Yes, sir, I think I should write bonds and articles about economics. You know, I have a lot of relevant readers in this regard, and they can give me a lot of good encouragement. I like them Encouragement, because they think my article is very correct.” The other party said.

"No. I know that your article is very good and logical. At the same time, more people are concerned about it. However, the bond decline this time has a lot to do with the war. Our country is being violated. We are on the righteous side, but, as you know, the people of the Central Plains sometimes have their own unique prejudices. For example, the people of Yan, the Koreans, and the people of Qin, they always think that they represent the civilized side. We are savage and stupid. They think we deserve to be violated like this, and they think we deserve it." The editor-in-chief stood up and said.

"This." Yang De didn't know how to say it. For the country, he knows that there are problems, and this is the situation. However, he is unwilling to participate in political and diplomatic disputes, which is not a good thing for him. He didn't think he was interested in such things.

"We want to eliminate such prejudice. This is for the country. Believe me, I know that your article is well written and very logical. Put your logic into such an article to eliminate such prejudice. Looking at the unfair treatment imposed on us by the Yan people with integrity, this has a very close relationship with the economy. Believe me." said the editor-in-chief. The words have reached this point. Yang De couldn't go on. Does he want to refuse? Obviously this is impossible. Such a thing would make him lose everything.

"Well, let me try. When will I leave and take a day off?" Yang De took out his notebook.

"No, you need to set off immediately. It is best to set off now. In this case, we can write the article as soon as possible. By the way. This is a pass given to you by the Ministry of Defense. You can reach any military camp, and they will Provide more protection and take risks when necessary.” said the editor-in-chief. Yang De is helpless, the editor knows that he likes taking risks, and this kind of work is just right for him.

Meng La, North Suburb, Meng Bo's office. Except for the staff on duty, they are all off duty. And Meng Bo stays in his office. He likes to study a lot of things, especially matters related to the case, but he has his own ideals, but the problem is that the reality is very cruel, because there are serious interest monopoly and interest disputes. . Moreover, the power of the two parties is not equal, so that there is no need for the truth here, because the people who commit crimes are all those sitting together in meetings. Look at the parliamentarians, government officials, and even the police. If they do not commit a crime, they They won't get so much money at all, they are the most **** people.

"Everyone is committing crimes. As long as they enter government departments, many people will commit crimes more or less. Otherwise, relying on the meager income of the police will not be able to support them. Look at their conditions and you will know why this happened. Things.” Meng Bo angrily wrote in his notebook, the reason is very simple,

"The evidence of their crime is easy to obtain. For example, I have investigated the little boy who drowned. The deceased was not the missing boy at all, but another local boy. Because of my investigation, the local police united with the local police. The gangs in, they did something like this. They made an accident, but what they didn’t know was that the accident they made involved them. I already got their fingerprints. Through the comparison, it turned out to be a sergeant. I did. Through other investigations, I found that the boy had been arrested by these gangs a long time ago, and then they were smuggled and transported to Australia or other places. In short, those places will need more. People. These children are good labor. In addition, there are more criminal crimes, for example, women, they will become a special kind of slaves, and there are quite a lot of such cases, many of them are young girls, and they are taken Because of their low status, there is no way to file a case at all. The so-called security is the result of their complete failure to file a case. Such a situation is the result of their unwillingness. In fact, all here are criminals. Sin." Meng Bo didn't know how to work anymore. These investigations were all made by him. However, what is the use of the investigations? No one cares about crimes at all. This is the current situation of Meng Bo. Such a situation is very unfavorable to him. He hopes to change anything, but he does everything. No more. Such a thing is simply the most unacceptable thing for him.

"Sir. Can I come in?" Just then. The sergeant knocked in with a telegram.

"Come in." Meng Bo knew that the sergeant was on duty today, but he was also the person he hated the most. On the surface, the sergeant was very honest, but in fact, he knew that he was the number two figure in a gang. Mastering the lives and deaths of many people, he used the convenience of his position to do a lot of good things for himself. He has nearly 30 wives and concubines, and a sergeant's salary is only 50 won. Where did he come from? With so much money to support women, not only is there so many women, he also has more children to support. This cost will exceed three thousand won. This can only show that this guy is a bad guy who is corrupt and playing power, but the law and order here is surprisingly good. He knew that it was all the ghosts of this sergeant.

"Damn it." After Meng Bo looked at the telegram, he threw it away. The content of the telegram is that he wants to leave here because there was a homicide in Aiji, South Korea. In Alexandria, a Korean was killed, and the locals did not know who the murderer was. The South Korean side is very annoyed by this. Although the diplomatic relationship between Aiji and South Korea has just begun, such a thing is a very bad start for South Korea. If overseas, South Koreans can't even protect their own. The government can do nothing. This will affect South Korea's investment in Aiji.

The Aiji government is also aware of this, and they adopted another way to solve this problem, which is to hand over ten murderers to solve this matter. But the problem is that the real culprit is gone. This makes it difficult for Koreans to accept. Therefore, the situation has reached a deadlock. Just then. South Korea wanted to investigate this case by themselves, so they thought of Officer Meng Bo.

But Meng Bo hated such investigations, because the final fact was the compromise of some big shots, and no one seemed to be interested in the truth. They just knew the truth of one thing. Some people don't want to know at all. Therefore, Meng Bo believes that his work is useless, and he does not want to participate in such a **** investigation.

"Sir. Is there anything important?" the sergeant asked worriedly. It seems that he cares about everything about Meng Bo. In fact, they are trying to get rid of this difficult guy because the police officer is too smart. Many things can't be hidden from the other party. They took bribery to get the police officer away from the superior, or in normal times, they tried their best to find something that could not be resolved, such as disputes between civilians. Occasionally missed injuries, these are minor security cases, but they are bothersome enough. In this regard, Meng Bo has to deal with a lot of administrative work, which makes him very annoyed.

"Okay. You are satisfied. My order is down. I am leaving here. You can celebrate with joy. Damn it." Meng Bo said to the sergeant angrily. On the surface, the sergeant was very sorry and felt very sorry, but in fact, he was very happy that this guy finally left. They can finally relax a lot. They still miss the old officer very much, even though he has a sixty majority. But they still hope that the old officer will come back or be replaced by a police officer who is rarely confused. After Meng Bo blasted the opponent out, he began to rest on his office chair. He feels tired. The world is dirty. Many people are willing to live in such a dirty environment. It seems that they are not afraid of being dirty at all. The truth of the matter becomes meaningless. What is the value of the police? Meng Bo was confused because he found that many people would not be held accountable even after committing a crime. Such investigation would make them meaningless. This is the value of their current existence. Meng Bo felt that he had lost the meaning of finding a goal. Sometimes, in desperate situations, people become confused because they feel that their power is helpless.

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