The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3786: The bridge collapsed

Thebes. Zhao Guoruihai Communication Technology Company’s temporary residence. In fact, they only have one office here with two staff members. Because the Mediterranean is a brand-new market, many people rushed here to make a fortune, do trade, and do all kinds of businesses. Few people pay attention to the fact that it is communication. The communication here is very backward. In Zhao Guo, Koreans think that there is no telegram here. Thebes can only rely on unstable radio to maintain communication. If you want to enjoy the most stable communication, you can only rely on the military. It is impossible for Zhao Guoren to use South Korea in this place. The military's strength achieves their goals, so their only way is to establish their own communication. Although the radio is very convenient, but it is subject to many restrictions, and there have been problems with code cracking, the security is not very high. The only best way is to use cables. At present, cable is the most mature method, but it is also a relatively backward communication method, when it is claimed that radio has everything. However, the cable is indeed very stable, which is his advantage, and it will be used in the future. This is irreplaceable.

"Have you heard? I found a very good market." Cheng Hai is a very good salesman, his ability has always been outstanding, because he came here to find new markets, this guy said, he knows the world Cable communication is needed everywhere, because the information here is blank, and a lot of information will be known after a long time, and quick information will not reach there at all. Sooner or later, the information allows the government and enterprises to make the most accurate choice.

"What's the matter?" Liu Fang asked while looking at the other party. There is a language barrier here, and they have no access, because their funds are limited, so it is difficult to do very large projects, which would require too much funds. Therefore, their business has not been very good, Cheng Hai thought of coming here to try his luck, maybe they can do this.

"I just saw this from the Telegraph Bureau. A telegram request from Carthage, an officer named Hannibal. He hopes to get a loan from Zhao Guo and at the same time solve their problems. This is theirs. In fact, they must know the existence of the telegram. They hope to lay a telegram from Carthage to Spain so that they can understand what is happening in their country in time. At the same time, they also hope that through this move, they can make their parliament look like It is the Senate or something that can understand their actions in a timely manner, so that their affairs can be solved very well. Anyway, the matter is such a thing, they have to do quite a lot. And what we have to do now The thing is, to get such an order, because such an order is very important to us, and we need such an order." Cheng Hai said in a telegram to the other party. The telegram was thrown at the Telegraph Office when Hannibal was very angry. Cheng Hai seemed to be a person who was unwilling to give up any opportunity. He had a very bad habit. The Telegraph Office was very disgusted with such people. Because he always looked through other people's telegrams, this telegram was seen by him under such circumstances and got his hands. Of course, he paid five yuan to buy this telegram.

"What do you want to say? Don't you want to go to Carthage? My God, we're only Biss, you ran to Carthage all of a sudden, you are getting farther and farther from Zhao Guo. My buddy, do you know? Doing this will make me feel very embarrassed, this." Liu Fang said helplessly.

"I know, but this is an opportunity. We need such an opportunity to solve all the problems. This is very important for us. With such things, we can make a fortune. We can From Carthage, laying to Spain, although I don’t know where that Spain is, what I know is that the farther the distance, the greater the business we can do. I feel that our opportunity is here." Cheng Hai smiled Speaking of.

"Then I ask you, funding, how to solve the funding?" Liu Fang asked.

"It's very simple, loan, bank. We can get a loan as long as we get this kind of business. The company will promise us to do so. So, what we have to do now is to find this Hannibal as soon as possible. He is sure He’s a soldier. As long as you contact the Carthaginians, you will know where he is. I must go to Carthage. We must take down this business." Cheng Hai was excited and simply packed up his salute, and then He ran to go on a business trip, and Liu Fang thought that the other party was crazy. Many things are not prepared, just do such things. In fact. Some keen businessmen have already sensed such business opportunities, and the current means of communication are too backward. The telegraph and the laying of a large number of cables are the most important means to connect them together. This means will provide them with more opportunities. This is very important to them.

Bangla, the Ganges Bridge on the Second Ring Road. This is a brand-new cement steel bridge with a length of 25 meters and a width of 10 meters. However, this bridge is the first relatively large bridge in Bangla, which means that Bangla has entered a new era. Therefore, many parliamentarians held celebrations.

"Such a bridge is very important to us. Our government needs to do more of this kind of economic construction and do such things better, so that our people can live better." A congressman said irrelevant. And more Mengla people are waiting hurriedly, their hearts are fiery, because with such a bridge, their working time can be reduced by half an hour. This means that they can sleep for half an hour without worrying about that. People in Mengla generally lack sleep because they work too long. Generally in twelve hours. Most of the working hours are more than fifteen hours, and they don’t have enough sleep. At the same time, because of the inconvenience of transportation, more people spend their time on this transportation. Most of them live in the suburbs. The housing prices in the urban areas are very expensive. They can’t afford to sell them, with an average of more than 100 yuan per square meter, and their wages are less than 20 yuan. The monthly rent exceeds 30 yuan. And the more expensive the house price is in the city center. They can only live in the suburbs, which are slums. But distance dignitaries, they need to take an hour's ox cart bus, which is the best and fastest mode of transportation in the suburbs. Otherwise, they need to spend an hour and a half walking. Only to the edge of the city can there be public transport, but there are no bridges suitable for them to pass. They still need to detour a long way to pass the only few wooden bridges. It can be said that the construction of this bridge means that these The problem began to be fundamentally improved.

Soon Members stopped making such statements. Because he knows that many people already hate their words. Then they began to let them pass. After all, no one wants to listen to a person's nonsense, in that case, it means that they have to endure a longer time. The bridge suddenly crowded with more people. Some of them had to work overtime, and some had to go back to sleep quickly. They were too tired. There are also some buses. They think they should try a new route and calculate the time. In this way, they can make a few more trips and make a lot of money. All people are walking on this bridge. They are very satisfied with this new bridge. They feel that this bridge has brought a lot of convenience.

A Korean reporter, Sun Cha is looking for a suitable angle to take a photo with a camera. Unfortunately, there are too many people. No matter how you shoot, it feels like you are sending people, unable to find out the meaning of this bridge. In desperation, he had to look for a higher angle to shoot. He needs to photograph people, bridges, and the joy of passing. . He finally squeezed out the crowd and found such a suitable angle. But at this moment, a surprising scene happened. The bridge suddenly swayed, and then something in the middle part fell off the two, which must be parts on the bridge.

"My God." Sun Che exclaimed. Then quickly raise the camera in his hand to take a picture. The bridge collapsed. Everything came too suddenly. The sudden behavior made everyone feel unprepared, or in other words, they never thought that such a thing would happen. For them, this is simply the most unacceptable thing, but the truth is that it happened.

"My God." Congressman Zhang Xian exclaimed. He covered his mouth, he couldn't believe that such a thing actually happened. He didn’t know how to deal with it. Many people fell under the bridge and were crushed to death by the debris of the bridge. Many people didn’t know how to face such a situation, but everyone knew that it was a situation. Occurrence means that a major accident has occurred, and the disaster is in progress, because there were many people on the bridge at the time, and their situation was really not optimistic. In such a situation, all they need to do is to save people as much as possible. They can’t even estimate the cause of the accident, but everyone knows that if something happens to the bridge, it means that there is a big problem with the quality of the bridge’s engineering. Who will pay for this responsibility? The most terrifying thing is, The impact of this matter is too great. If a reasonable reason is not found, bonds will continue to fall. At that time, it may cause a huge collapse, which will not do them any good. They too need to solve such problems in a timely manner. But how to solve this problem. This makes them feel a headache.

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