Meilai residential area, this resident brought to the northernmost part of Goguryeo. It is only twelve kilometers from the pier. South Korean patrols arrived here, but everything has fallen into ruins.

"Reporter Yang, you'd better make some psychological preparations. The tragedy there may be more serious than we thought." Mo Jie said. He is a lieutenant from the northern Goguryeo tribe. Through his own study, he has been recognized by the chief, and he has obtained an officer certificate and became an officer. He may not be able to command, but he is definitely a loyal bodyguard. They have a platoon to protect Yang De.

"What do you mean?" Yang De asked.

"It doesn't mean anything, sir, war, it is inevitable that people will die, and all kinds of tragedies will happen. Therefore, we should be psychologically prepared to avoid unacceptable things that are difficult to accept. This is what I mean, Reporter Yang ." Mo Jie said. Yang De's heart had already begun to prepare silently. He knew that something bad would happen, and such a thing was enough to make him sick many times. Before he came, he knew that the mountain people were savage, they were aggressive and bloodthirsty. Killing can greatly stimulate their wildness. It can be said that coming here is full of dangers.

Soon they entered the gate of Meilai settlement. As soon as he entered the gate, Yang De was already vomiting. People whose situation is too tragic. There were many dead bodies hanging upside down at the door. Without exception, the corpses had no heads. Obviously, the heads had been chopped off and taken away by the mountain people. There was blood everywhere on the ground, and because of the long time, it became dark. It looks very scary.

"Reporter Yang, it's best to drink saliva. If you vomit like this, it will be very uncomfortable." Mo Jie said, shaking his head looking at the other person in discomfort. Vomiting can also be contagious. Some soldiers also had the urge to vomit, but they tried their best to restrain them, but the situation was too tragic. Some internal organs were dug out and turned into a dark mass, the smell of the corpse, the smell of blood, and the question of the fire-roasted internal organs, although it has been a long time. However, they don't need to smell it, and use their imagination to imagine what kind of smell it is. The taste of barbecue seems to be very good, but if they know that it is human flesh, or human internal organs, their stomachs will become overwhelmed.

"There are about a hundred people in this stronghold, most of them are civilians. They are ordinary people who come here to build railways, mine mines, or immigrate here. However, the mountain people have been killed crazy and terribly. They simply can't accept them. Live, I don't know when, they entered here, and then they slaughtered wildly. Everyone died. You can see how many inhuman torments they suffered during their lifetime." Mo Jie said.

"Well, Reporter Yang, I hope you can use photos to illustrate these things. Take them." Mo Jie pointed at the camera on Yang De's chest and said. His task is to protect Yang De. At the same time, they must also provide them with the necessary news materials. After all, he is here to report. If the report is unsuccessful, they can't do anything. All this is an unbearable result for them. It is also an order.

"Yeah, good." Yang De controlled his emotions, and he tried to make himself better, because this is enough to show that the situation is very tragic. But the constant vomiting can't solve the problem at all. This is an atrocity. Before he came, he felt that some people were stupid. However, after seeing the tragedy of those people, he felt that he should change his mind. He felt that he should play his due role to report such things.

"Everyone, men, were brutally killed, and many people were tortured to death, burned to death, and dismembered. This is how mountain people seek happiness, women are taken away by them, as for children and the elderly, they will be executed directly. Fall, there are babies." Mo Jie said.

"Baby? They don't even let go of babies?" Yang De felt very excessive.

"Yes, the babies are not let go, but how about letting them go? In this case, they can't live long, and then they die. There are so many atrocities, I don't want to explain. To be honest. That way. We don't want to come to the place where we are." Mo Jie said. Yang De nodded to express that he understood that his vomiting had stopped. Because he has nothing to vomit. He kept shaking his head, and then became numb, and his nerves may have become receptive after a strong stimulus. These things seem to be nothing to him. But the tragedy still happened. He saw more things in his head than he thought.

Indeed, the mountain people seem to have been slaughtered and difficult to contain. The baby was thrown directly into the fire and burned to death. On the corpse, he also saw the cut marks. Obviously, the mountain people were treated as barbecues. They were barbaric. The government of Yan government encouraged them to go down in this barbaric way. , Living in the deep mountains and forests all year round makes them even more beasts than wild beasts. They don't know what humanity is at all. What they know is that whatever is good for their own interests is not lost. There are many tragedies, and Yang De's nerves have been stimulated and it is difficult to get excited. He didn't know how to face such a situation.

The city of Carthage. Cheng Hai, who came in a hurry, couldn’t wait to find General Hannibal, or he started to find some outlets, hoping to sell his own cables. They were responsible for installation and maintenance. Everything was very useful for trade. He also I spent a gold coin, bribed an attendant, and then met a member of the Senate. The scene of the other party was very big, and there was a smell of perfume on his body. This may come from the Korean women's brand perfume. However, a man uses such a thing, which makes him feel unacceptable.

Cheng Hai doesn’t speak Carthage. He can only hire a second-hand translator to solve this problem. It may be because of the translation problem, or the other party is not interested at all, because he sees the other party waving his arms constantly, as if It was a sign of disgust, and the legs were crossed back and forth, which was a movement that women would have. As a result, the Senate member left there, and the translation explanation was more general.

"They said that the content of the Senate's interest is projects that can bring them profits, for example, a certain mineral gets a large amount of silver mines, or gold mines. These are the best performance of entering a large amount of gold, and They smuggle Korean goods and part of their arms. These are the best ways for them to increase their pockets. They seem to think that the more money, the better, just like the sand here, it’s vast, and they can only feel it when they sleep on it. Practical. They are a group of miser. A group of small people. They are very interested in accumulating their own wealth, but not in spending money. They are not interested in the project. Chenghai's project is precisely such a consumer project. They need to lay cables, and Cable means a lot of cost, which requires a considerable part of the financial expenditure to do such a thing. Obviously, members of parliament do not want such a thing to happen, in their view, such a thing is a crime, because it means Because they can't make a lot of money. I think we have to cooperate with them to get such a project. These are a bunch of corrupt guys." Cheng Hai wrote in his notebook. For such a situation, he can only give up at present, because the Senate members are a group of greedy guys. He can't wait for the coins in your pocket to be theirs. As Zhao Guoren established diplomatic relations with Carthage, some rights and interests of Zhao Guoren could not be more effectively guaranteed. Cheng Hai could only find a way to find General Hannibal of Carthage.

Bangla. Members meeting behind closed doors, the so-called closed-door meetings, are actually some shady meetings in private, which usually require closed-door consultations. Or it is the consensus of opinion, and the usual requirement for members to abandon their own prejudices, because at this time, their profits have suffered serious losses. If their opinions are not consistent, it will have a bad impact on them. This impact What is it? Everyone knows very well, so no one said anything.

"According to the facts investigation, we all know what caused the bridge collapse." Mr. Zhang Xian said as he walked back and forth. The facts are obvious. Anyone who has been to the scene can see what is going on by looking at the collapsed cement blocks. The reinforcement is too thin. It does not meet the standards at all, and the quality labels of the cement are all different. Some cement is not as good as mud, and when it collapses, it becomes extremely fine. There is a lot of cement, the steel is too thin, and the quantity is too small. In some faults, things like bamboo and wood are found as supports. Such a bridge does not collapse. That is a problem.

"Since the incident has happened, we should pay more attention to the fact that we should pay attention to the nature of the incident, rather than where the **** accident is responsible. These will happen naturally. I think that the truth of the matter should be It's like this." Zhang Xian was born as a businessman. In the mainland, he cannot enter the parliament at such a position because his level is too low. A local politician will never let such a person enter the parliament, but the only way he wants to enter the local parliament is to come here, serve as a member, and then perform outstandingly, run for the local parliament member, because every two years There is a great opportunity for local councillors to change their term.

"The nature of the matter should be this. In terms of the quality of the project, we have no problems. The nature is that the site selection of the project or some special local factors caused such accidents. For example, there were too many people at the time. .Or, the land there is basically not good, plus geological changes, according to my understanding, there are also geological collapses. After all, bridge engineering is a project, and it should be considered for each project. There are various factors in this regard. If there are no such factors, we can do a lot of things." Zhang Xian said. His remarks are obviously to help all parliamentarians evade responsibility, because everyone understands what role they play in such matters. They received a large number of engineering orders from the government, and then subcontracted layer by layer, and they took most of the benefits. It can be said that the projects contracted by these parliamentarians have serious quality problems, but everyone is not clean. They are afraid that such things will shake out. In that case, their parliamentarians will not want to continue to be. Therefore, they need to divert attention from all issues.

"Yes. Yes, I remember. It seems to be what happened. There were a lot of people at the time. I knew a principle. I didn't know exactly what happened. Some objects inevitably resonated. Maybe. At that time, the situation was like this. People's pedals were vibrating. This kind of vibration was inevitable. Perhaps it was just like this that resonance occurred. The bridge itself could not stand it, and then it collapsed." A member of Parliament quickly explained To.

"Yes, yes, I know, and I also think, it must be such a thing, it seems that the physical power is very great." A member of the Diet also met in this way.

"So, this situation must be solved in this way, otherwise, how can we solve this problem." Other people said one after another. As a result, a group of congressmen began to attribute the collapse of the bridge to resonance, which is a shameful statement, because they did not understand physics at all, and then all this was pushed to physics.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Supreme Command.

"Master, Sun Che’s report pointed out a problem that we should pay attention to, and that is corruption. This matter is already very clear. The MPs in Bangla may have been involved in a huge corruption incident. Go. And it's a collective crime." Zhang Liang reported with a report. This was Sun Che’s briefing. He checked the scene and found a timber support. Such a thing could easily be linked to cutting corners.

"Yeah. Check. It must be checked. But you should first look at the preliminary investigation reports sent to us by those congressmen. They wrote very scientifically." Han Shu smiled and handed a report to Zhang Liang, Zhang Liang I find it hard to believe that science is generally rigorous and logical.

"It's shameful. What these congressmen are saying is that this is a scientific phenomenon and it is caused by resonance." Zhang Liang said angrily. After reading the report, he felt that the report was disgusting, and they put their greedy wishes on scientific rigor.

"Haha. But this is the fact of the problem. This is a very unfavorable thing for us, but it is such a thing, and the explanation is smooth." Han Shu said.

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