The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3802: Too much gold and silver is not a good thing

Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

"I don't know whether we should be happy or we should cry bitterly." Li Lin said while looking at the report in his hand.

"Prime Minister, I think we should be happy. This shows that we are doing the right thing. Bonds are rising, which means that bonds are more investable, and fiscal funds will solve more problems." The Minister of Finance said Speaking of.

"Oh. Really? But how to solve the government's debts? These debts need to be repaid. Not only that. What I know is that there are a lot of companies and banks involved. Qin Guoren and Zhao Guoren almost took our The core enterprises and government assets have been bought. A large number of mineral resources and enterprises are basically not owned by the Goguryeo government and Goguryeo people. Our situation is very bad. Should we file for Goguryeo bankruptcy? In this case, maybe We will also get some good things." Li Lin said. Although the government has received a lot of funds, the question is, what can these funds do? This made Li Lin feel a little hesitant. In other words, he felt a little scared only after he had a large amount of funds. Because if their government assets did not expand, it would mean that the repayment of these funds would be very strong. At that time, the Goguryeo government really went bankrupt.

"Prime Minister, at present we should find ways to expand our assets. We should encourage enterprises to produce quickly. At the same time, we equip more troops and build more railways. Only in this way can we stimulate more economy in the future. Growth. At the same time, we must prepare before the war and make a series of policies that will further benefit us. Now that the people of Zhao and Qin are involved, this has helped us a lot. In international diplomacy, They will have a great advantage with us," the Minister of Finance persuaded.

"Yeah. That's how it is said." Li Lin is no longer worried about gains and losses. Because this is no longer of any use, what they have to do at present is to complete such things as soon as possible, because only in this way can they completely solve all the problems.

"In that case, let's do this. Anyway, the company's funds have increased, and the government has more funds to place military orders. Military personnel can also quickly expand. We only have to wait until the further laying of the railway is completed. It's time to proceed." Li Lin said. The Goguryeo government, which has a large amount of financial support, will soon be transformed into a military state. This is an extremely advantageous state for them, because it means that they will have more advantages in resource deployment. The advantage of can be greatly transformed into such a state.

Zhao State, Handan, Guo Kai's prime minister's residence. Guo Kai was very annoyed when he saw the telegram forwarded from the Embassy of Aiji.

"These white-eyed wolves, Carthaginians, they are really **** folks." Guo Kai scolded in annoyance, imposing taxes on Zhao's merchants, which meant an increase in costs, Zhao Guo finally decided to develop Jiatai. In this market, they did not expect to encounter such a thing, which is a difficult thing for them to accept. Guo Kai's first reaction was to attack Carthage, but unfortunately, Carthage was too far away. Zhao Guo had too few troops there. They can't do anything. This made Guo Kai very annoyed. He felt that Zhao's navy was a group of eateries.

"Don't worry, the prime minister, we can solve this matter very well." Chief Economic Advisor Zhang Er persuaded from the side.

"I can't do it if I don't worry. Zhao's market is too small at the moment. At this time, the Senate in Carthage is full of miscellaneous things." Guo Kai scolded angrily.

"Prime Minister, we can take some economic measures to increase our advantage, and then after the military power arrives, we can take some measures to solve such problems, or in other words, some other things can reach our situation. "Zhang Er said.

"Oh, let's talk about it. I can't be angry anymore. My blood pressure has risen. The doctor advised me to take care of it. I can't be angry." Guo Kai sat down, he felt very tired, and there was a hint of dizziness just now. , This kind of dizziness made him suddenly alert, and he knew that there was something wrong with his body. In fact, this situation has happened many times. With the use of some chemical drugs and people's work and rest schedules, great changes have taken place. In reality, they are under great pressure. Such great pressure makes their pace of life become fast, high blood pressure, and depression. Symptoms can be seen everywhere. Traditional Chinese medicine cannot make adjustments in time, and can only perform recuperation as much as possible, while chemical drugs can bring rapid effects. But after use, some side effects will also appear, for example, once the drug is stopped, the blood pressure will suddenly become high. Guo Kai had such a situation after a heavy workload.

"Yes, Prime Minister, I think that the current economy of Carthage still has a certain degree of independence. An independent economy will naturally react like this, just like our bacteria invading the human body. Make some reactions, such as the natural appearance of white blood cells and then kill those bacteria." Zhang Er explained in this way. The development of science and technology has brought about the scientific development of medicine. Zhongyuan Medicine generally uses microscopes. In the research rooms of some special universities, microscopes with higher magnification should be used. These microscopes have once again made new developments in their medicine. Scientific research is more detailed.

"Yeah. You mean, Carthage felt our invasion, and they reacted like this?" Guo Kai asked immediately.

"Yes, this is their normal reaction, and we have only just begun. Carthage is aware of such a situation, which shows that our economic policy is correct. But we need to make some adjustments. I have With some studies, such as the currency of Carthage, they still use a large amount of metal currency. This is an opportunity." Zhang Er reminded.

"What happened to the metal currency? I heard that their metal currency is very strong. And because of us, I heard that they have appreciated. Originally, we are on the favorable side of trade. They need to import a lot of goods, and we need Purchasing more things can balance the poor relationship." Guo Kai said.

"The prime minister has reached the point. The strength of the Carthage currency is very unfavorable for our trade. Under such circumstances, our only way is to use metal currency to shock and disrupt their market, and a large amount of gold enters. Among them, we bought out a lot of their things, land, population, or other resources, so on the surface, we exported a lot of gold and silver. But as a result, their gold and silver depreciated a lot. Sometimes, gold It's not a good thing to have more silver." Zhang Er said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Guo Kai asked puzzledly. He doesn't know what's wrong with more gold and silver. Isn't gold and silver money? Is it a good thing to have more money?

"Prime Minister, if there is more gold and silver, it means that gold and silver will depreciate and prices will rise. At that time, the entire Carthage will be short of more materials. In that case, they will beg us to trade because of what they do. All are lacking, and it naturally promotes trade." Zhang Er said.

"Haha. Haha, haha." Hearing this, Guo Kai laughed loudly. He felt that Carthage was hitting himself in the face. Such things can only be done by the Carthaginians themselves. Thinking of this, the suffocation in Guo Kai's chest disappeared a lot, and he felt that Zhang Er's idea was too right. In this way, they have solved many things that could not be solved before, which is very good news for him. With such a plan, can't Carthage's market be opened.

"Prime Minister, our military strength will be further increased, and the source of gold and silver comes from Goguryeo. We have purchased a large number of gold and silver mines in Goguryeo. With such advantages in mineral resources, we are enough to crush the Carthaginians. Let the Carthaginians obey our requirements." Zhang Er said.

"Okay. Your credit is great, and I will remember your credit. Seriously, without a consultant like you, I would never have thought of such a thing, haha, it sounds too happy." Guo Kai was in the mood. It became very good all of a sudden, because these resources are things that Guo Kai has in his hands.

"Prime Minister, military expenditures, and naval military expenditures, I think, should also be increased. After all, these require the strong intervention of our Zhao State Navy and the emergence of armed forces. Otherwise, we can't do anything." Zhang Er said worriedly. After all, diplomacy is based on a certain military power. Without the guarantee of military power, nothing can be said about it.

"This. Well, we will increase some military expenses, but it is mainly used in the navy. In the future, it can guarantee a military expedition of about 20,000 people from the Zhao State Army. The key area is Carthage." Guo Kai emphasized.

"Yes." Zhang Er nodded. The reason why Zhang Er did this was because he had the support of the military. Among the civilian officials, Zhang Er, the chief economic adviser, did not have a circle to ask the other party to join. Although some economic policies served them, they still believed that Zhang Er Er is outside the circle, they are not willing to accept Zhang Er into their small circle. Therefore, under such circumstances, Zhang Er can only accept the military's solicitation, and is more inclined to support the military in terms of monetary policy. After all, Zhang Er is also a person with his own needs.

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