The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3809: solid foundation

Yan State, Prince's Mansion.

"Protest, they think the protest is effective. We should occupy more land, and they are worthy of negotiating terms with us. They simply think too much." Prince Dan said with great dissatisfaction. The Goguryeo government protested against Yan's unreasonable request and rejected the other party's request. However, this also made the Yan government feel very dissatisfied.

"We should strengthen our offensive and occupation of Goguryeo. I think we should give more support to the mountain people, give them more weapons and ammunition, and give them more medals of honor. They have done a lot for the country of Yan. Contributions.” On the one hand, Prince Dan was extremely dissatisfied with what the Goguryeo government had done, on the other hand. He strongly encouraged the mountain people to increase their military offensive against Goguryeo. Such an offensive would become extremely easy for them, and the truth is what they are currently doing.

"But, Prince. Goguryeo will be angered if you do this," the defense minister persuaded. He didn't want Yan Guo to be too passive in this matter. After all, the amount of resources consumed in the military was not a small number, and fighting was to be consumed. The Yan people simply cannot consume such a large scale of war.

"No. We should do this, you don’t know. Those Goguryeos are not willing to fight us at all. They are afraid of us. After all, they are barbaric countries. What is the difference between barbaric countries and us. We should not defend, we should Actively prepare, prepare more mountain infantry divisions, equip more artillery units at the same time, and then launch an offensive aggressively, let the Goguryeo know that we are great, it's right." Prince Dan said. But the Secretary of Defense kept shaking his head in his heart. Because these all require more funds, but the funds given to them by the Ministry of Finance of the State of Yan are too small. Although government bonds have also risen somewhat, overall sales have not been very good. Taxes have increased. But the people are more unsupportive of the government's war behavior. In their view, the government is completely consuming more financial funds to do an extremely dangerous thing. And these Prince Dan turned a blind eye. He believed that these things were trivial to them. Attacking Goguryeo and opening up the territory are the big things.

"Prince, this requires a lot of expenses, and the Ministry of Finance can't give us more funds. We have managed to keep communicating." The Defense Minister said helplessly.

"These things are the affairs of the Minister of Finance, and I will explain the situation to him. The funds will be given to you. Don’t worry. As for other things. I will find a solution. In addition, there are some things, you guys. Pay attention. That is, the medal, to improve the treatment of the officers of those mountain people, I think, to promote them to major or captain, we need their loyalty. At the same time, we need their bravery." Prince Dan is not about the cost. Dare to be interested, but this is precisely the crux of the problem, which makes the Secretary of Defense very helpless.

Qin State, Xianyang. Lantian military base.

"General Wang, have you studied anything lately?" King Qin asked Wang Jian enthusiastically. He respects this chief of staff more. The chief of staff has great powers, but he cannot mobilize the army. Moreover, the chief of staff is more. What was more was to plan more battle plans and draft battle clauses, which greatly strengthened his command power, but he had no military power. This made King Qin very relaxed, because he was the highest commander in command. He controls all the army. The appearance of the telegraph strengthened this control. If necessary, King Qin could even command a battalion on the battlefield via radio. The Qin army is popularizing radio equipment, and they are popularizing it to the battalion. Of course, more troops cannot do this, but the combat troops are as satisfied as possible.

"My lord, the old minister is studying the new strategic thinking of general warfare." Wang Jian replied. Yang Duanhe did not participate here, he was on duty in the general staff. And this subject was raised by two people.

"Overall battle? The widow seems to have heard of such a vocabulary, did the old general put it forward?" King Qin asked curiously.

"No, Majesty, this was not proposed by the minister. Li Mu was the first to propose this concept. Then the minister and others will conduct research on the basis of it again." Wang Jian said.

"Yeah. The widow remembered it." King Qin thought for a while and said. King Qin paid a lot of attention to newspapers and magazines, thinking that the report focused on specific things. Although it was very detailed and the content of the report was very truthful, it was impossible for them to write some key points because of their perspective. In other words, it is impossible to fully understand some things, even if they are, they just make accurate judgments. The magazine is different, but some bold ideas. King Qin pays attention to many military magazines. These military magazines are not only those of Qin, but also Zhao and South Korea. Among them, Zhao Guo's is the most famous, or in other words, the content of Zhao Guo's magazine is more advanced.

"This is indeed written by Li Mu. Li Mu is talented. It's a pity. He is a general of the State of Zhao." King Qin said.

"Prince King. Even though Li Mu has great talents, the current military situation in the State of Zhao also greatly limits Li Mu's ability to display his talents. Many of his ideas are extremely advanced, such as the big bombing, aviation, and The coordinated operations of ground forces, as well as armored warfare. As well as the current overall warfare, there are many ideas, but they cannot be realized one by one. We can only stay in theory. This is really a pity." Wang Jian also affirmed Li Mu's talents. , But he didn’t care at all about Zhao’s use of such military power. Because Zhao Guo used an active peace strategy under the lead of Guo Kai, and they opposed any war, Li Mu was completely suppressed. Many of his talents cannot be used.

"Well. It's a pity. But let's talk about the results of your research on this overall war." King Qin no longer pays attention to Li Mu's talents, although his military talents are very high, but unfortunately, no need, military talents. Gao is helpless, and Li Mu in history is indeed like that. It is mediocre not to be jealous. But jealousy is not a good condition.

"My lord, the future battle will be a manifestation of the overall strength of a country. This is reflected in the fact that he needs to rely on many things, such as scientific and technological capabilities. Resources, manpower, and his economic power. War mobilization has been It is no longer just the mobilization of military personnel, but more of the mobilization of domestic economic construction. For example, the formulation of the marching route for war requires an understanding of the latest infrastructure construction and utilization." Wang Jian said.

"Widow has already noticed this, so this will let you take a look at today’s performance. Widow’s decision to form an armored combat vehicle unit can be regarded as a scale of overall warfare. This represents economic power. Armored vehicles are equivalent to the cost of a cavalry company, which is considered a high-tech product." King Qin said with a smile at this time.

"In addition, this technology, needless to say. If you do not study the engine, it is impossible to solve such a problem. In addition, there are more manpower, armored vehicles need to train drivers, and the use of new weapons. , These are the keys." Qin Wang said. Just then. On the central field, a roaring armored vehicle appeared. On the first armored vehicle, it was Qin’s famous general, Wang Ben. He liked cavalry, but as the weapons became more and more advanced, the old cavalry units could no longer meet the combat needs of the cavalry, and mobile operations became dragoons. Combat capabilities, this situation makes them feel very dissatisfied, therefore, in such a combat situation, they need to solve many problems. And Wang Ben was dissatisfied with the status quo of the cavalry under such a situation.

"Wang Ben is a very good cavalry commander. He is familiar with everything about cavalry, but the current cavalry can't meet our needs at all. You know, those cavalry. The speed is slow and can't resist machine guns. Suffering. It happened that Wang Ben had a new understanding of the new armored combat vehicles, and the widow was transferred back. King Qin needs the injection of new combat power." King Qin said.

Wang Jian sounded a little frightened, he didn't know what King Qin meant.

"Don't worry about the old generals. The widows just think that such talents cannot be wasted. Waste of talents is a loss to the country. King Qin cannot do this. This is also part of the overall battle." King Qin said. He saw Wang Jian's panic, it was absolutely impossible to fake it. Because he saw Wang Jian's eyelids beating constantly, and the corners of his mouth twitched a little, which was a fierce stimulation of facial nerves. The nerves in these two places are relatively dense, and people are unlikely to control them all at once. King Qin paid attention to a new subject, psychology. But the earliest psychology was used in crime detection. South Korea is a master in this regard. Because they have legalists like Han Feizi, and South Korea is also the country with the most murders. They naturally made great achievements in this area. King Qin just happened to learn such a new kind of knowledge.

"Does General Wang have any new views on armored warfare?" King Qin continued to ask. He hopes to change the subject to arouse Wang Jian's interest and reduce his discomfort. After all, in ancient times, every general was a kind of jealousy, because they held a lot of military power.

"Your Majesty, Chen believes that this armored vehicle warfare has existed since ancient times, and we can learn from the past." Wang Jian said.

"Yeah. Go on." King Qin motioned.

"In ancient times, there were cases of rushing vehicles, and the same was true for armored vehicles. The main role of armored vehicles was to make assaults. And to break the battle line and achieve a breakthrough in the battle. I think we can also use armored vehicles in this way. The armored vehicles cooperate with a certain number of infantrymen. Carry out coordinated operations. In this way, the current stable infantry direction can be broken to the greatest extent, and the armored vehicle can knock out the opponent's artillery position, provide a strong firepower support point for the infantry, and make the infantry's combat more reliable." Wang Jian Speaking of this.

"In this way, the current situation of the Koreans and Zhao Guoren is also the same, and the situation of our current exercise is also the same. They only achieved a breakthrough in tactics. If in a larger-scale battle, the infantry will obviously not be able to keep up. At this speed, is there any other way to solve this problem? For example, before equipping large-scale shock cavalry as we did before, we wanted to fight like that. I think this can still be done. Yes." King Qin said.

"My lord, the next thing is to arrange separate armored fighting vehicles into a type of unit, and then move forward together with infantry at a certain coordinated combat speed. This requires artillery and aviation to open the opposing line of defense. An important gap will lead to a larger-scale assault operation." Wang Jian said. The State of Qin had been specially equipped with independent chariot troops before, and they had indeed played such a battle result. Now, Qin is just doing what it did in the past, but Wang Jian doesn't think so. He believes that the current technical arms have some new problems, such as logistical supplies and assault firepower. In this way, the coordination ability of the troops requires a fairly high command level to complete, and if it is not done well, it will cause a lot of damage.

"Well, it sounds very excited. The widows can't wait to see such a new army appear." King Qin said with a smile. Then his sight shifted to the central training ground. The armored vehicles formed a large assault gap. The infantry behind was expanding along the gap. It seemed difficult for the infantry to defend against such a weapon.

But Wang Jian knew very well that such tactics and the organization of war would change a huge change in war. However, such tactics are based on the fact that Qin’s rapid development of motor vehicles is based. Without such a foundation, it would be impossible for Qin to form such a team under such a situation. The army, this is inseparable from the rapid development of Qin, without such development, it would be difficult for Qin to form such an army. It can be said that the reason why Qin State was able to build such a huge army relied on such a foundation, and this foundation was fully established by Shangwen. Without such a foundation, it can't be done at all.

And Li Mu was also aware of this. He seemed to have seen some specific methods of combat, which may not be worse than Wang Jian, but the problem is that national power, this kind of war requires a lot of national power. Without such a foundation, such a situation cannot be established at all. This is the factual basis for the decision of the economic base. And Qin State made use of a solid foundation like this, without such a foundation, it would be impossible to do such a thing at all.

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