The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3811: Mountain people dispatched troops

Koguryo, 21st Regiment, Regiment Headquarters.

"Is there no news from the second battalion?" Yang Keping entered his headquarters and asked a staff member anxiously. The staff member hurriedly saluted, and then nodded.

"Yes, sir, the second battalion, plus the seventh infantry company, there is still no news, sir, we have already sent additional personnel. I believe there will be news soon." The staff officer said.

"It must be fast. We have lost thirty-six hours of contact. They must have had an accident." Yang Ke said anxiously.

"Sir, I think it may be the mountain people who attacked again. They may have cut off the supply line of our second battalion and the back road. They are likely to be surrounded." At this time. A combat staff officer stepped forward and said in a low voice. He dared not speak too loudly. Because of this kind of thing, it hurts morale very much. This is not a good thing for them. So many staff officers know about such things, but they just don't want to say it. After all, they will lose a battalion of troops, which is the worst news for the 21st Regiment.

"You mean, one of my battalions has been surrounded." Yang Ke asked the staff officer.

"Yes, sir, I think this is already the case. The mountain people never put us harshly, they will do it, and after we lost contact, such a situation has already appeared. We should Be prepared for reinforcements. Sir." said the combat staff.

"It's unlikely. Our troops are not enough. If we attack, we may fall into the enemy's dangerous ambush. At most, we will conduct reconnaissance. Waiting for the news to return, and at the same time report the matter to the staff and national defense Ministry, I need reinforcements, at least some aerial reconnaissance." Yang Ke ordered this way.

"Yes, sir. I'm going to do such a thing now." The combat staff left here, but Yang Ke could not relax at all. Instead, he was nervous, he knew. Such things are very likely to happen.

Goguryeo 21st Step Corps, Second Battalion. Yang De was lying on an ammunition box in the trench and writing something, Lieutenant Mo Wen watched the mountain people awkwardly build their defensive formation in the distance. The positions they built were not as good as those of the Goguryeo soldiers, but they were similar, and it was already very useful to resist an attack by the Goguryeo army.

"Sir, be careful, the opponent has a sniper." A corporal came over cautiously and said to the lieutenant.

"I see." Mo asked the lieutenant to come down carefully. He is already paying attention to his concealment. When observing, he also specially used some pine branches to cover it, but this kind of camouflage was sometimes useless.

"Puff." Just then. A soldier at the Goguryeo observation post lay back on the ground, and there was some blood and brains on the soil wall behind. Obviously, the other party hit the key with a shot.

"God, almost." Lieutenant Mo Wen looked at the dead Goguryeo soldier on the ground and shook his head. Has been completely hopeless. The bullet hit the head, and the gods couldn't save the opponent. Yang De shook his head helplessly. With a sigh, another person died. Death has become numb here.

"Yesterday evening, the mountain people suddenly appeared and launched an attack on us. Although we were prepared, the loss was still relatively large. The three that went out. From this point of view, we have strengthened our defenses and we have sent them. Three patrols, but in the end, only half of the troops came back. They suffered heavy losses and everyone was injured. According to their description, at least more than a thousand people attacked them. Their marksmanship was extremely precise. The first round Firepower shot, many of them were killed. The worst thing is not here, there are many people who were seriously injured, but they did not receive any treatment, the mountain people suppressed them to death. Not only In this way, they also prepared a lot of grenades. Our patrol was unable to retreat. Then with hand-to-hand combat tactics, our people were completely driven into an irresistible situation. I don’t know how they finally ran. Come out." Yang De continued to write.

"Our situation now is that we are surrounded. Although most of the troops are still there, the panic is still spreading, because Goguryeo soldiers have never been surrounded like this before, and many people have not fought a war. They see It's very nervous. The mountain people don't seem to be eager to eat us. They just shoot cold shots at night or during the day. This is a clever sniper tactic. Many people were shot and killed, and then they couldn't survive. Being cut off, the contact with the outside world is also cut off. Without reinforcements, it seems difficult for us to launch a decent attack." Yang De said worriedly. But this is already the case. They can't do anything.

Zhao Guo, Handan, stock market. Many people are waiting anxiously. It seems that during this period of time, all stock prices have been frozen. Many stocks stay at one price for a long time.

"Hi, man, what do you do now?" a young man asked an older investor.

"What should I do?" The older man asked the other party, as if he didn't understand what the other party wanted to say.

"I mean, now that the stock market is motionless, I am very disturbed. I entered at a high position. This is very unfavorable to me. I don't know what to do?" the other party said.

"It's easy to handle. It's very dangerous to sell. This kind of market is hanging high in the sky. It is dangerous. I have sold all of it. I plan to find a place to spend a holiday and take a break. This kind of market fluctuation is too big. "The older investor said so.

"But, in this case, I still lost some money. This." The young investor said reluctantly.

"Hi, I said, if you want to make money, you'd better follow what I said. This kind of market, I know, is very dangerous, and the loss will not stop by itself. You'd better do this, why, I also said It’s not clear, since you feel the danger yourself, if the decline is even worse, do you think you can bear such a loss? Obviously, you cannot bear such a large loss. If so, why don’t you sell. Make a small loss. When the market is clear, you can enter again. I think this is very good for you and me, and that's it." said the older investor.

"Is this a piece of advice?" The young man was still a little reluctant. After all, it is not easy for them to get their money.

"Yes, it's advice. Anyway, I did it. If I go up, I will buy in and make some money, but if I make a mistake, then everything will face even greater disaster. In that case, it will only become even worse. . I don’t participate in it because I can’t bear it.” The other party said so.

"Well, wait for a moment. After dealing with this, I also plan to go on vacation. Let's go together and have a drink by the way. How about?" the young investor said.

"Hurry up and do this," the older investor said. Soon, the young people dealt with such orders. Because it happens that some people buy in, there are people who are long, and there are people who are short, and both parties have just entered a balance period. Under such circumstances, it is relatively easy to process some orders.

"Look at it, the stock of the railway company, my goodness." When the young man was about to choose that place for a drink, an exclamation came from the trading market behind.

"I dare say that it must be up. Otherwise, they won't scream like this." said the young man.

"Then have another drink and eat crayfish in Chu State by the way." said the elderly investor.

"Very well, I hope so too. In this case, it will be very beneficial to us." The young man said. Soon, they figured out the situation. The stocks of the railway company fell rapidly, and then the entire stock market began to fall. The decline seemed to come suddenly, because it was relatively rapid at the beginning, and many people were caught off guard. Those who were long became stupid and watched the decline blankly. , They have no idea what kind of disadvantages such a situation will create to them. Then they reacted slowly, but the fall was already a long way away. Many people suffered heavy losses.

"Oh, my goodness, you saved me, otherwise, I would suddenly become bankrupt. For me, it is simply the biggest life-saving opportunity." The young man said.

"Hehe, it seems that I think too little. You should ask me to eat hairy crabs or lobsters. In that case, I might become better." The other party said with a smile.

"Definitely, surely, I think it will definitely be done. I, I said, I will treat you to lobster, drink, and drink." The young man still looked at the plate, and the drop was quite strong, he felt Such a drop is very scary. But the older investors pulled the other party out of here at once, and the attraction there was too great. After all, there are many, many funds stirring up there, and this attraction is still great.

On the train going south, they heard the specific reasons for the decline in the market.

"Goguryeo, the Yan people sent troops to occupy the stage. The mountain people are very swift. They surrounded an army in Goguryeo, and they have a tendency to develop towards Qingshan. This situation is very bad for them, because it means The loss of railway stocks has become useless because of the war. This is really not good news." The young man said while looking at a newspaper.

"We avoided losses. This is victory, and this is profit. Such profit is very important to us." The other party said.

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