"Da da da." The sound of the machine gun came. The Korean infantry could only lie on the ground. He looked up and found that the Free Army soldier had fallen in a pool of blood. The more brutal tragedy is still to come. The machine guns roared. This sound sounded like a beast roaring. It sounded scary. The shells smashed a Lieutenant of the Free Forces on the spot, and the shells went directly. Hit on the waist, blood splashed on the spot, some unknown pieces of meat kept flying around, and more shells poured on the Free Army soldiers charging in front of them. They were killed and the blood mist flew across. It looks very crazy and cruel.

"Oh my God." A South Korean soldier said after seeing this scene. They couldn't move forward at all. This was an accident, and it was an accident. Many people understood this, because in the face of such an attack, no one would dare to go up and stop it. They could only watch the tragedy happen.

"Sir, this is an accident." An army officer hurriedly ran to the side of Sun Qing and said.

"Damn it, I know it was an accident, but we can't change such a situation at all. It has already happened. Can we still change this situation?" Sun Qing knew that those free armies would cause them trouble. . Originally, he thought they would be defeated, but he didn't expect that they would cause such a tragedy. Sun Qing suddenly felt that his life was a mistake. He was very angry, for these **** Free Army, they didn't keep their records at all.

The gunboat’s firepower is still continuing. They don’t care about accidents on the ground. They just follow the scheduled requirements of the exercise and shoot until the combat aircraft replaces him. Even if there is no ammunition, they also have to maintain this state, which is very serious to the opponent. Great sense of oppression.

"Okay, very good." Fabian waited for Loma diplomatic officials to give thumbs up, and they kept applauding.

"What are they doing?" Zhang Chen asked his adjutant. He didn't know what the Loma people were doing. They were very excited, don't they know it was an accident? Zhang Chen in the stands squeezed a sweat. Because he knew it was a big accident. The Free Army soldiers rushed to die by themselves, and no one could stop them. Fortunately, no Korean soldiers were killed, otherwise, he really didn't know how to explain such things. He just waited to reduce his position. But the Loma people were very excited.

"Sir. They are applauding. They think the program we arrange is very exciting. The Loma people are like this. They like exciting games like gladiators. They see **** scenes and are naturally willing to accept such a situation." Explained like this.

"Oh. It seems that Loma people will appreciate our exercise very much." Zhang Chen said slowly. He doesn't seem to care about the death of those Free Army soldiers. It's very simple. Those soldiers should be killed in battle. Anyway, the impact on them is relatively small. If an uncontrollable impact is really formed, he thinks it can be controlled. After all, he is the governor here.

"Yes, sir, I think so too. In this case, our situation will become very good. Our situation will be effectively controlled." The adjutant said.

"Yeah. For those free soldiers, just give them some comfort and let them know some benefits. We don't need to be entangled in such a thing. Our purpose is to love a few people. As for the Roma, they are here to set off the atmosphere. , Atmosphere, understand?" Zhang Chen said. He felt that the current atmosphere was very good. The Ptolemy diplomats who had been twittering at the beginning became silent. They seemed to have realized the threat of this exercise.

Just then. The gunboat attack was over. The belated fighters finally arrived with their bombs. They immediately launched an attack. Perhaps there was an accident. Perhaps it was an accident. A bomb flew out directly, blowing up a huge boulder on a pyramid. This spectacular sight deepens the impression of the Loma people, who believe that these aircraft will form a greater advantage.

Seth, the Seth people are entering their industrialization, and their army is also being reformed.

The Seth people formally established the Seth Defense Force, the General Staff, and the Ministry of National Defense. Two important military departments.

It needs to be pointed out that the Seth people changed their new army to the Wehrmacht. From the name point of view, they are more concerned with national defense, which saves them from facing more military pressures from South Korea and neighboring countries. This is a good benefit for them. This advantage allows them to effectively handle various diplomatic relations.

The total strength of the Seth Defence Force is maintained at about 120,000. They have established an army and an army aviation unit. There are three armies and nine divisions, of which there are three camel soldiers and cavalry units with a number of 5,000. Each division The number of combat personnel is about 8,000 to 9,000. In addition, there will be two artillery divisions. Three engineering regiments, and an army aviation unit with a number of about 3,000.

In addition to these, they also regularized the officers, and they established the Babylonian Military Academy. The Babylonian Non-commissioned Academy, which means that the Seth army has completed the modernization, which allows them to keep up with the steps of the world. Their equipment is also being gradually updated. They are generally equipped with bolt-action rifles, heavy machine guns, and light machine guns. The ammunition can basically be supplemented by themselves. Although the number of artillery is not very large, there are only more than two hundred, most of them are It's a 37mm gun, but. For the surrounding army, they are already a terrifying military force. Regularization means an increase in the military strength of the Seth army. The Seth people will be in a proactive state in future military struggles.

It needs to be pointed out that the Seth people have realized the importance of railways, and they have also established a railway force. They protect and maintain railways in peacetime. They are also a good reserve force when fighting. They are active. They introduced a new type of equipment, armored trains from Zhao, they are very interested in armored vehicles, but the problem is. They cannot introduce such equipment. In desperation, they can only retreat to the introduction of armored trains. They hope to use such weapons to make up for the shortcomings of their armored trains.

However, it should be pointed out that the Seth army did not establish a navy, because they did not have an outlet to the sea, and naturally they could not establish a navy. How could a landlocked country establish its own navy? The air force is only subordinate to the Army’s Army Air Force. , And these all require them to make great progress. This also requires their own efforts.

Yan State, in the Prince's Mansion.

"South Korea is currently paying attention to the situation in Indy, and they feel powerless about the situation in the north. The Chu people are the same. They are paying attention to the problem of cotton people in Myanmar. They have conscripted most of their troops and went to Myanmar. For us Here, they can only say that they can mediate at the right time, but if they let them fight and help us, they also feel beyond their reach." The Foreign Minister said to Prince Dan of Yan Guo.

"In this way, our country Yan is in a state of isolation and helpless diplomacy?" Prince Dan asked.

"I'm afraid that's the case." The Foreign Minister said. They can't change such a situation. It is indeed the responsibility of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. However, there are problems with Yan's entire strategy, which naturally makes them feel powerless. After all, they cannot change such a situation.

"Well, your Royal Highness, we are only temporarily suspending military operations. Generally speaking, we are still very good." The Secretary of the Army cleared the siege.

"It's really good. We haven't achieved our goal yet to occupy the other side's Qingshan. This shows that our task is still not completed." Prince Dan said.

"His Royal Highness, our most important task at the moment is to stop further military operations. At the same time, let the people of Qin and Zhao enter us, let them investigate the truth of the facts, and then we can take the place currently occupied as our own. In this case It is still very beneficial to our country Yan." The Defense Minister said. Their current main purpose is to preserve their military results, because under the pressure of the external environment, continuing to expand is obviously extremely inappropriate. Under such conditions, their best way is to keep their vested interests, which will be more beneficial to them.

"Well, yes, we should indeed do this." Prince Dan said.

"Qin State and Zhao Guoguo organized a military observation group to come over. They will investigate some things, and then they will submit some reports. At this stage, we must control our own military struggles, and at the same time, try our best to ensure that we are in the region. Military existence cannot allow the contradiction to expand. That’s it.” Prince Dan didn’t know what kind of result they were going to achieve, because his order seemed contradictory. On the one hand, he wanted to control, but on the other hand, they were required to achieve this The requirements are very contradictory before and after. This also shows that in fact, Prince Dan himself is extremely contradictory.

"I think it is difficult to do such a thing. How can we not expand the contradiction and keep this result? We must know that there is still a Goguryeo army in the Taishan area." The Secretary of the Army said this to the Secretary of Defense after he came out.

"Therefore, we have to resolve such a problem as soon as possible. Then we maintain the existence of our military power." The Secretary of Defense said. The Secretary of the Army shrugged, he said he didn't understand.

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