The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3847: This person is unavailable

On the position of the Carthaginian army, the entire battlefield became silent. Many soldiers easily hide in the trenches in a daze. This is the best way for them to relax. If there is a cigarette at this time, they will definitely light one. Unfortunately, only a few people in Qin can smoke this kind of thing. It seems that tobacco at this time is just a pastime of the upper class, and it seems impossible for the soldiers at the bottom.

"What are we shouting?" Suddenly Li Wei heard something loudly shouting in Celtic aboriginal language on the battlefield. This language sounds very unpleasant, just like the prayer of a witch doctor in the Central Plains.

"Persuade them to surrender, no one will come to rescue them. Seriously, I really can't believe it. We actually used 5,000 people to surround each other. Now we only have this strength. There are 20,000 people in the entire encirclement. , This is really a large-scale miracle operation." Hannibal looked a little excited, his face was pale and his eyes were bloodshot. He hasn't slept well these days, and if the Celtics in the encirclement didn't surrender, he might never be able to sleep peacefully.

"This is indeed a big victory, but the problem is that we must allow more than 20,000 Celtics with combat effectiveness in the encirclement to surrender, although it seems to be the best for us in the longer term. Opinion matters. However, if we can't do such a thing well, our trouble will come." Li Wei said.

"So, we try to surrender each other. In this case, we may guarantee some of their rights, or in other words, we can let them live quietly." Hannibal said.

Li Wei doesn't say anything anymore. Perhaps, the later things are more like things done together between politicians and soldiers. The Celtics will still resist, but they must be given certain benefits. In this way, they can completely solve a lot of things. The problem is. This mainly tests the political literacy of a commander. At this point, Li Wei can only remind the opponent of the military danger from a military perspective. However, on the political level, he can do very limited. After all, he does not do many things. understandable. Perhaps such a call is not very meaningful, but the key is that they can solve many, many problems, and these problems can enable them to adjust some status in time. Hannibal is considering this matter.

Thebes. The merchants of Zhao State are buying any arms and weapons they can buy. The weapons provided by the local factories in Zhao State are very limited. This does not mean that they cannot produce them. On the contrary, they do. Just because of the development of the market, I have not yet arrived here, and many things are unexploded projects. Therefore, the few arms dealers in the country of Zhao can only find some junk goods from the Korean army to solve the problem.

"Most people don't buy this stuff. If you need it, I can give you a friendly price, two hundred gold coins, you take it." A South Korean navy officer said with a wine glass. He is a captain and belongs to the nearby speedboat unit. This weapon was disassembled from the speedboat, and it was obviously a defensive weapon on the speedboat. Machine guns can maintain a high rate of fire, but under normal circumstances, few people buy such things. First, machine guns are expensive. Machine guns can be sold for three hundred gold coins a day, and the subsequent consumption of ammunition has almost reached a staggering two hundred. It can be said that gold coins are not really rich people, they simply cannot afford such things, so they bought them. The bullet money is enough to buy another machine gun. All, the usual practice is that they will buy a lot of rifles to fill the front, because the number of rifles is large, and the consumption of ammunition is not a lot, the same hundreds of bullets, if they are given a few rifles, they may be able to continue fighting. A few days, but, given the machine gun, there was no effort in the blink of an eye. This kind of consumption ratio is really not cost-effective. Therefore, few people buy machine guns. Although the machine gun has a very broad prospects, or in other words, it is a weapon with great potential, no one will buy such a weapon. He brought it. Yes, waste. It costs a lot of money, which is simply not affordable for ordinary people.

"There is only one, too few. We need a lot, otherwise, we can't conduct such a business at all." Said a Zhao Guo businessman.

"Young?" the captain put down his glass and asked.

"Yes, too little. One gun can only be used for robbery, you know, if you robbery, one machine gun is enough. But we have to do big business, one gun is too small. And, we still pay Need artillery. This is a big business." The other party looked at the machine gun and shook his head and said. If there is only one, such a deal may be worthwhile, but because there is only one machine gun, it cannot form a quantitative advantage, such a deal can only be regarded as a surprise.

"Wait. How much do you want?" the captain asked. To be honest, they came here very uninteresting. Their speedboat force became a patrol force, the Carthage pirates withdrew from the nearby area, and they became pirate merchants. That is to say, they do business with equal strength. , If the strength is not equal, they will not do business. This is doomed to a great change in the opponent's situation, and this change is that they will not take the initiative to cause trouble.

The South Korean navy has nowhere to use it, and patrolling has become a boring thing. They have obtained the right to dominate the sea nearby, and there are not a large number of smuggling ships for them to find, which reduces their income. Because the merchants are very high-ranking and the taxes given by the Koreans are very low, this has greatly attracted the increase in trade. , But it is not good news for these naval officers, which means that their income is declining rapidly. They need extra money, so they report damage to their weapons, and then do some weapons smuggling business.

"We need as many as you have. I need at least 20 machine guns. In addition, I need some artillery. Without these artillery, I would not buy it." The other party said.

"This is a big deal. We don't have so many goods. We need to add money. We can find a way as soon as possible, of course. We can get you some portable artillery." The captain said.

"Well, we can talk about the price." Zhao Guo businessman said.

"But in terms of ammunition and transportation, I need you to meet us as soon as possible." The other party said.

"Of course, there is absolutely no problem with this. We still expect the ammunition to earn some pension." The captain said with a smile. It’s not just the South Korean navy that is in the arms smuggling business, but also the army guys. They have already sold some of their machine guns and rifles. Anyway, various losses are possible. While they are still young, they should make some money. The Army and Navy think so. They don't care where these weapons will go.

"Man, do you want to see some goods too?" Just when the merchant was negotiating prices and goods, he happened to meet a fellow of his own town, and the other party was also doing this. Everyone knew that. Everyone makes money. It's natural to communicate.

"Yeah. What are you doing?" the businessman asked his fellow countryman.

"Oh. I plan to get a bargain from China. At the same time, I got a loan from the bank to hoard a batch of goods." The fellow villager said while looking around.

"Oh." Upon hearing such news, the businessmen were shocked. Although they are small businessmen, this does not prevent them from being sensitive to information. This sensitivity allows them to do some speculative things. Speculation means risks. Increase, and at the same time, their profits will become very terrible.

"Tell me?" The businessman asked his fellow villagers curiously.

"This is not a place to talk, let's go there and talk." Talking that the fellow villagers took the other person into a tea house, and in the remote corner of the tea house, they began to tell some things.

"That's it. We got a message from a high-ranking South Korean official that the Roma are going to attack Carthage. They plan to attack from the sea. In this case, the Roma can land there directly. Think about it. When this happens, the entire Carthage will need a lot of weapons. What I know is that the Koreans transferred the Shazhou cavalry, those mercenaries, to the Roma. If needed, the Koreans will provide more. For arms, the Koreans are building more warships in Thebes to provide to the Roma, all of which are steamships of that kind. The threat of the Carthaginians will become very great.” The other side said.

"Is this news true?" The businessman was also startled when he heard the news.

"Very reliable. I heard that their Senate has issued an order. The entire Roma people are in a state of preparation for war. Under such conditions, their situation will attack at any time. I absolutely believe that they are finished." Speaking of this.

"Yeah. I believe this too. However, it would be quite dangerous to stock up like this." The merchant asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I am also worried about this, and I still borrow money from the bank. If we can't get the money, our goods will be completely useless. Without such a big market, our goods are just a bunch of scrap iron. "The other party also said worriedly. It is indeed objective to think about profits, but at the same time, to think about the risks they have to take is also objective. Therefore, the best way at this time is to find a partner and share the risk.

"I, I want to have an unrelenting invitation, can you participate in it?" the businessman asked worriedly.

"Partnership?" asked the fellow villager.

"Yes." The businessman nodded and said, as if he was a little embarrassed.

"I also have this intention. In this way, our risk can be reduced a lot. Of course. If we make a profit, we should proceed according to the risk we take. However, there are still many things we don’t understand. This requires us. To do a lot of things, such a thing, we must find a way to solve it." Said the same town.

"Yeah. Don't worry about this matter. I think we will definitely be able to tide over the difficulties." The other party said so. Then the two people began to discuss specific details.

With the liberalization of the Spanish market, especially the increase in the demand for munitions, an army’s munitions demand is very large, and such a large demand has brought a huge demand for munitions.

State of Zhao, Handan.

"Is there such a thing?" Zhao Jia asked a servant next to him.

"That's true, son, that's what the king said." The servant said in a low voice.

"Great. In this case, even if my prime minister's position is fixed." Zhao Jia said excitedly.

"However, son, there is one thing that still needs to be done by son." The servant said carefully.

"Oh. What's the matter?" Young Master Jia asked.

"That's the case, the son, Prime Minister Guo also contributed to Zhao Guo, and the king is not willing to slander the world. Therefore, I hope that the son will visit him." The servant persuaded.

"Yeah. Okay. Listen to the waiter, don't leave the waiter, come, send the waiter to rest." Gong Zijia arranged.

Although Gongzi Jia was unwilling, he still went to see Guo Kai. After all, such a thing was helpful to his reputation.

Inside the King Zhao Hospital.

"Wang Shang. Wang Shang." Guo Kai lay on the hospital bed and looked at Wang Zhao.

"Go on. This matter, the widow will not be held accountable. Don't worry, don't worry." Zhao Wang comforted the other party.

"Come on, Xie Wang, come on," Guo Kai said.

"Go on, the next prime minister, I don't know how to let Young Master Jia take over as prime minister?" Zhao Wang asked.

"Ah. No, no. King, no. The son is good-natured, so, conflicts with other countries will inevitably break out. If this happens, my country, Zhao, will inevitably be a catastrophe." Guo Kai said alarmistly.

"This." Zhao Wang was a little worried. He felt that Guo Kai still did not give up his power at this time.

"My lord, the current countries, South Korea, and Chu are the strongest, and Qin will inevitably check and balance my Zhao. If Zhao acts rashly, it will inevitably cause huge fluctuations. And Gongzi Jia will inevitably develop a great war if he doesn't care about these things. I am Zhao Guo." Guo Kai persuaded. Guo Kai was already able to speak, and he understood that this might be his last moment.

"This." Zhao Wang still has some hesitations, obviously, Zhao Wang is unwilling to do this.

"Father, Prime Minister." At this moment, the son Zhao Jiajin came.

"Oh. Jiaer. Come and see Prime Minister Guo." Zhao Wang said with a smile. It seems that Wang Zhao’s greatest confidence lies here.

"Huh." Guo Kai closed his eyes immediately.

"Prime Minister, I am again disrespectful to the Prime Minister, and I apologize." Young Master Jia saluted.

"You, you. Get out. Get out." Guo Kai looked at each other seriously.

"Your Majesty, the position of prime minister should not be handed over to this person, and should not be handed over to this person." Guo Kai said excitedly.

"Here." Zhao Wang looked at the other party and looked at Guo Kai puzzled.

"Puff." At this moment, Guo Kai vomited blood.

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