The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3924: The fighting will of the Roma

"Bah." Zhao Jia spit out the food in his mouth.

"Is it right?" Zhao Jia asked if he didn't believe in such a thing.

"Yes. Prime Minister, you are not mistaken, this is indeed the case," the assistant replied.

"This silly country is so poor that it is so poor. He even dared to declare war. I really don't know how death was written." Zhao Jia commented.

"Prime Minister, what should we do?" the assistant asked worriedly.

"Of course it is to support the Goguryeo people. The Goguryeo people are very important to us. Recently, their bonds have risen very sharply. We have made a lot. This time is an opportunity. You have to keep an eye on it. If you release the bonds, just Eat it all, we can support it diplomatically and accuse the people of Yan's unjust behavior." Zhao Jia said. Then continue to enjoy their own breakfast. His breakfast time is very long, after all, it takes time to chew slowly.

Qin State, Xianyang.

"I didn't expect it to be so fast." Shang Wen said after reading the telegram. After the gun battle began, the Yan people quickly made the next move, and the gunshots came to the front line before the war officially began. On the other side, Goguryeo got the news. Immediately declared war, Zhao Guo received news of solidarity with the Goguryeo people, and accused the Yan people of unrighteousness. They occupied the territory of other countries, which was not done by the Central Plains countries. This was a shame for the Central Plains countries. Such humiliation can be said to be very serious. After all, the people of Yan are desperate for face, and such condemnation by the people of Zhao will definitely offend the people of Yan.

"Yes, things happened very quickly." Meng Yi said, almost overnight, everything was finalized. Before 8:30 in the morning, people had just finished their breakfast, and a big battle had already begun.

"Dangdang." At this moment, Shangwen's assistant came in and he handed in a new telegram. Shang Wu opened it quickly and looked at it, then shook his head helplessly.

"Let's take a look, this is the response of the people of Yan. The diplomatic personnel of the State of Zhao are expelled. This is still a gift." Shang Wen said with a smile. Meng Yi saw it quickly and shook his head helplessly. The Yan Guoren's actions would further worsen the situation, and such an approach was not conducive to controlling the situation.

"Very helpless, but this is also a very normal thing. After all, they can't do this kind of thing." Meng Yi said.

"I think it won't be long before Zhao Guoren will take the same measures to cut off diplomatic relations and send out gifts, and the other diplomatic personnel will be expelled in this way." Meng Yi continued.

"Well. This kind of thing will definitely go on, but this war is about to go on. As for the impact of this war, we must consider. Because the victory of this war has already been separated," Shang Wen said.

"Prime Minister, we should also pay attention to some things. It is about rest. Goguryeo can divert part of our attention for the time being, but I think if it takes too long, there may be big changes. We can't help but prepare earlier." Meng Yi said.

"Well. Let the Shaman submit a report. In other words, we will conduct an investigation and investment ourselves. In this case, it can be regarded as an explanation for us." Shang Wen said.

"Yeah. Okay." Meng Yi nodded. Shang Wen is now under great pressure, because King Qin also expressed his support for this war, which means that Qin must fight a war. In this way, Shang Wen will endure it. The pressure is still considerable. Faced with such a situation, Shangwen can only make large-scale operational adjustments. After all, such things can be effectively developed, and a limited-scale war can meet such a demand.

Spain, in the Carthage barracks, the Loma on the opposite side also became quiet. The two sides temporarily entered a period of peaceful confrontation.

Although the artillery is very powerful, but for the Romans who eluded the underground fortifications, they were lucky, because the bombs could not threaten them, and they could guarantee their safety in the trenches. As for the Carthaginians, apart from firing guns, they were shooting cold shots. It seemed impossible to attack, because the Roma would shoot javelins from behind, and then they would continue to yell. If the Carthaginians attacked, they would definitely Pay a heavy price. Occupation is detrimental to the Carthaginians. Because they look very anxious, they can easily take Sagunto, but they don't want to run into trouble here.

"Should we wait until dawn to act?" Hannibal asked, looking at Li Wei.

"No. In that case, it would be meaningless. You have seen it in the past few days. The Loma people's defenses are still very good, and their vigilance is very high. We should learn from this." Li Wei said. For Loma soldiers, Li Wei had a very high evaluation. He believed that the opponent was a kind of high-quality soldiers. They were brave in combat, full of responsibility, and intervened in sacrifice. In the previous attack, the grenade was a great threat, but the Loma soldier actually invented a method, that is, to press the grenade with his body. Reduce the damage of shrapnel. After all, if you explode in the trenches, the power in your hands will be very large, and all soldiers in the trenches will suffer great losses. This kind of self-sacrifice made Li Wei very shocked. This is definitely not an ordinary army, because an army without self-sacrifice is not a good army. In contrast, the situation of the Carthaginians will be very poor. They are only interested in the spoils of war, and they can win the battle, but in such a tough battle, they need time and energy to polish their patience.

"I understand." Hannibal had nothing to say. After all, his army was not an iron army. They were mercenaries. There was a big gap between such an army and the Roma.

When the sun came out, it was the darkest time and the easiest time for a sneak attack. The commando was divided into five teams and quietly touched the front of the Loma position. The Loma people were very vigilant, but helpless it was night. A trench, and some barbs, these things can only deal with cold weapons, but for the elite commandos, they can't defend at all. Even if it is barbed wire, these things can't help them. They leaned in quietly, and then took out the grenades.

"Puff." The grenade pulled the string. Then throw it all in the trenches.

"Boom. Boom." A continuous explosion sounded, and the Loma was killed by surprise.

"Kill." The commando soldier bravely jumped into the trench.

"Bang bang bang." The soldier who jumped in first took out his pistol and fired continuously. The bullet killed two Loma soldiers on the spot. Some of the others were killed and some were injured. The Taiji soldiers cut off the opponent's neck quickly, and blood was everywhere in the trenches.

"Roma, shoot, bang. Bang, bang," a Carthage ensign shouted loudly. His pistol quickly ran out of a magazine, and then a commando soldier from behind quickly stepped forward. Pull the bolt and start shooting. It was an expensive submachine gun, and the bullets that fell out were like gold. If possible, the shells are to be recycled.

"Tutu, tutu, tutu." The bullets kept firing, and the Romans who reacted quickly were at a loss. They didn't expect the Carthaginians to attack in such a situation.

"Grenade, hurry up." The ensign then shouted loudly.

"Boom. Boom." The grenade exploded continuously, and the arm of one of the Romans that was exploded flew out, and the Romans' counterattack was suddenly repelled. However, the Romans seemed unwilling to give up. They kept throwing javelins, stones, and coming over, and sometimes dropped some heavy explosives bags. The Romans also had gunpowder. They began to make explosives bags. Inspired by the Taiji people, the Carthaginians had standard grenades, but the Romans did not. But they can imitate it, so they created something like an explosive bag. This weapon is very lethal, and the Carthaginians themselves are more afraid of this stuff.

"This is not something we can solve at all." The second lieutenant was very surprised when he saw the Loma take out their killer weapon. Because the Roma counterattack is very resolute. Although they lag behind each other in weapons and fight in the trenches, Carthage soldiers equipped with shotguns, submachine guns and pistols can easily control the residence, but they are afraid of the crazy charge of the opponent not afraid of death.

"Tutu. Tutu." A lot of Loma corpses have been accumulated in the trenches. It can be said that the Loma people no longer need to come over from the trench now. Because the trench has been blocked by the corpse. However, just like this, the Loma people are still advancing, and those who are not afraid of death, rushed over with the explosive bag.

"Boom." A pity, not far from the commando team, the Roma's explosive bag was hit by a flying bullet, and then it caused a bigger explosion to face such an explosion. The Loma were not afraid at all, on the contrary, this aroused their fighting spirit.

"Crazy man, too crazy. Have the infantry come up yet?" the ensign cursed anxiously.

"They are coming soon. A soldier shouted, and then their soldiers came in and reported.

"Gudong. These Roma people are not afraid of death. It is meaningless for us to hold here." The ensign was very scary when he saw the Roma people's crazy counterattack. He felt that at this time, he should give the opponent a fierce shelling to stop him. The opponent's offense, in this case, they may still have some hope. This is an extremely **** war. The Loma people's fighting will is too strong. This makes them feel a trace of fear.

"The offense seems to be very unsuccessful." Li Wei said with a telescope. ,

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