The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3934: Haste is not enough

Goguryeo front line. Inside the trenches. Some soldiers joked carelessly. But many people are taciturn and unwilling to speak.

The war is here. The war is truly here. It is not a war like this, but a war of offensive operations, a war that will cause many people to lose.

"What are those short Wadao soldiers doing here?" A second-class silly soldier asked an veteran, but the veteran was busy wiping his rifle clean.

"You stupid." Just then. A sergeant kicked the opponent's ass, and the opponent fell and ate shit.

"Hahaha." It's rare for everyone to laugh. They think this fool's deflated appearance is very funny, at least they feel a little bit relaxed.

"It's almost going to war. If you don't wipe your rifle, will you have to wait until the Yan Guoren's rifle kills you?" The sergeant looked at the other side and asked. The war has really come. The atmosphere immediately fell silent. Although the foolish soldier didn't know why everyone was so silent and depressed, he felt that he should be happier. The war had nothing to do with them.

"I heard that the situation is not so good for us. We are going to launch an offensive. It belongs to the second wave. The first wave will be carried out by the **** Washima soldiers. They are responsible for moving forward and clearing all obstacles. Then we move forward. The problem Yes, we don't know how many machine guns the Yan people have deployed. What kind of threat will their machine guns pose to us?" The sergeant said to a veteran. Attacking the well-arranged position of the opponent made all the veterans feel depressed. Because the opponent has set up a large number of death traps, you don't know what the opponent has prepared for you. The artillery can bombard wildly, and their mission is complete. However, how many machine gun strongholds were blown up. No one told them that the front was unknown. Once a machine gun appeared, many people were suppressed.

"We can't control these for the time being. I just know that we have to prepare more explosive kits. The enemy will have a lot of machine guns, so we don't want to blow them up." The veteran said. They could not disobey the military order and could only accept the order silently. This repressive atmosphere made everyone feel a little unbearable. The veterans can only prepare more explosive kits to deal with some future situations, such a situation may have a great impact on them.

At the Goguryeo artillery position, two heavy artillery regiments have entered the position. They have 72 artillery pieces of 120 mm caliber. The preparation of shells is extremely abundant. They will form a huge storm blow to the entire Yan State position. They believe that their cannon can destroy everything.

Yan State, inside the Prince's Mansion.

"Prince, we can't recruit more soldiers. Our finances can no longer be maintained, and taxation has already plunged this country into disaster. The demonstrations outside are already very light. Riots have already occurred in some places." The Minister of Finance reported to Prince Dan anxiously.

"Riot?" Prince Dan looked at each other.

"A group of troubled people, they have caused such harm to us. The entire country of Yan is fighting against the invasion of Goguryeo, and they are openly fighting against their own country. What is the difference between treason and radical extinction." Prince Dan cursed.

"This. Prince, we should stop taxation and restore normal economic order. All of this is caused by excessive taxation. At present, we can only achieve our current situation when we reduce this as much as possible. If you don't do this, it will cause serious disaster. Prince." The Finance Minister persuaded.

"No, the war has entered a very critical time. The Ministry of National Defense has sent a report saying that our mountain troops have reached the back of the Goguryeo. As long as we persist, we will persist for a period of time, and the situation of the Goguryeo will be the same. Jin Hui will immediately fall into disaster. This is very beneficial to us. What we need to do is such a situation. We can solve a lot of things. As long as they persevere and persevere, as for those riots, The local police and the nearby army carried out annihilation. This is not a major event.” Prince Dan said.

The Minister of Finance is in trouble. As long as they borrow money, they can solve the problem. But Prince Dan was unwilling to do this, because it meant that Yan Guo had to mortgage a lot of possessions and let go of more monopolistic markets. This was a situation that nobles and the royal family would never want to see. Such an approach will directly lead to further deterioration of their financial situation.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The pressure on our side has been reduced a lot, but the pressure on the rest is great. I don't know what will happen to their military operations? Don't make any mistakes." Meng Yi said with a report from rest. To.

"Don't worry about this matter. I want to know, who will be the prime minister after me?" Shang Wu asked such a question.

"Naturally there are people, I don't want to compete. And if you compete, it's too tired." Meng Yi said.

"Oh?" Shang Wen was a little strange.

"Such a topic is not like what you Meng Yi said. I think you should compete appropriately and prepare for a campaign for the position of the prime minister in the future." Shang Wen persuaded.

"No, no. I have thought about this problem. I once held such a position as prime minister. To be honest, my feeling is that it made me very flustered. I couldn't handle many things well, even though I did it later. It’s better, but relatively speaking, I don’t think what I have done is really good enough. You know such a result, my idea is like this. I want to take a break, maybe our way of thinking will have inertia, such as , I have always served as your deputy prime minister. In this way, I can't think about many problems well. I just follow your way of thinking to solve problems." Meng Yi said.

"If this is the case, there will be mental inertia. This is not a good result. This will cause us great trouble. For example, I will continue your previous policy, small-scale wars, but large-scale wars. The war in China is not suitable for the present, but you have seen it now. Many countries are expanding wildly. If we do not expand, no one will support us. In such a state, it seems that it is difficult for us to solve this problem. So, the only way is to take a break, study and observe calmly. Then I walk around, I have already planned it. Go to the Western Regions, the North, or take a boat. I heard that Thebes is very good. There are mysterious pyramids and the Mediterranean Sea. I think we can go to that place to take a look. If this is the case, the problem can be solved a lot." Meng Yi said to himself. In fact, Meng Yi had already made plans.

Shangwen once persuaded the other party to participate in the election of the prime minister, but Meng Yi is a cautious person. He analyzed many situations. He believed that he was unlikely to succeed in running for the current prime minister. Moreover, on the deputy prime minister, how long did he serve as the prime minister. It's very long, and many things make him feel exhausted. If he continues to serve as the prime minister, his body will not be able to bear it. Therefore, under such circumstances, he chose to take a step back. In this way, he can find a time and take a good rest. This is a very good choice. Meng Yi thought so too.

"So, for other candidates, we need a candidate to serve as the prime minister?" Shang Wen asked.

"I think that each of me can be an officer. It meets the needs of people for future expansion. There is already a role like Li Si and the father of an arms dealer. I think the Democratic Party should introduce a soldier in this regard. Everyone can meet such conditions. Either Wang Ben, or other people, I think they can." Meng Yi suggested.

"Well, yes, but Meng Tian lacks in this aspect. Although he has served as an assistant to the secretary of defense or a consultant, he is not an expert in the office and dealing with related issues. The military is very knowledgeable about economics and politics. It seems that he can't handle the problem too well. He has no relevant results to illustrate this point. If such a thing does happen, I am worried that such a thing cannot be handled well." Shangwen said.

"If this is the case, we should make up for this in time." Shang Wen said.

"Well, I think it can be transferred to the security department of the prime minister's office to carry out this work. In this case, we can also make compensation for the prime minister." Meng Yi said.

Meng Yi worries about habitual thinking in his work, which is indeed terrifying. Because Meng Yi worked for a long time. If he continues Shangwen's economic policy, he may not receive a lot of support. On the contrary, everyone will oppose him, and his political career will be over. But Meng Tian's political career seems too little. People are not very familiar with this military general, and there are many better generals than him, for example, Wang Jian and his son, they are also doing very well. The media's evaluation is also very high. Thus. Shangwen does not seem to have much advantage in his future elections. The situation suddenly reached a deadlock.

Shangwen feels that in future elections, the Democratic Party seems to lose to Lee Si, who has already started activities early.

In the lobby of a high-end hotel in Xianyang, banks and arms entrepreneurs are holding dance parties here. In fact, this is a place for information exchange. It is impossible for the media to know some information. They will organize various To pass on these messages to each other, so that they can get more support.

"It is true that a lot of money can be made from the arms trade, but we need to pay more production costs and transportation costs. Most importantly, the people in Dawan seem to be not very satisfied with this move." Li Si seemed to be at the party. Hot spot, his economic view has convinced many people. They believe that this person is the future prime minister. He is more mature and experienced than Shangwen, and is proficient in various management modes. He can take care of various groups. For example, banks, they are not only seeking capital security, but also benefits, huge benefits. They hope to be able to obtain financial security. This sense of security urgently needs them to be able to create a kind of I feel very good investment environment.

"Think about it, it seems that this kind of production is not possible in Anxi. Most of their population has gone for military expansion. The labor force is not too sufficient, and their industrial base is still relatively weak, and many facilities are not perfect. What I know is that they only have electricity supply in their capital Xindu. This is terrible news for the industry." Li Si said.

"In contrast, the situation in Dawan is much better. The local labor force is abundant. Although their population is not very large, they are still very large. In addition to some of them engaged in mineral labor, there is also a considerable part of the rich labor force. We You can set up factories there, and the industrial raw materials are very close. They can greatly help us solve the problem of raw materials. Therefore, I suggest setting up a series of simple factories there, such as bullet production, where there are abundant Resource advantages can help us solve this problem. In this way, all of our things can be solved very well." Li Si said.

"Mr. Li thinks very well. If this is the case, it can also drive our economic investment. This will be a lucky thing for us." Many entrepreneurs said excitedly.

"Haha. I have passed the award. I have passed the award." Li Si seemed to be willing to enjoy such praise, because it would allow him to satisfy his vanity. After all, he is a person who climbed up from the bottom, and the pursuit of entrepreneurs and bankers made him feel a little airy. Li Si continued to study many economics courses, which made many people believe that this scholar-type prime competitor has a great advantage, and this advantage will fully lead Qin into a new era. They believe that Li Si may Will do better than Shang Wen. After all, some of Shangwen's current practices are not supported by bankers. In the era of widespread expansion in various countries, Shangwen appears conservative and backward. This makes many people feel dissatisfied. They believe that Shangwen has solidified his thinking to a certain extent. They need a new development to solve all the problems.

And what Qin must solve is such a situation. Li Si will inevitably be chosen by history.

Loma. The Senate, the senators all walked slowly down the steps, they seemed very calm. The only exception is Fabian, he is very lonely, and few veterans take the initiative to interact with him.

"Let's go." Fabian looked tired, and Zhang Jun knew that the other party's persuasion had failed again. Zhang Jun contacted the bank and obtained several plans. These plans still look good, and at least the effect is very satisfactory, but the problem is that the veterans are not willing to buy such accounts, in their opinion. The situation seems to be very unsatisfactory to them, because they can't solve many places.

"Mister looks tired?" In the carriage, Zhang Jun asked such a question. The Koreans were very interesting. They presented Fabian a good carriage. The carriage made his condition much better. There is only a carriage like him in Loma, but the problem is that the elders isolate him very much. It seems that it is because of such a carriage that Fabian is in a state of isolation.

"Yes, the veterans do not agree to do this. I have tried my best. But they just do not agree, and I am almost angry. But they just don’t want to do this. I really don’t know. I’m I should beg them, or something. These **** veterans." Fabian said angrily.

"Perhaps the situation is not yet in time. We need to solve a lot of problems to get to the progress of such a thing." Zhang Jun persuaded.

"Really? I don't look at this issue that way, you know? We received an emergency military report from the front line. The situation is very dangerous for us, the Carthaginians. They wiped out our Roman legion of about 10,000 people. This Almost more than half of the Roman military power. In Spain, our military power has been weakened a lot. And the time between Sagunto and the elimination of our Loma Army is very short, which is a large-scale frontal battle. , We won’t lose so much strength. I don’t know if it comes down to Commander Locka, or the timidity of the soldiers. They are all brave soldiers, and they are all good soldiers. Under such circumstances, I really don’t Know what to say. This is not our fault, but a **** weapon. We should clearly recognize this." Fabian said.

"I can understand this, but such a change cannot be done all at once, sir. What we need is time, patiently let our elders realize this, maybe they can change this state." Zhang Jun thought Know what exactly happened. What happened in Spain. In such a short period of time, the Lockheed Martin Army suffered them. Is their loss amazing? My God, thinking about this, it feels very sad, or in other words, it makes people feel very scared. After all, no one knows what will happen there.

"Although there are many things far beyond my imagination, but this is the situation, we must make adjustments, the faster, the more beneficial to us." Fabian said.

"Sir, there is a saying among us that haste is not fast. We want to speed up, but we can't achieve this speed. This puts us in a very unfavorable state. In such a situation , We should calm down, or in other words, we should think of ways to solve such problems, or we can try a brand-new way to solve them." Zhang Jun explained.

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