Spain. New Carthage. Inside the office of Carthage Hastoro Barr. He is Hannibal's younger brother, and now he is the ruler of the Carthaginians throughout Spain. He needs to solve many things. A lot of copywriting work greatly exceeds the scope of his work, which makes him feel very uncomfortable.

"Sir, we have already had several logistics and transportation units under attack." A lieutenant colonel reported with a folder. This is very abnormal. Generally speaking, it means that there is a very dangerous force nearby.

"Don't worry about these. Those are just some of the harassment initiated by the local aboriginal tribes. We can send our cavalry and musketeers to deal with them. They can't resist such an attack. These people, they don't make us very much. A big threat." Hastorum Barr said indifferently.

"But, sir, I think we should be careful. After all, such people pose a lot of Ade threats to us. Although this belongs to the scope of public order, we should be careful. After all, the whole of Spain, It belongs to us now." The lieutenant colonel reported carefully.

"Okay. I know. Let the cavalry handle these things, and they will clean up these rats as soon as possible." Their commander said casually. This matter is nothing to him at all. To be honest, Hannibal's brother was not a good commander. He lacks wise and decisive judgment, and at the same time is far inferior to his brother in fighting will. He can only be regarded as a third-rate general, but it is still very reluctant to let him control the entire Spain.

"Yes. Sir," the lieutenant colonel said helplessly. Carthage did not attract much attention. Even though they thought there was a problem, they had not thought that this was an attack by the Roma. They just regarded it as an attack by a local tribe. After all, , The local tribe still did not express much surrender. The Carthaginians did not arouse enough awareness, which made the Carthaginians lose an opportunity to stabilize the current situation.

In the Loma Temporary Barracks, Scipio and Li Fu are discussing the next military action.

"The Carthaginians will inevitably retaliate. This is an inevitable situation. We should ambush their offensive troops. In this way, the overall situation will be very beneficial to us." Li Fu suggested.

Scipio has made many improvements. For example, 65 percent of his troops are equipped with muskets. This situation has greatly improved the situation where their combat effectiveness is weak. However, if they want to attack the opponent from the front, they still lack Too many things, because they can't get local support, they also have to get as much as possible from Carthage.

"We can set up ambushes here, here, and here, but what we need to consider at the moment is what kind of troops the other side will send. I hope artillery. In this way, we can ambush the other side under favorable terrain. Yes, I am afraid that the other party does not send artillery, but cavalry. This is very unfavorable to us. We must get artillery. Artillery is very important to us." Scipio said. Being able to recognize the importance of firepower, and at the same time, recognizing that artillery will bring about a great revolution, this is a great progress for Scipio, which shows that he recognizes the importance of firepower, and then Here is the application of firepower.

"Sir, this is the latest news from Loma." While Scipio was discussing with Li Fu, a guard submitted a new report. Emergency military information from Lockheed Martin.

After Scipio opened it quickly, he shook his head.

"What happened?" Li Fu asked.

"The Senate, the Senate asked me to go back and report the situation here. They now want to know how serious things are here in Spain. If it is too serious, they feel that it is necessary to take some military actions to solve the problem." Pia said.

"What do you think?" Scipio asked Li Fu.

"I want to know what do you think?" Scipio didn't answer, he just asked Li Fu.

"I think you should go back?" Li Fu replied looking at the other party. This answer is somewhat unexpected, or that Scipio is only thinking about revenge and solving such a thing. Although it is a guerrilla warfare here, it can kill the Carthaginians.

"Go back?" Scipio asked.

"Yes, going back. It is of great significance to go back. If the Senate can recognize your problems, he may follow your arrangements and give you greater help and armament support, but if they cannot be persuaded, You can come back again. But I don’t think it means much here, because the time spent here will be very long. You know what kind of situation it will be like. This situation is difficult to control." Li Fu said.

"So, when I go back, I can do many, many things, right?" Scipio asked.

"Yes. I think so. After all, the significance here is really small. You know how much things will happen here, and there are quite a lot of soldiers who will use time-consuming tactics to solve problems. In such a situation, what we can do is too limited." Li Fu said.

"However, after we go back, we can get financial support to form a brand new army. In this way, we can deal with the enemy head-on, or in other words, we can directly come back to Spain again and face Hannibal’s ass. Come on such a kick, I believe you will do it." Li Fu said.

"Hehe, I agree with you." Scipio obediently followed Li Fu's suggestion. Under such circumstances, is there any better suggestion? No more. Guerrilla operations can certainly achieve a series of results. But the problem is that this kind of result needs to be accumulated, and it takes a long time to accumulate, which requires time, energy, and continuous expansion of troops. However, after receiving financial support, everything will become much smoother. . Consider from this aspect. Li Fu persuaded the other party to return home, after all, there can be greater support there.

"Okay. Thank you, thank you very much for your answer, I accept your answer and return to my country." Scipio said. Originally, he wanted to break out everything here, but now it seems that he has to revise such a plan. The war situation is still very unfavorable for the Loma people. There are so many things that the Roma need to improve.

Qin State, Xianyang. Li Wen's studio.

"When the stock market rises, there will be a fall. This is inevitable. After he reaches a certain price zone, there will inevitably be a lot of upward pressure, just like a military struggle. After they encounter such pressure, it will be difficult to continue. Rising, under such circumstances, they will inevitably have another situation, this is an inevitable result, I have always believed in this point. After all, this point has been confirmed a lot." Li Wen said.

"Can I understand it this way? Mr. Li Wen, you mean that a decline is an inevitable choice. He and, for example, the decline of the Zhao Guo stock market this time, it has nothing to do with them, such as Goguryeo’s military operations are severely hindered, etc. Can I understand this?" the other party asked.

"Yes. You can understand it this way, and you can do it this way. I think this is an inevitable trend, but these messages are equivalent to an auxiliary factor. To some extent, they form a cause. In other words, they need an excuse to solve such a thing. This is the reason for the decline." Li Wen explained.

The decline in the Zhao State stock market has caused many people to look for reasons. Some people blame the bank, some people accuse it of excessive speculation, and some people say that the Goguryeo people are incompetent. There are various reasons. But they are always unable to find a fundamental solution economically. This news person caught such a situation in time to solve such a problem. They hoped to find out from the Qin Guoda stock maker. Unfortunately, some of Li Wen’s answers were very plain, and He has always thought so, even in front of the media.

Later, the reporter asked a lot of related questions. Such questions were not very satisfactory to the reporter. They wanted to know some inside stories, such as some black hands' promotion and so on. But Li Wen's explanation all sounded very professional, which did not meet their requirements.

State of Zhao, Handan. At a party in an upscale hotel.

"I think that the main reason for the decline in the Zhao State stock market this time is that the prime minister did not control the rise of the stock market very well. At the same time, he made a big mistake in his estimation of the situation. Therefore, I think the government should There are considerable responsibilities, especially the prime minister. His responsibilities are heavy. We should let the prime minister take responsibility." A young man said during the party. Many people just shook their heads. This statement is very superficial, it sounds like it's just what a child said.

"Who is this person, how dare you openly challenge the prime minister?" A young banker asked the person next to him at this time. His bank had just reached a certain scale. Thanks to Zhao Jia's help, they got from the big bank. They got a lot of money in their hands, and then transferred them to loan to Goguryeos, and then the Goguryeos deposited them and bought a lot of bonds. Near the highest position, they quietly sold them and made several times the profit, which made his bank The scale can be greatly expanded. Therefore, this young man is grateful for Zhao Jia's search. Therefore, he felt very uncomfortable to hear about the unfavorable remarks of the prime minister.

"You don't even know this person?" The person next to him looked at the other person and said.

"I, I'm new here, sorry, I don't know something." said the banker. Then carefully submitted a membership card, with such a membership card, you can spend in some private clubs. This is for them. It is a status symbol. With such a symbol, they can do many things.

"Oh. No wonder, this matter, in fact, is normal if you don't know it," the other party said.

"This is our Zhao Qian, Zhao Gongzi." The other party explained.

"Ah." Hearing this, the other party realized what, the son of Zhao Qian, who is the person, this is the one of the queen of King Zhao. The queen of King Zhao was a prostitute before. People are called queen prostitutes. Many people in Zhao are not optimistic about their descendants. They all say that this prostitution queen has defeated a family. Then I don't know what means it took to get to Zhao Wang's side, and then I don't know what means was used to achieve the position of the queen. From a woman's point of view, this woman has been quite successful. After all, you have reached the pinnacle of women from the lowest level of career.

But this queen is obviously an ambitious lord, and he wants his son to be the king. After all, women are more expensive than children. With a son, there is a woman's own status. But Zhao Guo already thought that the prince was the prince Jia, the prince was Gong Zi Jia, because he was hesitant, Zhao Wang was a very soft-eared person. Consider from a national perspective. Zhao Qian is not suitable to be a monarch. However, from the perspective of the family, the prostitute queen allowed her son to be the king. Coupled with the attitude of the minister and the military, this made King Zhao a dilemma, so the matter was delayed like this. Procrastination, until now there is no result.

Now, Zhao Jia has become the prime minister. He manages the country well. It is rare that he has a failure. In fact, this is not a failure. The stock market fluctuates. It is normal. However, Zhao Accommodating to expand this unfavorable influence, he feels that he should do this, or in other words, this can expand a large part of the military force. What he needs is the military power that surpasses the son Zhao Jia. And influence.

As long as the son Zhao Jia didn't do a good job, he thought it was a good thing, because by doing so, he could obtain a lot of political capital. Such a thing would definitely benefit him a lot. Therefore, in public, Zhao Qian's remarks usually have a core, and this core is to criticize all of Zhao Jia's policy mistakes. At the same time, through such criticism, it shows the correctness of his wise decision. Such criticism is disgusting and annoying. More often, it makes people think that such an approach will only bring them more. It's disgusting.

"It's really annoying. This guy doesn't know anything. If he becomes King Zhao, I think the entire stock market will collapse." A banker whispered.

"Therefore, many military, entrepreneurs, and bankers are actively liaising. They think that because of strengthening the power of parliament, especially by giving the prime minister more political rights, the reduction of King Zhao and King Zhao is just a symbol. It just represents the head of state, nothing more." said a banker.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Zhao Guo’s parliamentary powers were further increased. These were all done by Guo Kai during his time to increase his public support rate. The advantage of this is that more people can participate in politics. It's a matter of private coterie. He is the call for the sum of all forces. If you want to get more support, you must make more compromises. Zhao Jia is a veteran in this area. Although he looks arrogant and domineering, he has made a lot of compromises. For example, in order to slow down the impact of the war in Goguryeo and win more orders, he will refuse more. The plan to accelerate the progress of the war, so as to win more military orders for the military and military industry entrepreneurs. These military orders greatly stimulated the development of Zhao's military industry economy.

However, some of Zhao Qian’s actions are obviously not in line with this law of development. First of all, no one supports him in doing so, or in other words, supporting Zhao Qian is opposed to making money by himself. Many people are vested interests in Zhao Jia’s policies. How could they oppose such an approach. Obviously it's impossible, and the son Zhao Qian is very naive in politics. He is just a mere comment. He can't come up with a plan or plan for everyone to act. If there is an interest in moving, how can he support it? He became King Zhao. In short, compared with the son Zhao Jia, the son Zhao Qian is useless. It may be more of a sad role.

In Zhao Jia's office.

"This guy, don't worry about him. He is an idiot, mentally retarded, and incompetent." Zhao Jia looked at the report in disgust. The relevant intelligence agency Haihuasi was very concerned about this, especially his personal intelligence consultant. They are very concerned about this. They believe that Zhao Qian is a potential opponent, which will have a great destructive effect on the stability of Zhao Guo. If Zhao Guo wants to stabilize, he must support his son Zhao Jia.

"The Prime Minister, we must be more careful about this matter. Such a person will have a very large impact on us. You know, the prostitute's side." The other party said.

"I know, but they are not my opponents at all. The army, the interests of the military, there are a large number of military industry companies, and bankers, they all support me, and this guy can't come up with anything, facing such a situation. In a situation, how much influence do you think he can bring?" Zhao Jia said disapprovingly.

"But Prime Minister, we should be more careful. After all, the opponent is low-powered and his playing routines are also different. If we accidentally deal with it, it will cause immeasurable losses. Such losses, I think, we It's better to be more careful," the other party said.

"Well, just follow your own ideas. If necessary, use the media to dig out improper things, especially the prostitute queen. Do you understand?" Zhao Jia said.

"Little understands." The other party said so. Then disappear into the darkness.

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