The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3960: It's all the prince's fault

Qi State, Ministry of National Defense.

"These **** Zhao people really trouble us, and those **** Goguryeos, they don't need weapons anymore. Say it in advance, it's okay, we have produced a lot of them." The Minister of Defense said very annoyed. To. In order to meet the needs of Goguryeo and Zhao’s arms as much as possible, the people of Qi were madly engaged in production. Even when the people of Zhao did not place an order, they had already started production. They wanted to deliver as early as possible. This is a very good thing for them, but the problem is that when they solve this problem, they have never thought that if Zhao Guoren and Goguryeo do not need these on a certain day, their situation , It will become very bad. They didn't even think of it at all, and they didn't even come up with a plan to deal with it. Now that things happen, they have to concentrate on solving such things.

"It is really a headache to encounter such a thing." The Defense Minister said embarrassingly. Because the Secretary of Defense needs to manage those military factories in peacetime, it is a good thing that the number of military factories suddenly increases, but it is not a good thing to disappear so many military factories all at once. This means that Qi's military potential will be greatly weakened. Such a situation is definitely not what they hope to see.

"Sir, I have a solution that may be able to solve the current crisis, but we still need to solve a lot of things to solve this kind of thing." An assistant said worriedly.

"Let's talk about it. Now as long as I can digest these military weapons and equipment, I am very grateful to God." The other party said.

"Sir, I think these things can be transported to Burma in the south, where war is going on. Under normal circumstances, only places where there is war will consume such a large amount of military equipment. The need for more military equipment is very critical for us." The assistant said.

"But what I know is that those **** cotton people don't have much money. They just planted Yap on a large scale and got some weapon aid." The Minister of Defense thought, touching his chin.

"Sir, we can let them continue to grow them on a large scale. With these elegant tablets, we can ship them to more regions. I heard that in the Mediterranean region, this demand is amazing. We can ship these elegant tablets. Go there. If this is the case, our condition will immediately become very good. As for the elegant film, we can make a loan and become a demand. In this way, the weapon will be sold, and the elegant film can also be sold quickly Go, not just these, this elegant film has a strong dependence, we can sell it on a large scale, which is extremely beneficial to us. Sir." The assistant said.

In Qin, Yapian is a drug, as is South Korea, but it is a drug in South Korea. The Korean government prohibits it from appearing in the country, but it is encouraged on a large scale in the colony. The reason is that the profit of Yapian is considerable. Many wealthy people, capitalists, most of them conduct large-scale dumping in the name of investing in Yapian as a drug, because this drug is highly dependent. The economic profit brought is considerable. In Bangla, Indy, and any colony of Koreans, this kind of elegant film transportation is quite crazy.

The people of Qi people naturally understand this. In fact, they have always been the strongest country in the export of Yapian. Because in the competition of other products, the people of Qi people are not very advantageous, so in this situation, they can use More ways to make profits. Yapian business accounts for almost half of Qi's fiscal revenue.

"That's right, we can let the bank participate in the establishment. As long as the scale of Yapian continues to expand, we can completely solve all the problems. The people of Chu are really stupid. What kind of tea and sugar cane do they grow? These things can be exchanged. How much money, they are really stupid, it is better to plant Yapian come quickly, so happy decision. Contact the bank, we will do the same. In this case, our benefits will be greatly developed." Secretary of Defense Speaking excitedly.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng. The Secretary of Defense is busy nervously.

"These weapons and equipment, as well as supplies, give them. Anyway, our inventory is quite large. If these materials cannot be processed in time, it will be a waste. Instead of putting them in the warehouse, it is a good thing to send them directly. That's how it is decided." The Secretary of Defense approved.

"Sir, we really want to support those mountain people like this. You know, they fought us very hard before." A lieutenant colonel hesitantly asked such a question. Sometimes the war is really strange. For a moment they were still enemies, but at this moment they suddenly became allies. Many people find it difficult to convert at a time.

"Yes, it is so decided. These things will be handed over to you in the future. It is to provide some supplies. The mountain people are extremely brave in fighting. They can help us end this war. It is already difficult for us to do it. Zhao. The Chinese are blocking the Qin and the Koreans, and the Korean navy is in our vicinity. They will take military actions at any time. Under such circumstances, what choice do we have? No. This kind of thing, just Such a happy decision." said the defense minister. The Goguryeo government has decided to subsidize the mountain people. Because the mountain people can bring them great political changes.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"What do you think of this Korean thought?" Shang Wen asked.

"I think it is basically feasible, but the problem is that there is a big change in the process. This change is the mountain people, because in this area, the mountain people are the most powerful. If they change their minds, it will cause the whole The situation has changed a lot. For example, they have taken refuge in the Goguryeo people. You must know that the conditions that the Yan people can give are also very limited. They may have just established a country. From a geographical point of view, they are closer to the Goguryeo people, and The sphere of influence of the Goguryeo people is on their side. Therefore, I think there are still big problems with this plan, but if we don’t do this, many things will be difficult to solve. For example, we know another point. It is the Yan army. Once the mountain people control the Yan army, the situation will immediately change to the development of an area that is difficult for us to control. The development of this area will have a great impact on us. Under such a situation, I really I can't think of a problem that can be solved better than this." Meng Yi said.

"Well, this is indeed the case. The attitude of the mountain people suddenly determines the country of the two people. From the current situation, it seems that the situation of the people of Yan is even more unfavorable. The Goguryeo people will definitely take some new measures to stop this. When the situation happens, I just don't know what kind of situation this situation will produce to contain it." Shang Wu said worriedly.

"Yes, this is what we are most worried about at the moment. There are many more plans for this, but in terms of bank assistance, our banks are more generous. They expressed their willingness to provide some funds to solve this problem, but there is a prerequisite. That is, they must let go of their market, otherwise, we can't do these things." Meng Yi said

"Well. This is necessary. Yan Guo has already planned to do so. As for how to release the market, it still needs to see how Yan Wang does it." Shang Wen said.

Prince Dan’s residence, everything here has become extremely deserted, the luxurious carpets have been taken away, it is said that they have been auctioned, replaced by a large amount of funds to fill the national treasury, and there are various furniture and antiques. Those are treasures of the collectors circle, but now, they have been lost to private merchants.

"You little beast, you almost ruined my country of Yan, taxing and taxing. If it weren't for the widows to stop it in time, my country of Yan would be over." Yan Wangxi said very annoyed. Yan Guo has two teams. One is the Prince Dan, which is actually equivalent to the position of the prime minister of Zhao, or the prime minister of Qin, and the position of the prime ministers of various countries, and the other is the original team of King Yan, which usually does not play a role. But in some special circumstances, for example, after the abolition of the position of Prince Dan, his role was immediately revealed. Now, Yan Guo is in such a situation, their King Yan has taken over the position of Prince Dan. He is now the actual controller of Yan State.

"Erchen is incompetent." Prince Dan said helplessly, crawling on the ground. In fact, he was unwilling to do this, but he felt that there was no problem with taxation, because his subordinates usually never reported such things as the country, until some ministers really couldn't stand it. Only then did such a thing happen, and such a thing is simply a humiliation to him.

"Erchen's subordinates never told them. These, these are not his fault." Prince Dan seems to want to restore some of the situation, but now it seems that there is no such possibility.

"I didn't tell you, this little beast, wouldn't you go to see it? If something like this happens, it will have much effect on my country, Yan country, Yan country almost collapsed." Old Yan Wang was annoyed. Speaking of. He originally thought that his Yan Guo had become very good, but now it seems that the situation is worse than he thought. All this was caused by the prince. He was very annoyed about this, and he wanted to kill this rebel.

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