Qi State, Little Burma State Military Port, where a large number of warships, merchant ships, and warships are unloading a large amount of materials. These materials are unloaded extremely carefully, and they are transporting a large amount of real munitions. The same is true on the merchant ship side, but some merchant ships are loading fast, they are loading Yapian, and then these things will be transported to colonies around the world, they will dump a large number of Yapian there, Yapian in Qi. The law stipulates that it is a prescription drug, and a large amount of buying and selling is legal. This encouraged more Qi merchants to plant and sell Yapian. For a time, Yapian transactions were extremely prosperous.

"Oh, it turned out to be Brother Tian." A fat businessman found a merchant captain, and it seemed that they knew each other.

"Ao, it turned out to be Brother Yujie." The captain said with a fist.

"This ship is all arms?" the businessman asked curiously.

"Yours is not the same. This Goguryeo war is over. But there are still a lot of supplies after the war. These supplies are not needed. It's a pity, and the price is still a bit cheap to ship here. It is very cost-effective to replace it with an elegant film. , A ship of munitions can be exchanged for a ship and a half of elegant films, and some will be exchanged for more. In short, this is quite crazy." Shang Wu said.

"Haha." The businessman smiled. It seems that everyone has discovered the secret. A large amount of munitions suddenly formed a large inventory due to the war, which caused the price of munitions to drop drastically. A rifle The price is only one hundred and a half two dollars. The price of bullets has also fallen sharply, but these are not enough, and there are still a lot of materials in reserve. This has aggravated the decline of weapons and ammunition. In order to solve the inventory problem, the Ministry of National Defense of Qi State encouraged businessmen to deal with it. As a result, Little Burma became a dumping ground for weapons and ammunition.

Here, a large number of weapons and ammunition have become the main currency in circulation. Sometimes, a grenade can be exchanged for two kilograms of Yap. Arms is the main currency of the Qi people, and pills are the main weapons of the cotton people. Yapian in exchange for necessary supplies, in addition to this, there are more ammunition. But they continued to fight against the Chu people. The black hand who directly promoted this is the people of Qi. But Qi Guo's talents won't care about these anymore.

"What I know is that Shazhou needs elegant films, which are easy to sell, but many people have dumped them there. Seth, which is controlled by the people of Zhao, is relatively poor and can't afford it. I think, In the future, the Mediterranean is a major route for development. There is a large population and a lot of wealthy people. We can find a way there." The businessman grabbed the captain and began to talk about his trading experience. It seems that there is a lot of meaning to draw the other party in.

"I know all of this, but the problem is that my merchant ships can't get through, and the Suez Canal is too difficult to go. And the tonnage is limited. A big ship like me is not easy to transport." The captain said helplessly.

When the businessman heard this, he couldn't help shaking his head, expressing a pity. In fact, he was very helpless. Because the transportation capacity of the Suez Canal is like this, no matter how big your ship is, he can only transport it. Fortunately, it is much better than before. But this still cannot meet all their needs, and the Suez Canal still needs to be widened on a large scale.

The businessmen continued to talk about their business experience of making a fortune. As for the flow of these arms and weapons into Little Burma, they don't know what kind of situation will happen. They don't care about political matters. What they care about is how much taxes they pay, how much money they make, and other things. These are not things they want to deal with, because these don't have much substantive relations to them. ,

Chu State, in Song Yi's office, the Minister of National Defense watched Song Yi nervously and seriously, and the intelligence department of the Ministry of National Defense submitted a report. They found an abnormality. The people of Qi were dumping a large number of arms and weapons. These arms and weapons were dumped to Goguryeo at first. As the military enterprises in Goguryeo gained a certain degree of manufacturing capacity, this dumping began to decrease, but his inventory was reduced. Increasing, which means that he has to face great inventory pressure. But recently, this inventory pressure is decreasing, which has attracted the attention of Chu’s intelligence department. The flow of weapons in any direction may have different effects. After their efforts, they finally found that the situation was not right. They found some clues, and then based on these clues, they found what they hoped to find. A large number of arms and weapons were dumped to a place, Little Burma, which was on the edge of the Burma battlefield where the Chu Army was fighting hard. .

"You have enough evidence to prove this, right?" Song Yi asked after putting down the report.

"Yes, sir, we only have enough evidence to prove this, sir, but the problem is that such a point requires us to further solve all the problems. In other words, we must block the border area, because only there can we Solve all problems in a real sense.” The Secretary of Defense reported in this way.

"What do you mean, we need to concentrate a lot of troops and solve them in a centralized way?" Song Yi still hopes to solve the problem through military means. After all, he doesn't want to be too involved in diplomacy. Because diplomacy involves too much, this means that the state of Chu faces more military threats.

"No, sir, we hope that we can achieve a diplomatic blockade, or we can take military measures to prevent Qi State merchant ships from approaching, even if the Navy Department conducts large-scale military exercises and blockade that sea area indefinitely. Yes.” The Minister of National Defense thought of such a method. The Chu army struggled to eliminate the cottonmen, but the cottonmen kept appearing. They planted Yapian in exchange for a large number of weapons and weapons. A lot of victories can be won every time, but this kind of victory is meaningless, because many times. It is because the other party has a large number of weapons that poses a great threat to Chu's military actions. They hope to solve this problem fundamentally.

"Not yet. If you do this, it will lead to greater diplomatic conflicts. In that case, Chu will inevitably fall into war with Qi again. We cannot do this. If we do this, our conflicts will escalate. Absolutely not. Do it." The other party said so.

"But sir, in this way, the battlefield in Myanmar will last for a long time. This will be a huge disaster for us. We cannot let this situation continue. This will seriously affect In all our military operations, the elite troops of the Chu Army will be consumed a little bit, and the war will continue to be delayed, and the amount of logistical supplies required will be quite large.” The Minister of Defense said. He felt that if this continued, Chu State would become exhausted. Song Yi shook his head, but did not give a clear answer.

Because the answer is already there. He doesn’t want to go like this. If there is no prime minister who wants to fight forever, he also doesn’t want it, because fighting means more financial expenses, more military expenditures, and taxes. The national power of the entire country will be quickly exhausted. If you can't add it up, the whole country will be in a weak state, and collapse is possible. Why do you want to do this?

Regarding the Myanmar battlefield, Song Yi’s view is that if it continues to procrastinate, he found that if the Myanmar battlefield continues to be procrastinated, appropriate military material needs will be generated. The money does not seem to be too much, and the fighting is fierce. No. At the same time, it can attract the attention of Chu people. The most important thing is that a large number of arms orders can stimulate Chu's arms production to a certain extent. Such a good thing, why stop it, and just continue. The idea of ​​the Secretary of Defense is the most dangerous. Because one-time spending is different from spending a little bit. Song Yi believes that it is too simple for the Minister of Defense to consider the issue. Such a person cannot adopt his suggestion.

Song Yi thinks this way, but it doesn't mean that other people in Chu are thinking this way.

Zhang Er participated in several gatherings of the big leaders of Chu State. The actual information of such gatherings, as well as the various places to hunt and taste the Chu cuisine, Chu people will enjoy it very much. Their food is the best. There are Chu restaurants in all countries, because the Chu people’s meals are exquisite and they seem to be enjoyable. And the big brothers of Chu are the same, they hope nothing will bring them a sense of pleasure. It is a feeling of success.

Feeling full of warmth**. Natural women are also something they can't lack. Those big guys have their big bellies, and there are a lot of beautiful women dressed up around them, which makes their situation very fulfilling.

"The **** Burmese battlefield, I don't like it the least there. The fight is not fierce at all. If we can provide more ammunition, for example, to produce some artillery, I think the war will be over long ago." The obese nobleman said so. He has two military factories, originally two medium-sized factories, they merged. After driving away the business owners, they gave the other a small amount of compensation to get those things. There were many means and only one goal. Control the factory. This kind of thing is happening here, where there is interest, there is struggle, which is not new.

"I heard that it was the Ministry of National Defense and the Prime Minister's Office. Under such circumstances, I really don't know what they think." A young man said. He is severely obese, he is not very old, but he is out of breath, and he seems to be out of breath. This is how he feels.

"Yes, that's it, I know that Song Yi is like this, a coward. A battle can stimulate our arms production." said the nobleman.

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