The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3985: Catch cabinet members

Armenia, inside Qin Feng’s tent, after a long retreat, their troops finally found an abandoned Armenian tribe. It temporarily stabilized here. The soldiers immediately searched for firewood to make a fire for cooking. The weather became more and more. cold. Although the weather turned fine for a while and the sun came out, people felt a little warmth, but winter has arrived and everyone knows this.

"Our situation is not very good. The cold winter is coming. However, the supply of supplies for the rest soldiers is very limited. Many people wear single coats. The number of coats provided at the rear is very limited. One regiment has more than two thousand people. Only less than a thousand people have their own coats, and the rest have to find a way from the dead. They continue to kill the Armenians who attacked us in order to strip off their clothes, even if it is blood. , It’s better than freezing to death. It’s also very unhygienic. Now, many people in the military camp have had diarrhea and cold symptoms. I think this is related to their diet and the bacteria on their clothes. Relationship." Qin Feng wrote. He didn't know what kind of trouble this kind of thing would cause him, but he knew that under this situation, it seemed that it was already difficult for them to complete a military offensive. They are retreating, retreating to a place where they can get more supplies.

"The Armenians finally appeared. Their cavalry continued to harass the retreat of the Parthians. The cavalry drove them out of exhaustion. The infantry had to stop to defend their scarce combat supplies. Sometimes the infantry could suffer. One day’s attack, and their cavalry was blocked on the way. I heard that a resting infantry company was too careless when it started. The Armenians they escorted were besieged by Armenians, which caused a large number of casualties. , Their line of defense was also breached. Under such a situation, there is no worse situation than this." Qin Feng wrote.

"The cavalry troops were dispatched in time, but they were constantly harassed and besieged in the nearby support area. A company of the Parthians was annihilated and their clothes were stripped. The only supplies can be imagined, and then , The Parthians took military action. Their actions were very simple. When they were dispatched, at least troops above the battalion were advancing, and the troops supporting operations may have reached the size of a regiment. Under such operations, our The situation has finally changed a bit. It is moving towards a situation that is conducive to our development." Qin Feng wrote.

"But this does not mean that our situation will fundamentally improve. This is the situation we are currently experiencing. The Parthians are not prepared enough, and they are too optimistic to estimate this war. They believe that it will be less than three months. This war will end. If it weren't for the emergency stop of the Ministry of National Defense of the State of Qin, the war would become even more defeated." Qin Feng wrote. In his opinion, the Parthians must first bear the unshirkable responsibility for this war. If it were not for their government to be too optimistic, the situation might not have developed to such a level.

In Myanmar, in the commando barracks, commando members rarely enjoy their vacation. The high-pressure war environment makes them unbearable. Under such circumstances, they will become more and more neurotic, which is the last situation their leaders want to see. For example, in Xiang Yu’s squad, a Vietnamese soldier had hallucinations. Yes, hallucinations. Every day, he could have killed cotton men haunting them. Such things made the other party feel uneasy and sleep. It became very bad, and finally led to a serious consequence that the other party suddenly lost all the conditions and began to become extremely distressed. Under such circumstances, the opponent suddenly becomes difficult. In the end, the doctor just gave the other side some stable pills, but the effect was not great. In fact, those pills are Yapians, and as a result, the other party's hallucinations seem to become more severe. The situation may be better when taking the pills, but once the effect of the medicine is over, a more severe condition will appear. As a result, the more soldier committed suicide.

The military doctor of Chu State recorded all the medical treatment process, and he said that he was helpless because it was beyond the medical scope of their knowledge. At this time, the psychiatric department is just a branch of science that has just developed. Medical teams in various countries have no relevant medical institutions. This has caused the mental problems of soldiers to not be solved well, and many soldiers have mental health problems. Not paying attention, although their military doctors have recorded some of their processes in detail, but such a process simply cannot make them fully satisfied.

Especially Xiang Yu’s assault team, which has a particularly serious killing, has a lot of such conditions, such as insomnia, emotional out-of-control, communication problems, etc., these are all kinds of mental illnesses, but many of them don’t know how to deal with such situations. A situation.

"Come here, come here, come here, come here." Just when everyone was thinking of a way to enjoy their vacation, a loud voice came from Tu Laila, and the military doctors ran out first. What they saw was , Was covered with blood soldiers. The nearby soldiers had already arrived early. They carried the stretcher and healed the wounded soldier. The lower body of a soldier was gone. Obviously there is no cure. But the yelling thing is still screaming excitedly. Doing so will make their situation even more crazy. Many people began to comfort each other, and the military doctors quickly started treatment. The field hospital was nearby, which was convenient for the commandos to treat. But in fact, the hospital brought more depression to them, and their chiefs could not even notice. this point.

"What happened? How could this happen?" Xiang Yu asked the soldier first. But the soldier has lost control of his emotions. Obviously he cannot answer all the questions for the time being. This kind of situation has never been encountered by the commando team. Zhong Limei walked over, looked at the situation, and then asked everyone to return to his camp, and he would take care of the aftermath. Xiang Yu wants to know more. Zhong Limei said that he would solve it.

Two hours later, Zhong Limei gave Xiang Yu a report.

"This is our inquiry." Zhong Limei said.

"One of our assault platoons has more than 30 elite soldiers. They entered an ambush ring designed by cotton men. In the ambush ring, they actually used mortars and heavy machine guns. You can imagine , What kind of situation will our firepower encounter? It is very weak. Under such crazy shooting conditions, we must have suffered a lot of failures and suffered heavy losses. Because in terms of firepower, we cannot form equal shots with the other party. As a result, such a situation occurred. Our soldiers broke through frantically before breaking out. If the local garrison did not take action in time, it would very likely cause a lot of losses, and this kind of loss would be caused. A bigger collapse." Zhong Limei said.

And Xiang Yu is quickly checking the report in his hand. He is very annoyed, or very angry, he thinks something is wrong.

"Why? Why do they have such weapons?" Xiang Yu asked. They used to be very advantageous to the cottonmen in combat, because most of the cottonmen are equipped with rifles and light machine guns. Relatively speaking, the commandos have obvious advantages. In terms of firepower, they have mortars. Support, tactically, they are more flexible. Therefore, in such a situation, they will have greater advantages and preparations. However, as the situation develops, especially the large amount of Yapian output and a large amount of munitions input, the cottonman’s weapons have been greatly upgraded. , This is a situation they are currently encountering. This situation is the further upgrade of their weapons, which makes their situation even better.

"It’s the people of Qi. The people of Qi have sent a lot of weapons into it. Then they have formed a situation where they have a lot of weapons left. As long as they have enough Yap, they can get more weapons and ammunition. I know that most of the mortars and the use of heavy machine guns require some professional sergeants to teach them, and they will not learn them in a short time. Only the people of Qi can do it. Not only that, but I also doubt it. , The quantity of their weapons and ammunition may be very large, reaching an unimaginable scale. Otherwise, one of our small teams will not be attacked by such crazy firepower. Could it be that the people who were killed are luck? Not good? This obviously cannot explain this." Zhong Limei said.

"Damn Qi people." Xiang Yu cursed.

"We have no way. This is a matter that can only be resolved diplomatically. I heard that the officials of the Ministry of Defense seem to be tired of this war. Everything we have here is meaningless, and this war is over. Now." Zhong Limei said.

"Damn it, what do they know? We are soldiers. Soldiers bleed on the front line. They just said nothing. These crazy guys, **** it." Xiang Yu cursed. They also said that the officials of the Ministry of National Defense did not say anything. Feels very helpless, but the fact is like this, sometimes, they may do more excessively. In such a situation, what else can they do. Can only passively accept such a situation.

The situation in Yan, Yandu, and Yan has not stabilized. Although Yan has announced a series of good news about Qin’s assistance in time, the problem is that the people’s stomachs cannot be stabilized at all, and they are still hungry. This country may collapse at any time. Under such circumstances, they need a gas bucket, or in other words, they need to transfer all their goals to one point. This is the previous Prince Dan's cabinet. They sent all the anger they encountered to the cabinet.

"They are war criminals, **** murderers, and they are murderers. Such murderers should be put to death. Put them to death." Many people spontaneously gathered in front of King Yan's palace square. The guards here were heavily guarded. Three The infantry regiment came here urgently, but the angry people were still very annoyed.

"Come on, shoot, grandpa is no longer alive. Damn, you are just like this, why didn't the Goguryeo people see you killed a few, you shot, shot." A woman caught over the wire fence. The gun barrel of a soldier living in the country of Yan was placed on his head. Such behavior scared the soldiers back again and again, and more people swarmed forward. King Yan gave a strict order not to shoot. They could only maintain law and order. . Be warned, even if you go over the barbed wire, you can't shoot, because doing so will only make the situation worse.

In order to make the soldiers more restrained, the soldiers did not fire a bullet, and even the bayonet was taken away urgently. They are just holding a gun. The significance of this gun is that he can only scare people. In fact, he is more like a fire stick. This is the meaning.

"Come, come." The angry people provoked, but the soldiers looked at each other helplessly. In their opinion, these people should be killed. The hateful thing is that they have no bullets and can only look at each other very arrogantly. Into the barbed wire.

"Punish the murderer severely and kill the damned murderer. The cabinet is full of criminals." The people shouted loudly. This shout made those who became ministers in Prince Dan's cabinet feel frightened, and the reason is nothing else, because the inaction of these ministers caused such a situation, and they were very angry about it. Under such conditions, they hope to kill the other party. Only in this way can the people's emotions stabilize.

"Kill the murderer, kill the murderer." Many people shouted like this. In fact, the soldiers wanted to do the same, because they did cause serious consequences. What they encountered on the front line was not caused by these people. Who, they hope to chop off the heads of these ministers.

The people continue to put pressure on it, and it seems that if Lao Yan Wang did not do this, they would feel even more angry. There is a great possibility of breaking through the palace at once.

"The king." A minister suggested that King Yan arrest the former prince's cabinet members, and then execute them publicly, in order to reassure the people.

"My lord, the people's anger must not be unfair." A minister stood up to persuade him.

"Yeah. These beasts, come here, catch. Get all those cabinet members." King Yan ordered.

With an order, the army moved quickly, and the people quickly received such good news, which made them feel very happy because they finally found the murderer, which allowed them to find a place to vent. Under such circumstances, the anger of the people should be reduced. This is also a major feature of Yan State.

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