The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 3987: Loma Young Officer

Mountain country, for Qin, this is just a mountainous region. They have no capital, no city, only military camps. Most of the mountain tribes are migrating here. The Yan people can't do anything to them at all? Because the Yan people can't manage their own affairs. For the mountain people, they can only turn one eye and close one eye. As long as the mountain people don't continue to cause trouble for the Yan people, it's good.

"Read more books, don't be afraid of things you don't understand, just follow others to learn." A Gu handed Ado many books in his tent, each of which was more than five centimeters in length. These books are very heavy, and they are too heavy to solve such problems.

"Sir, do you want to read this book?" Ado asked.

"Yes, you have to look at it, not only to look, but to understand, anyway, you will be the Minister of Finance in the future." A Gu said.

"Ah." Ado looked at his officer in surprise, and when he heard such an appointment, he almost threw the book away. Not for why, because there are so many things they need to solve.

"Don't, this matter is yours. In this position, you have to do it even if you don't do it." A Gu said. Ado is a little embarrassed because he knows that the Minister of Finance is the most difficult thing to do. Regardless of controlling financial power, in fact, they have not solved many things, such as food, construction, and military expenditures. I stretched out my hand for money, but there was so much money, and it couldn't solve so many problems at all.

"The Minister of Finance, go back and take a good look. For other things, I will find you to solve the problem later. That's right. You have to go to Goguryeo to ask for some assistance." A Gu said.

"There is also a meeting over there, you go to attend it, I believe you will solve such a thing, I believe you." A Gu said. Then I went to busy myself. But Ado was suddenly worried.

Goguryeo’s assistance is not so good. Every time the Goguryeo people delay or deduct it, or the officials ask for benefits. If they don’t, they will not give it, and the mountain people have to give it to them. Some things, such as some seemingly valuable medicinal materials, ginseng, tiger skin, tiger bone, and deer skin, because only these things can make their situation better. But for the mountain people, this is a big problem, and it is a big problem.

"Yes, sir." Addo can only accept such a task, and the mountain country is built on the surface. However, they still lack what a country should have. For example, many government agencies have not yet been established, they have too many troops, too many people to eat, few people create economic value, and some people have left on their own initiative. They just took away weapons they thought they could take away and entered the mountains and forests. Some people who have become mountain people again believe that they have become civilized people and decided to stay. They accept the civilization of Yan people, know the importance of the country and the government, and they want to seek greater benefits. This is the economy, the economic independence of a country.

The key to all this is to solve the financial problem. Only the government has money to organize more people to mine. They still knew from the people of Yan that this war was actually fought for mineral resources. In this situation, they must conduct related mining. Only in this way can they meet their series of needs.

South Korea, Xinzheng. In the back garden of the Supreme High Command, many high command officials walked here, or discussed some things in a low voice. Han Shu and Zhang Liang also went around here during their breaks so that they could change their minds and solve some important things.

"The amount of money Loma borrowed is still very small. They only borrowed a part of the funds. This part of the funds does not mean much to us. We need to expand more investment in Loma." Han Shu said. What happened to Lockheed Martin attracted her a lot of attention. She believed that South Korea’s development in Lockheed Martin was still slow, which would greatly impact South Korea’s market development and increase fiscal revenue. The navy’s military expenditures need to be renewed. increase. This will inevitably bring many, many different crises to South Korea. Under such circumstances, there are still many things they need to solve. Under such a situation, the only solution is to develop new markets as quickly as possible. Come, but the problem is that the Roma market development is a bit too slow. This makes Han Shu very anxious. They are eager to open up Lockheed Martin’s market. If necessary, Han Shu feels that Koreans may participate in the war. The benefits of this are extremely obvious because they can quickly Solve such things.

"My lord, I think we are still a little anxious. Under such circumstances, we should not overemphasize the rapid opening of the Lockheed Martin market. We should see what kind of Romans need such a market." Zhang Liang Persuaded.

"Well, there is a certain reason, tell me your opinion." Han Shu said. He knows that Zhang Liang's views are very unique, and sometimes he can see many things that others can't.

"I want to know, what exactly do you think?" Han Shu asked. She wanted to know Zhang Liang's specific ideas, which are quite powerful for the development of South Korea.

"My thought is this. Although Fabian's procrastination policy seems very limited, it is unheard of to drag the enemy to death by procrastinating, and this tactic will inevitably cost a lot. The longer the delay, right For both sides, the more disadvantaged. Under such a situation, the Roma would definitely not be able to accept it. They urgently need a way to win quickly, such as directly attacking Carthaginae and forcing Hannibal’s expedition. The army leaves the Italian mainland. If this is the case, their situation may be better. This is an extremely favorable situation for the Roma people." Zhang Liang said.

"And what we have to do is to look for such people to make this kind of thing possible. This may be our best search route." Zhang Liang suggested.

"Is there a suitable candidate?" Han Shu asked Zhang Liang.

"This is not there yet, but it requires the front line to analyze the relevant situation specifically. Our speculation here may affect the judgment of some people in front." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, it makes sense, so let's leave these things to you to handle." Han Shu said with a smile.

"Yes, Lord." Zhang Liang nodded and agreed. He still needs to do such a thing. How to solve it specifically requires his specific judgment.

Just when Zhang Liang made relevant views. Within Loma City, some differences began to arise.

"Fabian's idea is wrong. In this case, greater costs will be incurred. I think he knows such a result." Scipio said to Li Fu in the barracks.

"He is your chief, you must execute this order." Li Fu said.

"No, I don't think so. I think the situation is far more complicated than we thought." Scipio said.

"The delaying tactics shows that the above seems to be correct, but in fact, I think the situation is far more complicated than we thought. In this kind of thing, many of our things cannot be carried out. You know. Only. Rapidly increase military expenditures and re-establish a new Roman army before launching a counterattack to fundamentally solve Scipio. The delay only delayed Hannibal on the surface. But the opponent still exists, his army still exists, and he is just consumed. , Instead of being wiped out, these are two different concepts." Scipio said. In Loma, a new political force was formed with Scipio as the leader, although it seemed that they were very weak. Most of them are middle and lower-level officers, and many of them have very low military ranks. However, they have their own sense of proposition and think that when Lockheed Martin is once again in a critical situation, because of the further increase in military expenditures and the increase in the treatment of soldiers, they will be given to the soldiers. More political power allows them to enter the core. They are the young officers from Loma. You must know that Scipio is very young, and the young think that they will cause some trouble. Li Fu believes that this is a new political force, and such a political force needs correct guidance. To solve the problem.

"This is the situation. We need to solve this problem quickly." Scipio said.

"To solve this problem, the amount of financial funds needed is far more than we thought. You know how much money there will be in this situation. I am afraid the entire Lockheed Martin will not support you in doing this. Unless there are special circumstances. "Li Fu said.

"But I think you still need such a consul to help you solve this kind of thing. You must know that he can hold Hannibal down and will give you a lot of support to a certain extent. With such support, you The situation will become more favorable, trust me. I think this can be done and it will help you.” Li Fu said.

"As for bank borrowings, I think we'd better communicate with the bank privately. Only when we get sufficient funds or have sufficient trophies, can your situation fundamentally solve all problems." Li Fu persuaded. To.

Scipio calmed down. War is no longer just a matter of soldiers. Scipio is growing rapidly. He needs more political and economic resources to support him. This is what he says he needs at present. This kind of resource advantage will be more conducive for them to develop a brand new situation. The young Loma sent an officer.

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