Zhao Guo, Handan, during lunch time, whether it is office staff or factory workers, they all come out to eat and rest during this time period. After dinner, they may choose to rest, or they will choose to have afternoon tea. In short, this For a while, all Zhao people rarely have their own time. This is their favorite time.

"This newspaper is called constitutional monarchy. This constitutional monarchy is the best way to solve the problem of Zhao. In short, under this method, we can avoid the chaos of the past." The voice man said with a newspaper. Many Zhao Guo men are discussing this matter.

"We Zhao, several generations of monarchs have had problems. In order to prevent the monarch and protect the rights of the Zhao monarch, this constitutional monarchy is to establish a constitution, we all abide by it, and the monarch is the same. With this constitution, we can all Entering the system, this country will be able to rotate at high speed just like our factory machines.” The man continued. Many people nodded in agreement.

With the further continuation of the industrial and social division of labor. People have a brand-new understanding of politics, and new political ideas are constantly coming out. The Confucianism can only be seen as a need for self-cultivation. More radicals believe that the Confucianism has become an agricultural country. , Their foundation can only exist in Indy, Bangla, or more remote areas, but in Zhao, it is out of date. What Zhao needs is a new theory, a rigorous political system, this political system, and Production is carried out like a production line in a factory. This theory requires Zhao State to respond with a more stable political system with great potential for improvement.

However, although Zhao’s politics has been civilized a lot, the power of parliament is still not many. The power is too divided in the hands of the king, and the influence of the king is great, which brings great influence to the political life of Zhao. The great instability, this kind of instability brought to Zhao Guo is definitely a catastrophe.

Many people with insights have realized the existence of such a problem, so they decided to solve this problem properly, because only in this way can this problem be solved peacefully.

The constitutional monarchy seems to be the best choice. They hope that the king can peacefully accept such a condition, that is, take the initiative to enter this restriction, so that it can avoid the instability of the whole situation due to personal factors, which is a great honor for Zhao Guo. In other words, it is a huge improvement.

"At present, the entrepreneurs and bankers who have contributed the most to the country of Zhao are those entrepreneurs and bankers. They provide a large amount of fiscal tax revenue, and we people should also receive such a large tax contribution. The right to vote is in our hands. Why can't we? To express our correct suggestions, I think this constitutional monarchy can still help us solve such problems." said a Zhao Guoren.

"Although it is said that, but what I am worried about is that those royalists will not do this. If they really take action, the newspaper said that there is no way to break the sky. If this is the case, Zhao Guo's situation may fall into again. In the midst of a disaster, we, Zhao Guo, can't mess up by ourselves. Otherwise, this will cause a big problem." Another Zhao Guoren said worriedly. Zhao people have their own views on different political opinions, but they all have a big prerequisite, and this prerequisite is social stability.

While Zhao Guoren was discussing this issue enthusiastically, Han Shu of Xinzheng, South Korea, was very worried about this matter.

"Constitutional monarchy. What does Zhao Guo want to do?" Han Shu said very sensitively. Han Shu is the monarch of South Korea. Unlike the monarch of Zhao, Han Shu has a great desire to control power, because she was seized by a coup, or because the method of seizure was not legal, so this led to As a result, she is extremely sensitive to power. Zhao’s constitutional monarchy had a great influence on her. As early as when Zhao’s newspaper spread the quasi-constitutional monarchy, this situation began to become prominent. Han Shu was very worried about this, because doing so would inevitably bring about The big influence is whether her personal power should be restricted and handed over to the parliament. In this way, South Korea can avoid some mistakes to the greatest extent.

Fortunately, the situation in South Korea is different. During Han Shu’s administration, there were not too many mistakes. Even the South Korean parliament has developed a lot. A large number of bills are generated through the parliament, and the people can express their views through the parliament. At the same time, the parliament has carried out long-term supervision on the corruption of officials, but this kind of supervision is mutual and not absolute, because being able to run for parliament requires a lot of financial support. It takes a considerable amount of time for the funding to be elected. Therefore, many members of parliamentarians and some officials have certain economic ties, and they are unlikely to cut off all ties in certain political interests.

"Sir, according to the analysis, this should be the possibility of Zhao Jia's restricting Zhao Qian. According to our intelligence personnel's report. Zhao Qian is very likely to become the next King of Zhao. The prostitute behind Zhao Qian is very likely. Working hard, many court officials supported him. On the contrary, the son Zhao Jia did a very good job in the position of prime minister. Bankers and entrepreneurs outside supported him. In this way, the two sides formed a situation of confrontation. In order to suppress Zhao Qian’s power and possible threats, the son Zhao Jia came up with such a method. This method is to develop a parliament and influence Zhao Qian’s series of practices by establishing a constitution. In such a situation Next, this is a good breakthrough. With such a good breakthrough, they can do many, many things. This is their most advantageous place." Zhang Liang analyzed in this way.

"But doing this makes me very embarrassed." Han Shu said dissatisfiedly. Although she can also analyze such a purpose, the problem is that this seriously affects some of her status guarantees. Under such circumstances, if the State of Zhao implements a constitutional monarchy, then Korea and Qin will encounter the same problem. After all, the monarchy is widely implemented in many countries, and if the people of Zhao State do so, it will cause a huge impact. Of the wave.

"My lord, whether we have a good constitutional monarchy or a non-constitutional monarchy, we have only one standard." Zhang Liang said calmly at this time.

"What?" Han Shu asked puzzledly.

"South Korea’s stability, if the constitutional monarchy in South Korea is unstable, then it is not good. If the constitutional monarchy in South Korea can be stable, South Korea needs to implement such a system. For the national interest, we can only develop if the society is stable and stable. Only in this way can we have better development. Otherwise, it will inevitably become a huge burden, which will cause great losses to our South Korea." Han Shu said.

"Yeah. You are right." Han Shu thinks that Zhang Liang's perspective is indeed very mature. Yes, whether you are a good constitutional monarchy or a non-constitutional monarchy, only the country is stabilized and the social order is in order. Only in this way can society develop better, otherwise, nothing can be done.

"My lord, we can give it a try and see what the situation is. If they think this is beneficial, we can agree to do so. However, our greatest bottom line is social stability. If we cross this bottom line, we You can agree to nothing." Zhang Liang said. Han Shu nodded and agreed.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The king is very concerned about this matter. When the first report article came out, the king was already concerned about this matter." Meng Yi said to Shangwen.

"The people of Zhao Kingdom are looking for trouble for us, but they have solved the problem. They have caused too many troubles to other countries. Our Qin people have a good system. Why do we do this, and that is, it is not yet time. ." Shang Wen said. ,

King Qin was also very sensitive to this. After all, they were all big figures and had experienced the **** storm of power. Before Shang Wen took office as prime minister, Lai Lu was immersed in launching a court coup. At that time King Qin was also very concerned about such a thing. It can be seen that solving this kind of thing requires a lot of courage.

King Qin valued power very much, and Shang Wen was just doing something very reasonable in the position of prime minister, and this led to such a situation.

"The question is, what should we do? The king needs to let us give an explanation. Otherwise, I think it will be difficult to pass." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"Qin State does not need such reforms. The social order of Qin State is stable. Although such reforms have certain benefits, the problem is that such reforms will bring great security disasters to Qin State. The key to this disaster is The point is that the state of Qin is developing rapidly with social stability, so there is no need to rush to solve such a thing. If we do this, we may fall into a huge disaster for the State of Qin. Zhao has its own people. But for Qin State, Qin State does not need these." Shang Wen said.

Shang Wen didn’t know about the conspiracy between Zhao Jia and Zhao Qian, as well as their personal thoughts, etc. These had little to do with him, but he knew one thing, that is, the social order of Qin State cannot be violent. If it fails, there will be a big problem, and this problem will form a very big point, which is extremely detrimental to the Qin State.

"Well, I will write a report later." Meng Yi said.

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