South Korea, Qingcheng, five plus one financial assistance agreement, and related banking terms were officially signed. The five countries are Qin, Zhao, South Korea, Yan, Goguryeo, and a mountainous region. The two sides formally formed a one-to-one , And staggered economic assistance, and bank entry clauses.

The Kingdom of Yan, Goguryeo, and the mountain people have officially opened their market. They will become an open market, and this market will attract more kings' capital into their land.

Theoretically, the capital of the three countries can enter these territories at will, but in reality, the country of Yan and South Korea are docked, and the people of Goguryeo and Shandi are docked with the people of Zhao, while the people of Qin can enter these two countries and regions at will. The agreement is in The six finance ministers jointly signed and formed. Many reporters rushed to report such things first.

"This will be more conducive to promoting peace issues in the eastern region, and economic development will be more stable." This is how the reporter reported.

However, such reports are meaningful to some people, but for some entrepreneurs and bankers, they are only outdated news, because they have already received relevant information, and all they have to do is Integrate these information as much as possible. They can use this information to quickly earn more money. In fact, before people know this information, large companies in some countries have already entered it. What they want to do is bigger business. As for how much money they can make, it depends on the size of their business and how much profit they generate.

Qin State, Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"The long-awaited agreement has finally come into being. In this way, we can relax a lot." Shang Wen said to Meng Yi with ease.

"Well, despite the war and a series of fluctuations, I believe that this is not an unacceptable thing for us. This will give us a greater advantage and we can solve more of our needs. Things to solve." Meng Yi said.

"Well, this is the problem that we should pay attention to. We have opened up the market in this region and the right of banks to open up. Two countries and one region, the scale of funds they need is very large, which means, As long as they are given a certain amount of time, they will inevitably bring us great profits." Shang Wen said.

"Yes, and they need such financial help. With such financial help, the things they can solve will become more adequate." Meng Yi said.

"Well, they still need to deal with specific matters by themselves, but we should use this as a case to see the process of market development in a region. Wars not only bring disasters. In crises, there is usually a big turn for the better. Such a turnaround will give us even greater opportunities... Similarly, we should not only be in this region, but also in other regions, we also use related methods to achieve this goal, for example, the Mediterranean Sea. In the region, if the war between Carthage and the Roma cannot go on, it is a good choice to live in peace. Under such conditions, this will form a model for us to develop a new market. "Shang Wen said.

"Well, I agree with this point." Meng Yi nodded and said. What Qin State needs is a large number of markets, and an open market will form a more favorable external market environment for Qin State. Before the Qin State had been trying hard to seek opportunities to develop the Yan State market, but Yan State has always been in a self-protection and closed state, which annoyed the people of Qin State and the Koreans too. However, with the outbreak of the war and Prince Danyi The occurrence of a series of mistakes eventually led to a huge disaster for the entire country of Yan. All kinds of crises may erupt in a concentrated manner, and the country of Yan may go bankrupt because of this. In such a crisis, the people of the Qin nation came forward. They needed a stable state of Yan and a developing country. The people of the Qin nation stepped up and solved many problems. The emergence of these problems will be greatly improved. It is helpful for them to solve more things. Under such circumstances, they have developed and solved quite a lot of problems. This is the process of developing a regional market.

Similarly, what Shang Wen and Meng Yi saw is that the same thing can happen in the Mediterranean region. They believe that in the Mediterranean region, such things can be solved in the same way, so that they can solve more problems. .

This method will be more conducive to the development of more markets, and the production needs of enterprises will be further improved.

This will have a great impact on Qin and many countries, and the impact of this kind of influence will become more positive and beneficial to Qin.

Thirty nautical miles south of the island of Malta. The Zhao State armed a merchant ship, and the Wude intercepted two Carthage merchant ships, and one merchant ship escaped when they were about to rob. The opponent's route became very messy. He did not go to Malta or return to Carthage, which made it even more difficult for them to catch each other.

"Damn it, this ship is loaded with a bunch of junk." Li De scolded with the box in his hand. The Carthage sailors squatted on the ground, holding their heads in their hands. They did not dare to resist, because the resisters were already lying on the deck. Their captain's wounds are constantly retaining blood. Those terrible people from Zhao will sieve them with guns. For the sake of their lives, they felt that it was better to surrender with their heads. After all, no one wanted to lose their lives.

"Okay. Damn, maybe there is nothing valuable on that ship." Li Wu said after coming up from under the cabin. They robbed a Carthage merchant ship. In addition to some wine, it was some cloth and some glasses. Those things were not valuable to them. What they needed were gold coins, slaves, women, and more. More and more valuable things, but there is nothing on this ship.

Li Wu and Li De are two brothers. They are from the Zhao country. They are the lowest level people in the Zhao country. They even went to the prison. The brother was once imprisoned for participating in gambling and fighting. After he was released from prison, he became more courageous. Big. In prison, he heard that breaking the law in Zhao country is most likely to be punished by the law, but when you are in a colony or abroad, as long as you have enough courage to do it whatever you want, because the government will support you. Or, in other words, the more you do, the more taxes you pay, and the government will reward you for killing, setting fire, playing with women, robbing, whatever you want. Hearing the introduction of those inmates, Li Wu's mind became more active. He was originally a bold person, and it was just his unwillingness to put in labor that caused this to happen. Now, when he heard that there is such a way, his mind has become more positive. After being released from prison, under the arm of a fellow inmate, they came to Thebes from the State of Chu. It happened that the Navy Department of the State of Zhao needed them to build more armed merchant ships. Because the two brothers were both from the State of Zhao, they were in Thebes. The number of Szhao people was originally small, they quickly got a sum of money, bought a second-hand merchant ship, a second-hand boiler, and turned into an old-fashioned steam ship. They installed a 37mm rapid-fire gun. , Began to robbery everywhere. They had killed five Carthage merchant ships in a row before. Because the pressure of loan repayment is still relatively large, they came here for their own good days.

"Damn, we did too little this time. Even these people are all sold. We can't exchange half of our interest." Li De said, he seemed to feel very much about the gains from robbery. Dissatisfaction.

Li Wu also felt very aggrieved. At the beginning, he could pat his chest and say that he would definitely make a fortune outside, but after a few votes, they got very limited. It can only be said that they live much better than before. But wanting to pay off the bank's debt is simply a dream. This is terrible for them.

"Translation, where did his mother's translation go. Get out of me." Li Wu shouted loudly. An Aiji translator quickly climbed up from under the cabin at this time, because if he went late, he would be killed.

"Sir, sir, you are looking for me." The other party looked at his sir nervously.

"Go and ask, ask the prisoners, what are the important things, valuable things, and tell them as long as they say. You can join in, rob with us, and make money. If you don’t say what they share, I sold them. Go to repair the Suez Canal." Li Wu exclaimed angrily. The translator hurriedly left here to interrogate the prisoners. There is no way. Under such circumstances, they can only do this.

"Brother, can we do this?" Li De said dissatisfiedly. They came here to make a fortune. As a result, they haven't found the chance to make a fortune yet. Can they not worry if they encounter such a thing?

"Tell you, your brother, you have to fight it. Even for the money in this bank, I have to fight it." The other party shouted so loudly. It seems that Li Wu looks very mobile.

"Hurry up, if those captives don't say anything, Lao Tzu will shoot him now." Li Wu excitedly shouted with the box cannon in his hand. In desperation, they can only obey such orders.

Soon, the interrogation was over. The work started very smoothly.

"Sir, we have found out. According to the captive's account, the cargo on their ship is worthless, but on the island of Malta, there are too many materials on the island. Gems, gold, and slaves. Many more are women, and they are all stored on the island." The translator replied.

"Nonsense, Lao Tzu also knows there are many, many things on it." Li Wu scolded angrily.

"No, sir, I specifically inquired about the defensive strength. According to the captive's account, the people on the island have been bombed and dare not come up. Many of them want to escape with them. As long as we kill them, they I dare not resist, because many people plan to escape in the dark, and some are waiting for the reinforcements to arrive and transport all their belongings. If we go to occupy, all the results can be said very well.” The translator said To.

"You mean, let's kill at this time?" Li Wu asked the interpreter at this time.

"Yes, sir, the prisoner I interrogated said that the people above were terrified and frightened by our shells. Many people were reluctant to fight. Because the shells were too powerful. The damage caused was also great. They They didn’t want to defend at all, but wanted to leave here. It’s just that they didn’t find the right opportunity. Recently, some warships of the Kingdom of Zhao have been approaching for bombardment, and they have sent people to reconnaissance from time to time. They think they will launch an offensive. Therefore, these days, they have been very anxious." The other party said so.

"Oh. I get it. It means that now they are afraid of us. As long as we rush over with bluffing, they will run away. Then, everything on the island of Malta is all ours." Li Wu said so.

"That's what I mean, sir, that's what I mean." The other party said excitedly.

"Okay. Just do it, Lao Tzu will take a risk to do it again, his mother." Li Wu had to do it in order to get rich. In his opinion. Although adventurous. But when I think of the huge amount of gold and silver treasures on the island, it doesn't matter if I take risks or anything. After all, it was nothing to him.

Just as the Wude armed merchant ship was preparing to start operations, the Zhao State destroyer Yang's was entering the scheduled assembly area. This time they had two destroyers and three merchant ships, and they carried a battalion of Zhao State merchant arms. The navy will provide a wider range of fire support, and merchants will launch a landing operation to occupy the island of Malta.

"This military operation is bound to be successful. I believe that our people will definitely do this." Zhao Hai said with confidence.

"Well, I also believe this. When we occupy Malta Island, the Zhao State Navy will have a good naval base, and we will be able to gain a foothold in the Mediterranean. What's more, our name will be recorded in Zhao State Navy Historical." Yang Jia said excitedly. He knew that once occupied, the name of the island might be changed to his name. In that case, Yang Jia would become a successful naval officer because he occupied the island of Malta.

When he thought of this, he became extremely excited, facing such a situation, he was really excited.

"Sir, are we bombarding according to the original plan? In this way, we can form a great advantage." Zhao Hai suggested.

"Well, just follow the plan," Yang Jia nodded, in order to prevent accidents, they can only proceed according to the plan.

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