State of Zhao, Handan, Admiralty. The Secretary of the Navy wears a mourning armband on his sleeve. This is already a lot more advanced. If it is placed before, they must also wear hemp and filial piety. Considering that this is in conflict with the national orthodoxy, a lot of improvements have been made. Otherwise, they cannot wear uniforms.

"During the mourning period, we can only deal with some simple and trivial matters. As long as things do not conflict with the stability of the country, they do not need to be resolved." The Secretary of the Navy said helplessly. He hasn't slept for two days and one night. He felt that his head had a headache, but he was tired and he had to endure it. There was no way, he was the minister, and he had to take care of all things well.

"Yes, Mr. Minister." The assistant recorded that many things surpassed their imagination. For example, the victory of Malta Island was directly put on hold. According to the previous regulations, as long as large-scale propaganda and celebrations are to be carried out, it is a pity that this is during the mourning period, but fortunately, the country needs to be stable, and order needs to be restored. Many things can be passed at home in a short period of time. The impact on them is still relatively small. It's a matter of seven or eight days.

"That's it. I'm tired. Take a break." said the Secretary of the Navy.

"Yes, Mr. Minister." The assistant nodded and said, he knew that the other party was a little tired. In such a situation, the best way is to give a certain amount of rest. In this case, many things can be solved.

"Sir, sir." At this moment, the undersecretary of the Navy hurried in. Holding a telegram in his hand. The Secretary of the Navy frowned, because he did have a headache. It must be something big. Otherwise, the Undersecretary of the Navy can solve such problems.

"What's the matter?" the Secretary of the Navy said enduringly.

"Malta, Malta has been attacked by the Carthage navy in retaliation. Our losses are relatively large, and many armed merchant ships have been burned. The specific situation is still being counted, but the loss is unlikely to be too small." The telegram in the hand of the Navy Deputy Commander at this time. Handed over to the Secretary of the Navy.

"Oh my God." The Secretary of the Navy received the telegram and looked like it was hard for him to imagine that such a thing would happen.

"Why, why did such a thing happen?" The Secretary of the Navy said to the Deputy Commander of the Navy.

"Our warships came back in time. They are replenishing supplies and transporting large amounts of spoils, and no losses have been incurred. However, our warships cannot launch an offensive in time. It is estimated that it will still take some time." said the navy deputy. To.

"This is a naked provocation. The Carthaginians are damned." The Secretary of the Navy said angrily, saying that he took the telegram and left the office. He wanted to report the matter to Zhao Jia as soon as possible. Zhao Guo was severely challenged. The Carthaginians are so damned.

Thebes. The Zhao Kingdom’s Mediterranean fleet urgently sounded the battle alarm, but unfortunately, their personnel assembly speed was still too slow. They just won a major battle victory, and the sailors need to send and vent. Although the battle was not very fierce, but for them, they still felt very tired. They feel that they should find a local woman in the local area to comfort themselves, anyway, they have money in their hands. If the war is won, their allowance will also increase a lot.

"Damn, we were attacked by the enemy, and no one came to gather for a long time. Damn, where did they die." Yang Jia said annoyedly. Zhao Hai also had some disheveled clothes. He heard the news. At the time, he was with his three-bedroom wife, who was a Persian woman with a very good exotic atmosphere. In China, such a woman needs a lot of money to get it.

"It's all **** it, but we still have a lot of trophies on board that need to enter the warehouse. They are all special trophies. We must let them unload the ship before we can proceed to the second wave of battle." Zhao Hai said after fixing the buttons.

"You mean, we still need to wait some time for our sailors to finish playing with women before they can go out to war, right?" Yang Jia asked unhappy.

"No, we are just for the spoils, and we have not received specific orders. This way, morale, supplies, and the spoils will not be too good. Most importantly, we don't know how many Carthaginians were dispatched. People, if they are dispatched enough, our situation may be very bad. This will be a huge disaster for us. We cannot let this happen. This will cause us a lot. Threatening." Zhao Hai said.

"I understand. Damn it." Yang Jia seemed to be very annoyed at this reason for not being able to attack, but, no matter what, he really couldn't attack now. Their soldiers were opposed to such a thing, as a military commander. , What else could he do, forcibly order them to attack? This is simply impossible.

The actions of the Zhao Kingdom’s navy also affected the South Korean Navy. They followed the Zhao Kingdom’s sirens and went into battle. Their combat state was much faster than that of the Zhao Kingdom’s navy, even though they were all speedboats, with only two destroyers. But their fighting condition is still good, but they haven't found any targets for a long time after being vigilant.

"These **** Zhao people, what do they want to do? There is no movement for a long time, where is the enemy?" a South Korean navy ensign lowered the telescope in his hand and said.

"They all deserve to die. We have been busy all night, and we can't see anything. I really don't know what those **** intelligence officers are doing?" A navy captain cursed. Many people were irritated by Zhao Guohai's neurological behavior. It is quite vexing. In their opinion, Zhao Guohai is a group of idiots, and it is really annoying that there is nothing to do such a thing.

South Korea’s intelligence agencies are busy. Unusual things usually bring about major situations. They must submit some reports in time. But at the moment they can't figure out what happened.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Supreme Command. While the South Korean intelligence agency in Thebes was busy, the South Korean eavesdropping agency made a major gain. They cracked some of the codes of the Zhao State Navy Department. The department password is because there are some important departments, such as the individual passwords of the technical department that cannot be cracked, because they lack massive communication data and they still use old-fashioned cables. At this point, they can greatly guarantee their communication security. South Korean eavesdropping departments couldn't get the exact telegram data at all, so they couldn't crack it. However, the password communication of the Mediterranean fleet of the Zhao State Navy in Thebes was not a problem. They immediately got what happened to the Zhao State Navy.

"Are the Carthaginians crazy?" When Han Shu saw the telegram in her hand, she couldn't believe it. She felt that she must have read it wrong. Otherwise, how could such a thing happen, it is absolutely impossible, but the problem is that this is the case, and many things have exceeded her imagination.

"My lord, we better wait for this matter. If this is the case, I think we should participate in the attack on the Carthaginians. This is the best offense." Zhang Liang suggested it at this time. The Carthaginians have not opened up their market for a long time, or the openness is very limited. Under such circumstances, it is difficult for them to let go of many things. The Koreans are also very dissatisfied with this, even though the Carthaginians They will not levy taxes on Koreans. They dare not, but this does not mean that Koreans will give up Carthage. On the contrary, they will stare at Carthage all the time, as long as the Carthaginians let go a little bit. If they make a mistake, they will take action to attack, which is not difficult for them.

"Well, before, we should make relevant preparations. After all, such things will form a great advantage for us. Under such conditions, we should actively do some things. For us, This is an extremely advantageous point." Han Shu said. Excuses for them. It's not a difficult thing. What you have to know is that Carthage's initiative to attack will make Zhao and the Central Plains countries a lot of anger.

And this kind of military action is essentially a kind of extortion, because this kind of military action can solve more military problems to a great extent. For them, it is simply an easy and solvable matter.

"However, we still need to attract more partners to participate. In this way, things can become more advantageous. It seems that it is difficult to accomplish such a thing with Zhao country alone." Han Shu said with a smile.

"Give this telegram to the people of Qin, and they will help us solve the things we need to solve." Han Shu said that he handed the telegram to Zhang Liang, and Zhang Liang nodded.

Qin State, Xianyang, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"What's the matter?" Shang Wen raised his head and glanced at Meng Yi, who seemed to be about to jump. This is usually a sign of something happy.

"Haha, this is it." Meng Yi directly handed a telegram to Shangwen. Shangwen took it quickly and it seemed that the telegram was not long, but the content was very new, or in other words, somewhat unexpected.

"It seems that you are right. The Carthaginians cannot use logical thinking to judge that something that shouldn't have happened. What should have happened, but it didn't happen. It seems that we are preconceived." Shang Wen said.

"Well, no matter what, our situation is not very good. In such a situation, the things we can solve are like this." Meng Yi said.

"In addition, the Koreans hope to join us in the crusade against the Carthaginians, or maybe we participate in it and mediate the war. In fact, I think that when this is a robbery, we have to blackmail each other. After all, our military strength there is very limited. If we do this, we will fall into a huge disaster situation. In order to avoid such things from happening, the Koreans chose such a way to solve the problem. Such a method, I personally think, is nothing, after all, this kind of thing is normal." Meng Yi said.

"Well, it seems that you agreed to send troops?" Shang Wen asked.

"Yes, only in this way can our situation be considered stable. This is very beneficial to us. If we do not do this, it will cause us greater losses, and our situation will be extremely unfavorable to us. "Meng Yi said.

"Well, well, in such a situation, we can only agree. After all, we also need a market. If we can't open the Carthage market, it will be even more unfavorable for our situation in the Mediterranean." Shangwen Speaking of.

Out of the need for the market, Qin had to participate in it. South Korea’s expansion in the Mediterranean was extremely limited, and the situation of Qin people could not get better there. Although the situation of Zhao people was better, they opened up the situation in the Mediterranean. However, the basic land of Katai has faced a great challenge. Facing such a challenge, Zhao Guo will inevitably take action, because they simply cannot bear such a thing happening.

Qin, the people of Qin have their own way of thinking. When countries generally open closed market environments, they also need to do the same. After all, many things need to be completely resolved. Under such circumstances, this choice is even more important. Reasonable, tends to be reasonable.

Zhao Guo, Handan, Zhao Jia's office, Zhao Jia was very tired, he wanted to sleep when tired, he was lying on the sofa, listening to the report of the Secretary of the Navy.

"Malta affairs, we must make a good response, they have launched a powerful attack on us, we must take measures to give a certain counterattack." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Well, I agree with you to do this for such a thing, but the question is how much benefit will it bring to us after doing this, and our military strength is very sufficient, you know, we are facing but Jiatai Ji, the strength in the Mediterranean is still relatively weak. We can occupy an island, but if we want to attack its homeland, it is impossible to accomplish such a thing without a large fleet. Our fleet has only reached the Shazhou area. Go forward, estimate. Forget it. You come up with a plan for such a thing. I will think about it later, but this matter, the Carthaginians, is a huge provocation for us. This provocation is absolutely I won't let it go." Zhao Jia said solemnly.

"Yes, Prime Minister." The Secretary of the Navy saw that Zhao Jia's expression was a little abnormal, and he knew that he was too tired these days. He needs to take a break. Since Zhao Jia has approved such a thing, they can achieve such a goal. This is what they should do.

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