State Zhao, Handan, Staff Headquarters.

"Unexpectedly, the Carthaginians would make such a mistake. This is a major strategic mistake. Such mistakes are enough to cause their situation to be in a very unfavorable state." Li Mu said.

"However, sir, I think the situation of the people in Carthage is not in the most pessimistic state, but they have to lose more. The most is to open up their market, reduce or lose most of the tariffs. , Maybe they can get some unexpected help." Li Zuoche said after analyzing the analysis.

"Oh. Tell me." Li Mu felt very strange. For Carthage to make such a choice, it has exceeded the logic, but if such logic works, he doesn't know if there is any logic in this world. Can be implemented. You know, making such a choice is definitely an absolutely unfavorable choice. He doesn't know why the Carthaginians would make such a choice. He didn't understand.

"I think the condition of the Carthaginians is not very good. The main reason is that their condition is spreading in two strategic directions. Their navy should concentrate on breaking through the blockade of the Roma and granting Hannibal an expedition. The army provides greater support. If this is the case, their situation will be better. But the problem is that the other party did not achieve this goal. Instead, they chose Malta. Although the island of Malta is very important, it is time to qualify. It is obviously inappropriate to launch such a war. However, fortunately, our military power is not very strong there. In many places, our power is insufficient, which has led to restrictions on military operations. According to what I know In terms of the situation, our naval warships are very small, and their power is also very limited. It is more because their more forces are mainly concentrated on armed merchant ships. In fact, this is the same as the Carthage naval power. Equal, so the damage to Carthage is very limited." Li Zuoche said.

"Well, go on, are there any more?" Li Mu asked.

"Since our military strength is very limited, then our situation will not be better. Therefore, we are just generating some threats and blockades. Such military operations are not a very important thing for us. , But the problem is that many of our things need to be reorganized. If this is the case, there will be quite a lot of things to complete, which will form a greater advantage for our navy." Li Zuoche said.

"That is, we don’t care what kind of war is fought. What we care more about is diplomatic military actions, such as South Korea, Qin, and there may be more countries in the future. As long as these countries are powerful, they will form. If the Carthaginians couldn’t bear such pressure, our military operations would be a natural victory, and then after a series of mediations, we would make the final victory in the war. Actually.” Li Zuoche watched. Look at Li Mu. Li Mu nodded and encouraged the other party to continue. Li Mu believes that Li Zuoche's strategic analysis capabilities have far surpassed him. He may be more suitable to be an official like the Secretary of Defense, because he has a certain national strategic awareness, and this awareness requires such an officer to make the correct response. I don't know that Zhao Guoguo would not use such talents.

"Go on." Li Mu said.

"My idea is that this is war blackmail. From the beginning, it has been war blackmail. Such blackmail can be successful every time. It doesn't matter what the war is done, but what kind of threats we can cause to the other side. "Li Zuoche said.

Li Mu nodded and expressed his agreement with this view. This is indeed war blackmail. It is possible that from the very beginning, such a situation has been determined. The formation of this situation will be more conducive to the initiation of the country with the smallest price in exchange for the largest one. interest. This is no longer just a matter for Zhao Guo's family, it seems that it will bring more countries to participate. Li Mu felt this way. Because this is like a piece of meat on the street, the smell of meat will attract all the flies.

Chu State, Pengcheng. Inside Song Yi's office.

"The question is, does Zhao's affairs have anything to do with us?" Song Yi obviously didn't understand the strategic situation, but Zhang Er could see the situation because he was too aware of the greed of various countries.

"The Zhao people will not be able to continue the war for too long. At the same time, their strength will not be too much. It will take more than half a year to reach the Mediterranean from our place. The most frightening thing is that the war will increase the war financial expenditure. This is extremely unfavorable for Zhao Guo. People in Zhao Guo are developing their economy rapidly, and most of their financial expenditures are concentrated on economic construction. In terms of time and energy, they cannot concentrate more. This is It is bound to cause a completely new situation to occur. This situation is what we are seeing now. Faced with such a completely new situation, we can react in time like this." Zhang Er said.

"I see. You mean that if we can participate in it, Zhao people will reduce a lot of pressure, and they will thank us?" Song Yi still couldn't understand Zhang Er's thoughts.

"No. Mr. Prime Minister, my idea is war blackmail. This is a war blackmail." Zhang Er said.

"I, I don't understand." Of course, Song Yi didn't understand these. These are the rules, because Chu State has not fully participated in the formulation of the rules of war, and they are still marginalized.

"This is the case. The people of the Zhao country cannot fight, because their military strength is very limited. Under such circumstances, the results they obtain are naturally limited. However, if the war continues, it will inevitably lead to the formation of the Zhao country. Disadvantageously, the only way for the Zhao Kingdom’s navy is to produce a certain result, then mediate, and close as soon as it is good. In this way, the scale of the war can be greatly controlled while reducing financial expenditures. This is the consistent collection method of many countries. For example, South Korea and Qin State. They are all like this, achieving their goals through extremely limited wars. At this time, they need an object of blackmail and a helper." Zhang Er said.

Song Yi nodded. It was the first time he had heard of such a method, and the war blackmail would continue like this.

"So, what do we need to do in Chu country?" Song Yi asked.

"War blackmail is usually played by good guys and bad guys. The people of Zhao State play the role of bad guys, and we Chu State play the role of good guys. As long as we send out a few warships, we can solve this problem. A large number of warships gather. Then they parked in the nearby area, forming a threat. Let them know, that is, the Carthaginians know that if this force joins the attacking queue, the situation will be very bad, but the same, if we If we stand on their side, it will be detrimental to the people of Zhao, and the key to determining how we team is is the benefit fee. If the benefit fee is given to us enough, we can decide whether to stay or leave their affairs. This needs to be enough Many benefits, and these are the costs that move us to mediate. In fact, this is war blackmail." Zhang Er said.

"I understand. I understand." Song Yi said. He didn't expect that he could still handle things like this, which greatly exceeded his expectations.

"You are responsible for this matter. We need someone who knows the inside information to handle such things." Song Yi generously handed this matter to Zhang Er to handle it, because they had no experience in this area, because they He rarely participated in such things. For Song Yi, he had hardly participated in such things. Naturally, I don't know how to deal with such a thing.

"Okay, Prime Minister, I will take care of this matter." Zhang Er nodded and agreed. This kind of thing will allow him to get more and more benefits.

The same scene was staged in Qi, because Qi also had one or two destroyers there. As long as they were tuned in, they would get better benefits. Why didn't they participate in such a thing. They really can't find a reason for rejection. However, Yan and Wei were unable to participate. The situation in Yan was very bad. Goguryeo wanted to participate but was not invited. Wei people, because of their internal economic problems, could not participate in such things. Come, they have fallen out of the status of a big country. Because their real estate economy puts their overall economy in a state of great decline, unless all house prices fall are frozen, it will be difficult for Wei’s economy to recover. Under such conditions, it will be difficult for them to have this or that. Things happen.

Qin State, Xianyang. Outside the prime minister's house.

Shangwen and Yingyu walked to the corridor of the park. Although it is winter, the first snow has not come, and the weather seems to be dry, but the weather is still very cold.

"Look, the kindergarten over there." Yingyu said with a smile.

"Haha. It seems that you like children very much." Shang Wen said.

"Well, don't you like it? It's still because of the child's relationship." Yingyu asked Shangwen on such topics.

"No, I think too much. I was a free man before, you know, I am a rational, free man." Shang Wen said.

"However, my view of marriage is rational and specific. I think I should take more responsibility. You know, the emergence of many children is responsible. I don't want to be an irresponsible person. "Shangwen said cautiously. This is Shangwen’s family concept. Marriage and love are different. Love requires more sensibility. Shangwen lacks in this aspect. Therefore, in love, he is passive. But in terms of family, what the family needs is responsibility, and Shangwen needs to think about these issues carefully.

"Well. It's true that too many people have divorced recently. You men are very irresponsible. I don't like such people." Ying Yu said.

Shang Wen shrugged helplessly. There is no way. Qin encourages childbirth. Because the state has too much funds to focus on this aspect, Qin needs more people to fight in the future. Therefore, people are desperately giving birth and the population is expanding. There are quite a lot of newborn babies, and the financial burden in this regard is a large part, which has caused many people in Qin to become more bothered. They are constantly making troubles, newborn babies are becoming more and more, divorce cases are becoming more and more, because this involves the issue of property and the child's custody rights, some Qin women do not want to see a person who is too carefree the man. Men always can't control themselves, they become extremely crazy. Coupled with the era of world expansion, women from all over the world have attracted their attention. They don't pay attention to their wives at all. Sometimes, they will deliberately bring other women home, and divorce cases will naturally increase.

This is no longer a moral issue. It's a whole society problem.

"I don't want to do this either. My prime minister's term will expire. After I leave, I will do research to teach some knowledge. For other things, let someone else handle it." Shang Wen said so. Shangwen would like to end this topic as soon as possible, because most of the divorce cases in this part are based on mediation and the court will not grant the divorce. Because Qin does not want too many divorced families, but under such circumstances, men become unscrupulous because their country encourages them to do so. Shang Wen can't do anything about this.

"It's better for us to live an ordinary life, otherwise, this matter will still be difficult to handle." Shang Wen said.

Shang Wen likes the lives of ordinary people. For these fights, he really doesn't want to participate in them. He is tired.

Thebes. Zhao Guo's Mediterranean Fleet Command.

"We have searched for a long time, and there are no nearby seas. Where will they go? Our warship went to Carthage. There are only a few ports nearby. I really don’t know where they will hide. Go." Zhao Hai said distressedly.

"I think so too, where will they go?" Yang Jia thought, touching his chin. This problem is difficult for them, because many things have exceeded our understanding. For example, the Carthage navy can go to the north, which is the position of Silas. There is a place they have never reached before. If they really hide there, they can't pursue it. After all, such a thing is They can't do it. In this way, it will cause a lot of trouble for them.

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