The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4051: Accept such a situation

Qin State Xianyang.

"The Koreans established a military academy there. I think we should pay attention to this situation." Meng Tian handed a report to Shangwen, but Shangwen dealt with too many reports. Many reports simply wrote some words. , The comments on corrections are nothing more than that.

"Well, I think it should be nothing?" Shang Wen said.

"It's just a military school." Shang Wen said after correcting a report.

"No, I don’t think so. The military academy is very meaningful. The military academy is like a machine factory or a machine tool factory. With a machine tool, you can set up a production line or a factory. Under such circumstances, I think we It should be noted that such a situation will have a great impact on us." Meng Tian said.

"What do you mean?" Shang Wen asked the other party curiously. He wondered what else the other party wanted to say.

"I mean, the military academy can extend more Persian troops. I heard that their army is called the Persian National Army. In fact, in my opinion, they are still warlords, but their influence is too great. The Koreans have broken the locals. Zhao Guoqi people are very dissatisfied with the balance of power. They also seem to want to support some local warlords to build their own armed forces and then divide their own regions. After all, a considerable part of Qi State’s fiscal revenue comes from there." Meng Tian told Shangwen .

When Shang Wen heard this, he put down the pen in his hand and began to take it seriously. He knew that this matter was not simple, and it was no longer something alone that could be handled.

"I want to know how many countries have participated in such a thing?" Shang Wen asked seriously.

"This is still unclear. The main reason is that some countries already have dynamics in this area. Their thoughts are things that we have never been sure of. Under such conditions, what we can do is actually very limited." Meng Tian said so.

"I understand." Shang Wen nodded like this.

"So, many of our things still need to be determined, or we need them to react in order to know, right?" Shang Wen said.

"Yes, I think it should be like this. This kind of thing is always like this." Meng Tian said.

"Actually, in the face of such a situation, we can still do relatively little. I suggest that Qin State should not participate in it, because if it doesn't, a lot of military expenditure will be invested in it. After all, to support a country, a country. The cost of armed forces is not small. It’s just that the situation there will become more turbulent.” Meng Tian said worriedly.

"Well. We don't care about this matter for the time being. Let them solve the problem like this." Shang Wen said. Regarding the Persian issue, Shangwen believes that the issue is too complicated, and its complexity is no longer solvable by building an army. They have their own culture, tribe, and hatred, and there are many things they can't understand. For example, hatred between tribes. These problems are important places that hinder the development of local economy and trade. Under such circumstances, many things cannot be carried out.

The intelligence department of Qin State had no idea about these factors. It can be said that, in their view, Persia is an extremely complex region. The only way for them to face such a region is to stay away from there. Perhaps only in this way can their situation be sufficient. Better, this is the only thing they can do.

"How about the rest?" Shang Wen didn't want to waste more time on the Persian issue. Qin cannot participate in the things there. There are some things that look good, but in fact, they are not things that they can do. If they should give up, then give up. This is a necessary process.

"They are building their own aviation team, and our aviation troops are constantly entering it. These things are nothing to us." Meng Tian said.

"At the same time, their intelligence departments have already launched some actions. They have adopted, funded, and differentiated, absorbed a part of the Armenian tribes, as their number one pioneer, and then adopted a series of offensive measures. The current situation is considered stable. If it is not the seasonal influence, the situation will be more beneficial to us. This is the biggest advantage for us to solve the problem by ourselves." Meng Tian said.

"Well. It seems that this has a relatively large impact on us." Shang Wen said. Meng Tian looked at Shang Wen a little puzzled.

"That's it. Meng Yi gave me some reports. It said that Li Si is making a big fuss about these things. He believes that large-scale assistance should be given to the rest and help the Qin State oil company stabilize the situation there. If the problem is solved quickly, the oil resource problem can be solved. The government’s current work efficiency is a bit low. I don’t know how the other party came up with this, but I don’t think this matter can be solved as quickly as possible." Shang Wen said. To.

"The tribal problem there is very complicated, and it is not something we can solve in a short time. Regardless of the fact that the Armenians are very backward in weapons and equipment, it seems that they are easy not to defeat, but the problem is that their will to fight is very tenacious. , This will bring us a lot of trouble." Shangwen expressed his views, and Shangwen had already realized this when Persia encountered trouble in the battle against the Armenians. Therefore, in the subsequent policy adjustments, he slowed down the time limit, because the time is too fast, which means that the possibility of error is very high, which is an inevitable result.

"I very much agree with this point of view. Many times, we also think so, because this situation has appeared many times. Faced with such a situation, I think we need to solve this problem well." Meng Tian said. To.

"A lot of the current situation has proved this. The Armenians do not lose to us in terms of fighting will. On the contrary, they are still very tenacious. Such opponents are very difficult to deal with, and they take enough time. We should have one. Fresh understanding is that, but many of us don’t understand the front line and don’t know what happened on the front line. They simply believe that all problems can be solved by literal analysis. If this is the case, many of our things will be It has become much simpler. And we will not make mistakes of this kind. For us, this is the beginning of the biggest disaster. Faced with such a situation, we cannot do many things. We can’t do this, and we can’t do this. This will bring us great disasters. I am extremely opposed to Li Si’s views, and doing so violates a lot of common sense.” Meng Tian Speaking of.

"Well, you can have such an understanding, I think it is already very remarkable." Shang Wen said.

"This is a matter of military common sense." Meng Tian said modestly. On the issue of Persia, because the local resistance is extremely serious and fierce, in the face of such a situation, this is no longer a simple problem that can be solved. Therefore, the key to the problem naturally rises to time. This time requires a lot of things to be solved. For example, establishing a new local economic system through diplomacy and economy, allowing the Armenians to enter the economic radiation range of the Parthian people. This is actually a kind of Economic wins, this kind of wins may not play a great role, but its effect is very obvious, because many things really need to be done in this way. Mere military issues can no longer solve this problem fundamentally, so they turned to use economic, diplomatic, and espionage activities to accomplish such things, but the results were somewhat unexpected.

Xianyang, street. A tea stand is here.

"Good new tea. Black beans from America. It smells delicious." A small tea vendor smiled and said to past customers.

"Well, yes, it smells like fried noodles and fried wheat. Boss, what are you?" The customer came in and asked.

"This is new tea. Taste it objectively, from America." The small vendor said.

"America, is there tea in the Americas too? I heard that the black tea from Sri Lanka is not bad, not because the taste is much worse than the tea from the Central Plains, and the tea from Bashu. It also has to be sweetened. I don't like to drink sweet things." The customer said so.

"Ah, bah, bitter, bitter death. This is the same taste as potion. Bah bah. Bitter death. This is not tea at all, but medicine." The customer left here as he said.

"Hey, hey, this." The other party shouted loudly, but the customer said he didn't want to taste anything.

This is not a new tea, but the earliest coffee. But the Central Plains countries did not pay much attention to this new drink. Although the coffee smells very good and fragrant, it feels very good after it is smelled, but after tasting it, most of it is the same as this customer, and it quickly spit out. why? Because it's too ugly. And it's bitter. Originally, some Chinese medicines could be added to the tea to make the tea taste better. Central Plains countries like to drink clear tea. The wind of making tea flourishes a lot. The dominant position of tea beverages cannot be replaced by a single beverage. And tea has always been one of the economic pillars of Chu and South Korea. If the sales of tea were reduced by 30%, the fiscal revenue of these two countries would be reduced a lot, and the impact would be relatively large.

With the expansion of Chu and South Korea, especially the expansion of Koreans. Tea leaves spread wildly centered on the expansion of Koreans. The spread of tea is due to the expansion of Koreans. Coupled with the influence of sugar, the influence of tea has always been great, and the trend of drinking tea in Loma has flourished. Drinking tea is no longer a taste among the nobles, and commoners can also participate.

The monopoly of tea has always been closely affected. Qin’s profit on tea is very limited, because most of Qin will not do such things. At most, they will resell the tea to make an intermediate price. For example, in the north. , And rest in peace, countries like Dawan need a lot of tea to make their milk tea. This demand has stimulated them many times, and under such circumstances, this stimulating effect is also very limited.

Because Qin mainly relies on the export of arms, technology products are the main profit. The monopoly of tea has not been broken.

The emergence of coffee is very unexpected. Specifically, a certain fan or cook discovered the important reason for cocoa beans. After countless experiments, they found that they finally made a new kind of tea. They still think that coffee is tea. A branch of China, because there is already a lot of evidence that tea can be grown all over the world. So they have always regarded coffee as a kind of tea.

However, coffee is obviously not a kind of tea, otherwise, he would not have such a great bitter taste. The taste is unbearable, which makes many people stay away from this drink. Coffee has not been promoted for a long time. Although it is from America, the Americas simply cannot adapt to such a situation. The occurrence of this situation still needs them themselves. It takes some time to get used to it.

In other words, if coffee cannot open the market, the entire tea is still monopolized by the two countries alone. Coffee still cannot make it to the stage of history.

Loma. Hannibal anxiously waited for the telegram to be sent, but Li Wei kept shaking his head.

"I don't know what happened. But what I need to tell you is that I have been unable to receive information about Carthage from Zhao Guo for a while. I think. There is only one possibility that such a thing can happen." Li Wei thought about it for a while.

"What's the matter?" Hannibal asked.

"War, only war can make this happen. I think the only explanation is this." Li Wei said.

"War. Do you mean that Zhao Guoren has launched an offensive?" Hannibal looked at Li Wei and asked.

"Yes, there is only such a situation. In order to protect the security of relevant information and prevent leakage of secrets and make military operations more smooth, the only way is this. I think this situation can only be this situation. ." The other party said so.

"My goodness. In this case, it's too fast." The other party said.

"Yes, it came very fast, and I was helpless, but this is how this situation happened. Sometimes, I can't solve such a problem by myself, but this is the situation." The other party said.

"I think you'd better accept such a result. After all, this is a war. Many things have far exceeded our expectations. The action was too fast." Li Wei said.

"Yeah. I see." Hannibal still couldn't accept such a situation.

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