State of Zhao, Handan. Department of War.

"This is a report provided by the Navy Department." The undersecretary of the Army handed one of them to the Secretary of the Army.

"Damn, they just provide a telegram. It took such a long time to write the **** report." The Secretary of the Army threw the report over only after reading the same title.

"How long have they attacked?" The Secretary of War asked such a question, because this question is the key.

"Calculate, based on the local time and the principle of east plus west minus, about five hours have passed." The Army Deputy Chief calculated.

"Damn it, five hours, five hours, anything is possible. If our army can seize this opportunity, it will be able to unlock the key to the city of Carthage, but now, we can't do anything. Damn it. "The Secretary of the Army said.

"Sir, we can't return hope to them, because doing so is a bit reluctant. After all, they are not a regular army, they are only militia armed. If we ask them too much to do such a thing, I think the result will be against us. Very unfavorable. After all, they have not received professional training. Once they encounter a counterattack from the Carthage garrison, we may lose a victory as a result. The Prime Minister is also very cautious." The Army Secretary said.

"I know such a situation, but it's too sad to let such an opportunity pass. This is definitely not what we want to see. Do you know what the result is?" said the Army Undersecretary.

"Well, I think too much. But it is a pity to give up such an opportunity. In the face of such a situation, it is a pity that we can solve things." The Secretary of the Army said. . In fact, the Secretary of the Army very much hopes to solve all the problems at once, but the problem is that they are using militia forces. The militia forces themselves have many, many problems. For example, they have not received professional training. In the fortified battle, they lacked enough weapons for fortification, and in terms of their combat training, they had never received such specialized training at all, and so on. These were the fundamental reasons why they were unable to further solve all the problems. However, the Secretary of the Army still hopes that some important news will be passed on.

"Always pay attention to the situation of our militia and hope that they can bring great surprises. Such surprises are enough for us to solve all the problems." The other party said.

"Yes, sir, I understand." The deputy commander of the army agreed, but the communication still takes some time, after all, they can't communicate to the most basic units in time.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Supreme Command.

"It's just a joke, they are not fighting at all." Han Shu looked at the telegram in his hand and shook his head and said. Zhang Yun's low evaluation directly led to the low evaluation of the entire Supreme Command.

"But my lord, I think we should give some hope to the Persian National Army. After all, they only used less than two thousand troops to withstand the attack of more than ten thousand people. This kind of attack is for us. It is also quite strenuous, but the opponent can show such combat effectiveness, indicating that the warlord's ability is very low, and the Persian National Army can improve a certain combat effectiveness." The Minister of Defense said.

"Well, do you think they can hold on?" Han Shu asked such a question.

"Yes, no problem, my lord, I think they can hold on, but they still need some difficulty to defeat them. After all, they lack certain offensive methods." The Minister of Defense said.

"Then let us see how their offensive methods are. If they can defeat more than 10,000 people, we will support them and tell them that defending is not a big deal. However, if you want to defeat the opponent, you must take measures. Some actions come out, do you understand what I mean?" Han Shu said.

"I understand." The Secretary of Defense nodded and said he understood. Han Shu nodded. In Han Shu’s view, it’s not a big deal with a force of more than two thousand people. The most powerful thing is that defeating the opponent with two thousand people is the most critical and necessary place for them. If they If they can't do such a thing, then everything will be in vain. This is a situation they don't want to see.

Perhaps such a requirement is too harsh, but in Han Shu's view, if you want to meet the requirements of the Koreans, you can only do so.

State Zhao, Handan, in the staff.

"This Persian battle has no technical content." Li Zuoche said after taking a look at all the situations.

"Well, but two thousand and ten thousand people have reached a stalemate, which is better. Moreover, the Persian National Army supported by the Koreans has one trump card that has not been used. That is, their cadets, if cadets If you invest in it, or launch a flank attack, the situation will suddenly turn over. Ten thousand people may be defeated." Li Mu said, looking at the situation on the battlefield.

In Zhao Guoren's view, the Koreans support the Persian National Army, regardless of whether they adopt a test attitude, but for the current situation, what they need is such a situation.

"I understand." Li Zuoche suddenly knew what his chief wanted to do. It’s impossible for those cadets of the Persian National Army not to know this, and they have the ability to do it. They know that the warlord’s troops are not motivated to fight, and if they take a flank attack, they need to take a certain risk. This risk is very If it is too large, it may lead to major failures, and it may also be surrounded. In short, the situation is sometimes very unfavorable. Therefore, under such circumstances, some things are difficult to proceed.

But military academies are different. They have received strict military training and their will to fight is far different from the opponent's situation. Under such conditions, they can do quite a lot. In other words, they can still do the tactics of outflanking the wings. And Li Mu also saw this. Once such a tactic is adopted, even though there is a certain risk, the risk can still be tolerated. But warlords cannot do such a thing because it is difficult to conduct such offensive operations.

Persia, the headquarters of Tupli, after a day of fighting, their army casualties are still relatively large.

"Our injuries are still quite large, more than 1,700 people, and more than 800 casualties. If it were not for our machine guns and defensive advantages, this number might be very large." Tupley held The combat report said so.

"The casualties on the other side will be even greater." Zhang Yun looked at the report and said, because what they saw was that there were corpses all over the floor, most of them were warlords, and many of them were killed by their supervising team. . This number may exceed three hundred people, and there are almost a thousand dead bodies in the entire position. This means that the casualties of the opponent are also relatively large. If the casualties of a warlord exceed 20%, the possibility of failure will be It's very big, because the morale is very terrible. Many people think that there is no chance of victory in this war. They choose to flee, avoid the war, and look for such a situation in various ways.

"Yes, in this case, they can solve a lot of problems." Tupley said.

"The situation cannot continue like this. If we continue, we will fail ourselves and the soldiers will be consumed alive. First of all, we compress our organization, one battalion to one company, or to become a strengthened company. In this case, It can greatly improve the combat effectiveness. At the same time, the weapons are concentrated for defense and mobile defense. Two companies must be drawn out to become reserve teams and put into use at the most critical time." Zhang Yun wanted to say this after thinking about it.

"I can put military academy students into it, so the problem can be solved." Tupley said, thinking he was very clever.

"No, we absolutely can't do this. If we do, it will be extremely detrimental to us. We can't do this." Zhang Yun said immediately.

"Why?" Tupley asked curiously.

"If we do this, we will form a huge confrontation. In other words, our situation will be in a very unfavorable state. Under such circumstances, it will greatly depress our situation. This is very detrimental to us." Zhang Yun said.

Tupley’s idea is to use the military academy as a reserve team. In this way, they can play the battle results they should have. However, in this way, they will form a situation of repeated see-saws, which becomes a veritable see-saw war of attrition. As a result, if the warlords continue to endure it, the cost of casualties on both sides will be very high, so large that whoever wants to be unbearable on both sides will be the first to be exhausted and can only end the war, acknowledging such a defeated result, this This approach is to kill a thousand and eight hundred workshops, which will only make their situation even more unfavorable.

"This situation will cause us a great disaster. This is definitely not the result of the war we want, and it will make our result even worse." Zhang Yun was the first to object.

"How do we use this?" the other party asked.

"The flanks outflank, throw this force into the flanks, intersperse into the enemy's rear, and give them a violent attack. In this way, their situation will completely collapse." The other party said.

"Damn it, if this goes on, all the cadets are in danger." Tupley said of Ou.

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