Loma, a gathering place for young aristocrats. Scipio brought many young officers with weapons to force some young men to swear. Because of language, Li Fu didn't know what happened, but he knew that Scipio had his reason for doing this. Those noble youths swore one after another. Until the last place. Scipio just let it go.

"I want to know, what happened?" Li Fu asked Scipio curiously. He wants to know exactly what happened and treat his own people in this way.

"Surrender, pessimism. They are headed by a young man called Lucius Caequilius Metelus. He wants to flee Loma. If things like this are not stopped, things will happen. It’s very dangerous, you know, what kind of impact this will have? Such an impact will cause us a lot of trouble. In such a situation, we must solve this problem as soon as possible. Otherwise, you Know what will happen." Scipio said.

Because of the speed of speaking and the name of Loma’s too long, Li Fu didn’t even know the name of this aristocratic young man, but his behavior would indeed cause much trouble to Loma. The reason is very simple, because there is a man. If you run away, it will lead to ten people, ten people will lead one hundred people, one hundred will lead one thousand, and one thousand people is not a simple situation like this. More and more people participated, and the situation collapsed quickly. This is the current situation they are experiencing.

"You are right, very correct, if you don't do this, it will cause a lot of trouble." Li Fu said.

"There is one more thing," Scipio said. Obviously, he didn't take this matter to heart. He still has a lot to do.

"What's the matter?" Li Fu asked.

"I want to run for a municipal office, you know, my legal age is not yet, and the guarantor will not agree to my election, but I can expand my influence through influence. So, in such a situation , We must do something." Scipio said.

"This is a good thing. But, I think you should run for consul directly." Li Fu said. In Li Fu's view, his age is indeed an obstacle to him, but his ability has surpassed such a ruling viewpoint.

"I know, but this kind of thing must go on, you know, I will do better in this situation. Loma must change, and we can't wait." Scipio said.

"Well, I understand, explain to me what I need, and I will help you as much as possible." Li Fu supports knowing.

"Well, I understand this, but I think that in the next step, Lockheed Martin must launch an attack. Only an attack can fundamentally solve Hannibal's problem." Scipio said.

"Where to attack? If it is the basic land of Katai, the situation may not be very good. We are opposed to it because there will be more and more rental areas, and the distance is too far to be realistic." Li Fu Speaking of.

"Spain, we can attack there. Spain is the best choice. It is Hannibal's base in the rear." Scipio said.

"I support you in doing this, but you had better become a municipal official before. In this way, many things can enter the area we expected." Li Fu said.

"This, I understand." The other side nodded and said.

Canney, the aftermath of the war is not a simple matter. Hannibal's army is still dealing with many, many things here, and there are many things they need to do.

"Look at this. This is the news we got from the Koreans." Li Wei took a telegram and handed it to Hannibal.

"I think you can think about the above things. In this case, it will have some benefits for us." Li Wei said.

"Heavy weapons are those large-caliber artillery, right?" Hannibal asked.

"Yes, this is conducive to our defeat of Lockheed Martin. It is our Achilles’ heel. We can’t let this weakness continue to play. It will pose a great threat to us. Under such circumstances, we Many things are already in a state of unfavorable gains. This situation cannot continue, which will cause us great losses." Li Wei said.

"I mean, at present, in the case of field battles, the Lockheed Martin army will not be around us. They are unlikely to fight. Under such a situation, what can we do?" Li Wei asked.

"I understand this, but it will cost us more funds, and the consumption of ammunition will be an extremely alarming number. Faced with such a number, we can do too little. You know, we Many things are already in an absolutely unfavorable state. If we continue like this, the situation will be very unfavorable for us, and this situation will depress us even more. Therefore, we cannot do this kind of thing, nor can we continue to do it. Go down." Hannibal said. Hannibal had his own considerations. Because of the purchase of heavy weapons, the situation of the war has changed a lot. Fighting fortresses is not a simple matter of weapons. There is also a morale problem. He knows that if he tries to attack Lockheed Martin, the money spent will change. It’s very big, and these are things Hannibal can’t provide. This is a very contradictory problem. The development of this problem will cause many situations to become extremely unfavorable to them. Under such circumstances, many things must Let them make adjustments by themselves, but adjusting either party will cost more money. Hannibal could not provide such a large amount of funds for a long war.

This is the contradiction. If you want to end the war, you must attack Lockheed Martin, and you must purchase more weapons to attack Lockheed Martin. However, in terms of funds, it is not enough to maintain such a high consumption. The field warfare can no longer provide them with more weapon assistance. The contradiction will continue, and in this way, their situation will be more passive.

South Korea, Xinzheng, the Supreme Command, an urgent telegram was quickly delivered to Zhang Liang's desk.

"Fabian was re-elected as a dictator?" Zhang Liang said while looking at the telegram in his hand.

"Yes, this is the choice of the Roma people. They will continue Fabian's policy." A Defense Ministry officer replied.

"Okay. Leave this to me." Zhang Liang said and put the telegram in his hand into the important column to solve such a matter. Under such circumstances, it is obvious that the Loma people made such a choice. It is extremely correct, because the right choice can help them solve many problems. For example, Hannibal's military operations.

Zhang Liang collected all the organized telegrams, and then turned to Han Shu's office.

"That's what happened to Fabian, because they can't completely defeat Hannibal. If they want to solve this kind of thing completely, they must solve Hannibal's thing completely. If they can't, their situation will be completely difficult. Go on." Han Shu said.

"How about the arms and weapons? I think Hannibal will consider such a thing." Han Shu said. Han Shu is very confident. He thinks Hannibal is considering defeating Lockheed Martin. Certainly buying such a batch of weapons, after all, defeating Lockheed Martin has great benefits.

"There is no reply yet. I think they are carefully considering such a matter." Zhang Liang said cautiously.

"After all, such a cost is still very large. Under such circumstances, many things are difficult to proceed. If the situation cannot be effectively changed, the situation will become extremely unfavorable." Zhang Liang said. .

"You mean that Hannibal couldn't buy such weapons because of financial problems, right?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes, Lord, this situation is very likely to happen, and it will happen." Zhang Liang said.

"It seems that we need to provide some financial services when we provide weapons, right?" Han Shu asked.

"Yes, my lord, if we cannot provide financial services, military sales will be difficult to continue. In contrast, the rebuilt Roman army is our best choice. As a conqueror, Hannibal is here. The demand is not great, and if we can provide a sum of money to the Roma people to continue such a war, I believe. The situation will get better." Zhang Liang said.

"Support the Loma people, but the Loma people are the old guy Fabian. You and I know his situation. He will not do this. Borrowing money to let them fight. Obviously they cannot accept such things. So, we can't do this kind of thing yet, it will be detrimental to them." Han Shu said. Han Shu is very clear about Fabian’s situation. He can borrow money, but borrowing money will definitely benefit Lockheed Martin. This situation is not very good for Koreans, because they can’t get enough for many things. Benefits, without enough benefits, they would not do such a thing.

"My lord, I know this very well. However, Lockheed Martin has other collaborators, but such an opportunity has not yet appeared. If Fabian continues to do this, it will be extremely detrimental to them. They can only change this. Only one situation can completely reverse this situation, and the change in this situation is their current situation." Zhang Liang said.

"What do you mean?" Han Shu asked.

"Wait a lot, I think, there will always be opportunities." Zhang Liang said.

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