Facing Scipio's words, Fabian found that he couldn't speak anymore. Perhaps the level of his Zhongyuan dialect is not high, and he cannot understand some of the more esoteric words. In short, Fabian was silent. What reason does he have to oppose such a thing? Obviously Scipio might do better. This is a gamble. But for Lockheed Martin, they had to bet on a national luck. They had to go on in this situation, because they really couldn’t find a good reason to solve such a thing. The situation is like this, no one can avoid it. Such a situation.

Scipio can't, nor can Fabian. Because Lockheed Martin's national fortune is already at its most dangerous time. Any choice at this time will lead to different situations. Faced with such a situation, many people can only choose what they can do. This is what Fabian and Scipio have to do.

Zhang Jun quickly reported everything that had happened within him, because the situation was already very clear. They must make this choice to carry out Lockheed Martin's national movement.

Qin State. Inside the Xianyang Palace.

"The world is beginning to take shape." King Qin said to Feng Quji.

"Zhao and South Korea chose tit-for-tat. Qin should not be involved, otherwise, the situation will become more complicated, which is not good for Qin." King Qin picked up a son and said.

King Qin has a new hobby, playing chess, because Qin's wars have been reduced a lot, only the war on the chessboard can continue. This is the only hobby of King Qin.

"My lord, do you mean to quit by doing this?" Feng Quji said.

"It's not withdrawing, but on the sidelines. Qin is entering another new prime minister election period. This morale situation and policies will become volatile, and the outside situation is very complicated. Zhao Guo takes Qi to fight for hegemony. The situation of South Korea and Chu is not clear enough. Not only that. Carthage, Loma, Persia, and Rest, a series of small countries continue to appear, and the situation becomes more and more complicated. Judging from the current situation, the prime minister The government is still unable to deal with it, let alone the current complex world situation." King Qin said.

"The development of the Americas can prevent Qin from falling into such a situation. There is no snatch, no fight, and naturally, it is very beneficial to the situation. If the situation develops to the point where it is difficult to deal with, we will not be able to deal with it." King Qin said. . Then King Qin took a son and fell.

"It's just the king, it's extremely difficult to develop America. The journey is long and the cost is extremely high. Under such high cost, it is difficult for Qin State to sustain it." Feng Quji casually said to a son.

"Well, the prime minister's office is also studying solutions, but, no matter what, Qin must develop the Americas. The development of the Americas is very important to Qin. This is a strategically deep need. Although Qin has a large territory . But if you don’t operate, you will become weaker.” Qin Wang said.

"Broad territory can provide more markets and strategic depth. On this point, the Prime Minister's view is correct." King Qin said.

King Qin was in the need of Qin's strategy and was very interested in developing the Americas, because such a situation would be extremely beneficial to them. Although the cost of development is extremely high, nothing will stop King Qin's will. On this issue, King Qin was extremely firm.

"Can't settle down." King Qin said to Feng Quji.

"Wang Shang." Feng Quji lowered his head to see clearly that some changes on the chessboard had been very unfavorable to him.

"Hehe, sometimes, an inadvertent move will have a great impact on the situation. The current state of Qin is also the same. More inadvertent tactics must be done. Such tactics are very important to Qin. Although it is obviously not visible, it may not be visible in the future. When it shows its power, it will become extremely abnormal." King Qin said to Feng Quji.

"My lord, what I said is." Feng Quji lowered his head and said.

"For the Navy Department, let them do the same. No matter what, if the widow wants to support such a thing, can't the widow still affect the rise of the market?" Qin Wang said.

"Yes. King." Feng Quji nodded and said. King Qin used the situation on the chessboard to tell Feng Quji a truth, that is, sometimes it is necessary to make other adjustments in time, or make arrangements in advance, in order to achieve the development of the situation in Qin. Obviously, King Qin was very satisfied with Shangwen's advance layout.

Inside Li You's office. Li Si came here for the first time. The decoration of his office is not luxurious, but it has a certain grade. At least there are many models.

Li Si doesn't like coffee, but Li You likes it, and Li Si still likes tea. He instinctively resists the new thing like coffee. The promotion of coffee is only spread among a small group of people, such as the prime minister of Qin. Li You, a person who likes to stay up late for office work, because purely relying on tea can not achieve the effect of improvement, and the brewing of tea is very troublesome. If you drink Korean or Chu tea, the time wasted is very, very scary. One hour can do a lot of things, but the time spent on drinking tea takes more than two hours. This is a situation that is difficult to accept for busy entrepreneurs such as Shang Wen and Li You. For such a situation, they can accept and it is difficult to understand why they spend so much time on this. Li You didn't understand. But Li Si thinks this is a realm. It is still very difficult for Li You to reach such a state.

"Father, I can pay for this fee, but what I want to know is how you run to become the prime minister. You know, there are many opponents in your campaign, such as Feng Quji, Meng Yi, and a series of others. People, if you don’t have too many adjustments in policy, you will suffer very, very much. Also, the policy of attacking the current prime minister is a mistake. This will have a great impact on your policy. I don’t want you to do this. In other words, you should make some adjustments, because doing so will be more beneficial to us." Li You said.

"I know all of this, but by doing this, I can attract them to us. What they need is political votes, not some **** policy continuity. Is there a mistake in the current prime minister? Or very To be conservative, or to be very unfavorable to Qin State, is it that Qin State still wants to continue this kind of mistake?" Li Si asked his son like this.

"This. I can't refute it." Li Si said helplessly. He knows what his father thinks, and he has a sorrow about Prime Minister Shang Wen. The reason is that if it were not for Prime Minister Shang Wen, he might become the prime minister of Qin. It is possible that under his hard work, Qin Guohui will complete the reunification. Great changes recorded in the annals of history. but now. He is nothing. All of this made Li Si think that it was all caused, so he hated Shangwen very much.

The policy of attacking the opponent can make him find a lot of pleasure, and this pleasure can make him feel very comfortable.

"Well, I support you, I support your career, I wish you a successful campaign, my father." The other party said. Then he sent his father away as soon as possible. Li You is not very disgusted with some of Shangwen’s policies. He thinks that Qin’s actions are correct, because this is the most beneficial choice for Qin, and if you follow him If the father’s approach comes, actively striving for hegemony will have a great impact on Qin. For example, this impact will completely lead Qin into a very complicated situation, even though their military exports are currently affected. After a certain blow, mainly due to the reduction in orders, a large number of light weapons are mainly concentrated in some countries with low labor costs, such as Qi State, Goguryeo, and even some enterprises in the mountainous areas have begun to concentrate on production. Although profit margins have a certain impact, they are still profitable. On the contrary, those who do trade have made a lot. There is no way. This is a market-era world. Whoever controls the market can develop better, and Li You is shifting his goal to some high-tech weapons and equipment. For example, aircraft, tanks and armored vehicles. He is actively communicating with automobile companies, so that their condition will become better. Because if you don't export some high-tech equipment, many things will not go on.

A large number of low-end industries are being transferred to countries with more low-cost labor, and only by maintaining a certain level of high-tech equipment can they maintain their competitive state in a good state. Many things are like this. This situation will be very important to them.

State of Zhao, Handan. Zhao Jia's office.

"What is this?" Zhao Jia asked his finance minister with a report.

"That's it, Prime Minister, Goguryeo’s prison is overcrowded. They have to imprison people in the barracks. Under such circumstances, the barracks may not look good, because now Goguryeo is arresting a large number of criminals and these people cannot be killed. I can only control, their special court can handle more than 200 related similar cases a day, which is an astonishing number." said the Minister of Finance.

"What's the matter with the report? I don't want to hear these things." Zhao Jia said.

"Yes, the prime minister, the report says that they hope to send us some criminals to Nanyang, or Osmanthus, where the situation is better." The Minister of Finance said.

"There needs to be developed and a lot of labor is needed. In fact, we don’t need to build a prison there. There is a desert where people can’t get out. Because there is no water, that’s a natural prison. We need development and labor in many places. Koreans can continuously transport Indians from other places to here, and we can also transport criminals from Goguryeo. They are all sent to us, so that they can greatly supplement the labor force there. This is very beneficial to us.” The Minister of Finance said.

"Oh. In this way, the labor problem has been solved. Isn't it?" Zhao Jia asked.

"Yes, Prime Minister, it is solved like this. Many things can become more beneficial to us, that's it." The other party said so.

"Well. If this is the case, then it's good, let them proceed at will, no matter what, it is a good thing to say to us like this." Zhao Jia said.

There are too many people in Goguryeo's prison. In desperation, the Goguryeo government met with Zhao people, and they were willing to provide these people with free labor, of course. Within a certain time limit, if they escape, they will not care, because the cost of maintaining part of them here is too high, and they are very destructive. There are more and more fights in the prison. In desperation, they could only think of such a way to solve this problem. In this way, a large number of criminals were given to Zhao Guo. They also wanted to find Koreans, but Koreans have a large number of Indian laborers to carry on. The duration of the civil war expanded further, and warlords of all sizes continued to appear, and they fought with each other. They kept betraying all the things and all kinds of sovereignty in the battle, even the king’s tomb was dug up by them and given to the Koreans, and there was only one purpose for doing so, and that was for more arms. With more armaments, they can guarantee that they have enough interests to sustain them. This is the situation they are currently facing.

In contrast, Zhao Guoren’s needs are greater. In fact, through this move, they hope Zhao Guoren can stabilize the situation for a while. After all, Goguryeo’s financial situation is very bad. They hope Zhao Guoren can help them, but Zhao Guoren seems to be very uninterested in this. They are only interested in those criminals.

"What happened to Hannibal? Did they place an order? They should see the benefits of having a lot of heavy artillery." Zhao Jia asked.

"I'm sorry, the Prime Minister, I haven't received the relevant order yet. After they bombard Lockheed Martin, there is no further action. Maybe they will buy some shells. However, they are not very good at maintaining such a situation. They still need to rely on Hannibal's seizure, and Fangba cannot get local financial support. Therefore, the situation is still very unfavorable for them." The other party said.

"Oh. My goodness, that is to say, many of their things can't be further developed, right?" Zhao Jia asked.

"That's it. Prime Minister." The Minister of Finance replied.

"Poor ghost." Zhao Jia cursed.

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