Island of malta. The two destroyers of the South Korean Navy, the "Lance" and the "Pike" are docked here. Colonel Li Ge is responsible for specific military operations. The South Korean warships docked here are interested in the Zhao State Navy personnel, but they are interested. It's not the opponent's firepower, configuration, power, armor, etc., they are interested in where the two destroyers are going. This is what they are most concerned about.

In the captain's office of the "Lance" destroyer, this is where Colonel Lige's office is.

"Come in. Did you see the guide?" Li Ge asked. He was putting a book away. The captain lived in his own study, sofa, office area, bedroom, and even a small drawing room. All in all, the environment here is very good. But to compare with ordinary sailors, here is too extravagant.

"Sir, we only found a Carthaginian here. He said that he had been to Silas, but he could not indicate a specific location. Moreover, he hoped to be able to pay a certain amount, because his family is still Slave." said a major staff officer.

"Have you confirmed? I don't want to show up the **** thing. He took us to an unknown place. If that is the case, I believe he should face what kind of situation." Li Ge is serious. Speaking of.

"Sir, we are looking for another guide. In this way, we can find out where they contradict each other." The staff officer said.

"Look for it as soon as possible. As for his conditions, it is acceptable. No matter what, these things are nothing to us. But if you can't find a place, I will make them look good. I promise." Li Ge said. .

"Yes, sir, I believe the other party will understand." The staff officer nodded in agreement. Then left here.

The South Korean Navy's Mediterranean Fleet did not find any relevant guides at all in Aiji. What's worse, only half of them went to sea, and the other half were not found at all. Ammunition supplies are not very sufficient, and many of them are used for training. Those have been in stock for a long time, and most of the shells were sold by the personnel who took care of the warehouse. In desperation, they could only take out those training bombs and provide them to the navy. As for the guide, they just randomly found a few loved ones, they didn't know where those places were, which was not too bad for them.

In desperation, they can only put their hope on the **** island of Malta. They hope that the Carthaginians here can help them solve some practical difficulties, but fortunately they found some. This can be regarded as solving a big problem for them. But for this voyage, morale was generally low. Because they are going to a completely unfamiliar place, many people still hope to make a fortune when they go to sea, but now it seems that they are going to war.

Zhao Guojun was very interested in their purpose, but they couldn't clearly track it down. This was extremely rude. They could only guess from the general direction. But it will take some time to complete such things.

Chen Ping submitted a very long report to the Qin State Navy Department, of course. He also prepared a simple report. He felt that the Secretary of the Navy was unlikely to finish the lengthy report, and it was very professional. Basically, he concluded that the other party could finish the first page, even if it was Very good.

As expected, the Secretary of the Navy did not finish reading the first page. He only read two paragraphs before decisively giving up the lengthy report. Then simply took a look at the simple one. Then put it aside.

"I want to know what these reports can bring to us?" The Secretary of the Navy officially received the economic adviser for the first time.

"Develop America, Mr. Minister." Chen Ping said calmly.

"How to develop? You know, the Navy Department has invested a lot in this, but the effect is not great. Under such circumstances, I think you understand the current situation." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yes, Mr. Minister, I am very aware of the current situation. The current situation is very bad for us. Many things have immeasurably restrictive effects on us. Under such circumstances, in fact, there are many things we cannot Further solve this problem." Chen Ping said.

"But the development of the Americas is of great significance to Qin. This is Qin's second economic take-off, and Qin needs such a foundation." Chen Ping said solemnly.

"That's right, Qin is indeed in such a situation, but what I want to know is how specifically you did such a thing, you know, we used to work hard to solve such a thing. "The Secretary of the Navy leaned on the back of the chair and asked. In fact, the entire Navy Department has not solved this problem. They are worried about how to solve this problem. Therefore, they can only solve this problem by introducing different talents. If they can solve such talents, they feel that this is indeed a good choice.

"Our view is that the use of financial means, that is, the issuance of bonds, or the establishment of one company or multiple companies, the overall goal is to attract more and more people to participate. The more people involved, the more people. Therefore, we need more funds and issue more bonds. Under such circumstances, the more people involved, the more favorable our situation will become." Chen Ping said.

"I. I don't understand, I don't understand what you mean." The Secretary of the Navy shook his head and said.

"To be precise, when we issue bonds for the development of the Americas, bonds can be speculative. In this way, there will be volatility and profits will be generated in a short period of time, which will attract a large number of banks, investment banks, and companies. Purchasing, in this case, will generate profits within a certain period of time. This is the way of speculation and finance." Chen Ping said.

"Our advantage is that we have received such a large amount of funds, which can help us solve such problems." Chen Ping said.

"Yeah." The Secretary of the Navy looked at the Deputy Commander of the Navy, and obviously they didn't understand.

"We can turn the entire development process into several stages. The first is to attract people's attention and get more companies to participate. As long as our bonds and the development of America’s bonds are selling very hot, everything will be gained. Solve." Chen Ping said.

"Well, I understand this. That is, the purpose of bonds is to make some banks and companies notice our side, and then we can solve many other things, right?" the Secretary of the Navy asked.

"Yes, Mr. Minister, absolutely correct." Chen Ping finally convinced the other party.

"But, the question is, what should we do at the time? We all know that bonds will fall and will rise. If they rise, it's okay to say, but if they fall, it will be troublesome. We can't get more funds. Under the circumstances, many things will actually make our situation even more unfavorable. I think you understand this point." The Secretary of the Navy said.

"Yes, sir, I understand this, so this is the purpose of our first phase. Attracting attention, if we achieve this goal, many things will actually become more beneficial to us." The other party said so.

"Yeah." The Secretary of the Navy nodded.

"Do you think it is feasible?" the secretary of the navy asked the undersecretary of the navy.

"Anyway, I think we can think about it." The Navy Deputy said ambiguously. Consider, consider, usually there will be no following.

"Mr. Minister, I think it is best not to delay such a thing, because if it is delayed, it will be detrimental to us, and our time will not be much. If it is delayed, our favorable time will disappear step by step, and finally It is us who will lose. Such a situation will be extremely disadvantageous to us." Chen Ping said.

"We have to consider. The current policy of the Prime Minister's Office is tilted to our side, but if it takes more time, what will be the final result? Without the support of the Prime Minister's Office, our situation will be extremely passive. In that case, our situation will be extremely unfavorable. In the face of such an unfavorable situation, how long can we maintain it, and what is the point of continuing such a situation, I personally don’t know, but I do. Procrastination for even three months, the result is still not good for us, we have no time. There is no time to waste. Really. Sir." Chen Ping said.

"What do you think?" After listening to the Secretary of the Navy, he had two minutes to think about this question, and then asked the Deputy Commander of the Navy.

"We may have to make a serious decision." The Navy Deputy Commander thought for a while and said. This means that they must come up with a decision.

"What do you think?" the Secretary of the Navy asked Chen Ping.

"No matter what, we should do this." Chen Ping said.

"Well, let's just do it, no matter what happens, at least it's not a bad thing." said the Secretary of the Navy.

"Yes, I agree." The navy vice commander nodded and said. The Secretary of the Navy decided. They decided to do this.

Chen Ping's concept of time tells them that they have no time to waste. Because they missed such an opportunity, they may have to wait for such a long time next time, and may not have such an opportunity. Faced with such a situation, they believe that it will be very detrimental to them. They can only make this choice, which is the case for many things.

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