Persia, in the headquarters of the National Army.

"What did that **** say?" Tupley asked the Foreign Minister.

"He said he will continue to be loyal to the National Military Government. However, he also has to consider some practical circumstances. For what we have given. They said that it is too grand and unacceptable." The Foreign Minister said.

"Asshole, this asshole, he doesn't think I gave too much, he is waiting for the biggest bargaining chip to appear. This asshole, it has always been like this. He can do such things, but also other things. If you don't believe it, then Just wait and see. He will definitely do this." Tupley cursed loudly. For people like Li Ren, he hated him very much, and he hated it to the extreme. He wanted to kill him himself. But I have no such way.

"Sir, we still need to use other methods to solve such problems. You can't worry about this kind of thing," the Foreign Minister said.

"He is not in a hurry here. But I am in a hurry. The 33rd Army is rebelling with other troops. Look at the number. They have now contacted seven armies and 22 infantry divisions. These troops are suddenly chaotic. If you get up, if you can’t control it in time, the entire Persian national military government will fall into a huge disaster. We absolutely can’t do this, and we can’t let them succeed. There must be a break for such a thing. There must be one. Stop it," Tupley said.

"But sir, if we send troops at this time, we will face the danger of being attacked back and forth. Li Ren is an uncertain factor. If they suddenly take some measures to fight against us, the result will be very unfavorable to us. This will do us a lot. Great losses are caused. Faced with such a situation, our army will suffer very great losses." Li Pu said worriedly.

"I know this, but the problem is that we have very few choices, very few choices. Under such circumstances, what else can we do? This is obviously impossible. So, just like this. Under the circumstances, we have to send troops. If there is a danger, let him come. I. I am not afraid of his Li Renbu. The conditions are there. Let him consider it.” Tupley said.

"Sir, do you ask the Koreans to explain that we can improve some conditions." The Foreign Minister stood up and suggested in a low voice at this time.

"No. That's it, let him see, don't make me think that I'm going to beg him. That's it." Tupley made the final choice. Li Pu looked at the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and he can only do so now. Because they are worried about Li Ren’s rebellion, because this is an uncertain factor, his presence will have a great impact on them. Under such influence, the National Army has to carefully consider the issue of sending troops. The coming time is constantly delayed, and under such circumstances, this kind of thing will be extremely detrimental to them.

But Li Ren seemed to know this. He kept delaying time and appeared to be loyal, but he did not move. This makes everyone very annoyed, but they can’t help it, because they can’t mobilize the other side at all, and the participation of the other side in any party will have a great impact. The National Military Government has given up many, many conditions. but. Li Ren remained unmoved. This allows the delayed time to continue. This is for them. This is not a good situation.

In desperation, Tupley could only choose to send troops first. If they don’t send troops, the number of rebels will increase further to an unbelievable level. This situation will make their situation extremely unfavorable. Therefore, under such circumstances, they have to do this. Li Ren made a good calculation.

Qin State, Xianyang. Stock exchange.

"We have done a lot of publicity for naval bonds, also called American bonds. But we still hope that the navy can come up with something we can think we can do. For example, make some big achievements, let The situation has become better." Xiao He said.

"I understand this. This needs to be carried out in conjunction with your publicity. Right?" Chen Ping said.

The Admiralty agreed to Chen Ping's suggestion and immediately mobilized it. For this matter, they set up an office specifically to take charge of such a matter. This office can mobilize all naval resources. It can be said that the Navy Department attaches great importance to such a matter. In this situation. They have a lot to do.

"Yes, that's it. If there is no significant impact to solve such things, the situation will become extremely unfavorable for us, and what we have to do is to resolve such things as soon as possible, and the bond wants To sell, we must make a lot of real things more real as soon as possible. In other words, there is a basis for facts." Xiao He said to Chen Ping.

"Okay, I understand." Chen Ping nodded. Chen Ping is very busy now, because he is the supervisor of this office. He needs to constantly run back and forth to solve such things. There are many things, many things. They need to be resolved in time. This is what they are currently doing.

The private trading area above the stock trading center is where some large customers trade. In such a place, many transactions are carried out from here. They can do many, many things to solve such problems.

"What's wrong? What's the matter?" Li Wen was looking at the newspaper and asked one of his investment friends. The other party involved in a wide range of stocks, bonds, futures, and spot stocks, as long as he could make money. related to.

"Have you read this?" The other party took out a newspaper and handed it to Li Wen. Li Wen looked at it and nodded, saying that he knew such a thing, and I knew it.

"What's the matter?" Li Wen asked. There are in newspapers, and the advertisements are very large, but Li Wen usually does not participate in it, because it is a dangerous thing for him, there is a dangerous thing, why does he want to participate, he would not do it like this Things.

"I think we should participate in it. The current Prime Minister's Office supports it, and Wenyang Bank and more banks are involved. They have a large number of such bonds in their hands. I think the future price trend will rise. I am. I feel that we should give it a try. This is very beneficial to us.” That friend said.

"Yeah. However, there is no past market, no things that can be done before. I can't judge these things. I think you should understand this. Under such circumstances, many things will make me difficult to start. So , I can't help you with this matter." Li Wen said.

"This is a very good investment product. I think you should give it a try. The current stock market is constantly rising, but the big volatility does not exist. The Prime Minister's Office seems to be intending to suppress speculation. I know there are some differences between speculation and investment. However, bonds are the same as futures and stocks. They are all speculative. In this case, we need to make decisions and study many things ourselves." The other party said.

"Yeah. Okay, I understand what you mean. I will agree to such a thing. But I need to study it, can I?" Li Wen thought for a while, he felt that he should be involved because he As seen in the newspapers, Korean stocks have entered a period of volatility. The market is very quiet. It is difficult to make money in a market without volatility. Under such circumstances, they should all understand such a thing. Therefore, In such a situation, they need to make some changes to resolve such things. Under such circumstances, Li Wen thought of such a choice.

"Well, if there are research results, I hope to tell me some." The other party said.

"I understand, I understand." Li Wen said. But he has already begun to study.

In fact, Li Wen is still more concerned about bonds. Otherwise, he would not know about Korean bonds and stocks. The volatility of stocks is far less than that of bonds. Under such circumstances, he still hopes to do things that are very volatile.

But the navy bond is a new bond. There is no historical market for such bonds, and no one knows where it will rise. Li Wen is least sure about it. right here.

However, the price of naval bonds is relatively cheap, so he decided to buy a batch at the beginning, but the best way to verify his judgment is to do it in the opposite direction. But he must first have a bargaining chip. There are a lot of chips to solve many things.

Bond Market.

"Should you buy naval bonds?" an investor asked.

"Buy, I heard that bonds and bonds will rise very strongly. Under such circumstances, this is a big wave for us. This is what we need to do." An investor was very excited. Speaking of. It seems that he has seen huge rising waves appear. Under such circumstances, many things will become more favorable for him.

"Yeah. Okay. Let's give it a try. The current stock market is really annoying. They won't even rise." An investor said. In many cases, they hope to make more money by speculation.

Many more and more investors have this idea. Because the stock market is too slow to make money. And bonds. It can meet their huge needs. Under such circumstances, many people are still willing to buy bonds. As long as they make money, they don't care what they buy. Most of the purchases of bonds are toward investment.

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