The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4213: I need economic talent

Zhao Guo. Handan. Prime Minister's House.

"Damn, we are behind again. Why do things like this happen every time? How do you solve such problems. I really don't know how your heads grow." Zhao Jia said anxiously. Because they are not only behind South Korea, but also far behind King Zhao. This made Zhao Jia very faceless, and many things were extremely detrimental to him. Under such circumstances, Zhao Jia wanted to find an event that could immediately reverse the situation. But now the Koreans came to their front all at once.

"The prime minister. We still have a chance. After all," the Secretary of Defense said.

"Is there any chance that the Koreans have already occupied the new city of Carthage. If you can think of this earlier, the situation will be extremely beneficial to you. But the problem is that the situation suddenly turned against us. Korea. With such progress, how do we respond to our situation?" Zhao Jia asked.

"This, we. Maybe, you can," said the Secretary of Defense, bewildered. He didn't know what to do. Their information came too slowly. They had no idea that Scipio had done such a thing, and their intelligence system could not penetrate there. Under such circumstances, many of their situations are difficult to proceed.

"The prime minister. Good news. A big piece of good news, which is of great help to our economy." At this time. The Minister of Economy came in and said with a smile.

"Is there any good news? I really can't think of any good news." Zhao Jia said disappointedly.

"Prime Minister, Hannibal is willing to cede our occupied coastal areas of Rome to us and become our colony." The Minister of Economy said.

"In this case, if we occupy there, we will get most of our market demand at once. This is for us. This is a great help." The Minister of Economy said.

"Oh. Are you true? If it is true, then that would be great." Zhao Jia immediately became happy, and the Minister of Defense grinned helplessly after taking a look. That's how their prime minister was. Just like a child, it is difficult to control the temper. If they are not used to it, their situation may not be so good. sometimes. Such things are for them. It is also a huge trouble. Faced with such troubles. They think it is better not to over-contact.

"This matter must be fast. Those areas are still in the hands of the Carthaginians. If they run into the hands of the Roma, the situation will become extremely bad. So, things like this must be fast. From Malta mobilizes its troops. Replenish it there." Zhao Jia ordered.

"Yes. Prime Minister." The Secretary of Defense nodded. They need to discuss with the Navy Department. Such a thing. It takes some army troops to defend there, but there are only marine pairs. If the Loma take tough measures, they will have to face the possibility of a war with Loma.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"My lord, according to the latest research report, we have occupied Carthage. As usual, the people of Zhao will also react in some way. For example, they will also occupy a certain area to solve such a thing. "The Secretary of Defense said worriedly.

"For example?" Han Shu asked.

"For example. Loma area. You know. The Carthaginians occupied that area, where they have a lot of land. Population. These are all important factors in market development, and nowadays, the situation of the Carthaginians has changed. It is extremely unfavorable. Their military expenditure has increased considerably. In this case, they have no funds, and. The two destroyers are leased, and Hannibal does not have such a large amount of money to pay the rent, I think. Sell it. The land and population in their hands. These are very cost-effective practices." The Minister of Defense said.

"Well. I don't think this is inevitable, it is something that must be done. Zhao people have always been like this." Han Shu said.

"My lord. We just got a piece of information." The intelligence minister came in at this time and reported. South Korea’s intelligence activities are extremely rampant. They conducted a great research on wireless telegraphy. Starting from Zhao's diplomatic code, they cracked a large number of Zhao codes. And in the Mediterranean region. Zhao Guo used radio communication extensively, but from diplomatic code. South Korea suddenly extended to the Zhao State Navy, and the deciphering of the navy code was a major success for South Korean intelligence agencies. Because a large amount of information is pouring in like sea water. Zhao Guo's every move is basically under their control. This is extremely detrimental to Zhao Guo. And it seems that the people of Zhao Guo didn't know this at all. Under such circumstances, this would be extremely unfavorable for Zhao Guo's affairs. But Zhao Guoren knew nothing.

"It seems that the conditions of the Carthaginians will become extremely unfavorable." Han Shu said.

"Look at this." Han Shu said that he passed the intelligence in his hand to the Minister of Defense.

"This means that a large amount of intelligence will be supported in our hands, which for us. It will develop into the biggest boost." Han Shu said.

"My lord, this means that our judgment is correct. Under such circumstances, the Carthaginians will give a lot of Roman land to the people of Zhao, and the people of Zhao can build more and more colonies there. We The speed must be accelerated in Spain. Only in this way can such a thing be accomplished." The Defense Minister said.

"Yeah. That's right, well done. Very good. Actively develop Spain. At the same time doing a series of things in other regions." Han Shu said. Han Shu's goal is very clear, that is, to rapidly expand the market and expand the scope of the colony. Now they must seize more opportunities to resolve such things.

In the Aegean Sea, Li Ge was returning to the voyage, but he got a very unexpected news.

"Tell them, what do they mean?" Li Ge asked the Carthaginians, the Latin of the Carthaginians is not very good. They can only communicate with the Syrah through Latin. The language of the Carthaginians is too bad. Many things cannot be translated in time.

"They probably mean. That is, to establish some colonies. Yes, colonies." The Carthage guide said. He didn't know how to express what it meant, anyway, he said it like this. Maybe there is some use, maybe not. In short, there are certain benefits to doing so.

Li Ge thought for a while, and seeing the Shiraz representative on the opposite side seemed to be such a feeling, because the other side showed a kind of fear, worry, and such an expression to them. Very normal. It is also a situation that I like very much, which means that they have failed. They acknowledged some of their status and status and so on.

"Hmm. Is there any compensation?" Li Ge asked the crappy Carthage guide.

"Yes. But it doesn't seem to be a lot, only fifty thousand." The Carthage guide said.

"Tell them, let them raise some bargaining chips, we can talk to them, but it will take some time. Anyway, we can talk to them about such things." Li Ge said. At present, they only got a preliminary condition. But if they want to reverse such a thing at once, they still have a lot to do. For example, they need to get the agreement as soon as possible to open the colony channel. In this way, their trade can expand to Shiraz.

"Okay, give them some time and some preliminary conditions, we can promise and tell them that we need to attack other places." Li Ge said. The Carthage guide translated it in a very bad language. This situation makes them unbearable.

Li Ge was thinking about some things, they must return to Debes as soon as possible. Their shells have been exhausted. No effective threats can be made. This is extremely detrimental to them. If the Silas see through this, their warships can only escape by speed. In desperation, Li Ge could only order the battleship to go back to supplement, and at the same time send the news. They need to further suppress the other side. If they are not supplemented by other battleships, their situation will be extremely unfavorable.

Strait of gibraltar. The destroyer Yang's has been here three times. The navy officer was very puzzled by this round-trip. But their chief was very happy.

"This may be the gap we need to create. A large number of our flags have been planted on both sides of the strait. We Zhao people have taken control of this place." Yang Jia said excitedly. The Strait of Gibraltar is very important to the people of Zhao. They need too many things.

This is an extremely important strategic point. The connection point between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic controls this, it can be said that it controls another import and export of the Mediterranean. The strategic role of this import and export is almost the same as that of the Suez Canal. Because the Strait of Gibraltar was formed naturally, under such circumstances. The possibility of passing large battleships is even higher. The role of occupying here is still relatively large. In contrast, the Suez Canal has certain advantages, which are mainly concentrated in a given area. Because they are closer to the Central Plains. This is where the Suez Canal has more advantages.

New Carthage City.

"Our situation is still not good. Financial matters are very bad. What I know is that Lockheed Martin bonds, especially the bonds you issued, are not bought at all in the Lockheed Martin market. A large number of them have been abandoned. My friend told me. That's **** among rubbish." Li Fu said to Scipio with a sip. Scipio's military power is recovering. Under such circumstances, what they can do is still very limited. This is a disadvantage for them.

"The failure to sell bonds means that our situation cannot be changed. This situation is very frustrated. You know. This will cause us great losses. In the face of such a situation, what we can do It's still very limited." Li Fu said.

"Is there a way to completely reverse this situation. I mean. You can reverse such an unfavorable situation at once. You know, we currently need a lot of funds, and the funds come from your bank’s support. Mortgage is our Roman bond, if only can Loma bond develop. Let everyone buy it?" Scipio asked such a thing.

"This, I’m not very clear, you know, I’m a soldier, not an economist. Some of my classmates know such things, but they want us to solve this situation. To be honest, we can’t solve this. A situation, this is such a way for us." Li Fu said.

"However, from a military point of view, bonds require value. Our value is to obtain more military victories. I believe that with military physiology, many things can be solved easily for us. But at the moment This kind of thing can only be solved in this way." Li Fu said.

"This is just a way of thinking to solve problems. Such a way is not good for us, because we are all aware of such a situation, and we need other ways to solve such problems." Scipio shook his head. Speaking of. Scipio has already sensed that it seems difficult to solve the problem by simply using a military method. What they need to do is how to quickly increase their funding.

"What do you think?" Li Fu asked the other party.

"I need the support of other talents. Victory not only in the military, but in military weapons can only bring us some basic changes, but it still seems difficult to reverse all the situation at once. Under the circumstances, in fact, our situation is still very bad. We must reverse this situation. Pure military force cannot control Spain well, nor can it solve such problems." Scipio said.

"Have you noticed? Hannibal is also changing. The war will become long-term, and the upgrade of weapons and equipment will become more and more. The test for a country and the army will become greater and greater. You I know, a lot of weapons and equipment are completed under such circumstances." The other party said.

"So?" Li Fu asked.

"War is also a kind of business. If this kind of business can bring enough profits, I think many people will participate. Since it is a business, we naturally need some other people to help us do such things. If you do this, the answer is simple. The only way is to get help from other fields in such a situation." Scipio said.

"You'd better tell me directly." Li Fu said, shaking his head.

"To put it bluntly, I need economic talent. Can you help me?" Scipio asked.

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