The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4219: Spanish Infantry Division

Carthage. South Korea leased area.

"Buy some. Carthage bonds, your own bonds. The interest rate is good. If you buy more. If you calculate it, it is equivalent to one more person a month to help you make money. Very generous." A salesman Promote Carthage bonds in this way.

"No. No. I don't want to buy it. Such a thing is deceptive." A if Carthaginian shook his head and said. Then I went busy.

"Buy some?" The salesman found another person to sell like this.

"No interest." "Oh. Bonds. I don't have money. Look at my pockets. I still need to find a job." "It's a lie. This is a piece of paper. Such a thing." No one bought it." Many Carthage, and those who work in the Carthage rental area, said this.

"Oh my God. Why can't I sell one?" the salesman said helplessly.

"Have you seen it? This kind of market is difficult to deal with." Yang Fang stood in a private room of a tavern and said through the window.

"Why is this? There is a big market for such bonds. I think you understand that we need such a market to give, and they also need it. Moreover, such a market is easy to develop, but why is that no one buys? I really I just can't figure this out. What is going wrong on earth?" The other party asked in such a puzzled manner.

In order to avoid greater volatility and losses, Mara and Yang Fang set up a bond sales team. This was the first thing they wanted to promote after the establishment of the bank. Saving money is very stable, but if they want to get rich quickly, obviously they need something new to do this, and what can meet their needs. This is the main reason why they are currently selling bonds. It's a pity that the situation of their sales seems very unoptimistic, at least for them in many places. Still not optimistic. For example, there are some situations like this at present, and the Carthaginians seem to be very optimistic about bonds. They cannot accept such new things. This kind of bonds will only be bought by those high-level ones, because they can withstand such losses, and this kind of capital is nothing to them. Loss is lost. And when they buy, they will buy some outstanding bonds. In this way, their situation is the best. But if they think that buying bonds in this way is the end, it would be wrong. They will also buy some bank bonds and commercial bonds. The senior management knows to add wealth to their own wealth. They will store large amounts of gold. After all, gold and silver are inherently currency. After such a thing. Many of their things will become extremely advantageous.

But the problem is. Other things are still changing. That is the bottom layer. The people of the Carathian basal strata in the lease area are living really unsatisfactory. They rush for their own survival every day. They are the cheapest. The most labor-intensive job. But the rewards are extremely meager. Some only meet their minimum needs for fullness. It is obviously impossible to make some investments if you want to save money. Because they really can't deposit money in the bank, how can they have spare money to buy bonds.

Although Yang Fang is not here, but if he considers this issue from another angle, the matter will be solved in this way. Under such circumstances, how do they solve such a thing? This is a difficult problem that they absolutely cannot solve. For example, let Korean banks do such things. Maybe the situation will get better.

"Why?" Mara asked.

"There are many poor people here. Only the rich can buy bonds. In Qingcheng, South Korea, there are many such people. We issue bonds. Let them handle it, and the rich will find ways to scrape the wealth in the hands of the poor a little bit. Get up. In this way, we can do more and more things. Do you understand?" the other party asked.

"I understand this. But the question is, what does this have to do with us, you know, in such a situation, in fact, many things are still unfavorable for us." Mara said. .

"Yes, this is the case, but I think you should understand this. That is, many of our situations cannot further solve such problems. Therefore, in this situation, many things are still unfavorable to us." Yang Fang said so.

"But I feel that bonds like ours still cannot be sold." Yang Fang thought for a while and said.

"Oh. Why?" Mara asked.

"Because of your government, we need to get the government's cooperation permit. In this case, we may make more money. Otherwise, if you issue bonds in this way, the funds raised will quickly lose money. This is for us. . It’s a farce. Okay. This kind of thing stops for a while, we need to cooperate with the government of Carthage. Or in other words, we find Hannibal to solve this problem." Yang Fang said.

"General Hannibal. His army is fighting in the north. Recently, he seems to have leased two battleships from the Kingdom of Zhao. We may not be able to get in touch with him." Mara said. Yang Fang shook his head after listening. He felt that he had lost an opportunity to make a fortune. Such an opportunity is for him. Not good news. He may lose more opportunities.

"Okay. I see. Let's imagine a way to solve such a thing." Yang Fang said helplessly. If you want to make a fortune, you must issue bonds and cooperate with banks. But the problem is that the project must have some opportunities for development and growth, otherwise, they will not be able to achieve such a thing.

Loma. The Carthaginian cede of the land aroused the indignation of the Roma. Young people have asked to join the battle. Romans shouting to fight can be seen everywhere on the street, and it seems that all the Roma have been mobilized. The Senate was also noisy. They seem to have to solve some extremely difficult things.

Scipio needs a lot of support, especially the support of the soldiers, where he is only used by the local tribal armed forces. The gathered forces are difficult to transport out. The reason is that Hannibal has two destroyers. Once they are discovered, they Will face a great threat. Under such threats. Loma prohibits any support operations to Scipio, as a result. The situation will be very unfavorable for Lockheed Martin.

This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is. Lockheed Martin needed money, and they needed to deal with the new situation in their coastal areas. The Zhao State warship flying the Carthage naval flag directly bombed their coastal areas, causing considerable losses. Many areas have suffered extremely severe shelling. The casualties were heavy. The Loma need a sum of money, and they want to use this money to re-arm their navy. Only in this way can their situation get better. but now. This situation is difficult to reverse.

"Huh." Fabian walked out of the Senate in exhaustion. The elders are still talking noisily. But Fabian looked very tired, his face was very bad.

"You should pay attention to your body." Zhang Jun carefully stepped forward and helped him.

"Well. In this situation, I can't take care of my body. You know. The Carthaginian gunboat is a great threat to us. Our situation seems to be difficult to reverse. Lockheed Martin does not have such a sum of money to solve it. Such a problem. And the colony established by the Zhao people, we cannot capture it. We must act as soon as possible. Otherwise, the situation will be unfavorable to us, but the financial situation has deteriorated seriously. We." Fabian said, shaking his head. The situation is very unfavorable. He is thinking of all the ways to solve such problems. But there is no good way to solve such a thing.

"We should wait patiently, maybe there will be new changes in the situation. In this case, we can change many things." Zhang Jun said.

"I know. But the problem is that this situation seems to be difficult to solve." Fabian said.

"I can't persuade the veterans to issue new bonds. It's not just these issues. There are other issues as well as how Lockheed Martin repays such bonds. I have tried my best to convince them that if this continues, Lockheed Doesn't exist." Fabian said.

"I think you should learn some of Scipio's practices." Zhang Jun thought for a while and said.

"Some veterans have put forward this view, thinking that we should issue more bonds. Borrowing money to solve this problem, because more funds are needed, so we need more people to buy such bonds. At present, who There will be so much wealth. Who will buy it." Fabian said.

"We. We can buy." Zhang Jun said.

"This is what they worry about. It's hard for me to convince such a thing." Fabian said helplessly. He looks tired. Zhang Jun had no choice but to let the other party take a break first. This kind of thing is difficult to do. In this situation. Many things have become unfavorable.

"I see." Zhang Jun nodded to express his understanding. For Fabian's view. Zhang Jun can understand very well. Regardless of the appearance of Lockheed Martin and South Korea on the surface, in fact, there are still some serious differences between the two countries in some places. The Loma people are a little wary of the Koreans. They think that Koreans will be like Zhao people, they are poisonous snakes, and sooner or later they will bite them fiercely. Under such circumstances, many things will become extremely unfavorable to them. The Koreans seem to be able to feel such a situation, and they are also carefully coping with such a situation. The result is that both sides are careful to guard against each other, resulting in differences that are difficult to merge for a while. Perhaps, Hannibal's pressure on Lockheed Martin has not yet reached the result they expected. This led to the development of such a situation.

Spain. New Carthage City. On the ruined city, the South Korean flag and a capital Korean character are flying.

However, there seem to be very few Koreans in the city. Among the many people coming and going, they can only see one or two people. Most of them are smugglers. Love a few people. They say this extremely crappy Zhongyuan dialect. Even the authentic Koreans can't understand their Zhongyuan dialect, because there are many, many crappy languages ​​in the middle. The Zhongyuan dialect contains some linguistic habits of loving a few people. Koreans need to listen carefully. Only by distinguishing can you hear clearly what they are talking about. If it is too fast, you have no idea what they are talking about.

The Koreans call it Aiji dialect.

"These Aiji people are so cute. They have provided us with a lot of arms needs." Scipio said while looking at the Aiji people in the city. The lease area has already been established. The Korean flag is the biggest protection here. People who love a few don’t have to worry about the bombardment of Hannibal’s warships. In fact, during the day, two warships did appear. They saw the logo of the Carthage naval flag, but in that case, Carthage The base person cannot do this. Because they can't do this kind of thing to solve this kind of problem. If they really do this, it means that their situation will become extremely unfavorable.

"It's really cute, but when they ask you for money, you think they are **** flies. Or mosquitoes, buzzing. Buzzing." Li Wei said while looking at a large bill. More than 20,000 local tribal armed forces have joined the fighting forces in Scipia. They belonged to Scipio. Scipio can order them, but there is no absolute order for them to solve such problems.

"You have issued more than 20,000 rifles and more than 300,000 rounds of ammunition. You have to recover such a sum of money. Otherwise, the bank will be difficult to guarantee that they will provide you with such a sum of money. Really, they are very It is difficult to guarantee that there is such a mind to solve such a problem." Li Wei said.

"Yeah. I know." Scipio said, looking at the busy lovers. Without enough troops, Scipio can only focus on the local tribes, such as the Celts, who have a good impression of Scipio, and they especially support Scipio. That is one of the strengths that Scipio values ​​most.

"I have some special opinions. I think we should use some other methods to solve such problems. For example. We can organize the Spaniards and establish Celtic infantry regiments or Spanish infantry divisions. In this case, We have such a military force that can launch a large-scale offensive against the Carthaginians. Such an offensive will become extremely powerful for us. What do you think?" Scipio asked Livy.

"Spanish Infantry Division. Celtic Infantry Regiment?" Li Wei asked, looking at Scipio.

"Yes. That's it. They are our own troops." Scipio said.

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