South Korea, Xinzheng.

"In other words, what the bankers meant was that Scipio would issue banknotes. Right?" Han Shu asked the bank minister.

"Yes. King." said the bank minister. Those guys at the bank. All are greedy. In such a situation, they chose to be greedy. After all, greed can make their situation more favorable. Under such circumstances, many of their things can be achieved in such a situation.

"Well. Since it is so decided. Just follow their decision. I can't interfere with them. After all, in such a situation, we can actually do relatively few things." Han Shu said. Speaking of. In terms of market development and development, the benefits of banks have become very numerous. Only by driving the bank can it do more and more construction. Without the support of the bank, nothing can be done. Since the bank has chosen to support it, the reasons will naturally have their benefits. Han Shu was unwilling to pursue such a thing.

"My lord, if we support this way, more banks may be allowed to enter there. Is there some danger in the situation there?" the bank minister said from a risk perspective.

"Risks. Are there few risks? They are certainly greedy, but when they are greedy, they will also make them think about their future situation. Under such circumstances, they still need to solve many things. Many. "Han Shu said.

"They will consider such risks themselves. Moreover, the current cost of capital is very small, and the risk has been reduced a lot. In order to increase safety, we decided to park some warships there. In this case, the situation may be much better." Han Shu Speaking of this.

"Well. It seems that this is the only way to go. King." said the bank minister. What he is worried about is not military matters. What he is worried about is gold reserves. If there is no gold reserves, banknotes will be issued. If it cannot be implemented, the banknotes will end hastily. In that case, the situation will be very different. wonderful. What he was worried about was such a problem, but Han Shu was obviously unwilling to accept the proposal of such a situation. She just thinks that she is simply increasing military assistance. It may make the situation here much better. The bank minister can't say anything anymore.

"My King. The Minister of Economy, please see me." Just then. A waitress cautiously stepped forward and reported.

"Let him in." Han Shu nodded and said. The bank minister also left immediately. He has things to do. The Minister of Economy must have something important to do. As for how to do it, how to solve such a thing, this is not what he can solve.

"What's the matter?" Han Shu was very direct, because of etiquette and greetings would make things in the empire troublesome. She is not the kind of impractical person. At least she knew exactly what she needed. Although she has a bit of vanity as a woman. However, she would not make any concessions in the interests of the empire. Many newspapers agree with this point. They believe that their women’s prisoners of war are South Korea. This is an increasingly powerful empire. And Han Shu is the wife of this empire, she is a good wife who is very lucky and knows Vanves. Although she will not marry forever. No one knows why, and no one has a clear idea of ​​what it is going to do. But what they know is that this queen is for Korea. For the better development of Korea. Just know this.

"King. Goguryeo imposes high taxes on our exports. At the same time, they signed a trade agreement with Zhao Guo to implement preferential tax policies for Zhao Guoren. This is very unfair. It is also extremely detrimental to us." The Minister of Economy said seriously.

"Yeah." Han Shu nodded. It seems that Han Shu has known about this a long time ago, and she did not produce a very intense expression. Everything seems to be under control.

"There have been relevant plans for this kind of thing before, and we ourselves are very aware of this." Han Shu said. In this regard, the economic advisers have already had relevant plans, and they believe that the probability that Goguryeo might do so is very high. Because doing so will cause them extremely heavy losses. Faced with such a situation, Goguryeo will inevitably respond accordingly, and this response is within the expected range.

"This kind of thing will inevitably come like this. Now that it has come, we have to launch related retaliations. The Goguryeo is just a dog of the Zhao people. For such a dog, we should take measures to suppress them, suppress them, and let them suffer. The situation becomes more unfavorable. Only in this way can our situation become more favorable. This is the most important thing we should do." Han Shu said.

"What does the king mean?" the Minister of Economy asked.

"Taking retaliatory tariffs, and at the same time, we need to discuss with the Chu people to retaliate against their tea, sugar, and related agricultural products. Of course. The import of rubber from Zhao also needs to increase some taxes. "Han Shu said with a smile. The economies of various countries are complementary to a certain extent. The Goguryeo people do not consider the consequences of unilateral tax increases. Although diplomatic protests will express the government’s dissatisfaction, unless this method has a strong deterrent, it will be in a relatively short period of time. Can not achieve a certain purpose within, plus special diplomatic relations. For example, Zhao Guoren's checks and balances are under such conditions. It is difficult for Koreans to suppress each other in a short period of time, which is extremely detrimental to Koreans, and Koreans cannot do such a thing well. The only best way is to take some measures to suppress the other party. This measure is. Trade revenge. Related tariffs can quickly retaliate. In this way, most of their problems can be solved. And the people can quickly feel the power of the country. This is a type of economic sanctions.

Chu State. Staff.

"That place is too far away. Our war costs are too high. The number of warships is not very sufficient." Xiang Liang said helplessly. He is the Secretary of the Navy, but the fleet that can be governed is actually their own fleet. Xiangjia naval fleet. They have a fleet of thirty large and medium-sized warships. But most of the warships are scattered. In a short time, it is difficult to gather.

Because the Xiang family still has a lot of business to do. such as. Persia. Rest in peace, the expansion of some businesses on the African continent. Transportation in the South Sea trade, as well as the arms trade in the Mediterranean. These all require battleships. On the one hand, these warships represent the military power of Chu State. On the other hand. They are the largest smuggling ship. Many aristocratic congressmen have their own small fleets, or they unite to form one of the Chu navy fleets. In name, they belong to the Chu navy, but in fact, it is them. Private smuggling fleet. Letting such a fleet go to war is simply a joke. Everyone can clearly realize this. Therefore, this is an impossible thing.

Xiang Yan knew this. Xiang Liang also knew this, but the problem was that their prime minister and Chu Wang didn't know this. They seem to have decided that they can do such a thing.

"Financial support is still very limited, and the troops we put in. At most, there is only one regiment. This force wants to defeat a local country. Or more tribal alliances. , This is obviously impossible." Xiang Liang said. Xiang Liang is very clear that this kind of battle is for them. It's very difficult. They can only invest in infantry regiments at most, and for this kind of troop combat, we also need to consider a demand for time. If it lasts too long, they can only retreat. It can be said that such operations will face many difficulties.

"But the Prime Minister's Office is very determined, we can only do this." Xiang Yan said helplessly. I think Yapian can provide a lot of financial and tax support for the Chu State's finances, but lacks these things. There may still be a one-third reduction in Chu's fiscal and taxation. Such a situation is a disaster for the Chu people. They don't want such a disaster to happen, so they must fight. This is an inevitable result.

"Okay. We can only think of a way." Xiang Liang said. For those nobles, the fleet is their smuggling ship. It is obviously not enough for them to hold such a smuggling ship to solve such a thing, and they cannot do it. Faced with such a situation, the only way is to find a way to solve such a thing. As for how to solve it, it is not their business. After all, this is the name of the country, although it is a personal asset, but. The fleet is national, regardless of whether it does so in name. This kind of thing must be supported.

Prime Minister's Office.

"Goguryeo is simply a pile of shit, they will really cause us trouble." Song Yi said to Zhang Er, looking at the telegram in his hand.

"This is a matter. We can only do it together with the Koreans, because once we reduce it, the price will rise. If we do it alone, it will be very detrimental to us. This kind of thing is definitely possible. "Zhang Er said.

"Yeah. I see. This kind of thing just can't happen, right? We have to consider the will of the Koreans, right?" Song Yi asked.

"Yes. It can only be so. We can't do this. Although there are certain benefits on our bright side, but once we unilaterally make the situation of Koreans disadvantaged, we will get less benefits. The people of Zhao Kingdom will control our situation, and there are such opportunities in many areas. The people of Zhao Kingdom will find ways to suppress us. In that case, we cannot get the help of the Koreans, and the situation will only be extremely unfavorable for us. In this way In one case, we can do too little." Zhang Er said.

"Well. You sound very reasonable. I can only follow your arrangements for such a thing. I think your idea is correct for such a thing." Song Yi said. In fact, Song Yi didn't think of a reason. He just obeyed the other party's arrangement habitually. He felt that he simply relied on a Chu country. It seems that it is still unable to fight against the rapidly rising state of Zhao. And the need to maintain the independence of Chu State. They can only unite with Koreans, and there is a big similarity between the two, that is, they have a great demand for overseas land. Especially recently on the issue of God, they all need to output a lot of Yap. This is the best way to ensure their financial security, and they cannot let such a situation become disadvantageous. Therefore, if they want to do this kind of thing, they must face a whole new way of accepting it all.

Song Yi could only agree.

Zhao State of Handan. Prime Minister's House.

"You are not trouble, this is our great need of Zhao Guo, it is a kind of influence. This kind of influence is of great help to us. If our Zhao Guo doesn't even have such influence, we don't need to do anything. "Zhao Jia said.

"But. Prime Minister, this kind of thing will cause us trouble. And this trouble is very big, very big." The Minister of Economy said. The Minister of Economy also saw the situation of Goguryeo. Their trade and technical cooperation with Zhao Guoren are beneficial because they can export more advanced products in exchange for more agricultural products. But the problem is that doing so will make them a lot of bad things. One of the biggest obstacles is the situation of the other party. In particular, the loss of interest to Koreans will become even greater. In such a situation. It is obviously impossible for them to make such a choice.

"I know such a situation, but we should see that by getting the meaning of Goguryeo, they will provide more advantages to Zhao's economic development, and Zhao needs such an influence. I don't want to say more about other things. Benefits Obviously." Zhao Jia said. The Minister of Economy could not persuade.

He knew what his prime minister was like. For a little bit of vanity and a little bit of advantage, Xiangquan and kingship formed a kind of competition. The relationship between competition, it seems that the advantage of the royal power is greater, because the royal power can solve many, many economic benefits. And Xiangquan can't do this. And if you get Goguryeo, Xiangquan will get rid of such a dilemma. So as to achieve a trend of advantages. Zhao Jia needs such an advantage.

Although the actual benefits are not many. Zhao Guoren still needs investment, but this is a positive diplomatic gesture. Many people would think that the people of Zhao are stronger. Countries like Goguryeo will actively show favor.

But Zhao people will lose more things, their prices will rise, and a large amount of food will need to be imported from Chu and Koreans. How to solve this problem?

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