The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4252: The temptation to expand

New Carthage City.

It has become very lively here. After a period of construction. A high-level appearance has already appeared here. Presumably it won't take long. The development here will be extremely beneficial.

After the Koreans established a colony here. A large number of commodities enter here, the most of which is food, because the local tribes have always lacked enough food. Although they don't like things like wheat too much, they can greatly satisfy their food needs. They can only endure it.

Of course. After losing part of their meat, they gained something new. That is, alcohol. Every day, a large number of people from the tribe entered the leased area to exchange. They took the captured weapons, armor, and trophies in exchange for alcohol, and their necessities. These are the things they need most. Food satisfaction has greatly changed their situation, which is an extremely favorable situation for them. Because most of the tribes lacked enough food for a long time, and there are various kinds of food. The arrival of the Koreans solved such a big problem for them.

The greatest effect of solving the food problem is. population growth. Sufficient food can meet such a demand. If there is not enough food, even a newborn baby will die very quickly. This is the situation.

The solution of food will inevitably remove an important factor restricting population growth. With such a progress in the situation, many things will be resolved.

The arrival of the Koreans not only solved the food problem, but also medical and health care. Although the hospital charges are relatively expensive, it can greatly ensure the safety of population growth. Many tribes bring pregnant women here. The life span of the population has increased rapidly. At the same time, their hygiene and some new practices have also begun to change actively.

"One, two, one. One, two, one." A Loma instructor led a team of Spanish indigenous soldiers for a queue drill, and they had changed a lot. Such changes have brought many, many changes to their situation. This is for them. This is an extremely favorable change.

"Those Spanish soldiers have begun to receive new military training. They can disassemble their weapons and assemble them." Scipio said.

"You can take a look." As he said, Scipio took a Spanish soldier's weapon and opened the barrel. The inside was wiped clean, but in Li Fu's view, they still have some defects, and some parts still have some defects. Some of the gun oil was not wiped clean and can be seen with the naked eye, but compared to the previous situation, it has improved a lot. In order to reduce the loss of guns as much as possible, Scipio requires every soldier to be absolutely familiar with his own weapons. The guns must be kept clean and tidy. They must wipe the guns repeatedly within a day, and at the same time allow them to be able to quickly Assembling guns, if they do not meet this standard, they will be severely punished. The first time there will be twenty army sticks, the second time it will directly rise to fifty army sticks, and the third time it will be one hundred. The life of the soldiers. Therefore, many soldiers never dared to deal with such a thing so easily after receiving punishment.

They study hard and disassemble such things. In this way, their situation will be greatly improved. The loss of guns has been drastically reduced.

after all. If the gun is found, there will be punishment on the baton. Not only that, but most importantly, there is hunger. The feeling of lack of food made these Spanish soldiers take it seriously.

"I know, you think they are not doing well enough. However, in this situation, they have already improved." Scipio said.

"At present we have the strength of an infantry division. Three West Extraction infantry regiments. They will provide us with more and more military assistance. Such assistance is extremely beneficial to us. I think it will have a great impact on us. However, in the current situation, the possibility of fighting a battle is still not high enough.” Scipio said worriedly.

"Of course. You know. In such a situation, many things need to be solved by ourselves. This is not a situation where we can help to get out of trouble at once." Li Fu said.

"The current situation still needs us to do a lot of things to change. The most important thing is the issuance of banknotes, which is related to the issue of military payments. We cannot always rely on bonds and credits to continue." Li Fu said worriedly. To.

"We lack the necessary economic talents. They can't solve such problems from financial issues. This will be extremely unfavorable for us. This is definitely not the situation we see." Scipio said.

"Well. I will solve the talents in this area. I will look for the people you need. However, the current situation still cannot be changed a lot. You know, in such a situation, if the financial problem cannot be fundamentally resolved, just Can't fight a good battle. Just relying on an infantry division, there may be a big mess." Li Fu said. Li Fu still believes that the Spanish infantry division established by Loma lacks the possibility of combat in this area, because they still lack the courage to fight directly, which will have a great impact on them. It is also in such a situation that many things become disadvantageous for them. This situation will continue to worsen their situation.

"I think we must fight a battle. If we continue to train like this. They will always be at this level, I know. Although there will be a lot of casualties, you will resolutely oppose it, but this is the only thing we can Things to do. Only by doing this can our situation be basically changed and our situation can get better.” The other party said.

"Well. Okay. I have no objection. But we must be prepared. Otherwise, many things will be detrimental to us." Li Fu said.

"I understand that I will do a good job like this." Scipio said. Scipio hopes to increase his credibility in Spain through war. He just didn't want to think that they opened up the situation in Spain by luck. They can do this themselves. If they want, they can get a foothold anywhere. This is what they want to do. In such a situation, many things are actually turning to his advantage.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"Persia made a pot of porridge by himself. It's a good situation and can't manage it well." Han Shu complained. For Tupley. She was very disappointed, thinking that the other party had no way to solve such a problem.

"My lord, in the face of such a situation, we are also very helpless. However, at present, we can only stabilize the situation after we solve this problem." Zhang Liang could only persuade this.

"Yeah. It seems that it can only be so." Han Shu said helplessly. In this regard, he can only express it this way. After all, such a change in the situation is also very helpless.

"But I saw that the whole situation was changing. There was only one place that did not change much. This place is Li Renbu. Although some of their troops have rebelled, the scale ratio is not very large. The place where the rebellion occurs is only marginal. Zone. Obviously Li Ren's control ability is still relatively strong." Zhang Liang said.

"They are the power controlled by Zhao Guoren. It seems that Zhao Guoren's power has expanded a lot. We want to congratulate them." Han Shu said. She was speechless about what happened in Persia. The situation was already under control. But at this time something like this happened, which made their situation very bad. This is a result that no one wants to see. But things have happened. They can only accept this situation reluctantly.

Zhang Liang also knows. My own king doesn't like it very much. Maybe things still have some turning points.

Persia. The Rockenff Infantry Army, they have been upgraded to the Infantry Army, and all officers, large and small, have been upgraded to one level, but this is of no use, not much use at all, because reinforcements have not arrived. Although there is a certain amount of air support, they continue to attack the rebels who are attacking below. But this attack did not have much impact. Only temporarily blocked the opponent's attack, next time they will come up quickly. And it will be more violent when attacking.

"Sir, our army has suffered heavy losses. The reduction has exceeded three-fifths. This ratio is already very large." A staff officer said worriedly. The staff has been reduced to five people, fighting under such circumstances. It is under a lot of pressure.

"Yeah. I see." Rockenf nodded and said. When he received the order to upgrade to the army, he was not happy at all. If they can't hold on to it, everything will be in vain. But can there be a change by holding on to the situation? This situation still needs to be changed. Under such circumstances, it takes a lot of courage to do such a thing. Rockenf didn't know if he could hold on.

"Reinforcements. Where did they attack?" Rockenf asked. This is the only thing he can care about right now. If there are no reinforcements, they will soon collapse.

"Sir. The reinforcements have only reached a place only 30 kilometers away from us. But their attack has been greatly blocked. They are attacking quickly. One day, as long as we hold on for one day, they will be able to arrive." The staff officer said. To.

"One day. Haha. I don't think I can hold on for one day. They can arrive in half a day, and they can climb over in one day." Rockenf said. For such orders. He was very eager to be able to quickly increase reinforcements, but the reinforcements began to slow down, which made his situation very bad. Fighting under such circumstances will make his situation unfavorable.

"Report. Sir, new telegram." At this time. A staff officer delivered a new telegram. Rockenf quickly read it and handed it to the staff.

"The sir treats me not badly, but the question is, can we stick to it." Rockenf said.

The two armies are moving quickly towards this side. Under such circumstances, the battle will become extremely fierce. Or there will be a lot of pressure to force it over. I hope that the other party can see this situation clearly and withdraw immediately. This move is considered to deter the other party, forming a great and effective deterrence.

"Sir. It would be extremely beneficial to us to do this," the staff officer said.

"I know. But the problem is, we have to hold on, but I don't have a reserve team anymore?" Rockenf said embarrassingly.

"Sir, persevere, you must persevere," the staff officer said. Yes, as long as they persevere, everything will become beneficial.

"Yeah. Okay. Take up the weapon and we go to the battlefield." Rockenf thought about it and said. This can only be done at present. This is the last moment. Why is that because they are already on the verge of collapse of each other, it is very unfavorable to them. Under such circumstances, it will naturally put them in a favorable situation. This is a very favorable situation.

Many officers would think this way. If they persist, all victories will come to their side. This is their most favorable situation.

Zhao Guo Lease Area.

"Those religious traitors will not last too long." Li Biao said after a sip of tea.

"Oh. Why?" the other party asked. Li Ren was very worried about their situation, so he deliberately played tricks on the issue of destroying the rebels. But everyone can see this trick.

"Because their offensive points are not correct, they are attacking some important trade towns, these places have a large number of warehouses, garrisoned heavy troops. The defense is very strong. Because the troops can be supplied nearby, but the rebels, they still Unable to rectify their own troops, but to attack tightly defended areas, their failure was doomed from the beginning." Li Biao said.

"Yeah. It makes sense. What do you think about the command of the headquarters?" Li Ren asked.

"Expansion is inevitable, but if you expand too much, trouble will arise, because peace will disperse your military power and spread a lot. Under such circumstances, do such things. In fact, it is really very It's difficult to maintain." Li Biao said.

"Oh." Li Ren said. In fact, he is hesitating. The temptation of the site is still great. If they can accept such a large number of sites, they will definitely expand their strength a lot. But the problem is that if they do not expand, the finances and taxes will be disadvantageous. This is their greatest Unwanted situation. Such a situation made him very mad, he felt. It's very uncomfortable. He can't stand this kind of situation anymore.

The other party reminded him of a degree, but Li Ren couldn't hear it. He felt that there was nothing.

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