United Petroleum Corporation. As an oil company listed in Qin State, Zhang You feels that his company is very special. First of all, he is a South Korean company, but they are listed in Qin State. Under such circumstances, their status is somewhat special. . Because there is a large amount of Qin State capital in their company, if such capital problems cannot be dealt with in a timely manner, then most of the problems will not be solved.

"This is a report on the oil exploitation of Carthage. The investment report submitted by South Korean diplomat Yang Fang." A manager told Zhang You.

"Hmm. What do you think?" Zhang You said while looking at the report. Relying on oil in the Seth area. Zhangyou's company has developed rapidly, but most of their oil is provided to the people of Qin. Qin people's oil demand has been increasing, and it seems that it has not reached saturation. Although there are already oil refining facilities in some areas, they can directly transport refined oil instead of crude oil, but this still cannot meet Zhangyou's demand for making money, because the oil community in Nanyang has always been their biggest threat. This kind of threat, oil hopes to get more cheap oil producing areas. In order to further increase their oil profits.

"Chairman, we think we can’t wait to get the oil there, because the oil there will help us solve many, many problems, and the local oil can also meet the oil demand there in the future. Although the Mediterranean market is still relatively small. , But under such circumstances, a market will gradually develop.” The manager said.

"However, the situation there is very complicated." Zhang You said.

"If we put a lot of petroleum equipment into it, after all, this is a large investment. But we can get a future market." The manager said.

"There are still risks, and we still don’t know for sure whether there is oil there. At the current time, oil production continues to increase, coupled with the increase in transportation costs, the profit margin will become very small. If you add no If there is too much oil demand, our situation will become extremely unfavorable. This is a disaster for us." Zhang You said.

"What does the chairman mean?" a manager asked worriedly. What he is worried about is that their chairman will stop investing, which is a huge disaster for them.

"Stop investment and don't cooperate. Although the oil there may be very rich, the transportation is extremely inconvenient. In addition to the unstable situation, the government there is still not sure what happens in a relatively short period of time. The situation, so in this situation, we still don’t know how to solve this problem, so this is a disaster for us. Okay. Let’s do it.” Zhang You stopped the oil investment there. .

Zhang You has many worries. The first is the emergence of a large number of oil regions. The political environment of South Seas, Persia, Seth, and the possible existence of God and Carthage, God and Carthage, is extremely unfavorable. Because the situation there will behave badly. Wars can happen at any time. Under such circumstances, investing a large amount of money there will become extremely dangerous, and ultimately profit will be reduced, and it will eventually turn into a huge disaster.

However, investment-related managers cannot see such a point. In their opinion, under such circumstances, it is a favorable investment, but Zhang You does not approve of this because it is a meaningless behavior.

Chu State, Ministry of the Navy.

"Sir, we have mobilized a large number of warships there. At present, more than a dozen warships have gathered there." said a lieutenant colonel.

"I know. But there are a lot of things we need to solve at present. There are abundant oil resources there. With such resources, we need more and more resources to do such things. So, the best way is, Gather a lot of military resources here. In this way, our problems can be solved. This is the above order. Concentrating on God will be extremely beneficial to us. This is the above order." Xiang Liang Speaking of.

"Yes. Sir," the officer nodded and said. Xiang Liang didn't want to explain such a thing, but if he didn't explain it, he would be in big trouble. If his men couldn't clearly know what he wanted to do, then the problem would be more troublesome. They must guess the intentions of the superiors above. This will waste a lot of time. This is a comprehensive situation that no one wants to face.

After the officer left. Xiang Liang began to look at the map. God’s oil is what Chu currently needs most, because with the development of technology, oil will become very important. Because all people can clearly understand that in this situation. Lack of oil will make them have a huge change in their future development. This is the consensus of everyone, once such a problem arises. It will make their situation extremely unfavorable.

oil. This is the goal of the next stage of Chu State. This is their important consensus to become the next development prospect.

Qin State, after a period of consolidation, the price of oil futures began to rise. This surprised everyone. Because the performance of the market seems to be a little unexpected, but now the situation seems to be a little unexpected. Under such circumstances, there are actually many things that have been doomed to such a situation.

"Don’t tell me about those **** naval bonds. Many people’s ears have been thoroughly polished. They are extremely uninterested in such news. What they need to do now is to solve the problem of price increases as soon as possible. After the aircraft of the naval aviation of China is manufactured, it will consume a lot of oil resources. Qin is solving this problem for the navy aviation. They have to carry out a large amount of naval oil reserves. Under such circumstances, the price of oil will naturally rise. In addition, the automobile industry is also developing, and the South Korean rubber industry is developing rapidly. A large number of tires will appear in the automobile industry, which will form a great ability to promote the development of the automobile industry. Therefore, under such circumstances, The consumption of oil will reach an alarming level.” An investor explained.

"But such an explanation is meaningless. We all know. Under such circumstances, oil has risen to a very high level." Other investors said. They all shook their heads, expressing their regret for missing such a market, and there is nothing they can do about it.

Oil will become an important resource, and this resource is for Qin and Zhao. Development is also extremely important.

State of Zhao, Handan. Inside the Zhao Wang Palace.

"For Zhao, in fact, I think that Zhao is still a poor country. Although Zhao has rich coal resources, our situation has been greatly developed by relying on such rich coal resources. But in fact, Zhao Guo is still a poor country." Zhao Wangqian said to the reporter.

"Why do you say that? Wang Shang." A female reporter asked. Zhao Wangqian nodded politely. Because of the emergence of newspapers, more and more heads of state began to pay attention to their appearance and images on various occasions. Zhao Wangqian paid great attention to this. And Zhao Jia also noticed this, but most of Zhao Jia's appearances are rare. Mainly because he has very little time. He is the prime minister, but the situation of King Zhao is very different. He is King Zhao and has a lot of time. Therefore, King Zhao spends more time in public. The people naturally know his existence. And in the eyes of the people, they think that King Zhao is very capable.

"Although we do not lack coal, we lack iron ore. We need to transport a large amount of iron ore from southern Australia. Not only this, we also need to obtain a large amount of iron ore from Yan State for smelting. Under the circumstance, our cost will be limited to the people of Yan, and not only that, with the development of technology, our demand for oil has become more and more. Under such circumstances, in the territory of Zhao, And in the controlled area, the oil production is too limited. We lack sufficient security resources. I am very worried about Zhao Guo's future." Zhao Jia said.

"We understand this. We have also noticed such a situation." said a female reporter.

"Yeah. Very good. Zhao people’s condition is getting better. They have a lot of cars and airplanes. But these things burn fuel, and fuel is extracted from petroleum, and what we lack is such things. This is an extremely bad situation for us." Zhao Wang said.

"But the country of Zhao does not have so much oil. In Persia, we have a piece of land like this. They can provide us with so much oil, but the distance is too far and it is extremely unsafe. This is extremely dangerous for us. Things, this kind of thing must not happen, it will make our situation very unfavorable, we can't do this, and this kind of thing cannot happen, it is very unfavorable to us." Zhao Wang said.

"Yeah." The reporters nodded one after another. They understood Zhao Wang's worries very well. After all, such a thing seemed to them. The impact is great, which will make their situation extremely unfavorable. In such a situation, doing so will only make their situation extremely unfavorable.

Afterwards, the reporters published such interviews. Through such interviews, the people knew what kind of person their king was like, worried about the country and the people, and most of the things could help them solve such things.

"Damn it. Pretending to be. He has always used this method to help improve his image. In fact, he is nothing. He is just a bunch of shit, shit." Zhao Jia scolded after reading the newspaper. . But it is undeniable that in this way, their situation has been greatly improved.

"Yes. Prime Minister, the king did indeed do this. In such a situation, this will make our situation extremely unfavorable. In this way, the situation we can solve will be extremely limited. "The Minister of Finance reluctantly persuaded.

"Oil, how do we solve the oil problem, will our situation become better?" Zhao Jia asked the Minister of Finance.

"Yes. But, Prime Minister, there are so many places with oil at present. We can't participate in it at will, because doing so may cause us a lot of trouble. We can't do this." The Minister of Finance said worriedly. To.

"I know. But if we can't solve this problem, it will have a great impact on us, not only Zhao Guo, but also our influence. So in such a situation, what we can do is actually, It's still very limited." Zhao Jia said.

"So, next we have to expand our influence in this area. Under such circumstances, the only thing we can do is to make our situation extremely favorable. God, only there can we get greater development, Only under such circumstances can our situation develop rapidly. This is our most important situation at the moment." Zhao Jia said.

"Yes. Prime Minister, the situation there is not too optimistic. We all know that the situation there is not enough for us to invest in it. The most important thing is that the situation is a bit complicated and the investment will be relatively large. Moreover, Koreans and Chu will be both. Intervene, if we do this, will we be in an unfavorable situation?" the other party said.

"I know this. I know. Just do it." Zhao Jia said. Zhao Wang's series of actions made their situation extremely unfavorable. This is for them. This is an extremely unfavorable situation. Faced with such a situation, it is for them. This will be very unfavorable. Zhao Wang's counterattack caused Zhao Jia to continue to react excessively. Because only this kind of reaction and action can make his situation extremely favorable. Otherwise, it will allow them to go more.

Qin State, Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Oil, oil made them lose too much. Too much." Shang Wen said while looking at the newspaper in his hand. After reading the interview with Wang Zhao, Shang asked said so.

"Such a situation. It will make them notice a lot of things, but a lot of things. The more they care, the less they can get it. The more they don't care, they finally get it. In this case, that's it." Shang Wen said. To.

"If we can find such things in America, it would be the best. In this way, some of our problems can also be solved." Meng Yi said.

"Well. There may be larger discoveries." Shang Wen said.

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