South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"Sila people are too smart. Do they think we can't do such a thing?" Han Shu said to Zhang Liang angrily.

For Silas, and what happened in Sparta. Han Shu already has a preliminary understanding. For the Silas and the Achaean Alliance's ideas, Han Shu could see the other party's strategy at a glance.

"Some of them are really too smart. They thought they would solve their problems a little bit by doing so. Their idea is too simple. In my opinion. They completely underestimated. We treat their series of formalities. I’m thinking about it.” Han Shu said.

"What does the king mean?" Zhang Liang also saw it.

"The Alliance of Achaia wants to destroy the Spartans through our hands and provoke a war between us and the Spartans. If this is the case, we don’t have much attention to solve them. This is for them. Good thing, they eliminated the two biggest threats, one is the Spartans and the other is us. Unfortunately, this strategy is too simple. We saw their thoughts all at once, and the more they were like this Think, the more we have to change this situation, the only way is to find a way to solve this kind of thing. We reach a settlement with the Spartans. In this way, many problems can be solved." Han Shu said with a smile. The pediatric strategy of the Achaean League. Han Shu thinks the other party's thinking is too simple. They thought that the Spartans would go to war with them. But Han Shu did not do this.

"But in this way, we need to contact, and at the same time, we need to pay some financial price." Zhang Liang said worriedly.

"We just paid for some weapons, old weapons. At the price, we can get a piece of land and support the Spartans in fighting. What I know is that their country is about to die. We can support them in doing so. . In short, their problems are easy to solve. The Spartans will fully consider our problems, and we can also adjust from them. Tell them that their current biggest enemy is Macedonia, not Sparta. Macedonia All of them will be wiped out. What we provide is only weapons. In this way, the arms trade can develop rapidly. In this way, it is the most favorable situation for us. The development of this situation is for us. , Too advantageous." Han Shu said.

"So. This can only be done." Zhang Liang said. Zhang Liang thinks Han Shu's idea is very good. But they still lack such a situation to solve such a problem.

"My lord. Doing such things should not be done by soldiers. They have some trouble dealing with complicated relationships. Under such circumstances, I think we should remind them not to do this. Or in other words, Let dedicated people do such things, so that their situation can become more advantageous." Zhang Liang reminded.

"Yeah. You are right. We should take note of such a situation. If this is the case, it will be extremely beneficial to us." Han Shu nodded and said.

"The specific candidates are determined according to your wishes. Let them know. How should they handle such a relationship." Han Shu nodded and said.

Achaia has clearly felt the threat from South Korea, and they have advanced weapons. There are advanced warships for them. The battleship is still wooden. But their battleship is already steel. Their docks simply cannot allow such warships to moor. And they are unable to resist the Korean invasion, which is for them. This is the worst thing. However, they thought of a countermeasure, which is to use the hands of the Spartans to kill the Koreans, and even if they did not kill them, they would still be inflicted severely. This is an extremely selfish approach. This selfish approach was quickly known to the Koreans. For this they will have to pay a very heavy price to solve such problems.

"My lord, there are still some things that we need to pay attention to. When we made relevant comments, the Persian National Army government also asked to send troops to fight." Zhang Liang said.

"What? Are they from the Central Plains? What are they coming to participate in. It's really unreasonable." Han Shu said very uncomprehendingly. Han Shu felt that such a thing seemed a little surprising. Not very unexpected, but too unexpected. Such a thing is simply unimaginable. She also didn't know why the Persians had to participate in such things. Do they think this is very interesting?

It's not just Han Shu who is puzzled. In fact, Zhang Liang was also puzzled about this. He believed that there was no need for the Persians to participate, and it had little to do with them.

In fact, this has a lot to do with Tupley's personal relationship, after a series of counterinsurgency operations. Tupley began to enter a state of self-repair. However, he discovered that there may be people who are potentially dangerous in the army. Most of these people are impure. In other words, being dissatisfied with him. If such a person exists, it is a very dangerous thing. If such a thing is not stopped, the result will be very terrible. He is very afraid of such a thing happening, and this is for him. This is an extremely bad thing, and if such a thing continues, it may put him in an extremely unfavorable situation. Once this kind of thing happens, it will have great consequences. What should I do?

Tupley began to think of a way. He wanted to clear these people out of the troops, but the problem is that a large-scale purge may cause another kind of thing to happen, this kind of thing. Many situations will not solve such a thing. Perhaps the next major rebellion will happen. This is Tupley. A situation that Persia did not want to see, how to solve such a problem. He began to want to solve it through other means, so he thought of a good way, this way is through war. Just right. The Koreans are going to fight God.

"This is a very good opportunity. It can divert the domestic attention and allow them to focus on the outside world. We can defeat the God and bring back more and more loot. Heroes. Medals, etc." Tupley said this to Lipu.

In fact, there is another important factor that he did not say, that is, it can also cause a certain amount of casualties, and these casualties are best from the rebels. Or a potentially dangerous person, in this case, some problems can be solved. This situation is for them. This is the most favorable result. Tupley does not know what advantages such a situation will produce, but what he knows is that in such a situation, many things will become advantageous.

Through the way of war washing, his team will become more pure, and the loyalty of the troops to him will be raised to a higher level. This is what he most wants to see.

In Li Pu's view. This kind of thing is hard to believe.

Not long after the war to quell the rebellion has just ended, is it okay to fight another war? Li Pu didn't know.

The government building of Bangla authorities. The infrastructure here is the best, clean and tidy office buildings. Broad asphalt road, patrolman. Street lights. Everything here shows that it is orderly and in good order. It is a model for all colonies.

There is a park nearby, where a large number of shops gather. On the better pier, there are better buildings. You can see the sea there, and a large number of Mengla people live here. This is the wealthy area and the most expensive place. The rich will spend an ordinary breakfast. One day's salary for more than 15,000 ordinary people. The gap between rich and poor will be very large.

The highest colonial authority is the governor. This is the most powerful person in the colony. All people will move closer to him.

"What do I need? Mr. Governor." An attendant asked cautiously.

"Some more red bean pastries, they are a specialty of my hometown. I liked that pastry when I was a kid, and I love it now," said the governor. Zhang Yun. It is the Governor of Bangla. He has only been here for three months. But the weather here is too hot. It was also very damp, which made his clothes always wet, sticky and uncomfortable. He was from the Central Plains and didn't like such a place. But there is no alternative, he is the governor.

Coming here to serve as governor is a mess. Many people simply don't have such an opportunity. He is relying on constant sending of money. He gave a lot of Persian beauties to those old guys, and he got such a position. He doesn’t know if those old guys still have the strength to enjoy the taste of those Persian beauties, but this is not his concern. What he is concerned about is how much tax he needs to increase in order to make him pay back as soon as possible. You must know that he paid A lot of money, and also borrowed a lot of money from a lot of banks, those Persian ladies are not cheap. I really don't know how the human traffickers made the black-hearted money.

"I know they are very poor, but I am also very poor. Really, everyone wants to come here to solve more problems. Therefore, I also want to." Governor Zhang Yun said.

"I understand what the sir meant, but the people here are very poor. The share of taxes they can provide is very limited. If we take too much from them, their situation will become extremely unfavorable. What will they do in such a situation? We don't know. What we know is that we will pay a very heavy price. There may be riots." The Minister of Finance said.

He is very worried about this situation. Prices continue to rise, but the wages of workers have risen slowly. Capitalists, factory owners, banks, governments, and tax bureaus are all trying to take more things from these poor people. Now their king has come to join in the fun. Wars are becoming more and more. More and more violent. Under such circumstances, a lot of funds are needed in many places, but the problem is that they don't know where they will get these funds. This makes them very annoyed.

The worst is that the Governor was replaced at this time. Because the arrival of a new governor means that everything has to be revisited. The tax rate will be renewed, and the official tax rate is so much. But in fact, there are also private tax rates.

Governor Bangla is a fat man. Many people will find a way. Came to drill here. For example, this one. Sending women to many, many congressmen, those old guys are already soft. Even thinking of women. They like money, like women, everything makes them even more crazy. It seems that all this crazy can satisfy their desires.

These things consume too much of their minds, and there are more funds and financial resources. After they take office, the first thing they do is to increase the tax rate. As for how much to improve, it depends on how much they want. But in fact, no one can stop them from being greedy, they will become extremely greedy. Greedy. They believe that everything should be theirs, which is an extremely crazy approach. This kind of thing has made everyone feel a huge challenge, crazy.

The same is true for this governor. He owes a lot of money to the bank. The bank is watching him every day and asking him to pay it back. This makes him very uncomfortable, so he wants to pay it back as soon as possible. And he wants to make money as quickly as possible. He can't wait. Because what he knows is that there are still many people staring at this position. This is a **** man, and no one wants to give up such a position.

"But, Mr. Governor, if you do this, the increased tax rate will be too high. The people here have to bear too much. Too many taxes." The Minister of Finance said.

"I know. I know that when I came here, I had studied the personalities of the people here. The people here are very kind, and I also heard that they are willing to accept all most religions. Under such circumstances , They will think that this is the beginning of their enduring some suffering. In this case, they will continue to endure all the injustices, I know they will definitely do it, in this case, the only thing we have to do The thing is, allow them to do this, and support them to do so. In this way, most of our things will become very advantageous." The other party said.

"So, we raise some taxes, they have no objection. Are you right? Don't worry, everyone does it. The king will not blame it. They will endure it. This is a very tolerable nation. I like theirs. Bear it," said the governor.

"But we took too much. They can't stand it anymore," the Minister of Finance persuaded.

"Oh. Really? I don't think so. They will still manpower all of this in the end. I think they will definitely do it." The other party said. Everything is taken for granted.

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