In the era of rapid colonial development, and when a large amount of trade is going on, ships transporting large amounts of logistical supplies will only have a very big impact. Because transporting military supplies, if they can't get enough benefits, they will still lose. Therefore, when transporting military supplies, it is not stipulated that they will not do this, or that they will not solve such a situation. Under such a state, they need to solve a very large problem. .

When transporting supplies, many ships will carry some private work on their own. Then choose to trade nearby. In order to solve their cost problem. On the contrary, the transportation of military supplies has become a sideline, a sideline that is at a loss. In such a situation, military supplies have become a burden. Under the influence of such a burden, many things cannot be carried out.

"These **** guys, they are not doing their jobs properly." Xiang Yu said. However, Zhong Limei didn't think so, because they regarded the sideline as their own business, and if they continued to let them do such things, they would collapse themselves.

"We can't do too much of this kind of thing, because if it's too much, many things will become extremely different, and we can't do such a thing. This is extremely unfavorable for us." Zhong Limei said. Because they still need something in the future, if they can't solve some of these problems. Everything about them will fall apart.

Love a few ports. There are a large number of merchant ships berthed here, and there would be no more merchant ships here originally. But I don't know when the merchant ship to Loma became extremely unsafe, and everyone was discussing such a thing.

"I know, according to the news from the military, it should be a torpedo, because only torpedoes can attack like this. Although the price of torpedoes is high. In contrast, his combat effectiveness is still relatively high." The sailor said so.

"Mine mines need to be deployed on a large scale, and the number is extremely large. The Carthaginians do not have such a lot of money, and it is unlikely that Zhao will give them more mines. Therefore, the only possibility is torpedoes. And they were launched by submarines. Torpedoes, they are very powerful. In this kind of situation, everyone is not the best. Trust me." Said the sailor.

"In that case, wouldn't all our lives be a big threat?" said one person.

"Yes, it's such a situation. Under such a situation, many things happen like this." The sailor said while drinking. The fear of submarines has brought a great safety hazard, which has directly led to a serious consequence. This consequence is that a large number of merchant ships are parked in the port without moving because more sailors are afraid of death. For them, this It was a huge disaster.

At one table, a group of sailors crowded on a small table and drank cheap drinks. This is their only way of pastime.

"We can't go out to sea either. If this goes on, it's not a solution." said a sailor who loves a few.

"I know too, but in such a situation, it's going to die. Really, it's no different from going to die." said a lover. They are all poor people, because only poor people can go to sea to do such things. Sailors' lives are extremely disadvantageous, because only by going to sea can their lives become better, but now, they can't go to sea. Because many captains have given up such a practice, although the profit is very high, but once the ship is sunk, many of their things will become extremely disadvantaged, they will be burdened with huge debts and losses will be great. The worst thing is that many sailors worry about their lives, but they are forced by life. They become dilemma, because this is not a good choice for them. Such a situation makes them dilemma. Because if they do not do such a thing, they will not survive, but if they do such a thing. There will be a huge threat to their lives, which makes it difficult for many lovers of sailors.

"But we can't always do this and wait like this, but when we have no income, when will we be able to do this," one person said.

"Why don't we change jobs? I heard that being a construction worker is also well paid." A sailor suggested. Aiji has entered a state of positive development. Their infrastructure is developing well, which leads to many places under construction. They need a lot of construction workers. Although their salary is not as good as that of sailors, they have a guarantee of safety. When the port trade suffered a huge setback, some sailors were forced to choose to change their careers, because they could change their destiny only in this way. They did not want to die, but they also wanted to live well because it was extremely important to them. .

"If we wait for a while and don't go out to sea, it seems we can only do this." An old sailor said. They don't have money if they don't go to sea, and they won't have such a big plight without money.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Admiralty.

"The situation in Aiji is very bad. The number of merchant ships going to sea has decreased a lot. Many merchant ships are anchored in ports or moved to other areas. In short, the entire Mediterranean trade and shipping have been greatly oppressed. . Under such a situation, there is really too little we can do.” The Deputy Chief of the Navy said to the Secretary of the Navy.

"This is a serious blow to our trade in Aiji, you know, in such a situation, we cannot carry on many things. This is extremely detrimental to us, and we cannot allow such a The situation continues to develop. If that is the case, our losses will be very, very large. We absolutely cannot allow such a situation to develop." Said the Navy Deputy Chief.

"But at present we don't have a good solution to such a thing. You know, it is a submarine. We have no experience in dealing with submarines. Under such a situation, our situation is very bad." Secretary of the Navy. Speaking of this.

"This." The Navy Deputy Nodded helplessly. The Koreans realize that their situation is not good. Because it is very simple, they are in an extremely unfavorable situation, and they lack the relevant technology to deal with such a crisis. This makes their situation very unfavorable.

"I know this. If there is a good project to solve such a problem, we will provide such a way." The Secretary of the Navy said.

Qingcheng, South Korea. Naval Weapons Research Institute.

"We found that the alertness of dogs is very high. We can put a dog on a boat. If the dog hears some movement and is alert, they will give warnings to the safety of the boat, for example, barking loudly." A weapons expert said to a lieutenant colonel.

"What do you think?" the weapon expert asked.

"This, we can try, if it's not good, it's not very big to us, after all, it's just a dog." Said the Navy Lieutenant Colonel. The South Korean Navy is also actively responding to such a situation. How to deal with it, their only way is to do so. Because they have no good way to solve such problems.

For submarine alert, they really do not have a good way, because submarine is underwater, their concealment is very strong. In addition to strengthening patrols, because the submarine cannot stay underwater for too long too long. Otherwise, they will be suffocated to death. Therefore, the best way is to increase the patrol force.

South Korea has decided to add two cruisers and transform them into aircraft carriers. Their main purpose is to patrol. Check the navigation of the sea submarine, and then launch an attack. This is the best way. In this regard, the South Korean Navy and the Qin Navy are actively cooperating. They want to study a seaplane with a very large range so that they can look around for such a situation.

"This is another weapon. It is an offensive weapon developed specifically for submarines. Depth bombs, you know, we can make such bombs according to the pressure of different depths of water, and then explode underwater. In this case , It will cause a lot of damage to their submarines." Another weapons expert said.

The lieutenant colonel nodded very satisfied. He thought that this invention was very good. Because the South Korean navy rummaged through all its arsenals, they did not find a suitable underwater weapon. The torpedoes were too expensive and the mines were unsafe. They didn't know if they would explode if they threw it down. It seems that only depth charges can satisfy such a benefit for them.

"Yeah. Very good, very good." Said the lieutenant colonel.

"Yes, it's very good. They can launch an attack at a depth of two hundred meters. Not only that, we can reach an astonishing three hundred meters if necessary." The weapon expert said excitedly. The principle of depth charges is very simple. They can easily do this, but this is their first weapon specifically designed for submarines.

"But the question is, how do we find the submarine?" said the lieutenant colonel. All the weapons experts are silent. There is no way. They could not detect the existence of such a weapon. This is the most unfavorable situation for them at present, because they themselves also need to solve such a situation. Otherwise, they would not have such a situation.

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