Chu State. Pengcheng. Inside Song Yi's office.

"Goguryeo and the mountain people express their strong dissatisfaction with this. However, considering their bad condition, they are not willing to scold us excessively." Zhang Er used such a term. When the people of Chu and the South Koreans were in the most difficult time for Goguryeo and the mountain people, they were driving up prices and selling them at a high price. This made the two countries a huge fortune, in their opinion. This situation is great. They really want to solve some of their current problems. If this is the case, their problems can be completely solved. This is a very favorable situation.

However, the Goguryeo people and the mountain people were extremely dissatisfied, thinking that their people finally had some savings, but at this time. All of their savings were lost all at once. They really don't know what kind of situation they will face. Under such a situation, they really don't know what to say. This leads to their situation commanding a huge threat, or in other words, they will encounter a huge offensive situation. Faced with such a situation, many people feel that their situation is very unfavorable.

But Chu people and Koreans don't care about these things. They want the opportunity to make money. As for the others, they don't care about these things.

"Okay. We only need to make money. As for other things, we can't get close." Song Yi said. He doesn't care about the situation in Goguryeo and the mountainous country. He only cares. They have solved part of the problem of financial income. For others, he doesn't care what the other party thinks. Because it has little to do with him, and it doesn't have much practical significance.

"What I am worried about is that our diplomatic relations with these countries will be in a state of extreme tension. This will be extremely detrimental to us. I think you should understand such a situation and in such a situation. Under circumstances, many of our situations will become extremely unfavorable." Zhang Er said.

"Well, what you consider is one aspect, but we should see that we have solved some practical problems for them, and their prices are very high. They begged us to transport the materials. If we don’t do this, you Think about it, did they starve to death a long time ago. Their government will be surrounded by a large number of strikes, riots, and a series of security cases. Therefore, under such a situation, their situation will be even more severe. In crisis, we are helping them, don't know whether they are good or bad. This is for their good." Song Yi said.

Song Yi took such acts of robbery while taking advantage of the fire as a matter of course. And the other party should be very grateful to him. He doesn't know how he gets along with this, but he feels that what he has done himself is very correct. Therefore, in such a situation, his approach is correct. Because only by doing this, most of his problems can be solved.

"Okay. Okay." Zhang Er didn't want to continue struggling with such a problem. Because this simply cannot solve such a problem, many things are actually things that cannot be done.

"We should do this a few more times. In this way, many of our difficulties can be resolved." He said. Zhang Er wanted to shake his head very much. He can't help but do this. Because this command made his situation worse.

"I read your report. The money we just made has to be spent. It costs a certain amount of money to buy second-hand aircraft, and it also needs to be modified. When can our aviation factory independently manufacture its own aircraft? "Song Yi said. The aviation industry in Chu State is also developing, but most of them produce by themselves. They could not manufacture some key parts, such as the landing sliding tires and the brake pads on them, they could not process them. Even if they were there, they were disposable products. And the effect is very bad. The same is true for the engines, their engines are indeed domestically produced. But the problem is that their engines often have an unbelievable result. The result is that they often stall in the air and are very unstable. This makes everyone feel very annoyed. Their attitude towards this is extremely angry. But that's it, they don't have a good way to solve some of these things, because many situations are things they can't solve. War is such a situation.

"The money we just made is spent like this. Forget it. Let them do it for themselves, but the process of refitting the aircraft must allow them to speed up the work. Otherwise, I will be extremely dissatisfied with them." Song Yi said so. The backward development of the aviation industry also made him feel very dissatisfied, but dissatisfaction returned to dissatisfaction, many of their things must be properly handled, otherwise, many things will not be able to proceed.

On a small high ground in the southwest. Zhao Gong’s company is stationed here.

"We were lucky. We killed some wild boars nearby. We finally could not eat those **** cans. My mouth felt that I had lost the sense of deliciousness, and my stomach couldn't bear such a thing. "Zhao Gong wrote in his diary. Their lives are very boring. Stationed. Build fortifications. The food was poor, they were holding boiled water bubble biscuits. Or it is uniformly made into a kind of squishy biscuit, which is difficult to eat. soft. Among their dry food, candy is their favorite thing.

They also provide two new calorie foods, one is hot cocoa. This kind of thing is the best thing in the cold winter. You can keep warm. After adding a lot of sugar, with biscuits, hot cocoa will make their condition better. It's warm all over, of course. There is another important situation for them to benefit from change. That is, their morale can be greatly boosted.

Another food is bitter chocolate, but their name among the soldiers of the Qin State is solid cocoa. Or cocoa syrup. This cocoa is very bitter. Many soldiers regard this kind of thing as a medicine block, because most Chinese herbal medicines are bitter. Many soldiers don't like this kind of food. They don't like such bitter things because they have no use. Such a situation is for them. It's a huge disaster, and they don't like such things.

What the soldiers might not know is that, in fact, they should have received another food supplement, coffee. Although they were given cocoa powder, tea bags, and even fruit powder. It's granular orange juice. That is an important supplement to ensure their vitamins. Coffee is also one of the important strategic materials. However, coffee is currently only enjoyed by high-level personnel. He needs milk fat. Sugar, or even some other things, ordinary soldiers can't get such things at all. Because their number is small. Most of them were added to the hands of the officers.

Some military officers don't know if these things are good or not. They just heard. The above likes such things very much, they think it is not as good as tea. It's almost like taking medicine. Even adding a lot of sugar, they have no way to solve such a problem. But this thing is small in number. Less is a good thing. The soldiers simply couldn't get so many supplies. These officers don't think so, because they think it is a kind of preferential treatment to the officers.

Hot cocoa has met a demand of soldiers. In contrast, the soldiers are still interested in roasting wild boar. Because this kind of thing greatly satisfies one of their needs, which is the best thing they can do.

"We can't bear" the fragrance anymore. Although the food supply is the best for us, the supply is also the best. But this still cannot stop their interest in food. Although paratroopers get the best supplies, ordinary troops will never supply such things as hot cocoa. But the problem is that they got more guarantees at once. However, supplies are supplies. They still don't do enough in terms of deliciousness.

The soldiers still hope to find something they like to supplement themselves with their rifles. Because this is the best thing. They can satisfy their taste. And supplies are in their view. It is a cheap commodity ordered by the military in large quantities. It's pretty good that these things can be made. And they have to keep it for a long time. For example, some paratroopers discovered that the cans sent to them were from a year ago, even though they were well sealed. But the taste of such a thing is simply impossible. Therefore, many soldiers still don't like this kind of thing, and this kind of thing is the worst thing for them.

Qin Jun’s supplies. Although it is the best. However, the taste is too bad, and many soldiers have complained. But it did not attract enough attention from the above. Because in Wang Jian's view, their troops have done better. Their situation has been prepared. In such a situation, their situation will get better. There is no need for greater improvement in taste. In such a situation, soldiers can only supplement and improve the soldiers’ food improvements through hunting or other means. After all, this is also a kind of combat effectiveness.

But in contrast, they are much stronger than the previous Qin Army. With such an improvement, Qin Jun's basic needs have been met, so under such a situation. The above will not agree. Some food is good. If you are looking for an improvement in taste, it still won't work.

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