The situation in Yan State is very bad. However, the situation in Yan State has not changed much.

Ambassadors Qin and South Korea are often invited to the banquets of the aristocrats of the country of Yan. The aristocrats’ lives are uplifted by singing and dancing. They seem to be very satisfied with the status quo. The aristocratic officials are not concerned about their economic conditions, nor are they some of their other factors. What they care about is their entertainment, and they care about economic issues at all. All indicators of Yan's economic growth are basically around 1%. We must know that Yan's total economic volume is still very low, 1% is basically in a state of slight development, and his economy is seriously lagging behind. , Not only these, they have an extremely inadequate financial investment in economic construction and education expenses. Many places lack too many economic factors to solve the problem. Under such a situation, their situation is extremely unfavorable. If this kind of steam heating continues, their situation will be very unfavorable. .

People's lives are on the verge of food and clothing. The children of some families are suffering from malnutrition, but the nobles of the Yan Kingdom still eat exquisite food. One dish can waste a lot of ingredients. And these ingredients would rather be poured out than given to them, the food waste situation is terrible. It was terrible to an unbelievable point.

Such a situation cannot be improved for a long time, because most of their officials will not care about such issues. What they care about is whether they can continue to maintain their situation, and if they can, it is the most important thing. Yes, it can't be maintained, they will find a way to maintain it. As a result, the country of Yan lags behind in economy, military, education, scientific research, etc., but the country of Yan occupies most of the resources. In the entire Liaodong and Liaobei regions, there are a large number of various agricultures, and mineral resources are provided to them for simple economic growth. This seems fair, but it is not fair. For example, Zhao country, mountain country, and Goguryeo country, they all think that such a thing is extremely unfair, the reason is very simple.

Zhao Guo lacks too much strategic depth, and their situation is no longer enough for them to carry out such a situation. As for Goguryeo, what they need is a solution that can quickly solve all problems. Under such a situation, they are eager to change such a state. However, all of these cannot be provided, which means As a result, their situation will become even more unfavorable. But the nearby country of Yan can provide such a large depth. Therefore, the military requirements they need can be met at the same time. And economic needs.

The mountain country and Goguryeo are the same. They not only have industrial demand, but also huge agricultural demand. However, the Yan people occupy such a large amount of economic resources but they can't do anything. In such a situation, their affairs will become even more unfavorable. Because the Yan people occupy too many and too many favorable resources, these favorable resources cannot solve their own too many problems, but such a situation cannot meet some of the needs of the surrounding countries, the surrounding countries are too strong, and the Yan country Too weak. This imbalance in power will eventually lead to an uneven situation in the Yan State region. But the nobles in power in the Yan Kingdom don't care about these at all. What they care about is wine, food, and beauties. Their children and grandchildren will have endless wealth, endless glory and wealth, and they will be born. The situation is the best. Such a situation directly leads to their lack of competitiveness. The consequences of this kind of thing are extremely serious. Yan Guo just weakens bit by bit. No one cares about the occurrence of such a thing. No one cares about the continuation of their situation. In the eyes of everyone, everything is a situation they should find themselves. This is what they are looking for.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"The Indians and the Bangladeshi army can't be used alone at all. Why is there such a thing?" Han Shu said angrily when he looked at the battle report. The Indian army and the Bangla army are really difficult to use. They can be used to suppress local riots and maintain law and order in some areas, but the prerequisite is that they must be supported by the South Korean army behind them, but in Ala’s military operations Among them, the number of South Korean troops is too small. They can only guarantee that their airport cannot be attacked. For going out to fight, only the Mengla, the Indians, and the Persians should be allowed to go. But the Persians didn't even know these **** campers, the Mengla people, they simply couldn't stand up to such a situation, and their situation was extremely bad. It is so bad that it is difficult to solve, and many things will make their situation extremely unfavorable. In such a situation, they became extremely crazy. It becomes difficult to deal with.

Under the attack of the Allahs, they collapsed all at once. Everything becomes difficult to control. In such a state, many of their things are difficult to deal with. The final result was that they lost all their troops. It also made the Persians tired. Approximately more than 4,000 Indian and Bangla soldiers were attacked. As a result, more than 1,500 people were killed by God. The Persian army also lost the strength of two infantry companies. The casualties were very heavy. And all of this is due to the evil consequences of Mengla, the Indian soldiers who collapsed without fighting, and they fled frantically.

"My lord, we can't blame too much for such a situation. Their combat effectiveness is not very strong. The emergence of such a situation will only make their situation even more unfavorable. In such a situation Many things are actually in such a situation." Zhang Liang said.

"Well, I see. We need to maintain their law and order. If their forces are too strong, it will be very detrimental to our maintenance of the colony. Our situation will be attacked by their troops. We will be attacked by the native soldiers. It should be clear that we need an obedient dog. But none of us know whether this dog is obedient or not. We are not them. We don't know what they think, but we still need one. In that case, we need one. A very weak dog, although he is a lot of trouble, but is a small threat to us. We naturally don’t have to worry that their situation is not good for us. In this way, most of our things can be solved. Such a state is for us. It's very advantageous," Han Shu said.

"Yes, Lord." Zhang Liang said. Although such a metaphor sounds very irritating, in fact, his situation is the most advantageous, because many situations have already shown such a thing, if they do not do this, what will happen, many things They don't know it themselves. Assuming that their power is strong, and the Korean army is scattered everywhere, even if it is concentrated, it will pose a great threat to all the colonies. Under such a situation, the only way is this. They decide to take their best advantage. The situation to solve such a thing. Choose a weak teammate so that they don't have to worry about cutting themselves in the back.

"Forget it. Our casualties are still very small. To solve the rest, we still need local people. We can't fight in the local area for too long. In that case, it will be very troublesome for us." Han Shu said.

"My lord, there is one more thing that we need to pay attention to." Zhang Liang reminded at this time.

"What's the matter?" Han Shu asked.

"My lord, this is the case. The army deployed there will have a lot of weapons and equipment. Once the war is over, these equipment will be very troublesome if they are transported back. The transportation fees for some aircraft and aviation equipment are understandable. However, if a large number of rifles and machine guns are transported back, it will be very troublesome. The cost of transporting these weapons will be very high. Even a batch of the same weapons can be manufactured. We need to consider solving such a problem. "Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. What you said makes sense, according to what you mean, should we find a solution?" Han Shu said.

"My lord, my method is very simple, that is. Transport these weapons on-site, to the Mediterranean, in the Mediterranean, Loma, and our new allies, the Spartans, and the Spanish infantry divisions. They We all need a lot of weapons and ammunition. We can help some of these weapons in exchange for some benefits, and some can be sold. In this way, the regional balance can be broken and our weapons can be sold." Speaking of.

Yes, the war is over. It's almost over. But after the war, how to solve the large amount of hoarding materials? Are these ammunition being transported back? This is a trouble for them, and it is still a big trouble. In such a situation, many of their situations are difficult to deal with. Faced with such a state, the best way is to find a way to deal with these situations. The weapons are all transported out and sold to some friendly countries. In this case, their diplomatic activities will start with the Buddha, and at the same time they will open up the market, and that is, they will solve a big problem by themselves. These weapons also have places they can use. Zhang Liang is thinking about this kind of problem.

But the problem is that after these weapons are exported, they will destroy the local balance of power. With the emergence of a large number of weapons, the balance of weapons will be even more unfavorable. The result is bound to be that war will occur.

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