Yan country. Lone bamboo. A noble commercial bank was robbed again. One person was injured this time, and there were not many casualties, but the loss of cash was relatively large. They also used explosives to attack the gold reserves in the vault. Unfortunately, time was too late. The gangsters evacuated after firing with submachine guns for a while.

That noble commercial bank has been robbed three times in seven days, and it has been robbed 17 times in fifteen days. The scariest thing is that he was robbed four times in one day.

With this speed of robbery, this business can basically be closed down. Many people ran to the bank for a run, and they didn't want to lose their money. The only way is to take out their savings, but when they take it out, they also need to consider the loss, because many people have learned from the gangsters, and they spend money to buy a large number of submachine guns for robbery.

The influence of the gangsters is very large. The submachine guns and pistols on the black market have soared by more than twice, but it is still unable to meet the demand, because more and more people are involved, rich and poor. Disparity, social dissatisfaction, hatred of the rich, and many abnormal psychology all at once concentrated on the criminals, and they were eager to change such a situation with the weapons in their hands. This is something a madman can do.

But in the abnormal country of Yan. But it's quite normal. And all this is caused by the nobles. Faced with such a situation, the nobles are also trying to solve this problem. A large number of banks and money-carrying vehicles have been robbed, and money-carrying personnel are no longer able to hire suitable people. Because it's too dangerous. Many robbers use bombs to blow up money trucks. I really don’t know what they think. They actually thought of this. This is something that everyone feels is very abnormal, but who can tell, this is very normal. ? No one can understand this. In short, the situation will not change in a short period of time. The reason was that some nobles were extremely stingy and closed the bank.

In order to change some of these situations, they began to cooperate with some bandits, and at the same time they offered high employment prices, hired a large number of veterans, desperadoes to defend their banks, and there were many people from all countries. People from Qin, Zhao, Korean, Chu, and even Goguryeo. Except for the Goguryeos, the veterans of these countries only provide advisory matters, and they rarely participate in the battle. They know exactly what this is all about, and they wouldn't do it if the salary were not high.

In fact, the people who participated in the battle were all Goguryeos, but the prices offered by the Goguryeos were not very suitable. The people of Yan hated the Goguryeos, but they could indeed fight. The Yan people are actively discussing with the Koreans, and they hope to hire some people from God and Persia to participate. The aristocrats of the Yan Kingdom continued to strengthen their safeguards, but in the eyes of these people, many things were actually not going smoothly for a simple reason. They are only working for money, but the gangsters' equipment has already posed a threat to them. It is said that some gangsters developed in the early stage have formed a well-organized gang of gangsters. Not only were they equipped with rifles and submachine guns, they also robbed some machine guns. This kind of firepower has greatly surpassed the local police force, and even the army is at a disadvantage in combat.

The police did not dare to control, even if they received an alarm call, most of them would have to wait more than ten minutes to arrive slowly. They just shot from a distance. If the bandits go far away, they will go up cautiously. The people are very dissatisfied with this, but they have only such police available. You know, some gangsters even have mortars. This has greatly exceeded the later limit of the offense accepted by the police. Faced with such an offense. All people feel that they will be in an extremely disadvantageous situation, and this is the biggest problem they currently encounter.

In this regard, all countries have expressed their understanding, but no country is willing to worry about Yan's affairs. Because this is a good thing they did themselves. If the nobles were not greedy, they might not have faced such an offense. They found all this by themselves. This cannot blame others.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"The gangsters were actually found by the Yan people themselves. If they could give something to their people, they would not take such an extremely violent way to solve the problem, but in the end, they just didn't do it. What's the result? This can only be a good thing they did themselves, and they can't blame others." Han Shu said. In Han Shu's view, this is the responsibility of the aristocracy of Yan State. What she knew was that more than 95% of Yan's wealth was in their hands. But they don’t pay any taxes. On the contrary, they will try to defraud the only financial support and tax allowances. Selfishness has caused them to develop such a situation. Under such a situation, they still want some support. , This would be just dreaming.

"I have never seen a selfish ghost like the aristocrat of the Yan Kingdom. They never consider such a change in the situation, but just think of some of their own interests." Han Shu said. But Zhang Liang didn't think so. In fact, the situation in South Korea is not too optimistic. Bureaucrats have monopolized most of the promotion of officials. They are a gang. They use the power in their hands to continuously accumulate wealth, because no one knows how much benefit they are getting, but they know how much wealth they are accumulating, and they don't know how much wealth has reached them.

"My lord, Lockheed has sent a telegram saying that they have already begun to do what they want to do. They have carried out military reforms and freed slaves. A large number of slaves have become free people, but they need to redeem them by themselves. "Zhang Liang said.

"Well. Very good. The Loma people should have been like this a long time ago. If they can't carry out such reforms, many things will not improve their situation. If this situation cannot continue, many of their situations In fact, they are all unfavorable. I think they know how to face such a situation. This is the only feasible way for them at the moment. Under such circumstances, they can only make their situation better by solving such things." Han Sue said so.

"Yes, Majesty, but Majesty. There are many things that still need to be resolved. We must urgently pay attention to this point." Zhang Liang said.

"Oh." Han Shu asked Zhang Liang curiously.

"What I am worried about is that the Carthaginians have also made relevant reforms. In that case, our situation will be in a state of competition, and the war may last a long time." Zhang Liang said.

Zhang Liang's concern is justified, because the two are in a competitive relationship after the Roma people reacted. Zhang Liang is very worried that the other party will also make relevant reactions. If this is the case, their situation will be in a competitive situation. Once this situation is formed, it will be very unfavorable to them. Because the competitive relationship will become extremely tense. Han Shu knows this point, and Zhang Liang knows this point too.

"No. No, you don't know the Carthaginians, because what I know is, in my opinion, they will not do such a thing. Because they are as selfish as the Yan people." Han Shu said. .

"Usually, selfish people need to maintain this situation. They will not look at how many changes have taken place in this era. What they care about is how many changes have been made to their own interests. In this situation, many of their things have actually undergone tremendous changes, and they will also frantically maintain such an order. As a result, they have lost more of their benefits for the sake of their immediate benefits. It seems that all of this is very worthwhile. Because they are such people, they don’t care what losses are at all? They only care about their current interests, and they will not care about the country and the greater interests. Because this is not what they worry about. This is what they are doing, do you understand?" Han Shu asked.

"I understand." Zhang Liang nodded. Selfish people will not seek greater improvement unless there are greater benefits. However, slave reform, as well as social, military, and political reforms usually require a certain loss of self-interest. The Carthage aristocrats did not hope that their own interests would suffer more losses. Under such circumstances, they have achieved some important measures for their current. This measure is to maintain the status quo. This is the most beneficial and most beneficial. A good measure. If the reform is too radical, they will lose everything. This is the last situation they want to see. As long as this situation continues, they will not do it. Things. This is the situation, and many of their conditions will be maintained. Under such circumstances, their situation will be completely reversed.

The war is like this, they cannot continue to maintain such a situation, otherwise, it will make their situation even more unfavorable. This is how war is. Strength is the change in the balance of interests. Selfish people will inevitably be eliminated by history. Their wealth is only temporary wealth. Soon they will change as their country's destiny changes. There will be a big turning point in this situation. The turning point has appeared.

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