The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4356: Just solve it like this

The Ministry of the Navy of the State of Qin. Chen Ping just brought a report from the Office of the Secretary of the Navy.

The report came from the prime minister's residence of Qin State, and the prime minister himself gave instructions. Chen Ping knew that this meant that the Prime Minister's House of the State of Qin paid much attention to such a matter.

The Koreans accidentally discovered South America. However, there is a competitive relationship between Zhao and South Korea. When the Koreans find out, the Zhao people will inevitably do such a thing, and the contradiction between the two sides will increase rapidly. Under such circumstances, they naturally have to do a lot more.

"Pressure. Damn pressure." Chen Ping said after reading the report. Then he pinched his waist and looked at the map. It was a map of America, but only North America and today's Mexico and the narrow strip. All found in the south are coastal areas, and the Rocky Mountains have blocked the possibility of the Qin people from heading inland. Such a situation made Chen Ping feel a lot of pressure. If at this time, Zhao Guo actively develops into North America, in that case, they are likely to meet at a certain point in North America. In that case, the situation will be very bad. Prime Minister Shang Wen is already worried about this.

Chen Ping also knew that this would be very stressful.

"Sir." Chen Ping's assistant whispered. He was worried that his voice would make the other party unhappy. In other words, he is worried that such things will make them difficult.

"Do you bring the information?" Chen Ping asked his assistant, facing such a situation. The only thing Chen Ping can do is to find a way to solve such a problem, how to solve it, such a thing needs him to deal with such a thing carefully, and many things need him to deal with it carefully.

"Here, sir." the assistant said.

"Sir, currently our navy has equipped 152 ships of various types, of which more than 100 are deployed in the Pacific Ocean." The assistant said.

"They can't get through unless we can get around." Chen Ping said while looking at the map. The State of Qin is working hard to step up the construction of their navy. The problem is that their naval ships cannot move quickly to the east coast of North America. Because they do not have the same waters between them, they need to turn to the south. At present, there is no water that can communicate there. There may be, there may not be. But this will waste a lot of time.

"Sir. There can only be passed by waiting for the opening of the canal. According to engineering calculations, we need at least about three years." The assistant said.

"No, three years is too long. Too long. We haven't had three years, maybe three months. We must solve this problem quickly, otherwise, we will be in great trouble. If we continue, There is a possibility that our entire army may be annihilated. Such things cannot be done, nor can we do this. In short, we cannot do many things in fact. We cannot do this." Chen Ping said. The assistant looked at his chief. He felt that the chief's worry might be too much. But anyway. Many things can actually be done. In this case, most things can still be solved.

"Such a thing, I think we need something to do. If we do such a thing, we need to look at some of our special circumstances to deal with it." Chen Ping said.

"Sir, in such a situation, I think that only by letting those seaplanes fly over, they don't need to build an airport, they can just fly along the coastline. They can easily solve the problem." The assistant said.

"What did you say?" Chen Ping asked.

"Sir, I said, I said that seaplanes can be flown over. Currently we are equipped with about 900 seaplanes, and there are more planes manufactured. However, there is a lack of pilots. We can cooperate with the Army. This way Things are not allowed in the navy. Sir." the assistant said.

"Yes. You are too right. This is not allowed. In that case, why should we do this? You think very well. You do very well. I think you will do this very well. It will be very beneficial. Okay. Such a thing can be solved." Chen Ping said.

Although the expansion towards North America has put a lot of pressure on him. However, there are some benefits to such a thing. The advantage is that they can solve such problems in other ways.

New power always rises at unexpected times. Such things seem very interesting. This is how things developed. Aviation power has brought great help to expansion. As long as they adjust their policies in time, they can basically solve most of the problems. Chen Ping is very grateful for the development of air power. Without them, many things would become difficult to solve.

State of Zhao, Handan. street.

"Extra, extra. Two innocent people from Zhao were robbed and killed by criminals." A newspaper boy shouted loudly. Then ran away. When other people heard such news, they were very curious, and they quickly gathered to check related matters. In their view, many things have become elusive for them.

Zhao Guoren's views on such things are quite exciting, because such things have brought them a lot of trouble. Such troubles will make their situation extremely unfavorable. Under such circumstances, if their situation cannot be resolved, it will become extremely troublesome. Because Zhao people feel that their human rights have been greatly violated.

Inside the prime minister's house.

"Bang." Zhao Jia slapped the newspaper on the table very annoyed. Then he shouted loudly with great dissatisfaction.

"Check, check for me, and find out that the **** leaked such news." Zhao Jia said annoyedly. Zhao Jia originally wanted to solve this kind of thing quietly, after all, he didn't want to make things difficult to deal with. In that case, everything will become difficult. In this case, what they have to do will become extremely difficult. But the problem is that Zhao Jia wants to solve this kind of thing quietly, but some people just don't want to solve it like this. They have to make things big and big. Everything becomes difficult to solve. This made him very annoyed. If everyone solves the problem in this way, then everything will not be solved.

"The Prime Minister. The report in the newspaper comes from Zhao Wanggong." The Minister of Economy said with a report. He is considering establishing a forward base for Zhao in the Mediterranean. Then head towards the Americas, because only the Mediterranean is close to the Americas. There are more businessmen there, and it's best to attract them. However, he has not yet submitted such a report. What I saw was that the prime minister's mood swings were very large.

"Zhao Palace. Damn it." Zhao Jia cursed. Why, because many things far exceed some of his thoughts. In other words, these things have become unfavorable to a great extent. Wang Zhao put this matter out, which meant that he wanted to solve it quietly. It's already impossible. This means that they will suffer more and more losses. Many things must be handled publicly. Once more diplomatic situations are involved, many things will become difficult to resolve. Such a thing is extremely difficult for anyone. After all, the impact of this kind of thing is too great. Many of his actions are actually not very optimistic.

Zhao Jia hated such a stupid way of Wang Zhao, but this **** still did such a thing.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"Qin's current reaction seems to be a bit worried." Zhang Liang answered Han Shu's question about Qin's development of the Americas. Although they are still not sure whether they will meet the people of Qin, the reaction of the people of Qin seems to be a little worried. In particular, send a telegram to actively inquire about related matters. If things make significant progress, they still have a way.

"Well, it seems that we have to determine such a thing." Han Shu said.

"My lord, I am worried that if we do this, the people of Qin will be aroused. The Qin government has been expanding in the Americas. They seem to be unwilling to expand too much. Because they feel that doing so will make them feel bad The situation becomes very unfavorable. If we stimulate too much, they will react more. In that case, our loss will become very large. Such things are not what we want. The result we want is to be able to properly handle such things." Zhang Liang said.

"Yeah. What you said makes sense. If we do this, it may lead to an even worse situation for them." Han Shu said.

"But I am worried about the people of Zhao Guo. If the people of Zhao Guo also follow us, will the situation be bad?" Han Shu said.

"My lord, at present we are only expedition forces to get there, but in fact, there are still many things that cannot be carried out. Are we cautiously handling so many things, I mean, can we wait for the power to gather? After establishing a few stable bases, expand." Zhang Liang said appropriately

"Yeah. It makes sense, maybe it's safer to solve some things like this, so let's do it. Solve most of the things. The problem will become more advantageous." Han Shu said. For such things, he can not solve many problems, because many things will make their situation unfavorable. The only way is to solve some of these things. In this case, their situation may become better.

"That's it." Han Shu said.

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