The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4359: Worried about being alone

Qin State. Xianyang. Prime Minister's House.

"This is from South Korea." Meng Yi said in a report submitted.

"Although there are some circumstances, we are unlikely to explain such a situation. But the situation is indeed like this. There are many things that have actually exceeded our expectations." Meng Yi said.

Shang Wen looked at the telegram in his hand. The Koreans asked the people of Qin to support the justice of the Central Plains with them. They were talking about the encroachment of the territory of the Yan Kingdom. Han Shu strongly condemned the mountain people's despicable behavior in the telegram. But these are not things that Shang Wen cares about. What he cares about is how the Koreans almost solve such things. You must know that there are too many conditions for garrisoning there.

"The Ministry of National Defense also has some opinions on such things. Their views are like this. In their view, many things are extremely different. For example, in this case, many things are actually going to our disadvantage. We should all be aware of this when developing. The road conditions there are very bad. We are building a railway. Although the railway is initially completed, its traffic capacity is poor. Not only that, but the supply to the front lines is also very limited. It can only rely on simplicity. Road transportation, and air transportation, large-scale operations are impossible, and at most two infantry battalions can be maintained there." Meng Yi explained to Shangwen. Shang Wen nodded. He agreed with such a view, because such a view seemed good to Qin.


"Well. I agree with this point. What's the situation? I mean, how to solve such things, you know, there are many things that are actually very different from ours. Under such a situation, our Many things actually become unfavorable." Shang Wen said.

"We don’t have many garrisons. The solution for the Koreans is to use air power, just like the Chu people buy a large number of second-hand aircraft modification. The mountain country is a country dominated by the army. They have no air power or naval power. In such a state, many of their things are actually difficult to proceed." Meng Yi said.

"If we use the air to carry out continuous strikes, as long as the losses exceed a certain percentage, such as attacking their mineral resource extraction facilities, road facilities, and their material distribution centers, many things will become extremely beneficial. This is the most favorable situation for us. Such a situation will greatly promote our offense and other things that we may develop." Meng Yi said.

"Simply use air strikes to carry out such things." Meng Yi said while looking at the report.

"Yes, this matter has been reported to the General Staff. I think they will agree with such an approach. Maybe not, but maybe we can do such a thing. I think many things will definitely be done like this. It's a situation." Meng Yi said.

"Well. I agree to do this. This is the most favorable situation for us." Shang Wen said.

"Okay. We need to solve some problems for such things. If these problems can go on, many of our things will go well." Shangwen agreed. Currently they don't have many choices. If they don’t do this, the mountain people will definitely invade further and occupy more land, and then they will take some illegal means to turn into legal gains. In this case, many of their conditions will become extremely The benefits are much more favorable. This is their current situation, and such a situation will make them more profitable from me.

"However, I have a suggestion." Meng Yi said with a smile at this time.

"Any suggestions?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi. He knew that Meng Yi had enough experience in this area, and he could come up with many ways. Such a thing is not a problem that ordinary people can solve.

"Unite with Zhao Guo and put pressure together." Meng Yi said. Everyone knows that the relationship between Zhao and the mountain people and Goguryeo is very close, even though they did not sign the final military alliance agreement. However, trade and diplomacy have actually become alliances. It's just that Zhao people walked a tightrope to avoid a road like a military alliance.

"Is this feasible?" In Shangwen's view, Zhao Guoren might not agree to such an approach. After all, such a thing is a condition that they absolutely cannot accept. Under such a situation, how could they possibly do this? Things. Therefore, Shang Wen believes that such an approach is unlikely to achieve such a point.

"I also know that it is not possible. However, this is how things are, and many impossible things will become possible. Under such circumstances, once these things have formed relevant conditions, a large number of conditions will become extremely advantageous. "Meng Yi said.

"Well, I understand." Shang Wen nodded to express his understanding. He understood why the other party did this. the reason is simple. Zhao Guo, especially Zhao Jia. He would give up part of Zhao's interests for the dignity of some Central Plains countries. They can persuade the mountain country to leave there, and in this way, their affairs will be much better. There is nothing wrong with such a thing. But Meng Yi cleverly took advantage of this point, and such things naturally made their situation more favorable. This is Meng Yi's current most favorable situation. Many of his things are actually very clever. In Shangwen’s view, Meng Yi is already a mature politician.

"I agree." Shang Wen finally agreed. Shangwen has no reason to oppose such a thing. Opposition has no effect, because such a thing itself has a great advantage. As long as they continue to do this, many things will actually become much easier to solve. This is some of their favorable conditions.

The State of Qin took advantage of this because they needed to maintain the dignity of the Central Plains country, and such a dignity was a reliable guarantee of political capital. Zhao Jia will not give up, Zhao Guo will not give up. Naturally, the people of Qin would not initiate it.

Persia, inside the National Army headquarters building.

Li Pu looked at the latest reconnaissance report sent. He felt a little helpless. The reinforcements were delayed in arriving, and they suffered the strongest resistance. The road is broken and the block is tough, and it takes at least a day for them to arrive. And they can solve the problem in just three hours on the road. But now it has been delayed for a long, long time, which makes Li Pu feel very helpless.

Air reconnaissance showed that the reinforcements could not arrive at all. The defensive positions of the two infantry divisions have been divided by various guerrilla forces. If this is the worst, there is something worse than this. That is, a large number of defensive positions disappeared. What the aerial reconnaissance saw was that a large number of National Army soldiers raised their hands and surrendered. They did not continue to resist at all. In fact, it was true. The supply was cut off and they were attacked from all sides. Such an offense puts a lot of pressure on them, there is no support, only despair. If they want to survive, they must find more places to survive. This place is, surrender. This is their only way. The defense situation of the two infantry divisions has changed a lot, and it can be said that they are already in an extremely unfavorable state. If this situation continues to happen, many things will pose a huge threat to them.

"Okay. This is the situation. Many things will make their situation unfavorable. This is everyone’s consciousness and a method that everyone agrees, because such a situation will change their situation. It's very unfavorable." Li Pu said.

Many people nodded. Agree. Because this is the situation they least want to see at the moment.

"Sir. The two infantry divisions may have been unable to rescue. Do we continue." A staff officer said worriedly.

"Go on." Li Pu said.

"Yes. Sir." The staff was still worried.

"Go on." Li Pu said. The staff knows. He knew that his chief still insisted on his way.

The Persian National Army, which is good at fighting position wars, can only advance in parallel. But as they proceeded, they encountered a lot of trouble. The trouble is that they have suffered a lot of attacks along the way. Basically, they stop and go all the way, how could such an offensive speed be accelerated. Under such circumstances, they still have to attack. The staff officer is worried that the army in an offensive state is likely to encounter a larger offensive from the opponent. How to say such a situation, that is, many of their situations have become extremely unfavorable. A large number of troops cannot resolve such a situation. In other words, many of their situations will become extremely unfavorable.

Troops that attacked too quickly went too deep into the enemy's territory. This has created a situation where the lone army is deep. If this situation continues to occur, what they may lose is not two infantry divisions, but more than more infantry divisions. The staff originally wanted to tell the other side this idea. But in the current situation, it is difficult for him to notice such a point, or he has noticed such a point, but he must clear the siege as soon as possible, and thus cannot estimate other things.

Reinforcements are still in progress, which involves many important things. They need to ensure the integrity of the two infantry divisions, or, to properly handle such a situation. This is what they are currently paying attention to.

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