The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4361: Bread has gone up

Tupley's idea is to build a large number of fortifications and achieve their goal of weakening the guerrillas through siege. Regardless of the method. The only advantage is that Tupley finally realized that such a situation occurred, that is to say, their situation will be greatly developed, and this development will have some impact on them. The first guerrilla zone was under control. Second, their military expenditure will further increase because they will spend a lot of money on building fortifications. Because their soldiers are too bad. They don't know how to fight at all. In other words, they don't know how to deal with such a situation. All kinds of situations have directly caused their current situation. Faced with such a situation, their condition is really not very good. In this case, many of their situations will become advantageous.

But what he needs to consider now is how to solve such a large amount of expenditure in finance. It also costs money to buy warships. It will cost more to build a real navy.

Yan country, in a pub in Guzhu. Wei Man and several of his companions were drinking here. They originally did some unprofitable business. They are gangsters, but unfortunately, the good time of gangsters is over. They couldn't rob the money transport truck and rob the bank at the same time. Even the shops run by the nobles and the gold and silver jewelry shops became extremely unstable. This prevents them from getting more funds. Fortunately, they made two beautiful votes. This makes their situation much better. But their future situation is not very good. They must have a good way out, otherwise they will not be able to solve all the problems if this continues.

"Let's talk about it. What shall we do in the future?" Wei Man said. He took a sip of wine. Alcohol can temporarily numb his brain and make him not want this. Many people are surviving. Live in this unequal society. He has seen too many, too many unfavorable things. Nobles can get more money. They never worry about money, and the problem that money solves is not a problem. Men are slaves and women are playthings. They can do a lot of absurd things, which are not something that everyone can solve. But they can.

It sounds a little hard to believe. Yan is the only country in the Central Plains that has not abolished slavery in law. It's ridiculous. But this is the fact.

"What kind of outlets can we have? Those nobles' money is not so easy to grab. I think we should also learn from other people and rob a few Zhao, South Korea, or Qin businessmen. If we do, many of our problems can be resolved. This is the most beneficial thing for us." One person said.

"Damn it. I don't think so. What you do will cause us a lot of trouble." A cowardly said. He looks very annoyed, but he is absolutely against it. the reason is simple. Because killing Zhao people, or Korean or Qin people, will cause them a lot of trouble. These troubles include hunting down. Because the police forces of these countries will never forgive them. Doing so is tantamount to suicide, and the consequences are very serious. Under such a situation, many criminals dare not do this. They know the consequences too much.

Some reckless people did this. They were immediately pursued and killed by the intelligence personnel of these countries. Many people died unclearly. This is an era of chaos, and it is also an era that has brought them a lot of trouble. No one likes something like this. No one likes it. Everyone knows this point. Therefore, they are unwilling to do this because they do it. It is tantamount to a dead end.

"There is no way, if we don't rob these at the same time. We can't survive at all. In this case, many of our things can't go on." An associate said.

"It is said that we absolutely cannot do such a thing, because if we do, many of our things will not be able to proceed. Absolutely not." Wei Man also agreed. he knows. What kind of power is behind these people? It is the power of the state. They can't resist at all. The only way is to obey such power. They know what to do, but the question that should be most concerned about now is how they go on.

Just when a bandit like Weiman was worried about his future. In another place. Two Koreans are observing them. They are members of the South Korean intelligence agency, and they were ordered to investigate some of the criminals. But they later asked them to do something, go deep into the bandits, and understand the bandits. They need some courageous and obedient people. The two intelligence officers tracked each other in this way.

"Can they?" A intelligence officer asked.

"I think it can. According to our investigation and observation, they did not actively attack some of our conditions." Intelligence officer B said.

"So what? They might attack us in the end. Maybe they are discussing such a thing." B intelligence officer said.

"No. I don't think they are likely to do this. Why? I don't know, but it is certain that they are unlikely to do this. They know how to advance and retreat. You know, such a person knows how to do it. For them, this is the most advantageous thing for a situation. They know that the power is strong. Such a person is very smart. This is the person we need most." A intelligence officer said.

"I can't see it. In my opinion, they are gangsters, a group of gangsters. Their practices are extremely rampant. If they can stop such things, I am very grateful to them, but if they do something wrong I'm sorry, but I can't help them. They are such a bunch of bastards. Yes, bastards." The second intelligence officer said. A intelligence officer drank a drink. Smiled. He feels that the other party has a certain potential, but how to do it concretely depends on their own destiny. Is this kind of good fortune that they can solve the problem on their own? Such things are for them. This is a huge trouble.

Loma. Zhang Jun likes to walk on the streets of Loma, and he can talk in some Latin. Because in doing so, he can definitely feel some of the changes in Lockheed Martin.

Zhang Jun walked, walked. He came to the bakery. There are a lot of people here, and most of them gather here. This is where Loma people often come. Bread, this is the necessity for them to survive. Bread is their favorite food. Of course. A large amount of rice will also enter here, but rice is regarded as food for the poor. Because only the poor can cook the kind of tasteless things, or make rice.

Many slaves who had just been liberated would buy such cheap food. But some civilians also eat such food. But they were unconsciously despised by the Loma people themselves.

In fact, South Korea still likes to eat noodles because it is the main producing area of ​​wheat. People like to eat pasta. The authentic Koreans like to eat, but the problem is that most of the Korean colonies are concentrated in the tropical and subtropical regions. The climatic conditions there determine that they can provide more places to grow rice in Korea. The yield of rice is very high. This is a basis for ensuring that Korean agriculture is strong. There is rice in Indy, and rice in Yuezhou, and there are many more places where the yield of rice is amazing.

However, many places are reluctant to eat rice, such as Carthage and Loma. Even the hard-working black continent. They also don't like to eat rice. Because they think the rice has no taste. But the Koreans have a lot of this kind of rice. They either make wine or ship it out on a large scale.

Just then. The Loma people lack food. The Koreans naturally transport all these things to the Loma people. However, only the low-level people in the Loma people can eat such things, and most of them are still willing to eat bread. They like wheat and barley. For some special people.

Zhang Jun quickly learned some specific situations. It turned out that the reason for their quarrel was that the price of bread had risen. Moreover, it has increased by more than 30%. Such a price makes it difficult for them to accept it. Many people feel that such an increase in food prices is extremely unfair. But this in itself is not fair. Therefore, many people can only object, but they have no good solutions. As a result, only such a situation can be accepted. There is no way, this is Lockheed Martin.

Food is still scarce. They can only accept such a situation, or they can buy low-priced rice. They eat those things like that. Rice is regarded as a cheap food.

The quarrel is fruitless. They can only pay more paper money to buy such food. Otherwise, they would go there to buy rice quietly. Eating such things does not seem to be eaten by humans. This is one of their feelings, but what are the benefits of such feelings? No one knows these.

What Zhang Jun thinks is that this is an important way for the Lockheed Martin government to resolve naval funding.

The navy needs more money. But the Lockheed Martin government does not have that much money. His fiscal deficit has become a big figure. No one can solve so many problems. Under such circumstances, what else can they do.

The only way is to print more banknotes. This is a method that Korean bankers told them. As a result, a large number of banknotes appeared. Rising prices are also inevitable. Because of inflation. There are banknotes everywhere, but there are still so many commodities. This is unavoidable.

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