State of Zhao, Handan. Prime Minister's House.

"The mountain people are like this. I have told them that they must retreat, but they don't even want to retreat. They want to increase their military strength. They think it is theirs to occupy those lands. They think too simple." Zhao Jia is extremely dissatisfied Speaking of. Action for mountain people. He is a hundred disagrees. And they are extremely opposed to their actions, because such an approach is a huge disaster for them. Faced with such a catastrophe. Many of their situations are actually not very good. In such a situation, many things have actually become extremely unfavorable to them, but what is the point of such an approach. There is no value at all. The mountain people will not obey the arrangements of the Zhao people. They quite think that they can resist the attack of the Central Plains countries. In their view, the Central Plains countries are afraid of death. Although their weapons are advanced. But their fighting will is extremely weak.

"Prime Minister, it has actually happened. I think it is meaningless for us to continue persuading." The Defense Minister said.

"I think the same way. We have no way to solve such a thing. Under such a situation, what else can we do?" Zhao Jia said.

"Prime Minister, how do we solve such a problem?" the Secretary of Defense asked worriedly.

"Huh." After Zhao Jia took a breath, she shook her head helplessly. There are still many problems he can solve. Under such a situation, there are too many things they need to solve.

"What else can we do? The mountain country is a disobedient country. They always think that they can solve all problems by force. They think too beautifully. What is the result?" Zhao Jia said.

"Forget it. Let them know something is awesome. Maybe they will listen, these **** mountain people, they will cause us trouble." Zhao Jia said. For the mountain people, Zhao Jia thinks that is the most disobedient country. They clearly told the mountain people to withdraw their troops, but the mountain people did not withdraw their troops, but increased their troops to occupy more land. They have their own ideas. But what he knows is that if they don't do this, they will only lose themselves. They found it by themselves. This cannot blame others.

Staff. Li Mu looked at the sand table.

The General Staff may be the most unwilling place for military strategists, because the Central Plains countries are actively expanding. Expansion means military operations, but military operations in most areas are not equal. Therefore, although the work of the staff seems to be very heavy. Most of it is copywriting work, and many people need to write a lot of reports. All kinds of reports must be written out. If you don't write a report, it is unlikely that you will be promoted to such a job as a staff officer.

There are too few places for the staff to command operations. Most of them describe the course of the war. This makes many staff members feel that they are not very useful. The staff of the General Staff are very worried about their future.

Most of the staff of various countries are like this. They have formulated countless plans, planned various plans, and various programs. But as a result, many things have become extremely unfavorable to them. But in such a situation, they still need to do a lot of things. This is what they are currently doing. There is no way. This is war. It is also that they have to do the situation.

"We have to sit still. Although the world is at war, many wars are actually without technical level. They can control it." Li Mu said to Li Zuoche who was playing Hache on the side. Because Li Zuoche has written too many reports, many things need to be solved in this way. Naturally, their work has become extremely arduous, and they often have to work overtime. Although many of their protections are not necessarily used, they are directly entered into the file. But the element of war still exists.

"Yes. Sir." Li Zuoche replied. He didn't want to explain anything, because there were so many things to explain. It is also useless. In fact, many things are solved by them requiring detailed descriptions.

"You tell me, how do we solve such a battle?" Li Mu asked at this time, pointing to the mountainous country to the northeast.

"If I were a mountain country, I would give full play to the characteristics of their guerrilla warfare. Their soldiers are good at mountain warfare. Although their soldiers are all militias, they have maintained their ambitions in the jungle for a long time. The ability is still very high. It hasn't degraded to the point where many places can't fight. So they are good at mountain and jungle warfare. But their shortcomings are also very obvious." Li Zuoche thought about it and said.

"Because their preparations are all light infantry equipment, heavy weapons are a few mortars, or a few heavy machine guns. They are mainly able to move quickly. Such equipment is still equipped by a small number of troops, and they still lack enough. Artillery. In this way, their advantage is fast and mobile operations, detouring to farther places, but after all, they are limited. Their attacking ability is very weak because of the lack of artillery. Once they encounter a very tightly defended fortress. , The situation will become extremely unfavorable. In many situations, their battles will be extremely passive, because of the lack of firepower, even if they charge very hard, they cannot solve the problem." Li Zuoche said .

"If you are a coalition army, what do you do?" Li Mu asked next. Li Zuoche's analysis basically agrees. Mountain soldiers have a high fighting will. Individual combat skills are also very high. It is a pity that they are only light infantry, which determines that their offensive posture is not too favorable, because they lack enough weapons and equipment to give full play to their strengths, and they have to face extremely tight defense fortresses. Firepower to attack. Such a situation will cause them extremely heavy losses.

"Establish an air base. Use air transportation supply lines to transport a large number of soldiers, weapons and ammunition, and various defensive equipment. Use firepower nets and defensive nets to form a strict defense system. If there is sufficient air power, I think, It is best to carry out large-scale bombings toward the depths of the mountain people, such as destroying their road junctions and railway exchange stations. In this case, the only ammunition supplies that the mountain people have will not be very smooth. Then cooperate with a certain degree. Light armored vehicles launch an offensive. I think the offense is best controlled within a certain range. In this case, they will continue to consume their forces. It is best for the Mountain Congress to find that their situation will become extremely unfavorable, and finally they have to accept it. Such a situation." Li Zuoche said.

"That's right, I think so too. It's too slow to want to win such a war by relying on light infantry alone. The coalition is not the Yan army, and their level of equipment far exceeds that of the Yan army. Their situation is very good. It's not good." Li Mu said.

"Sir, in fact, this situation may be able to change a bit. If we can provide some artillery, I think their status may be changed a bit. However, I am worried that their logistical support will not be able to do that. So, The impression of the artillery provided is not too great." Li Zuoche said.

"War is a matter of a country. The economic situation of the mountain people determines their mode of war. They are not yet able to manufacture motor vehicles. They can only manufacture some extensive products. Although their rifles may be manufactured by themselves, they lack With enough craftsmanship, their situation is very bad. In this regard, their national economic level has determined this point." Li Mu said. Li Mu has already regarded the war as a situation like a whole war. Such a situation will completely make their situation much more advantageous. This is their current situation.

Li Zuoche nodded, agreeing with this view. He also knows that such a war is a symbol of a country's economic strength.

For example, Zhao Guo, they can make certain armored vehicles, extremely good aircraft. In addition, there are more other weapons and equipment, and these are determined by their industrial base, because they can produce such weapons and equipment. But mountain countries are different. They only have a production line that can produce ammunition. They can also assemble some rifles, pistols, and machine guns. They also need to import some special parts to assemble. This is because their factories are extensive products, and such products are simply impossible. Let them do more to solve too many problems.

"The situation of the war has determined this point. This is a war doomed to fail." Li Mu said. Maybe the mountain people can play some surprises. However, such a surprise will not be too brilliant, because many things will eventually be solved.

Li Zuoche nodded. Technology has changed many forms of warfare, although the basic principles of warfare are still the same. However, if you don't know the technology, it's not enough to rely solely on people's fighting will. Sometimes technical gaps can make up for tactical errors. Everyone can realize this.

Qin State, Xianyang. As a pilot, Han Xin asked to participate in operations against mountain countries. Most of the pilots in this battle were carried out by means of volunteers. Han Xin and several classmates all signed up to participate in such a military operation.

Qin State only dispatched two battalions and more than five aviation squadrons to participate in the battle. This is to minimize the pressure of supply, because it is the Qin Civil Aviation aircraft and the two transportation brigades that provide the supply. Transport aircraft from six squadrons were used for transportation.

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