The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4370: Technical upgrade of Goguryeo people

Loma. Inside the South Korean Embassy. Zhang Jun is viewing some artworks in his private study. For example, statues. In contrast, he likes it even more. Something made of metal, such as a crown. Jinbei and so on.

"Oh, what is he doing?" Zhang Jun asked his assistant curiously.

The assistant shook his head and said he was not clear. Zhang Jun helplessly put down his collection and left his private study. He needs to meet with the Secretary of War of the Roma. Under normal circumstances, diplomats like him rarely deal with the other party. He doesn't know why the other party has such a reaction. He really doesn't understand.

"We have encountered some troubles. The Carthaginians have set up a lot of landmines around us. These landmines have caused us a lot of trouble, and so many troubles have brought us great difficulties." Secretary of War Speaking of this.

"Oh." Zhang Jun nodded. He knew such things, the Carthaginians were very smart, they didn't know a lot of minefields, of course. The Carthaginians don’t have that many mines. They have real mines and fake mines. Usually they are mixed mines. The trouble caused by such a situation is very big. Because the Loma people's mine clearance method is very backward, in such a situation, many of their situations cannot be effectively changed. But the situation is like this, they must find a way to change this situation, and then make their situation more favorable, so that they can make their situation more favorable.

"I know. But what kind of relationship does this have to us?" Zhang Jun asked.

"We hope to consult some effective methods from South Korea, otherwise, we will be blocked by a large number of minefields. With the defense of mobile forces, our situation is very bad. If we do not change some factors, we The situation may become even more unfavorable. Under such circumstances, we hope that such things can be properly resolved.” The Secretary of the Army said.

"Oh. I see. In your case, you hope to improve such a situation, right?" Zhang Jun asked.

"Yes. As for the cost, we still hope to negotiate. After all, the issue of military expenditure is still very big for Lockheed Martin." The Secretary of the Army said cautiously.

Zhang Jun nodded. Such things can be done, but this raises another problem, which is research. Because research requires a portion of research expenses.

"Expenses must be properly negotiated, but I can give these plans to the research institutes. How much they will cost, and you need to explain the situation yourself." Zhang Jun thought about it and said. It is better for him not to participate in such things. After all, many industries that are too much are not so good after all. Maybe the Army also hopes to have such a project. The Secretary of the Army was very grateful, and Zhang Jun said it was just a matter of effort.

In fact, he feels that the future South Korean Army will actually need such weapons and equipment. After all, some of their conditions are not very good. Many times, if they do not do well by themselves, many things will actually change. Not so good. In such a situation, they need to solve many problems before they can become beneficial.

The Carthaginian blockade had a great impact on the Loma people. Originally, the internal material circulation of the Loma people was not very developed. If the cordon is blocked in this way, their situation becomes even worse. In such a situation, they felt that they should find some other solutions to solve such problems. How to solve such problems, they put their hope on the Koreans. After all, only Koreans can help them at present. Other people, they really can't do such a thing. This is their current main situation, and if the situation can change somewhat, it is still the best. The reason why South Korea helps is because the army also needs such weapons, landmines, and the blockade effect of the minefields formed by the use of large-scale landmines is still more favorable. They can create larger landmines. With such mines, armored vehicles cannot pass. Under such circumstances, their situation will only become more unfavorable.

And to help the Loma people is actually to help themselves.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Ministry of National Defense.

"According to the information we got from Goguryeo, the mountain people have already carried out a partial mobilization. At least they have recruited more than five infantry regiments. However, these infantry regiments do not have too many heavy weapons. Most of them are light infantry. "The head of the Intelligence Service said this to the Minister of Defense.

"When will they get there?" the Secretary of Defense asked, looking at the intelligence in his hands.

"Within fifteen days. Sir." said the person in charge.

"There is too much time. But we should find a way to destroy their transportation supply line, and we can't let them solve this problem so easily." The Secretary of Defense said.

"Can our bombers do such a thing?" The Secretary of Defense asked some officials behind, most of whom are technical experts in this area.

"I think it should be possible, but they need to take off from Lone Bamboo, and the number of bombs they carry will be reduced a lot, but I think it should be possible," said an official.

"Then do it very well. I think this kind of thing can be done. Okay. This kind of thing will start to go on." The Secretary of Defense said. For some of these situations, he can not solve too many things, but he can effectively solve most of the problems. If such things are solved, many of their situations will become much more advantageous. After all, the situation is such a situation.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng. In addition to solving a series of domestic economic problems, Li Lin's current concern is how to solve the mountain people's war problem. The mountain people refuse to make any concessions, which makes their situation very passive. Because it means that most of their raw materials are stuck. This will push up the cost of their products. But the problem is that their technical production upgrade has not yet been completed.

"If these **** mountain people can make some regress, all the problems will become a lot more interesting, but the problem is, these guys, they don’t regress at all, for us to continue such things. But a A lot of trouble." Li Lin said.

"Mr. Prime Minister, our persuasion has no effect at all. The only way at present is to make some money from them." The Minister of Economy said. This kind of thing is indeed very popular, but they don't have many good solutions, because they can only solve these problems. All things can become much more advantageous.

"How can this solve such a problem?" Li Lin asked.

"They need a lot of military supplies. Under such circumstances, many things will change significantly. In this case, their situation will become much more advantageous. Because their industrial production is not enough to cope with such a situation. Such a situation, such as the production of artillery, motor vehicles, and fuel, we can fully meet such needs. As long as there are such needs, I believe that many things can actually be accomplished." The Minister of Economy said.

"Well. This may be a good start, and may be able to solve most of our problems." Li Lin said.

The Goguryeo people know that it is impossible to persuade the mountain people to withdraw from the war, and the mountain people have already done so. Obviously they can no longer change such a situation. However, they can solve such problems in other ways, such as supporting them in the war, by supporting the war, and obtaining war orders. They know what the mountain people need. artillery. Firearms parts, especially some important artillery. Mountain people are still not able to produce well, but they can leave it to the Goguryeo people to do it. They have this kind of technology and this kind of factory, and this kind of thing is easy to do.

It seems that it is impossible for mountain people to do such a thing. Under such a situation, the best way is to solve such a problem. This is how things are solved. For them, this is the best way.

And the Goguryeo people can take advantage of this opportunity to upgrade their weapons and equipment production lines. Many things they can achieve such a goal through such things. For them, this is a situation that nothing can stop. With such a change in the situation, their situation has indeed become much better. This is the current situation.

The Goguryeo people completed an upgrade of their own technology with the help of such a war. Of course. They are also inseparable from the support of Zhao people, because a large amount of equipment and technology need to be imported from Zhao. If Zhao people do not do this, they will not be able to accomplish such a thing.

Then a long telegram was sent to the Goguryeo Embassy in Zhao Guo.

"This requires a lot of money, but without such a lot of money, we simply can't do such a thing." Ambassador Goguryeo said.

"We can exchange things." The military attache said.

"For example, we can reprocess our industrial products, and when the people of Zhao State always need us, we can produce what they need," the military attache said.

"At this point, we still have an advantage. Although the advantage ratio is not very obvious, it is good enough for us," the military attache said.

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