Within Yan Country.

Gu Li didn't know where he was, anyway, there were black holes all around. If they weren’t holding the ropes or backpacks in front of them, they wouldn’t know where they were. They were walking on a night road. It was necessary to light a torch when walking on such a night road. However, their chief clearly stipulated that no lighter was allowed. Are there officers and non-commissioned officers coming to inspect, this is a pain for them, and many people are walking on their feet. But they must go stubbornly. He really didn't know why he would do this.

These days, they have been resting during the day and marching at night. Many soldiers were tortured enough, because they themselves didn't know how many teams were dropped, or where they couldn't make it.

Only military officers and non-commissioned officers occasionally use flashlights to indicate directions in order to keep directions. At first they couldn't adapt at all, but now, they basically can't adapt. After all, the impact of such a war situation on them is still great, and many people cannot adapt to such a situation.

Gu Li didn't know why they did this, and at the same time they didn't know where to go. This was because they knew they had to walk a long, long distance on foot. Here are all mountain roads, and I don’t know where I went after walking all night.

However, the only advantage of taking this path is that they can get a candy bar. It seems that this was done to comfort their military operations, to make their situation better, to know that the situation becomes more favorable, but that's all. Eating sugar can relieve their tension, but it accelerates their thirst, and their water is easily consumed during the overnight march. Not only that, once you go to the toilet, you won't be able to find troops. Then he had to be gathered up by the officers behind. The non-commissioned officers scolded them, so they usually try to make some of their own conditions better, avoid going to the toilet as much as possible, and go to the toilet as little as possible. In this way, their situation can get better. This It's the only thing they can do right now. But what are the benefits of such a situation? He didn't know.

Gu Li had to follow the team to do so. Actually. These are the measures that have to be taken to prevent the Qin army from bombing during the day. The Qin army will dispatch bombers to bomb the main road during the day. In order to avoid greater losses, the mountain army does not march during the day, even if there is a small group of troops, then walk along the edge of the forest. This can help them conceal.

The actions of the Qin Army's bombers during the day greatly affected the military operations of the Mountain Army. This put them in a stagnant state during the day, because they don't have better defensive weapons, which is really helpless, but such things have not greatly improved their situation. Because the Qin army only harassed the march of some mountain troops, but the front line was not blocked by ground troops, the mountain people were still in an offensive state, and their current speed was just one word, fast. They are still in the first stage, they have to continue to attack. Attack more land, of course. Some troops have already started work in some positions in the rear. They built defensive fortresses. Make more military preparations. The ground forces of the Mountain Army, which lacks air power, can only fight in this way. Of course. The Goguryeo people are thinking about their safety.

State of Zhao, Handan. Prime Minister's House.

"It's ridiculous. It's really ridiculous. Why are their Goguryeos so anxious? We can't do this." Zhao Jia said. The Goguryeo people hope that Zhao will sell some new weapons to them. These weapons include anti-aircraft artillery technology of about 50 millimeters, because after the Qin people bombed, the Goguryeo people suddenly saw a huge market, and this market was the anti-aircraft artillery. Such anti-aircraft guns can help them solve many, many problems. Their air defense safety has been greatly guaranteed. Under such a situation, their state is the best.

"Yes, Prime Minister, we think so too. If we sell such technology to Goguryeo people, and Goguryeo sells Goguryeo to mountain people, the bombing of Qin people will be in great trouble." The Minister of Defense said worriedly. .

"Of course it is a big trouble. The people of Qin will put pressure on us." Zhao Jia said. The most effective anti-aircraft weapon is still the anti-aircraft gun. Because only in this way can they complete their air defense firepower shooting work to the maximum. Only in this way can there be some threats to Qin’s aircraft, but the problem is that the people of Qin and the Koreans know the origin of their anti-aircraft artillery. If this is the case, a big conflict in military struggle will be formed. It will have a big impact. This kind of influence, everyone knows exactly what is going on. What would be the result if such a situation were caused by their situation? Their situation will become even more unfavorable. Therefore, in such a state, they need to properly resolve such matters. That is, avoid large-scale export of such weapons and equipment. In turn, their situation becomes more favorable.

Zhao Jia knows this truth very well. Therefore, on this issue, he insisted not to export anti-aircraft gun production equipment.

"So, this kind of thing can't go on, we have to avoid trouble with the people of the Qin country. And diplomatic disputes. We should block such equipment. Refusing to export." Zhao Jia said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, I think so too, but what I worry about is. Your Majesty, the King will do this." The Minister of Defense said. This is how Zhao's politics is. Their prime minister thinks this way, but their king does not think so. There is a big gap between the two, or the two sides deliberately antagonize. In this case, they will be in a dilemma. Because this is inconsistent. Under such a situation, the State of Zhao may trigger a greater diplomatic crisis, and if such a crisis continues, there will be no small trouble.

"We don’t know the situation anymore. No one knows what kind of things will be done. Forget it. I will solve such things, right. You use the media to announce such things. Tell everyone, The attitude of Zhao Guoren is on the side of the Central Plains country. In this case, due to the pressure of public opinion, Zhao Wang will not do this." Zhao Jia thought about it and said so.

Zhao Jia chose to use the media to put pressure on them. In this way, many of their things can become much more beneficial to them. This is their most advantageous way. Such a situation will change their situation. It's much more profitable. But the question is, whether such a situation can suppress King Zhao, Zhao Jia doesn't know. King Zhao has always done some extraordinary things for his own benefit. If these extraordinary things are not well controlled, it will lead to great disasters.

But Zhao Jia must do this and use the advantages of the news media to suppress each other. In this way, their situation will be better. At least this will suppress some of Zhao Wang's impulsive actions and get some more benefits for their future. Such an idea should be feasible, but the question is whether such an approach can achieve such benefits. I don't know.

South Korea, Xinzheng. Supreme Command.

"Qin people's bombings were carried out during the day. We also need to carry out such things." Han Shu said.

"My lord, our bombers are still being prepared. The aerial bombs are also being transported." Zhang Liang said.

"The most important thing is the range. Our aircraft has not enough range." Zhang Liang said.

"Why don't we have a weapon that can get a relevant range? Isn't it that our South Korea lacks such equipment? Tell the aviation forces and let them find a weapon that can increase the range." Han Shu said. Zhang Liang nodded. In fact, South Korea is really such an aircraft, that is, a four-engine transport aircraft, mainly for transporting some high-level tasks. Many people think that the range of the two-engine transport aircraft is too limited and uncomfortable. The most important thing is that the engine is stalled. Things. Four-engine transport aircraft can avoid such problems. Because he has four engines, even if two are extinguished, he still has the ability to fly them back. Of course. Four-engine transport aircraft also have problems, for example, landing is relatively difficult. They need a longer runway. The flying ability needs to be higher. But this is not too difficult for them. Because they can overcome many things. They think they can do this. After all, their situation will be even more improved.

"Yes, Lord Wang." Zhang Liang recorded it. He knew that the aviation had encountered some trouble. The mature technology lies in the twin-engine bomber, but the twin-engine bomber also has huge shortcomings. First of all, his range is not too far. In addition, his bomb load is relatively limited, and the sustained bombing effect is average or even very poor. , For bombing deep into the enemy's territory, they are not too destructive. The people of Qin also feel this, because they need to maintain a high intensity of bombing. Every time they dispatch more than twelve bombers to bomb a unified target, it seems that this effect can be achieved. If they are attacked by dense fighter jets and ground air defense firepower, their situation is very bad. Because their defensive capabilities are also relatively weak.

The solution is to use a larger range and better defense aircraft. In terms of range and power, only four-engine transport aircraft can achieve such a situation, and they can reach deeper positions.

"We should also pay attention to such things. These things are that we need night and night bombing. Most of the Qin people's bombing was concentrated in the day. Although the bombing effect during the day is very effective. However, if they evade, the situation will be right. We have caused a lot of trouble. Such trouble is a very bad thing for us. We must never allow such a thing to happen." Han Shu said.

"We should boldly try the effect of night bombing." Han Shu said. Zhang Liang opened his eyes wide after listening, he felt a little unbelievable, or that the risk was too great. Such a big risk will be very detrimental to them, and he absolutely can't let this happen. Because this situation is really bad.

"Sir, do we think about it again, or say, we can solve this problem from another angle, so that our situation can be greatly improved. You say, don't you. King." Zhang Liang thinks this is too risky. Because of night bombing, many techniques are immature. If you use this method of bombing rashly, you may cause very large losses yourself. As a result, their situation will become extremely bad. This is something that everyone thinks should not be done.

"I know. This kind of thing will cause us a lot of trouble. But in fact, we should think more long-term. For example, if we encounter a bombing target like Zhao Guo, their air defense firepower will be abnormal during the day. If we attack during the day, our losses will be very alarming. In such a situation, our losses will be very large. We cannot let such a situation continue to happen, because we know In this state, our losses will be astonishing. Therefore, such things cannot be done." Han Shu said.

"What I know is that you will definitely oppose such things, because there are many technical problems of night bombing that may not be able to be solved, but what we should see is that in such a state, many things may not be solved in fact. So, we still need a lot of things, we can solve them by ourselves." Han Shu said.

"Night bombing is very sudden. In this way, many things will become extremely advantageous. This is a situation that we have never encountered at present. If this is the case, many of our things will become much more advantageous. "Han Shu said. Zhang Liang nodded and agreed, and he had to admit such a view.

South Korea does need such a way. If they face an opponent like Zhao Guo in the future, they need to bomb Zhao Guo’s industry. But for the protection of industry, Zhao Guoren will look at each other like a dog looking at bones. In this situation, many things will make them unfavorable. In this situation, many of their situations will not proceed smoothly. Their only goal is the night. In this way, their affairs can become much more advantageous. This is their current situation, and this situation can become much better. This is their current situation, and this is the best situation.

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