The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4386: Anti-aircraft weapon

"Boom. Boom." The sound of violent explosions kept coming.

A Gu's headquarters is five meters underground. Rails are used on it, with iron bars as support. bedding. Plenty of cement and so on. Even so, many of them are still worried that the bomb will seriously affect the security here.

A violent explosion. Shake some sand down. The staff officers looked up anxiously at it. And A Gu looked at the map. The situation on the map is very simple. The mountain people spread out along the road as a line, because their supply line can only be spread along this road. If you want to expand to other areas, you need to spend more troops and a lot of supplies. Product. Strength may not be an issue. The problem is the supply.

"How is the supply situation?" A Gu said while looking at the map. He asked one of his staff officers.

"Sir, our supplies can only last for three days of our military operations. Originally we prepared supplies for fifteen days. As a result, our train station was bombed and no transshipment was possible at all, and some warehouses were bombed. Now." A staff officer reported with a report.

"Shoot the supply officer on the spot. Why don't you prepare for such a **** at the beginning." A Gu said.

"Materials must be dispersed in time. The railway must also be completed quietly. The transportation task is stopped during the day, and all transportation is carried out at night." A Gu said.

"Yes, sir." The staff officer noted.

"How is the situation of the various units?" A Gu said helplessly. Encountered such a bombing, he also felt very helpless. Qin’s bombing caused a lot of trouble to their supply lines. They have supplies, but they can't be delivered, and there is no way. A lot of train locomotives were blown up. The train station was basically paralyzed. The worst is elsewhere. That is, their situation is in an overall unfavorable situation. This situation will last for a long, long time. Fortunately, the Qin people did not carry out night bombing, otherwise, their surprise would be really big.

"The fortifications built by the troops along the route are all field fortifications. Most of them are built of wood, and the Qin people used sulfur incendiary bombs. The sudden bombing caused us a lot of trouble. The surrounding areas are all large. Large-scale forests. The fires have caused heavy losses to the troops. All troops have suffered losses ranging from 13% to 25%." The staff officer reported this way.

I have to say that the Qin people’s bombing was effective. Not many people were killed in the bombing. At most, they destroyed some field fortifications. But the key is the fire. The fire came fiercely and quickly. As a result, many of their situations suddenly collapsed, and such a situation happened as soon as it happened. The situation becomes extremely bad.

"Damn it. Really **** it." A Gu said. Such a result, he should have thought about it a long time ago. Unfortunately, what he thought at the time was concealment. Those trees just can provide some concealment. But I did not expect it. Those things are also combustible. There are many mountain soldiers who are suffocated and burned alive. The most terrifying is the hospital. Many burn victims cannot be evacuated in time due to the traffic supply situation. They need to be sent to the hospital for treatment in time, they need a sterile environment, and the situation in the field hospital is too bad. Many people died because of the infection. This has increased the number of casualties. Therefore, A Gu was very annoyed. His staff had reminded him.

But the army commander at the time believed that the soldiers were too tired. The construction of field fortifications is physically demanding. A large number of soldiers collapsed due to supplies.

Therefore, they did not do this. Cutting down the trees would expose their position. At the same time, their positions must be built deeper. Even entering some mountainous areas, coupled with supplies can not transport some building materials. Fighting in such a situation, it is difficult for them to complete such a situation. This will make their situation very unfavorable.

"We must build the fortifications more deeply. The people of Qin can be regarded as helping us once." A Gu said helplessly. The fire method can only be used once, because a large amount of forest has been burned. There is also a lack of opportunities for a second burn. This gave them some important places to establish positions.

"Our position must be deep enough to withstand the crazy attacks of those bombs. Only in this way can we survive." A Gu said.

"Yes, sir." The staff officer noted. The mountain people must change their way of fighting, albeit very tired. It is also physically exhausting. But this is their only way.

"Sir, being beaten passively like this has too much influence on us. We must have some anti-aircraft weapons." A staff officer suggested.

"Yes. You are right. If we don’t have air defense, we will become extremely passive. Qin’s bombers will keep flying over us. Drop a lot of bombs, it’s time to give them some It's time for a lesson." A Gu said.

"We don't have a plane. There is no way to shoot them down." A Gu said.

"Discuss with Goguryeo and Zhao Guoren and buy some anti-aircraft weapons. If it is good, it will bring us a lot of help." A Gu said. In the aggressive bombing situation, the mountain people had to take some measures. They had no air force or aviation force. This requires training. From the beginning, they did not realize this. Under such a situation, they should do more to achieve this. In this case, many of their things will make them even more advantageous.

It's a pity that the mountain people don't even know the concept of air combat, and now they have it. They realized that under the huge bombardment, it was completely impossible to buy all kinds of airplanes at this time, and the reason was simple. No country is willing to sell so many planes to mountain people, which will cause them a lot of trouble. Once this trouble continues, the problem will become very bad. This is the current situation, and they must take it into consideration. New situation.

Goguryeo, Heitucheng.

"Can anti-aircraft guns be produced?" Li Lin said. They introduced new production ideas and new technical standards. With the help of Zhao Guo’s technicians, they could finally produce the anti-aircraft guns they needed. Such anti-aircraft guns can make their situation much more advantageous.

"Prime Minister, it has been produced. This situation is for us. There are still some disadvantages." The Minister of Economy said with a report.

"What's the disadvantage?" the other party asked.

"Prime Minister, this is the case. The products produced by Zhao Guoren are all good, but our products are extremely unstable and the ballistics are a little off. Moreover, the shells are not very qualified." The other party said.

"Well. It doesn't matter. Give it to some good ones, and all of them are mixed in. Sell to them." Li Lin said like some profiteers.

"Such a situation is no small trouble for us." Li Lin said.

Goguryeo people produced anti-aircraft guns because of their production technology. It is difficult to meet the qualification standards, and in such a state, their situation is very unfavorable. But there are not many good ways to solve such a thing.

The 20mm anti-aircraft gun produced by Zhao Guoren can reach a height of two kilometers, while the anti-aircraft gun produced by Goguryeo is only one kilometer and has a curved trajectory. Basically, there is a big deviation. With the 50mm anti-aircraft gun, the gap is even greater. This is caused by the fact that the Goguryeo people have not yet mastered the relevant technology. In such a situation, many situations will become extremely unfavorable to them.

But the mountain people need such anti-aircraft guns. It is impossible to give them air planes, because only the few countries that produce the planes, for example, Zhao Guo, once Zhao Guo exports, it means that they face diplomatic condemnation. The people of the Central Plains have the methods of the people of the Central Plains to solve such problems. Therefore, they absolutely cannot do things like this. If they do this, their situation will become very unfavorable. They will be in a diplomatic disadvantage. Under such a situation, the only way is to properly accept such a situation, so that most of the things can be considered complete.

At the same time, learn to fly a plane and fly a plane to fight. These are completely different things. Compared with the experienced Qin fighter pilots, the gap between them is very large. Use fighters to fight. Air defense is obviously unrealistic.

The most frightening thing is that their situation cannot resolve such a situation. This is the situation of the mountain people.

The mountain people need many, many anti-aircraft weapons because their condition is very unfavorable. Upgrade of their air defense. It is also an escalation of Qin's air operations. In this kind of mutual competition, huge progress has been formed.

State of Zhao, Handan. Prime Minister's House.

"We must strictly control the export of aircraft. We must not allow fighter jets to enter the war zone. In that case, our Zhao Guo will become a big contradiction. After all, we are a Central Plains country and cannot act at will. Invasion. Otherwise, those saliva will be difficult for us to control." Zhao Jia said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, we have done this again. If we can do better, we will solve it. If we can't do better, our situation will become unfavorable." The other party said.

"Well. That should be done." Zhao Jia said.

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