"Our military strength there and the number of personnel stationed there are far inferior to South Korea and Zhao. The strength of the Koreans is very scattered. The strength of the Zhao people is very concentrated. This is their advantage. Under such an advantage, the Koreans It is difficult to open a better situation, and we are also very helpless in this situation." Meng Yi said to Shangwen. Shang Wen nodded his head to express his approval of such a thing.

Although Shangwen was disgusted with the slave trade and the existence of slavery. This is a matter without human rights. But in such a situation, the people of Qin have no right to speak in the Mediterranean. This is a kind of strength, unless you have such a right to speak, it is difficult for you to speak.

"For such a thing, our best approach is to close our eyes and do nothing. Because it is meaningless." Shang Wen said in this way. This is Shangwen's approach, which seems to be a very unfavorable situation, but for Di Shangwen. This is the best way. Because they can only avoid new situations in this way.

"It can only be done this way. After all, there are many things that we cannot change such a situation." Meng Yi said.

"How is the combat situation in the southwest?" Shang Wen asked Meng Yi.

"Things are pretty good, but the problem is that many things have actually produced some unfavorable conditions for us. We should all be aware of such a situation. Under the current situation, we have a lot of needs. Do this. In this way, for example, if the local tribes have a good relationship, they need to give them some assistance. Even to eliminate the hatred, if the hatred cannot be eliminated, they will still attack us. This is a big deal for us. Trouble." Meng Yi said.

The war in the Southwest is not very serious, but the serious thing is how they solve such problems. such as. The Qin army, who was building the channel, made rapid progress, and their only concern was that their engineer engineering would be seriously slowed down. Their forward speed is the engineering speed. Fortunately, Qin has opened up a lot of joints in this regard. As long as things like this in the past, their situation can become more favorable. These are some of their favorite situations. Under such a situation, their situation Many things will make their situation better. These are some of the best methods they currently have.

"If they can solve such a situation, they will become even more advantageous." Meng Yi said.

The key to marching is not in fighting, but in governance. If it can be better managed, the situation will become more favorable.

"What I think is that we need to transfer some industries. For example, textiles, where there are cheap labor. There are also some mineral resources, we can transfer those companies. These are for us. These are backward production capacity. . But for the locals, this is a good job. As long as everyone has a job, I think many things will be solved." Shang Wen said.

"Well. I will arrange this matter. What I know is that this kind of situation has appeared in many parts of the south." Meng Yi said.

The biggest problem in governance lies in the local economy. They need to re-integrate the local economy and integrate it into a part of the Qin State’s economic system. The Chu people did not understand this point. They regarded such expansion as a simple expansion of territory and resources, and they could only say that it was extremely barbaric for governance. Under such a situation, the expansion of Chu people is always so difficult to act and understand. This is currently the most difficult situation for them to understand.

The war situation still needs some special changes to change such a situation.

Persia, guerrilla zone. The Persian National Army, the first blockade. On a position of the 32 Infantry Regiment.

Lieutenant Koss replaced his captain and commanded the entire infantry company to attack. On their front, two guerrillas of infantry companies are launching an offensive. Their offense became difficult to deal with. Because they also have an infantry company crossing the middle zone between the two defensive positions, this is the classic tactics of the guerrillas. They hope to defeat the breakthrough point of the given position by outflanking the flanks.

"Whizzing. Boom. Boom." Mortar shells continued to fall on their positions, they believe that such a great impact on their offense, in this case, their defense situation there are some difficulties.

"Fire. Fire." Lieutenant Coase shouted loudly. Their captain’s company commander just had a rest. He was the acting company commander. This was his first day. As a result, the guerrillas launched an offensive. In the past, the guerrillas would also attack, but most of them attacked in the dark. For them, this situation has already adapted to them. After all, they have adapted to this situation. But the worst thing is not this, but a large-scale military operation. It is becoming different. These military offensives mainly come from one aspect, that is, tentative offensives. Try to find some breakthroughs.

Most of the ammunition in the guerrilla zone came from seizures. At the same time, they can produce some of them themselves. They don't know where the equipment comes from, but what they know is that some ammunition needs to be reloaded. In this situation, many of their conditions have become extremely unfavorable. Because the blockade restricted their material imports, it also greatly consumed their ammunition inventory. In such a situation, they had to launch a large-scale offensive. Attacking such a stronghold initiates a larger offensive posture.

"Bangbang. Tutu. Tutu. Tutu." The machine gun kept firing. There are bullets. Some soldiers were constantly busy in the trenches. One of their companies is resisting an offensive scale of more than one infantry battalion. This puts a lot of pressure on Lieutenant Coase. If he can't solve such a situation in time, many of his situations will become extremely unfavorable.

"Quickly, let the guard squad be transferred to our side immediately." Lieutenant Kos picked up the phone in his hand and shouted. Their situation is very unfavorable. In such a situation, they must solve some of these problems as soon as possible. Because only in this way can their situation get better.

"Suddenly. Suddenly." The machine gun kept firing. They have finished three ammunition boxes.

"Boom." An explosion came. A mortar hit the back position, killing both the machine gunner and the bomber. The machine gun was beaten dumb. In their opinion, many of their situations are too bad.

Despite the serious shortage of mortar shells in the guerrillas. But their accuracy is higher. Because there are some veterans among them. Their mortar knocked out the machine gunner in one fell swoop. In this way, they can make their situation better.

"Damn, hold on, hold on. Over there. Hurry up." Lieutenant Coase was very busy, and the guerrillas rushed over like a tide, which made it difficult for him to conduct defensive operations. Although they kept shooting. A large number of soldiers continued to attack. But the enemy still went forward and launched an offensive. In such a situation, Lieutenant Coase was very anxious. The minefield just blocks the opponent's attack. Some guerrillas are trying to eliminate minefields. They turned out to be thundering. They couldn't do it in such an extremely cruel way.

"Go back, all go back. Go back to fight." Lieutenant Coase just picked up the phone when he saw the three men descending from the front in a panic, it seemed that they were deserters.

"Go back to fight, or I will shoot you, go back." Lieutenant Kos put down the phone, picked up the pistol in his hand and shouted at them. The resistance of recruits is very weak, and they will shoot at longer distances. Not only these, but they also do too much in other things. For example, they will do things that are difficult for others to do.

"Yes. It's the sir." Under the pressure of the sir's gun, they had to do this. Because many things are difficult for them to deal with.

"Sir, let's retreat. We can't stand it anymore. Such an attack can't stand it at all." A sergeant ran in and shouted loudly.

"No, you must not retreat. This is an order. Our reinforcements will come." Lieutenant Coase shouted loudly. He was convinced of this.

But the guerrillas are already approaching their positions. Those guerrillas seem to be unable to finish the fight. Under such a situation, it is difficult for them to solve such things. If this situation continues, what will happen to them? Their situation will become extremely difficult.

"I know something like this will happen, but we must do this in such a situation," the lieutenant shouted loudly.

"Go back. Go back quickly." the lieutenant shouted loudly.

"If it is a deserter, I have the right to deal with you, you better go back." The lieutenant shouted loudly.

"Tututu. Tutu. Bang Bang Bang." Just then. They heard some explosions. And the banging sound.

"Go back to fight, go back to fight, in such a situation we can easily solve the problem, fast, fight." The lieutenant shouted loudly. They can quickly solve the problem with such a thing. the reason is simple. Because many things they can do better.

"Our armored car, go back soon, we have an armored car. As long as you continue to fight. Many things will become advantageous." The lieutenant shouted loudly. In such a situation, all people will become advantageous.

"It's an armored car, our armored car. Go back soon." All the soldiers had to return. Going back is a deserter. Now they have the advantage.

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