The liquidity of the Bank of Korea is indeed a bit bad. Because they have expanded too much, it has directly led to some unsatisfactory conditions for them. In such a situation, they cannot gather more funds to invest in other things, such as a large number of colonial profitable projects. Although financial funds can solve some problems, the problem is that they cannot further mobilize bank funds. response. South Korea is very anxious about such a problem, but they do not have many good solutions. Because of such a situation, it is difficult to change such a situation. This is the new and brand-new situation they are encountering.

The reason why Shangwen solves the problem in this way is that he sees some differences in special circumstances, because if South Korea wants to expand, it must solve the problem of bank funds. If this problem is not solved, other things will be difficult to deal with. First, get through. Financial problems, all problems will become easier. The best way to support the Bank of Korea in doing so is to buy a large number of bank bonds. With such a large number of bank bonds, many things can be carried out. This is what they should do most at the moment.

However, what Meng Yi worries about is that Qin's move may cause financial imbalance. At the same time, due to policy changes, the impact on South Korea will be great. What Meng Yi worries about is this kind of thing. Under such a situation, some of the conditions they need to change will become very unfavorable. But the situation has come up to this point. Solving the current problem is the key. As for the future, they said they don't know how to deal with it.

State of Zhao, Handan. The first artillery factory.

"This is the data uploaded from the battlefield. Our 20mm anti-aircraft guns can only pose a threat to some low-altitude targets, but for those bombers flying at high altitudes, there is nothing to do. The ballistic deviation and very large. In the end, the shells can't at all. Send it up. Under such a situation, many situations will be unfavorable. In such a situation, I think we are all very aware of this. If this situation continues, the mountain people will lose. A war." The head of the technical department said worriedly.

"Mr. Supervisor, isn't that a war of the mountain people?" said an engineer.

"Yes, it was a war of the mountain people. It has nothing to do with us. But don't forget. The people who bombed the mountain were Qin and Korea. They are too close to our homeland. If one day, the people of Qin and the Koreans The bomb fell on our heads. What should we do?" the supervisor asked.

All the people stopped talking. Indeed, they have such a possibility. The Koreans and Qin can do this, and they can naturally drop bombs on their heads.

"Mr. Supervisor, we understand. We will work out the appropriate tactics and the best situation to deal with such a situation. After all, such a situation will be of great help to us, and this kind of help can Let our situation become more favorable." A technician said. Others nodded one after another, and they agreed, after all, this kind of thing is the greatest help to them.

"Mr. Supervisor, I think that currently we still lack an anti-aircraft gun of about fifty millimeters. I think if we can have such an anti-aircraft gun, it will have a great advantage in speed and height." An engineer The technician said so.

"No, no, no. I don't think so. I think that 50mm is of no research value. What we should be the most is the study of anti-aircraft guns over 75mm. Anti-aircraft guns of this caliber can reach the point where we need it most. , The most important thing is that he can launch a bigger attack. Under such a situation, he can do a lot. Trust me, I think we can do this. If we really do In this case, we don't have to worry about them flying to an altitude of 8,000 meters. Their situation will be even worse." Another engineer said.

"But this kind of anti-aircraft gun is difficult, the research period will be longer, and the difficulty is also great. The most important thing is that anti-aircraft guns over 75mm are extremely inflexible when firing. How should we deal with such a situation? "A technician asked.

"I don’t care what caliber you study, that is, two calibers of anti-aircraft guns are related to the research, it is all right, but I must see that the enemy’s aircraft is best dropped for me, all other things I It doesn't matter. In short, this kind of thing must go on." The supervisor said. He doesn't care about the process of their research, what he cares about is the result.

"I need to give you some reminders, you'd better complete it as soon as possible. The king has already arranged this matter. If it can't be done, we all have to go to a military court. Under such a situation, we face What is it? You all know it well, understand?" said the supervisor. When other people heard this, they stopped talking. Because they know. This is an extremely difficult task.

"Do you think it is possible?" a young engineer asked worriedly.

"Why is it impossible, and what does this possibility have to do. We must come up with such a design plan quickly." said the middle-aged engineer.

"Don't you have any good ways to solve such problems? Or in other words. I think we can use other ways to solve such problems. In this case, our situation may become more favorable." Young People say so.

"Yes. Modify the current 75mm artillery and redesign a special artillery shell. In this way, their initial velocity will increase. Perhaps the problem can be solved and the barrel lengthened. This is the only one currently available. Way.” said the middle-aged engineer. Carry out a comprehensive design. It may take more than two years to verify, then experiment, and finally put it on the battlefield. It will take more than one and a half years at the earliest. But judging from the supervisor's tone, they can't wait to take out anti-aircraft guns and throw them on the battlefield tomorrow. Only such a group of lunatics can do such a thing. In the opinion of the middle-aged supervisor, these crazy guys never think about other things. This situation is definitely the worst kind of situation, because they always do it like this. The only way is to build on the existing weapons, because these weapons have been verified and they have a lot of technical data for reference. They only need to make adjustments on certain key data. Come up with a temporary solution to the problem, and then they are doing research again, through this, to provide a time for the research time, this is the only way, the supervisor will only cause them more trouble. But this is also a matter of no way. Many situations are not something they can think of. Under such a situation, they can only solve the problem in this way.

Yan Guo advanced into the team's barracks. A bad legend appeared.

"We'd better eat something, or find a woman or something." A companion said to Yang Lai like this.

"Why?" Yang Lai asked.

"Don't you know? Damn it, I have decided to mobilize us to attack the mountain people. Those mountain people hide in the forest like monkeys. Who knows where they will come out and attack. If it is true If this is the case, our situation is very bad. How could we find them. Let us attack, that is to die. Before we go, we might as well have something to eat and enjoy, otherwise, it will be true. There is no chance. Many people have not even touched a woman's hand. I think we should do this." The other party said.

"Where did you hear it?" Yang Lai said. He feels that the current life is the best. They train every day and then eat. In short, they don't have a lot of things to do. He didn't know why he launched an attack. In his opinion, the attack could not be so fast. At least they still have some time to be right. It is impossible to reach such a level, because doing so is completely unconventional. . This is not what they should do.

"The above command is like this. You haven't seen it. Some troops are constantly replenishing ammunition conditions. Under such a situation, many things are in progress. This is the current situation." The soldier said. . Many soldiers have seen some abnormalities from the abnormal behavior. For example, distributing ammunition. Normally, they will not carry more ammunition. Usually twenty rounds of ammunition. This is for them to use for training shooting, but now, each of them has more than eighty rounds of ammunition in the fight. They don’t know how long such a fight will take, but they What I know is that firing so many bullets has never happened. There is only one possibility for such a situation, and that is war. This **** war will come. This is the beginning of the biggest situation they face. In such a situation, many of their things will be very beneficial.

"The situation of the war will make a big difference, or in other words, their situation will be very unfavorable," the other party said.

"Maybe, maybe," he said. Yang Lai also felt that the war might be very close to them. He felt that he should also do something.

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