The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4445: Best countermeasure

Sicily. Inside the headquarters of Scipio.

"I think it is absolutely possible. We can do this, provide some funds, weapons and ammunition, and we can also make preparations from intelligence and other aspects. In this way, helping them is to help ourselves and do more for our future. Good plan.” Scipio said after hearing about South Korea’s invitation to Loma to participate in the African rebels. Although he clearly knew that this might be the beginning of the use of him by South Korea, Scipio knew that this way, they did not use the Koreans. The Koreans just didn't want to get involved. They hated war and were afraid of getting involved. So Under such a situation, they will inevitably choose more things to solve such problems.

"Well, I also agree with this point. They can still create some chaos for the enemy, but what I worry about is that their military strength is too weak." Han Kui said.

"You are a navy, do you have any in-depth research on army operations?" Scipio asked Han Kui with a smile. Han Kui's main aspect is naval operations. Scipio thinks about army operations, Han Kui should not know. of.

"No, we are amphibious landing operations. Naturally, we need to know something about the army." Han Kui said.

"If the support on land is strong, it will be of great help to us. Under such a situation, their help to us will be very great. So, I think I should pay attention to this point. Research it, after all, such a thing is also very important to us." Han Kui said.

"Well, let's talk about it, is there any way to achieve this. What do you see?" Scipio asked.

"What I am worried about is that the other party's strength has expanded too quickly. It is said that the number of their rebels before was only more than a hundred people, and the weapons and equipment were not sufficient. Of course. With our help, they did it. But after they attacked the slave manor, their power actually expanded to 20,000 people. I don’t know how many of these 20,000 people can take part in the battle, but their numbers have expanded too fast. It’s like doubling the salt water. It has been diluted by several buckets of water. You have no idea what the smell of this cup of salt water is about." Han Kui said. Scipio nodded, feeling reasonable.

"The second point is their weapons and equipment. Their weapons and equipment are relatively backward. It can be said that they do not have enough weapons and equipment. They suddenly expanded from more than 100 people to more than 20,000 people, even if they have Two thousand people are also extremely large. The incidents they created are too sensational. At this time, we should see that their strength is weak. They have so many weapons. What is the result? We should see this kind of thing. Under their situation, many things cannot actually be reversed all at once. People, with weapons, may not be able to exert such a great combat effect. Besides, with such a great loss, Jiatai Jiren will never let them go. I am worried about this." Han Kui said.

Han Kui is indeed a naval officer, but war is a result of the comparison of strengths and weaknesses. Such a result will make their situation more favorable. Therefore, under such a situation, they must be effective. Only by solving such a series of problems can we achieve such a thing.

"Well. It seems that your worry is right, and I have such a worry," Scipio said.

"If we develop in this situation, what I worry about is that they can't achieve such a situation. I need some special situations, that is, I want a unique situation to deal with such a series of things. "Scipio said.

"Do you want to provide them with some weapons?" Han Kui asked.

"Yes, we can only do this at the moment. I think you should understand what I think. In such a state, let them resist the crazy revenge of the Carthaginians. It is impossible to do without weapons. At this point, on the contrary, if we can provide so many weapons, we can get more and more support. Such support will form a powerful help for us. Under such a situation, they can Help us do more things." Scipio said.

"But our weapons are not very sufficient. Although Lockheed Martin has some weapons that can be produced by itself. However, a large amount of assistance is obviously unrealistic." Han Kui said.

"We can use financial methods to solve the problem. What I know is that we can mortgage and use the future as mortgage, such as oil, trade, land, population, etc. In short, they can do such things. On such issues, there are still many things they can do." Scipio said.

"But we must first provide them with some weapons. After all, their situation is very bad. If they are eliminated, it will be a huge challenge to us. Facing such a challenge will cause us a lot. We must not allow such a situation to continue, and at least we cannot allow such a situation to continue." Scipio said. He is very clear that if he does not support them now, there may not be such an opportunity in the future. In this case, many of their things will become different. This is the current situation they are encountering. If this situation continues, what will be the result? This is simply the beginning of a huge disaster.

"I understand." Han Kui nodded.

"However, for such matters, I suggest discussing with the South Korean government. Perhaps we can get support in this regard. In this way, our situation can also be in a favorable situation. Under such a situation, our situation It may get better a lot." Han Kui said. Scipio nodded.

Just when Scipio decided to support the resistance of the rebels, the Carthaginians also responded.

Carthage Senate.

"We can't let such things go unnoticed. We should take some powerful measures to deal with such a situation. Otherwise, the situation will only become more and more complicated and unfavorable. In an uncontrollable state, facing such a state, it will pose a great threat to us. If such a situation continues to occur, what will our result be? What will our loss be? Many, many slave estates have been attacked, and we must not watch this situation develop." said a senator.

The observers of Zhao Guo stationed here listened to the opinion meeting of the Senate through interpreters.

The attitude of the Carthaginians to the huge chaos caused by the rebels was extremely clear. They wanted revenge. They obviously couldn't bear such a big loss. This kind of loss was a huge disadvantage for them. This will put their situation in an extremely unfavorable situation, and they absolutely cannot allow such a situation to continue, especially the elders of the slave manor, they oppose such a situation to continue to evolve. After all, such a situation will make them extremely disadvantaged, and they don't want to see such a situation.

"We need to encircle the safety of oil. Without oil, our military expenditure will become extremely tense. If this is the case, we still cannot recover our losses." Said a senator.

"We have achieved oil security. What we have to do now is to deploy troops to attack them. We can organize an army of 20,000 people. They are well equipped and they can fight. If not, we can spend money to hire some troops. Come to do such a thing. We are financially rich. But for these rebels, we absolutely cannot tolerate them. Once they tolerate a series of behaviors, it is a crime against us. We absolutely cannot tolerate such things from happening. , This will make our situation extremely unfavorable." Said the veteran. Observers were a little disappointed in the politics of the Carthaginians. The Carthaginians were unwilling to fight. This had a lot to do with their commercial nature. They wanted to do business with others instead of fighting against others. Such a characteristic makes them unwilling to fight, but willing to do other things, such as some other situations they want to do to deal with such things, in this way, many of their things can be carried out very smoothly. In such a situation, the situation they deal with will become extremely advantageous. This is their current situation. Under such a situation, what they can do is still extremely unfavorable.

However, Carthage is a merchant at its core. From the merchant's point of view, all problems can be solved by spending money. For example, they can buy more and more other things to deal with this situation.

The mercenary was proposed under such a situation. Mercenaries who may be more brutal will make their situation better.

The choice of the Carthaginians seems very interesting, but behind this interesting, there are too many different sorrows. The Carthaginians were unable to organize their own army. This is simply the most unbelievable situation for them. But they did it. This is the best result based on the situation of the Carthaginians.

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