The staff worry is that the Yan people can appear in places they did not expect, and naturally they can also appear in other areas. If they draw troops from the defense lines of other areas, it will create emptiness in their other directions. Once they are attacked by the Yan people, their losses will be very large. Under such a situation, their losses will be very alarming. Faced with such a situation. All people will become passive. In that case, their mountain country would be equivalent to losing such a war.

"I know, but if we don't increase our troops here, we will lose such a war. We cannot face such a situation without taking measures. In this case, our losses will be very staggering. , We can't face such a situation and proceed, it will cost us a great deal." A Gu said.

A Gu also knew this, but he couldn't give up such a battle in front of him, and they couldn't look at Yan Guoren right in front of them. In fact, if A Gu can adjust in time, their situation may be better, but the problem is that the appearance of the Yan people disrupted their defense plan, which made A Gu feel very unacceptable. It is necessary to suppress all the opponent's forces, otherwise, it will be difficult for them to control it. For them, this is the most unacceptable fact. In such a situation, they must face such a situation.

"Okay, I see. Well, we can solve the problem of military defense in other regions by other means. For example, we can deploy troops in other regions to come here, or, in the country, we will call up two more troops again. An infantry regiment, if this is the case, our strength problem can be solved to a large extent." A Gu said.

"This. Well, we don't have a good way to solve such a situation." The staff officer said helplessly. In fact, the staff officers do not want to increase their military strength in the country again, because they are too clear about the situation of the mountain people. If such a situation really comes up, their situation may be the worst kind.

On the mountain battlefield, Li Gu was trying to chew some herbs on his wounds. During the retreat, his arm was injured by a machine gun bullet. Fortunately, the threat is not big. In the eyes of mountain people, it is difficult to send such injuries to the hospital, but Ligu knows that if such wounds cannot be cleaned up in time, the result will be very unfavorable. Under such a situation, they absolutely Such a situation cannot occur. If they can face such a situation in time, their situation will become extremely favorable.

Therefore, he can only clean the wound for himself. In such a situation, this is the last resort.

After Li Gu treated the wound for himself, he began to think about the battle that took place during the day.

The battle went very poorly. Their company, at least half of them, did not come back. Originally, they had already entered the battlefield. In the end, he was bombarded by the last reinforcements that the opponent rushed to. If they had the strength of an infantry company, maybe their situation would be different. Many of their things can actually be solved. But this kind of thinking is impossible, because many things are not transferred by their will, and besides, they don't have so many troops. Now they are only half of them. There are many wounded soldiers.

A large number of wounded soldiers have to be sent to the field hospital in the rear. But what Ligu knows is that many soldiers are actually unable to fight.

Because if they were sent to the rear all at once, many cases would not be able to be treated in time. In such a state, many of their things would not be able to meet the need for such effects.

They had very few doctors, and due to the lack of logistical supplies, many wounded soldiers died on their own during the transportation. There is no time for treatment.

There are few field hospitals for mountain people and long transportation. If fighting breaks out, many wounded soldiers will not receive timely assistance, and more wounded soldiers will be killed. In this case, the process of death will be extremely tragic. This is the saddest time for them.

Ligu missed home very much, because he could feel it. A breath of failure can be felt on the entire frontline.

Many soldiers are complaining that if they have more troops, they might win, but the problem is that they don't have as many troops. This makes their situation very unfavorable. Under such circumstances, their losses are naturally very large. Such a situation is a very bad thing for them. If they can achieve such a situation, they may not have such a situation in their situation.

In short, this is an extremely **** war, and this kind of war situation makes it difficult for them to deal with such a situation.

In Carthage, the pursuit of the rebels continued.

But the pursuit soon turned into a massacre. Unilateral slaughter.

"Puff. Puff." Two foreign soldiers armed with bayonet rifles, they stabbed each other's thighs. The member of the Resistance Army couldn't run away at all. He will lose more and more blood, and eventually he will die because of too much blood loss.

There were corpses all around, unfinished corpses, Alin was armed with a bayonet rifle, and under the persecution of the officers, they were also forced to carry out massacres. He killed many people with a bayonet, and of course shot many people. He still had more than a hundred bullets. This is the second time they have added it today. The Carthaginians were very generous and filled them with a lot of bullets, which meant that they could kill a lot of people.

The shooting could not make them feel better all at once, bayonet, they turned to use bayonet to kill. Although it was slow, the smell of blood and all the bright red irritated the soldiers' eyes. In this way, many of their things would become extremely smooth. Foreign soldiers find themselves entertained in this way. In this way, many of their things will go on. This is their happiest thing. Such things will make them extremely advantageous.

"Bang." Alin couldn't stand it anymore. He shot at the opponent's head. The two foreign soldiers looked at Alin's rank of sergeant and walked away feeling boring.

More and more soldiers regard killing as a game. This kind of game seems very interesting, but Alin does not want it. They regard the screams and begging of the rebel members as a kind of Game, but this kind of game is not interesting at all. He felt that such a situation was a very bad situation for them.

Holding the corpse, there are many corpses around, and there are relatively few clothes on the corpse. Some were still frozen to death. It is very hot during the day, but it can freeze to death at night, and it has a desert climate. The members of the Resistance Army were actually slaves. When they ran out, they didn't have much clothes. Their clothes looked so thin. Many people have many tattoos on their arms. That is the mark of a slave, or there is a mark on the position of the face. Such a brand is a huge disaster for all of them. It's such a situation, and everyone can feel terrified.

The members of the Resistance Army didn't have many weapons. They ran slowly because their physical strength had been exhausted. But they treat them as enemies and treat them as targets. Shooting a large number of these innocent people made Alin feel uncomfortable. he thinks. This is not war.

"Wow. Ah." A soldier was hit in the arm, and then let out a scream.

Alin knew that they had encountered each other's sniper, and all the enemies dodged nervously. Try to find a hidden place to hide as much as possible.

"Bang." A gunshot came. The bullet hit the corpse, but did not hit. Listening to the voice, Alin felt that the opponent was far away, which was why the opponent couldn't beat him.

"Ahead. At six o'clock." A soldier shouted loudly.

"Bang. Bang. Bang. Suddenly. Bang." Soon a large number of bullets poured out, and it was quickly suppressed there. This may be the only resistance of the rebels, their rifles are too few. They can only carry out this kind of cold gun shooting. If they want to form a large-scale resistance, they have no such opportunity at all. The reason is simple, because they do not have so many weapons and more such rifles to deal with such a situation. Look at those who were killed. They had a determination to give their lives for freedom, but their weapons were too crude. They only have clubs and knives. He even found it difficult to deal with the use of stones to fight and kill such a person.

"Tututu. Tutu." The machine gun quickly joined in and suppressed it. The opponent's gunman was simply unable to fight back.

Trullo pulled the bolt, but he couldn't shoot at all, the opponent's firepower was too fierce. He couldn't go out to shoot at all, bullets kept coming, and if he went out, he would definitely be hit. This made him very anxious. But there is no help, their opponents are too well equipped. Seeing that his members were killed one by one, he felt very uncomfortable. He had no choice but to save them by firing a cold shot, but this method was really not very good, because many times, they were unable to fight back. The counterattack is also very unfavorable.

"Bang woo woo woo." He felt very aggrieved as he listened to the bullets flying above his head. If they had weapons, this would not be the case.

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