The Weapon Tycoon Who Traveled to Great Qin

Chapter 4480: Yan country is in chaos

Mountain Army, headquarters.

A Gu carefully looked at the map on the table. From the map, he could see the offensive situation and the difference in various situations. In this way, they can solve many of his problems.

The offensives of the Yan people and the Korean colonial army caused some trouble to A Gu, but these troubles can be solved directly. The situation is simple. Through defensive operations, they can withstand a large amount of offensive force to the maximum.

As long as they are given some time, they will again gather more and more military forces to do such things. In this way, their situation will be in the best and most favorable situation. Under such a situation, they need to be patient. Wait, A Gu is waiting for such an opportunity. His troops need to be assembled, and a large number of troops can be assembled to achieve such a situation.

"Sir, these are some of our latest plans." A staff officer submitted a combat plan, mainly for the situation of the Yan people and the Korean colonial army before the 11th position. They hope to pass a bolder attack. Come to expel each other, in this case, they may be able to achieve a victory. This helps them negotiate.

"Why in other areas, there are still so many troops, such as the 14th position, a regiment stationed, I think it should be possible to deploy two battalions to fight." A Gu said after seeing it.

"Sir, that is the 32nd Infantry Regiment." The staff officer said worriedly.

"Thirty-two infantry regiments? Can't the troops at the beginning of the third be able to fight?" A Gu asked.

"No, sir, they lost part of their troops as they moved forward. About one battalion was lost. In addition, they are all troops drawn from the country, their combat effectiveness, and what they have seen and heard. The worry is that their combat effectiveness is not strong. Once they encounter such a thing, they will pose a great threat to us. Therefore, in such a situation, I am worried that this situation will not be properly handled. Resolve. If this situation continues, it will cause us great disadvantages. We don't want such things to happen. Naturally, we don't want such things to pose a great threat to us." The staff officer said.

"What kind of threats can this pose? I want to know, what kind of threats this poses to us? Wouldn't the other side still pose a big threat to us if we don't launch an attack?" A Gu said in a puzzled way. .

"No, sir, what we are worried about is that we will deploy troops there. In case, I am worried about the Korean colonial army. If we deploy troops to attack there, our situation will be very passive. The force there is already low. If it is transferred again, it will pose a great threat to us. Under such a situation, it will be a huge loss for us." The staff officer said.

"Well, I am also worried about the situation you mentioned, but we need to figure out that as long as we launch an offense, the threat there is not a threat. Moreover, through the current offensive operation, we have already figured out the enemy’s offense. The enemy’s offense is weak and slow. They need to spend more troops to take our position. This is a huge advantage for us, because we can fully let the defense there provide us with More and more reaction time. Maybe when we play a role here, there is still no effect, the attack of the Yan people, and the attack of the Koreans, has been disintegrated in this way. We should see this One point, this is where our advantage lies." A Gu said.

There is a lot of fluke in A Gu’s idea, but he has always been such a person, because many times, he has been doing this. Under such a situation, no one has so many reasons to oppose this. In a situation like this, because their various situations are not so advantageous, so in this kind of situation, their advantage is still very large.

"Yes, sir. If you do this, the risk is too great." The staff officer said worriedly.

"I also know such a situation, but judging from the current situation, many of their things are actually not beneficial. We should note that such a situation will come up and their situation will change for us. It is extremely advantageous. So, under such a situation, we should stick to our own opinions, maybe they will bring us great surprises, you know?" A Gu said boldly. A Gu never considers defense issues. He believes that if he considers too much defense issues, he will make some judgments on his own. There is a very passive situation, so in such a situation, these issues basically don't need to be considered.

"Sir, can we leave them with two more infantry companies, so that when they are defensive, they can be clear about their responsibilities, and at least have a certain amount of wealth." The staff officer said worriedly.

"I know, but as far as the current situation is concerned, many of our things are still unable to achieve such a situation. Leave them an infantry company." A Gu said. The staff reluctantly conveyed the order.

Position fourteen. Big bone sits in the ammunition box. He and a few veterans secretly smoked here. They only came here for a few days, and they worked every day, digging trenches and caves. They don't know how much work they have to do. These tasks make them feel very tired. But even so, the above still won't let them stop, they have to do a lot of things, which makes them feel very annoyed. But there is no way. That's the way it is.

"I really don't know when this **** war will end." said a forty-year-old veteran. They all already have children. The will to fight is far inferior to those young soldiers. Daligu is willing to be with them, because in his opinion, these people have independent wisdom, they know under what circumstances they can live, and only by living can their situation become more favorable. To survive in such a situation will be extremely beneficial to them. Because they go back, they can be reunited with their families. This is what everyone hopes most.

They thought of a way to escape after the war started more than once. The military police patrolled very tightly, and they had two veterans who fled. He was caught back in the middle of the run. The ending was tragic, they were shot. Deserters are basically executed in this way. Many people dare not fight against them at all, because everyone knows this situation. Once caught or killed, they will never resist. There is room for some miserable things, but they have no good way to deal with such a situation.

"I don't know, and we don't know when such a **** war will end, but what I know is. The war has made it difficult for our family to survive. The **** military has detained many, many letters. I really don't know what kind of situation is at home." An veteran said worriedly. Their topic is very simple, saying some very boring things, or cursing the **** war, let the **** war end as soon as possible, or they think the situation of the war will make their situation worse.

Life on the front line is extremely monotonous. bored.

Da Ligu did have this idea. The officers did not control them very much, because the officers, like them, also wanted their own family members. They naturally wouldn't care about too many things. However, some gendarmerie officers, or gendarmerie, will suppress them frantically. For example, if the trenches cannot be completed in time, they will punish them, for example, skip meals, or dig more trenches. In such a situation, such suppression made the soldiers very dissatisfied. But the military police is like that.

The mountain army uses such a high pressure to suppress it, and many of them understand a truth. That is, in such a situation, they must obey orders. If they don't obey orders, they won't survive at all. But the more suppressed, the more they thought of a way to leave here. The veterans are waiting for opportunities every day. As for when this opportunity will be, they themselves don't know, but they know very well that such a thing shouldn't be too far away.

South Korea, Xinzheng, Ministry of National Defense weapons test site.

"The offensive on the front line is very unsuccessful. We urgently need some new weapons to break the current deadlock. Therefore, this task is entrusted to you." The Defense Minister said.

"Okay. Let's start. Looking at our new achievements, maybe they can help us open some new breakthrough points. In this way, many of our things can actually be unfolded." The Secretary of Defense said.

The engineer nodded. After the Korean colonial army paid a certain amount of casualties, their results were very limited. The mountain people still resisted tenaciously. This is extremely annoying to the Koreans. They must find a way to break the deadlock and let the situation go. Toward their most favorable situation. But the problem is that no matter how the colonial army attacked, they paid too many casualties, and the result was still the same. This was extremely unfavorable to them. The only way they wanted to change such a situation was to , They are trying to break such a situation, how to break such a situation, they are not very clear at present, but they feel that under such a situation, they still have a lot of things they can do, for example, they Can seek breakthroughs in weapons.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Under the circumstances, many of their things cannot be carried out well. This is a very big trouble for them, and they cannot achieve such an improvement in the situation.

However, Huo can do this, as long as it violently attacks the bunker or the main points of the fortifications. Many things will give them a great advantage. In such a situation, the flamethrower can be equipped to the army in large numbers.

The mixture of rubber and gasoline makes the combustion more viscous. In this way, it is more powerful, and at the same time they are adding some other chemical materials, they can make such a situation even more crazy, which is currently their most favorable situation. In such a state, many of their things are actually proceeding very beneficially.

"Very good, very good. If a large number of such weapons are used in the trenches, I believe that such equipment will cause more trouble for them. Since we can't kill them, we must use fire to live. Burn them to death," said the Minister of Defense. Several officers nodded one after another, and it was obvious that the flamethrower had become the best choice.

However, the flamethrower still has major shortcomings. First of all, his fuel tank is still too small and can only be sprayed four to five times. For combat, the number of such jets is too small.

Secondly, his range is too close. Only fifteen meters away. If it is farther away, it may consume all the fuel tanks at once. Such an approach is being solved by increasing the pressure.

Finally, he is very unsafe, because some defensive measures are taken, and if a bullet hits, the consequences are very serious. Because their fuel tanks are just ordinary steel gas cylinders. In order to reduce weight, at the same time large-scale purchases. The South Korean army has equipped such weapons for use by the colonial army. In order to reduce costs, the quality is conceivable. If the enemy sees such a situation, they will think it will be very crazy, at least their situation will become extremely unfavorable. This is where they are currently the most disadvantaged. But it was also very helpless. After all, such a situation makes their situation very unfavorable.

"Are there any other weapons?" the Secretary of Defense asked the engineer beside him. Soon, the engineer signaled that a new weapon had appeared.

The threat of frontal combat is still great, especially the machine gun, which causes too much damage to the infantry attack. In order to resist such a situation, the Koreans borrowed the idea of ​​Qin Guoren light armored vehicles, and they also built a light tank. In fact, it is a model that South Korea imitated Qin. But these do not care.

A large amount of armor is installed on the light armored vehicle, the thickness is not too large, the thickest part will not exceed 5 mm, because if it is too thick, the load of the armored vehicle will be very difficult, which is extremely unfavorable for the armored vehicle. Yes, they must face this point carefully, and get rid of such a situation in order to make their situation better. This is the special situation they are currently facing.

The armored vehicle does not have a roof. Because this will increase the burden, they are equipped with dual-mounted machine guns, and if necessary, some 20mm anti-aircraft guns can be used. In this case, their power will be greater. The main purpose of such weapons is to suppress the opponent and provide a certain amount of firepower support, so that they can quickly launch more firepower, suppress, and cooperate with the infantry to occupy there. In this case, their situation will become more favorable.

"It's not bad. We need a lot of weapons like this, and a lot of them. In this way, it will be hard for you." The Minister of Defense was very satisfied. Han Shu also knew that simply relying on launching a death charge obviously could no longer make their situation more favorable. How to make their condition better, there is only one way, and that is to improve their weapon technology content, and then make their condition better. This is the current situation they are facing, they hope Some of these conditions are more favorable to them.

The Koreans hope to achieve their tactical breakthrough by upgrading their weapons. In order to ensure the advantage of attacking the 14th position, they deployed ahead of time regardless of the improved performance of the weapons. In this case, a large number of weapons will have greater development. Under such a situation, their development will have greater development. Prospects.

Yan country, street. Li Er took a little food and hid in the street.

Messed up. Yan country is in chaos again. There is really no alternative. In such a situation, many of their conditions cannot be further controlled.

"Boom." A gasoline bottle was thrown over, and the government office building caught fire.

"Bang. Bang. Bang." The police shot helplessly, and Li Er hid in a street corner in fright. He just came out to buy some food. Unexpectedly, the situation in Yan State suddenly became chaotic.

Yesterday it was fine. The people just protested, and the government also came forward and said something that is not painful or itchy, meaning that they will consider it. But in this case, there is no way to calm the anger of the people. Because their income was not much, they took away more of their income at once, and they couldn't live anymore. They hope that the government can consider some practical factors, let them understand their current situation, and let them know that there are still many things that need to be changed.

However, it is a pity that the Yan government would not consider these. This indifferent attitude immediately angered everyone.

The next day, the situation changed drastically. The overly aggressive people began to throw stones, followed by Molotov cocktails. The burning of the office building has reluctantly aroused greater resistance from the people. In this way, the situation is chaotic.

The entire country of Yan has fallen into a huge chaotic dynamic. Everyone knows this, but everyone knows what kind of situation they are facing. This is the current situation they are facing. If they can properly If they deal with such things, perhaps they will not do so, but the attitude of the Yan government has led to such a situation.

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