Qin State Xianyang. Inside Shang Wen's office.

"The things that took over have become a mess. Many things are in a stagnant state. Sometimes, I can't wait to hand over everything and let them solve it by themselves. In this way, things won't be so messy." Meng Yi complained. Regarding Li Si's actions in specific matters, he himself was extremely disgusted. Shang Wen and Feng Quji's views were extremely clear, but when Li Si came up with specific practices, he wanted to show extreme procrastination. In such a situation, Meng Yi and annoyed are quite explainable.

"Well, we have less than a month to hand it over. Wait patiently, soon." Shang Wen comforted after listening. He knew that Meng Yi was caused by anxiousness, but such a thing was, above all, a perfect mentality, he believed. The new government will take care of these things. After all, there are many things that need to be solved by themselves. This situation is for them. It is not a favorable situation, but Shang Wen is very clear that this kind of thing cannot be rushed, because it cannot be accelerated.

"It's not that I am in a hurry, but that there are too many places to be resolved. Negotiations on the Persian issue fell into a deadlock at the beginning. The funds for the northern part of Yan Kingdom are not available for a long time. It is said that Wei Man is very dissatisfied with this, but there is no way. , His only way is to disarm. Many things have to be done like that. What’s bad is that many places are still cutting military expenditures, and some unnecessary troubles for the government are starting. I am really worried about something messy in the market. If this is the case , It will have great dissatisfaction with all people." Meng Yi said worriedly.

"Well. I can understand your situation, but we can only look at it now, and can't cause all kinds of troubles to the new government. As for the specifics? We also need to see how to solve this problem after Li Si takes over. Some things." Shang Wen said.

These things have given Li Si enough trouble. At the very least, many of their situations will become extremely unfavorable. Under such a situation, it takes a lot of determination to make greater changes. Can Li Si make such a big determination? Shang Wen is still unclear, but he knows that these things are already quite tricky.

On the way to Li Si's office.

"The Persian issue has suddenly reached a deadlock. Various protests and demonstrations are going on in Persia. The people are calling for war to solve the problem, because there is a contradiction between the two nations, not a pure border and territory issue. Of course. Now. Those territories are Persians, and they are determined to prepare for war." The assistant said.

"Then fight." Li Si said surprisingly.

"Yes, sir, you can’t go to war. If there is a war, Qin and South Korea will be involved. Even Zhao may also be involved. Under such a situation, many of their things are actually going on. The situation is not very smooth. If this situation continues, what will be the result? I think that many situations will cause greater losses to us, and even more situations will cause huge disadvantages, which will be harmful to all parties. In other words, it is not the best result, because all parties are unwilling to go to war, and the meaning of war is not very great. Even in many things, it is in a very unfavorable situation. This is for us. , Is a huge impact, we cannot allow such things to happen, or even appear." The assistant said.

Countries are actively feeling that they are avoiding war, but Li Si speaks surprisingly. Let my assistant feel the difference in war.

The situation in Persia made South Korea and Qin embarrassed because their military strength there was too weak to shake the local military supremacy. Moreover, two more appeared at once. This is even more tricky. If they fought, it would be hard for them to believe that the Persian National Army would really find it difficult to face the offensive of the two military powers, and they might lose out all at once. This is a great disaster for them.

"I'm just kidding." Li Si also realized this point and had to change his words. If the situation really got to such a point, it would really be very bad. Such things are a huge challenge for them.

"Okay. Do you have a solution? Take one out?" Li Si asked. Qin must also participate in such problems, which is really troublesome.

"Well. The current situation is that we are not easy to participate in it. The reason is very simple, sir, the negotiation conditions between the two sides are very different and they cannot find common ground. In this case, many things will not be able to form a favorable situation and be suppressed. This situation is really uncomfortable." The other party said so.

"I also know that it's uncomfortable. But there is no way. We can't solve many things at once. Such things are still difficult to solve." Li Si said. He was also helpless. After all, things in many places were not something he could think of all at once. He only accepted that it didn't take long for him to solve such a problem at once.

On the stock market, Li Wen continued to take in a large number of short orders, as long as the price jumped slightly, he immediately bought and shorted heavily. He has worked on many heavyweight stocks, such as banks, steel, and automobiles. Because these stocks can drive great market volatility, if they fluctuate, the entire market will fluctuate suddenly. Of course. Li Wen also tried small-scale moves in other areas, such as aircraft manufacturing stocks. The equity of aircraft manufacturing stocks is relatively small, but their volatility is relatively large. This is extremely beneficial to him. Conditions. Such conditions are sufficient for him to do many, many things and change the current situation.

But to accomplish this kind of thing, he still needs a lot of money. Li Wen mortgaged one of his luxury villas to the bank, as well as a yacht converted from his warship. Of course. Some large banks have expressed their willingness to do so. They only lent sufficient funds to the other party with the stock held by Li Wen as a guarantee. Only in this way can he make waves. The bank also didn't know what the other party wanted. Because of this kid, the probability of winning will be very high. And the approach is very advantageous. There is really no need for a bank to lose such a big customer. You must know that the wealth it can bring is quite a lot. Under such a situation, it is really not a wise move to lose such a big customer. At the very least, in many places, if they do this, it will only put their situation in a very unfavorable situation. For them, on the contrary, they will not have very good results. They absolutely cannot do this. Deal with such things.

That's the situation. Li Wen himself didn't know why he did such a risky thing, but as a result, many of their situations suddenly became favorable. To do such a stock made him feel very happy. He I feel that he can do quite a lot. This is an extremely advantageous practice. He thinks he has done quite well.

Inside the Embassy of Rest. Li Lingtong is closely collecting intelligence from all parties in order to make the most favorable judgment in the place closest to the two core countries.

"The negotiations have reached a deadlock. This is extremely unfavorable to Qin and South Korea. The people of Qin are exchanging governments, and the Koreans themselves cannot support such a situation. Fighting in the mountains will cost a lot of money. If you put it on the ground, The Koreans themselves can’t afford to fight in the army, because they hate this kind of situation going on. This is extremely unfavorable for them. If they can achieve this kind of situation, they need to do it. Some changes to a greater degree are." Li Lingtong said.

"Yes, we are also very worried about such things. After all, this situation has a great impact on us. In many cases, we cannot form an effective blow ourselves." The assistant said.

All parties are unwilling to fight, and even the Parthians who took the initiative to provoke the incident are unwilling to accept such a result. After all, the Parthians are also very worried. They continue to negotiate with the State of Qin, hoping to use foreign trade, even at low prices. Oil conditions come to get concessions on this issue. Li Lingtong can think of a way. He tried it all. Perhaps only by doing so can their situation become the most advantageous. Otherwise, many situations cannot be completed and they will suffer greater losses.

"We can't stay in a stalemate like this. Once the stalemate goes to war, it will be extremely detrimental to all the things we have produced. Our solution is to build a local country on this basis, and then put this country Become our franchise country, through this way, blocking their mouths, in this way, all things will become advantageous, otherwise, once things happen major changes, many of our things will appear big We must not allow such a thing to happen, it will seriously interfere with our actions." Li Lingtong said.

"Well, I see. Such a situation will have a great advantage for us. Right? Sir." the assistant asked. Li Lingtong nodded and said so.

The next step depends on how they deal with such things. How to solve it is entirely up to them.

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